- - . - f ., . ..., .,.!. ... w tr1rrwjjijiifoiWt-. Man three THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS; OREGON V MONDAY, OCTOBER 34, 1021. 'VMMWMWWV f- I . I The Office Cat UV .1UNIUH FAMOUS CltOHNflH CrlHs Iron Hot JJanliury town Ilium. llllllH. Itod 1 patch, ? rut Haw. Doulilo Washington Imk tliii Dolawam. C'oino n ! lug tlio Imr. (Irndo Inif. Outbursts of Everett True Bv Condon i LxwAwiwwwiaMi - .,.,. -,-,-,.,- -rt-i-n-twvmmqriAiLiu Tho raslur reformer mnko tlio task of liolng good tlio less many of ub soom to caru about trying It. I-'JIWT All VIMjAUK MiACKHMITJl lttKOUY IIo woarn a klmkl union suit, Anil makcH u lottn Jack, Uy tlnkorlng with motor earn, When tlioy got outta whack. Notwithstanding our vigorous cru sado for thu abolishment of tlio 2.7G mustacho Via keep right on noticing thorn. ""tWM Z-JTji Yes ITSiVSTHAT in t"oW tiorvi 'iv i bw i ii .wvjs5,r i nvrN -LS fuAT WE ??TAND G.OO faR THAT sr ADJUSTMENT DEPT US7 UC.-, THCN I C4JBSS THAT'S A-t X CAM Do. THANK You. r ,Corie fiACK hcsfics, nr fcxisrw x. w-n ic- JHOaj MoJ 30MOTHIWG: IB WK3 1 j - - "fcl.L.ll. I II II I 1 ll ... CHAPS BV)T Pot-lTehjoSS IS tvASTOt ON A (OT o THGri ;j in uwrntniNi to trrvj .inii STICK. AR.OVINO VsTM UP IN Ji i . $Jyj" BESSW . K r jgSBH 'Verity tin reformers Iuih a hard time. Llttlo Llzzlo l'ord, horn 1K9C family now nuinhorH 2,7)0.r72 up to Jnnuary ), 1020. Total all makes of cars Jn V. H, 0,032,20(1. HKiiiiif;i:ui:T itAi-iaits I'd llku to throttlo Tho far from fow Who show their learning Uy Haying, "Iloucoup." Mm. Junius oplno.t that If any woman had nil tho clothes shu want ed, tho rest of tho women would huvo to go arouil In harrols. Kvorythlng Is ruhitlvo as, Dr. Kin Btoln says. Your nmhltlon, perhaps, Is for a chateau In tho Alps, or a foreign motor car, or n Biinhurst of platinum nnd diamonds, or n ciow dog. Ours Is for a plcco of elder berry plo with ko cream on top. Ixuils Porter says a "Domestic Slacker" Is n woman who wheels a tea-wagon around tho holiso whllo friend husbnnd is piiHhlug tho haby buggy around tho block. COUNT Yom UlilMKINC Montpollor, O., comes to tho front with a chlckon dlnnur for 3d cents. Mouridsvlllo, V. Vu reports it has a harbor who hai reduced shaves to a dime. A Newcastle Ind,, restuurant an nounces it will sorvo bread freo with xnoals hereafter. All's woll in Normalcyland. !A Judgo in Springfield, Ohio, hns had "anklo" curtains hung uround tho Jury box. And thoy say ovory human being bus n heart! Tho clock on tho sldo of her stock ing Is an, arrow. Doon it mean that tho oyos tdiould follow tho nrrow? Horisb tho thought. Thoro will always bo thoso who think thoy know your duly hotter than you know It. Jim DrlBColl says mother can al ways find out what father did when ho stayed out untll'S a. m. She lots him tell nil the things ho did dnd then sho knows all tho things bo was afraid to mention. m MIDfjAND ITEMS ThomoB Hargant and son Russell and Qoo. Furbor loft Sunday for tho mountains to hunt (door. Thoy nro in tho vicinity of Cherry creok. Mrs. Goo. Furbor entertained a number of llttlo folks at a dlnnor party given In hobor of hor son's f itith birthday. Tho decorations woro In pink and whlto. Tho llttlo guoMu had a ploasant time. K. iC. ' Dfvls. jind family from Klumath Kails wcro callors at tho acq. Kurbcr homo Sunday. ,C. K. il'attorgonj was a Klamath Falls visitor Wednesday. i ' Mrs J '.W. Jory Is furnishing her homo ,ln Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Jory nro plapnjng to spend part of tho winter thoro. Mrs. d.'lt. Patlorsoti and Mrs. B. H. WaHuce''woro 'Klamath Falls vis itors Thursday, i ' 0, W. 