uw r w --' "jw m!m ' Mti -4vh4, w iiHitwil '..JHONDAT, OCTOBER 21, 1021. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON page votnt H j -ii !7 H I 1 m i w ft. ! l!' Jti IH ffl IV: IM.l T. WMVWVWMWVWWAVMVWMWMVWWWMWWVWMWM t OASSIFEDADVEmSETIEHrS fMWWWVMMWWMMMMAMAMAMAnAAWMAMAli M1&UE.L.WUNC.UUD ,' t)R RENT Six room modern houso . ' 7 Jefferson. Furnace heat. No hlldron. Furnlturo (or Bale. 22-24 FOR RENT Cozy 3 room bungalow, i range, dutch kitchen furnished except bedroom frunlturo. Call at IC03 Wall St. cornor Michigan Avo . 22-25 FOR SALE 1290, 5 passenger tour ' tag car electric lights, Btartor, ew tiros, Howto Garage. 22-2G WANTED Qlrl or woman for gen eral housework. 12G N. Cth. Lor Si Apts., Apt. 1. 22-24. The ladles of tho Merrill Library lab will giro their annual Hallow een Ball Friday evening, Octobor ,18th, at tho Star Theatre, Merrill, Oregon. Tickets $1.10, Including war tax. Chicken supper fifty conts a plate. 22-25 , HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR ' SALE FIvo room houso will bo , v ' I i avaiiaoie tor rem. inquire a-i woi i.mnt. 22-24. FOR SALE $290, 5 passenger tour ' Ing car electric lights, starter. Hi tires. Howlo Oarage. 22-25 WOULD LIKE To communlcato with 1 parties owning malo Persian cats. 'W. P. Barker, Algoma, Oro. 21-24 OREGON HARNESS CO. Now store 7th and Klamath. 21-25. 'KaVB TOUR Auto curtains made to open with tho door. Oregon Har- Co., 7in ana iviamain. ai-ao. 1X)ST Grey squirrel scarf. Return tO'Upps Auto Service and receive reward. 21-24 WANTED Woman for goneral Housework. 415 Washington Bt. 21-25. TO LET Two room apartment, all furnished, wood, water and light tacluded. 1812 Oak St. $20.00 20-26 For Glass, Roofing, Building Fa par. Cabinet work and Building Al Sanations call the 626 6th Strcot Cab inet and Carpenter Shop. Phono ISIW. W. E. McABOV 019-N19. WANTED A small store or rooming house. Must bo reasonable. Box If. B. J. Herald Office. 18-25 ORAND RAPIDS, Mich., Oct. 24. An appeal to American women to form and oxpross public opin ions upon pertinent quostlons was voiced hero by Mrs. Percy V. Pen nybacker, of Austin, Texas, before the annual convention of tho Mich' tgan Federation of Women's clubs. Mrs. Pennybacker Is a past pres ident of the General Federation of , Women's clubs, a national organlza " tton. "There can be no truo national prosperity In a ropubllo without an .Intelligent public opinion and thore 4ftn be no such opinion without In dividual efforts," Mrs. Ponnybackor ' "Too many persons aro prono to take their opinions ready made their opinions for nowspapcr head lines or from friends or relatives In whom they have confidence. No woman has tho right to glvo as 1st opinion the opinion of anoth r, not even of her husband. "Her country demandB her own opinion and not that of anothor, "Three steps aro necessary for IGESiffl TO MUD IN GOVERNMENT Building of a real opinion. Those are reading, talking with others, and thinking. "Facts aro needed as the founda tion, stones on which to form an pinion and thoughtful, digostlve reading Is vital. All sides of a ' question must be considered before the opinion Is built. If wo aro to form an opinion that wo may de fend I we mut sit in Judgment and let the arguments 'pass before- us. "It is necos8ary to talk with Many persons of all minds and all walks of life. We may read and talk eternally, but without thought our duty is net done. Wo must make our, own qplnlons .pans In iwfiew and challenge.