m 4v.v0r,v ,, f, ?!: I S ..THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FXlLSOftEGON ) p (-. - v fAQy MX .. MONDAY.-'OOTOBETt 24, 1091. .ft . 'it ANDROSS-GLOVER STYLE SHOP 707 MAIN ST. PHONE 341 W. "Shop in Klamath FalU" WE SPECIALIZE IN PHOENIX AND ONYX HOSIERY. SILK, LISLE AND WOOL SHOP EARLY. A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY GARMENT . wwwwwwvwwwvwvwwwrww ' . - - I I Jl r o ffff. i t' 1 .A fjPLjf ff7rrmf .( lift Mm) Hr - - Our Greatest Garment Discount Sale"."?"1 Ending Saturday Evening, at 8:30 P. M. - The event you have been all waiting for OC DISCOUNT or more on EVERY COAT, SUIT, DRESS; FOR in oor enormous stock of wonderful merchandise U3 When THE STYLE SHOP bid. you to a SALE, YOU KNOW you are geing: to be justly regarded, for WHERE ELSE can you find luch a complete line of exclusive garments and WHERE ELSE can you find such values, and WHERE ELSE will your money go as far; WHERE ELSE can you buy with such assurance of STYLE, QUALITY and PER SONAL SERVICE. Every garment THIS SEASON'S STYLE and marked in plain fig ures Make your own reductions. The coat, suit or dress you saw here last week and thought beyond your reach is here at the same price less your discount. The biggest op portunity of the year is NOW to select your winter garment and winter just beginning. .Many' garments show a reduction of JJ 1-36Y) to 50) none. nan 25' SUITS soft. Smart and Elegant Suits. Short or long models; plain or fur tirmmed. 25 Discount or More1 DRESSES , , Charming Dresses for Evening, Afternoon, Street Restaurant or.-Busi- ' ne'ss wear. Exclusive Wools and Chic 'Soft Silks '-' r- . . 25 Discount or More " L' "."' - 20 Per Cent Discount " i r on all Blouses, Sport Skirts, sport Coats, Sweaters Wjft COATS Wonderful Coats in beautiful fabrics, luxurious furs. 25 Discount or More p TV Ha WtJmWt rbss- 'a tlittusA, feSfepp Pmrtonal Mention A V y;-iae wioniai itooms at 1110 coraor 2C Main and Tenth streets, are ox Jsavatlng preparatory to InBtalllug a Mw ateam beating plant for tbo com fort of their guests, i ,-,) -fleorge Ww Stokes, deputy state vra marshal, la registered nt the .White Pelican hotol, having arrived taat night from Portland. Horace Sykos Is spending a fow f jiaya here from Salem and Is rogls- ,-,tar4 at the Whlto Pollcan hotel. '' William Bray, well known lumber- , ,fcan and ex-state senator of Wiscon sin, has returned hero after nn ab sence of months, to attond to bus!- i;i ftaae affairs in this locality. .,S B. O. Magee has retumod from .Medford where ho spent sovorol days lj rooking after timber business. I y T. N, Cunningham was a weok-ond , 'Visitor here from his Pine Orovo .-v I". t t ranch. Mrs. Rose Flnloy Is spondlng a , few days at Bly, to visit with Mr. Flnley, who Is looking after his cattle this month. 3. A. Bushong, a rosldont on tho road between hero and Ktfno, was a bnslness visitor here ovor tho week end on business. Qeorge L. Forgo, Insurance, agent, returned to tho city yesterday nftor evera! dayB spent In Medford attend Ing to business affairs. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Dlakloy drovo lato town yesterday afternoon from Bend on their way south. They left the car hero and went on this morn ing to San Francisco by train whoro Mr. Blakley will attend tbo Lumbor tnen's convention this week. Jerome Htenry will arrlvo homo tonight from' an extended trip through California and Nevada, H. 8. Comly Is a business visitor here today from Sacramento, having arrived hero last night. Ho Is reg istered at the Whlto Pollcan hotol. O. L. Stevens and wlfo are visitors her this week from their home in Sa"" Francisco. Leo Houston and Basil Gregory ware members of a hunting party yesterday, Mjr. Gregory returning with a fine buck1. Mr. .and Mrs. Percy Dixon, farm 'fcCia the Merrill road, attended to bWftiGKafiairs .here Saturday. Daniel V. Corlde will leave In the pear future for Taeoma, Washington, where he will spend some time In tho hop of improving UU health. Charles Collier was among tho nlmrods who spe.nl yestorday after 'game in the Klamath, woods. Mr. and tfrs. George Hoavotln were In town from their ranch Saturday after supplies. Charles E. Spldell of tho Spring lako district was In town with sup plies Saturday. A. M. Shlldor and Q. A. Frakca, long tlmo residents of this city, are arranging for a gold prospecting tour this winter. They will leave in two or three days for Garden Valloy, Cal ifornia, where they will spond their wintor vacation prospecting. , Mr. and Mrs. S. T, Summers left today for Ashland whoro they aro expecting to spend somo tlmo with Mrs. Summers' mother, who is suf fering from 111' health. W. T. Lee, who