- each, before MUST SELL IN 10 DAYS Buy from owner this elegant 4 room and j?ath' mod?n AnrbulUtn "p-,to'dUto homo Torth..A2,B0.0V,.ok..iL and mako offer. 8 blocks from 6 th and Main. 13 ox R. D., Herald offlco. 21-24 WOULD HIRE Two carpentors at reasonablo wages. Box SO, Mer rill, Ore. 18-24. FOR SALE Ono 6 H. P. Stover En- glno In good shapo. Vincent Zumr, Malln, Ore. 18-25 FOR SALE Coarso, heavy wrapping paper, shoots 48x60 Inches, good for llnnlng wood shods, chicken houses and putting under carpets, 5 cents por shoots Call at Herald of fice. 12-29 CITY GARBAGE When you want garbage removed, call 10F.88. WATERMAN PIANO SCHOOL ia lessons guarantee:; POPULAR SYNCOPATED STAND ARD MUSIC BEGINNERS' & ADVANCED PUPILS ACCEPTED ENROLLMENTS CLOSE, NOV. lfiTH F. B. CLARK INSTRUCTOR 825 LINCOLN, PHONE 564J CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION GIVEN AT YOUR HOME. if WANTED Horses to winter. Phone 18F13. 18-24 FOR SALE: Chevrolet touring car prlco 1200. 630 South 6th St. 18-24 FOR BALE Two milk cows. In quire West End Grocery. 18-25 SACRED HEART HOSPITAL, Med ford, Oregon., conducted by the Sisters of Charity of Providence of fer to young ladles excellent training in a modern and thoroughly equip ped hospital. For particulars ad dress, Sister Superior. O 17 N17. FOR SALE 20 thousand capacity sawmill ready to run, including motor truck, cutting tools and 80 acres of timber, ltt million feet available In all. Address, Box 23, Dairy, Oro. 15-26 run bajlb om newspapers at Her ald office. the bar of reason and consclsnco. Duty demands that we speak out when proper occasion offers or permits. ''Women have a great responsibil ity with regard to the topics of1 conversation In tho family circle1 Nothing can bo made more lntellsst ual than tablo talk. Every skilled' teacher easily selects the chlldron who como from homes whero In telligent conversation Is the rule.' Theso boys and girls havo a fund of general Information, an outlook upon lift), and a breadth of vision that Is invaluable." . Tho speaker declarod ono of the ' advantages of women suffrage was the oducatlonal effect upon conver sation between men and women. She also stressed the Importance of expressing opinions in a dignified manner, without venom. Much pi tho lack of reverence for law and authority on the part of the youth of the country, she said, can be traced to utterances of parents in tho homo. Mrs. Ponnybaeker declarod two duties confronted American women, "to teach Americans that Immi grants bear gifts if wo are but wise enough to soo them," and "that It Is not best that the Immigrant should live within himself." Referring to the latter duty the speaker declared tho policy of per mitting aliens to live- in colonies, away from Americanising Influences, was wrong. Claims New Record In SOO Meter Swim ALAMEDA, Ca Oct. 24. Claims for a new world's record In tho EOO-rooter swim will be made to the International record committee for Ludy Langer, former Universi ty of California star, who last Sun day swam the distance in 6 minutes 48 and 2-5 seconds here. At present the recognized record, held by Norman Ross, Is 6 min utes, 65 and 4-5 seconds. Pending before tho lecord commute Is a mark of 6 mlnntw 48 and 3-5 sec onds made by Ernie Borg of Sweden. 4f nrftt; Elimination of tho Russian domand has aorlously Injured tho British tea trado. It requires mhny years of exper ionco to learn to know tho dlfforent kinds of tea. tOno week alter a rain, the sun baked deserts of Australia are groen with vegetation. DELINQUENT SALE NOTICE Fort Klnmntli Mcndous Co. Location qf Principal place of bus iness, San Francisco, California. Lo cation of Works, Klamath County, Oregon. NOTICE Thoro nro delinquent upon tho following doscrlbod Btock, on account of Assessment No. 1, lov led on tho 2nd day of Septembor, 1921, tho Bovoral amounts set oppo site tho names of tho respective shareholders, as follews: No. No. Names Cort. Shares Am't E. R. Ileames 8 100 $1,000. W. W.. Jones 13 224 2,240. Frieda V. Doak 14 1 10. D. P. Doak 15 500 5,000. F. M. Doak 16 175 1,750. And In accordanco with law and an order of tho Board of Directors mado on tho 2nd day of September, 1911, to many shares of each parcel of such stock as may bo nocossary will bo sold at public auction at tho offlco of tho Company .631 Market Stroot, San Francisco, California, on Mon day, the 7th day of November, 1921, at the hour of 3 o'clock P. M. of said day, to pay said delinquent assess ment thereon, together with costs of advertising and expenses of the sale. W. W. JONES. Secretary. Offlco 631 Market Street, San Francisco, California. O. 21-v 2. Evory day. WOOD! Prices may advance ear day, this is your notice, bo further guarantee on prices. Buy your GREEN BLAB or BLOCK-WOOD Bow and avoid advances that are sura to como. Ask about our DJKY-TAMAKACK For Yonr Heater 0. Peyton & Co. "Wood to Bom 410 Mala St. Pboew MS DR. GERALD F. WARREN DENTIST Fennenantly located at Dorrls, Calif. SPECIALIST IN Crowns and Bridge Work Prices Reasonable. Work Guaranteed Prices Right on HOME MADE Xmas Candies at I The Sweet Shop 9th ft Main The Rainbow 423 Main SEE Dr. LOIS C.BRI DOES CHIROPRACTOR Over First State & Savtags Bank Phone 102-J, of this new business the Oeurt of Claims has so cleared Its docket that not only pending suits but ac tions based upon war claims era receiving Immediate attention and all cases oro disposed of as rapidly as they are prepared and presented for counsel. Feather tipped shoes are the lat est In Parisian stylos. A numbor of Australia plants are coverod with hair. GLOVER MAKES Your Watch Keep Time. 511 Main St. Klamath Falls DR. G. A. MASSEY roarth and Pine Bis. In Warrsn Hunt Hospital Off. Phone 497 Re. Phone Ills FDLZ BCHOOL OF POPULAJI MUSIO I have constructed thru years of experience the only course that teaches you to play the piano by NOTE and by EAR In 10 to 10 les sons. Write tor particulars, 701 11th St., Klamath Kails, Ore. Phone S67R. OR.T.CCAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND MTaKnoS LO.O..3U4UsW Pfcone ffM Residence 4 Pine 8C Phone 900-R, J. C. CLEGHORN CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Phone 19 2 J 183 8. Riverside Holliday Dairy Wholesale and Retail ..Pasturlzed Milk and Creaa- Phone 501-J. AAAMWWMW MADE IN KLAMATH Alfalfa Meal FOR SALE MURPHY'S FEED STORE ANDERSON'S GROCETERIA SUNSET GROCERY Mfir. hv WATtTlV TRV.IWtnn -------- i-i-iiiirinnnriArLrvxruTjm WILL Take out Cellars or Fill la Lota CON MURPHY 1117 Mortimer St. Phone 541-W yBB)nnVMMWMWM Offlce Phone 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Hnrgeoa White Building Klamath Falls Oregon ' M.M(WW.MWWWiM.IWWp. Charlie's Tire Shop GAS and OILS 6th & Klamath Stt, CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Horbert B. Mallett Dr. Geo. B. Mallett Office over Underwood's 7th ft Main Phone 689-J