accompanied three prisoners to Salem the last of the week went on to Portland and Is ex pected homo tonight. Mrs. George Walton and daughters Beatrice and Katherlne, drove In from their homo at Merrill yestorday to meet Mr. Walton, who has been in Yroka for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Chorponlng aro roceiving congratulations on the birth of a nine and one-half pound baby boy, named Clinton D. Jr. Dr. L. L. Truax was In attendance. Charles DoCuman, who has been seriously 111 at his homo here, Is re ported out of danger now and If friends desire to call and Inqulro ovor tho phone for his health, the family will bo glad to receive the calls. Mr. Hartor, representing tho Fed eral board on Vocational training, Is here from Corvallls on official buslnoas this woek. Ur. R. B. Craver reports tbo birth of a twelve pound son to Mr. and Mrd, Earl laindy at Pelican city Sat urday. , J. P. Austin of Portland, success or to tho late Fred Oilman as coast roprosentatlvo of the American Lum berman, Chicago lumber trado jour nal, is -hero In the Interests of his publication. " Lestor'Payne is visiting for a fow days with bis father Andrew Payne, .at the family home in Ashland. - --: , ' FORTLAND. Oct. 24. Cattle 35 cents lower; choice steers $5.75 and $6.25; hogs, sheep and eggs and but ter steady, I j j FEW LAWLESS YOSEMITB. Oct. 24. (Yosomlte National Park is no placo tor bad actors. The annual roport of Unit ed States Commissioner Degnan prov es that boyond a doubt, for ovory Infraction of tbo Park's law has boon punished with a vlow to preventing repltltlon, and warning that tho rights of the majority must bo re spected. With nearly 100,000 visitors pour ing Into Yosemlto from every state and many foreign countries, there havo been only nlnty-flvo cases bo fore Judgo Degnan In twolve months. "Moral turpitude," as the lawyors say, was not involved in most of the cases, thirty of which concornod traf fic violations alone, so that the tota) number of "undesirables" among tho Park's visitors was Infinitesimal In rotation to tho enormous total. Thoso fow undesirables, howovor, soon learned that Yosemlto not only didn't want thorn, but wouldn't have them, and thoy were pitched out, bag and baggage. Ranger Stations guard every exit from tho Park and the country Is so wild that It virtually Is Impossible to tra el by other than an established , road. Therefore, when a man Is wanted, It becomes a comparatively simple matter to no tify all exits and have him picked up when be arrives at ono of them. WHEAT PRICKS '& PORTLAND, Oct. 24, Wheat Is quoted from $1.00 to $1.03. t r Chaff- o. fs,. Moncta Regular meeting of Aloha ter No. 61, O. B. S. Tuesday, Octo ber 26, 7:30 p. m. at Masonic Hall All visiting members invited. Re freshments. Initiation. Kate D. Peyton, W. M TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY o -o FOR RENT Sloeplng room, close In, hot and cold water. Use of bath and phone. 622 Walnut St. 15-27 FOR SALE 3 room house, lit you nood a home, you can buy one on your own terms. JPhone 488 or In qulro B. Noud, K. K. K. Store. 25-26. at Dairy SOME SNAP Largo corner, consist ing of two lots on pavement. Hew or connections on lot. Pavement all paid. Prico $1,000 on terms or $860 cash. lOwner, 1406 Oregon Ave., or phono 43W. 26-26 Advertising brings efficiency. Get results by using class adi. FOR SALE Tho Following Fixture Counter 'Case Pastry Case Cash Register Scale Candy Scale. Ice Cream Cabinet Ice Cream Freezer Paper Rack Tobacco Knife Candy Jars and Trays Also,' entire jiatogk. of GRQ? CEROCS at LESS than COST.'. 1126 MAIN ST. The Strand THEATRE Rlncst Picture Projection in Soatli era Oregon Tonight - . v LEW GODY . THE HE-VAMP ' ' - In his latest picture, the powerfal Screen Classic 'A Dangerous, Pastime' supported by ' an all star cast, including Cleo Rldgeley, Elinor Fair, Mrs. Irving ' Cummins and Arthur Hoyt. ' Also a Charles Chaplin Comedy and Ford Weekly '.'Great Minds. , Originate, Fools 'Imitate".""' ' ' H'-' SATURDAY OCT. 29 GOOD EATS GOOD TIME CONCERT BY Helen Clark cwo, ,& Joseph PhillipS Baritone This will bo tho soason's nioht - ' . unique musical event. In addition to singing sovcrul groups of songx, tho artlsta havo consented (o com- ; lnro their art ltli it KE-CRKA- r, HON by Mr. Kdlson'M new phono- ' graph. They will bo nIMc1 by Thomutf George, plnnlst. ' , . - ' Presbyterian Church k Friday, October 28th f Admlttanco by invitatlou only. A few rosorvatlons are still left. We shall be. glad to Issue theso to mus-lc-love'rsrwho apply, in order of ap plication", Call, wrlto or telephone, Klamath Falls Music House l ,Vi. ., . GebrA. Wirtz ' 122 "South Sixth Street t r