DR. L. L. TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Hay Phone; 4D7 Night Phone. Ml) c. v. fishi;r; M.D. DISEASES Ot TBB ETB, BAR, NOSE AND 'THROAT GLASSES FITTED AND CTJRNISUKU Phone VT MO Mala Street pMWMMMwyMMMWVMWVWUWMWMMAMj OP. C. A. SAMBO awk4 r, o. o. F, hiii rtoxasi 4AAp A0WJWWI0Ww nB CAJUUBS-DONELSON urecBAxaa agency wuttkrs auiutiitd We oai serve you lnsnraneewlse. CLARA B. CALKINS, MOLLIS 8. DONBLSON. I! Corn's Auto Service Hudson, Buick, arid Dodge Cars Country Trips a Specialty PH05B,1M United Cigar Store MAW BTSXBT VWW0jWVAAAAA0WWWWWWWl BBnBaaBmBBBBfMBBBBeiaBpnMaajwi I mi i i DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Officii and Residence Phones 821 L O. O. F. Temple DENTISTS Or. E. a WbscarvBr Dr. f. U. NrJ Excavating Let iaaCe yen a pries oa dig tins Uat tfaeaemt, r attar ex avatntg torn eenUaipUU. We aUo do tana wwk l raiy deaarlpUoa Ph4MM 426-J NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY uPut Yoitr Dud. la Our Satis" PHONE 154 Corner ftfaln euid Conf e KUstath Falls Cydery W are here to serve you. an aim to serve yon right. Motorcycle and Bicycles. Parta and Acoasories Tires and Tnbes, that will stand yonr Inspection, aa we carry the best. In . our line. Repair shop In connection with Barley-Davldsot Service. ttis 04. . . KlaauUh Path C K, sUSMABK E. D.LAMB PaTTSfCUV AVD MTKGBOII PhoaeaiTW ooaaa 1 and S White Bnlldlng I 1TB L. D. Gass. M. D. BIB, aU'-OM.-AjrD THROAT OLAIMIM rUBNIBHED I. O .0. F. Bldg. Phone $-W Rooms, 101, 109, 104 White rellaasi Motel. Phone 0 rSUCAB BAY BOS Far lie nek wr Laavaa Star Oats Learns PetleaB City T:4I a. at. : a. m. 11:41 y. is. 1:88 p. sa. 6:00 p. a. lito p. sa. SS-tt' . Tjr' ie T7. f FRED1 fgilFELb' rrr pip " Bar tl 1. . "a tt . . '. , Uoi want'tb'seii'U, huy'l trodn'ji it, or f ma ittrj-a Herald 'classified ij ad! E EAT T AT The White Lunch Home Cooking and Hewn Pastry a Bpcdalty Moxluin Chill Con Onni n Tho Itonl Tiling 25c. UBS HAM STRKiR Premium, Dairy Oldest Retail Dairy In Town Phone 22-F-2 EBt Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OCR CLEANING, PRESSING MM REPAUUNO WILL MAKE IOCB CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW HATS RBIILOCKED Goods Called for and Delivered 481 Mala Street Klamath SnlV) DR. J. G. GOBLE The wall-known Optician now located la K. D. Block, ISIS Main. Phone SIS-M. CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Lola O. Bridges Over First State and Savings Bank Suite 105 Phone 10I-J 6th Street Bakery "iBETTER BREAD" 126 S 6th Street SAW MILL KVOINEBRISO CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builder of caoeV era saw mills, planing nUls and bos plants. Dredging. Pile driving. Phone 40H-W Office Corner Spring and Oak Near S. P. Depot Shoe Repairing Honed or Nailed Work Men's half soles S1.3C, $1,50 Womena and boys $1.15, $1.25 Chlldrcns $1.00 Next to Herald Office Open Evenings, 8:15 to S:S0 JACK FROST UNDER NEW MAN. AOEMENT HOTEL ARCADE Klamath FaUs Freo Bus Moeta AH Tratna All modern outstdo rooms Rates reasonable H. A. KEMP, Manager vw CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Herbert B. Mallett Dr. Geo. E. Mallett Office over Underwood's 7th ft Main. Phone 6SI-J. Cold Weather Coming Let Us (Replace Vdur Broken Gldss E. C. STOCKEY Uth and Pine Phone 477-W , , . - iTtiUt I i t unitiMii mm' -1 r If It's Loose ' We Will Move It O.K. T24 Sixth Sfe Phone 87 ' to i- M .Jk. h t S. I toLaltffAtifc. 'ii&Mjttll KlkA.l TRANSFER CO