'Pattur, from Lower Lakoa, Is visiting friends in Midland. U Jacobs, was ,ln this "vicinity looking nt' his tulo land1 Wadnos- day. i:. 1). Wnllaco was a business vis itor in Klamath Falls Thursday. MIsh Ida Hoopor was n Klamath Falls visitor Friday. ' Mrs. Frod Fowlor was a Klam ath Falls visitor Thursday. William Wnndon from Upper Lnko was a Midland visitor Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turtjer woro callors at tho John Doping homo this week. Mrs. Frpd Fowloi1 was a Klamath Falls visitor Friday, I BLESSING TO HER, SHE SATS ANOTHER. PORTLAND RC8IDENT IS WONOT:itFULLY RESTOnKD AFTEH ATTACK OF THH FLU. "I wish It was in my powor to put a bottto of Tanlac In tho hands of ovory suffering man, woman and child, for I know It will mako thorn woll and strong Just llko it did me," said Mrs. F. R. Dussard, 1144 Ivon St., Portland, Oro. "The 'Flu' loft mo In a vory poor stato of health, my stomach was all upset and my nerves almost shatto. ed. My condition wob Just awfii. and soomed to bo gottlng worso all tho time. "This wonderful Tanlac was an untotd blessing to mo. I'm In better health and stronger now than ovon boforo I had tho 'Flu.' Indood, I novor folt any bottor in my lifo. It Is simply' wonderful that a medicine could mako such a big change in such a short tlmo. Tanlac Is Just grand." Tanlac .and Tanlac Vegetable Pills are sold by Druggists evorywnero. adv Baked Bams & LaneJil baked hjusHhe nght-"tvrn" Me vray ftieyr sm4 79cefome afoyo TREES! TREES! TREES!!! PUco your order with A. B. Halo, 1014 Main St, Klamath Falls, Ore. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Legion Ticket to Kansas City on Sale Oct. 24 to 27 ' L j SAJI FRANCISCO, Oct. 22. Tickets under tho, rate of one cont a mllo to dologatos to tho Americ an Logloa convention .at Kansas City, grantod by the Southern Pac ific company, will bo on" sale from October 24 to 27 according to Chaa. S. Free, Passcntjcr Traffic Manager. WWWMWWVMiMAAAbAAAAbAAAAA November 10 will bo the return limit unless delogatea wish to re turn by way of Omaha to attend the American Aero Congress In that' city, November 3 to 6, In which case tholr tlcketa will bo extended to November 16. Stopovers will be granted going or returning. Tho, ratoa aro granted from all points on tho B, P, Llnoa. Tho rate for Cali fornia common points will be 3f.22. Klamath Falls News Agency "rult Trees, Sbado Trees, ergreens, Derrios, Roses and Shrubbery. Orders taken now for Spring dollvory. From the famous Washington Nurs ery Co., Yakima Valley, Top penisb, Wash. Phono 178-J. nnd I will call to sea you any time. Demand for nursery stock Is heavy; place your orders at once that they may be properly and promptly fil led. 25, years personal experi ence in the nursery business. Tho cotton boll weevil destroys 400,000 bales of cotton annually In tho United States. m Prior to 1010 tho pink bolt worm so dostructlvo to tho cotton flolds, was unknown In Egypt. If you have a watch to repair don't send it to a blacksmith, but LET GEORGE DO IT GEO. L. METZ Watchmaker and Jeweler 622 Main' St. BREAKING THE GRIP OF rAei!jmatisiw1 ON THE BODY i- MONDAY HEALTH TALK MO. 8 Tho principle, characteristic of rhoumollsm Ig pahV Thero la dull nnd continuous afching, with aovor lty and sharpness! nt times. If tho pain would stop',' for Intervals It might bo moro Boarttblo, but tho fact that It Is continuous Is what makes rhoumatlsn tho most droad cd of diseases, f ' Tho causo Is weakened function ing of tho kldnoyf, duo to displace ment of spinal jplnts at what is known ns "kldnoyiplaco". This dis placement causes proflsuro on tho spinal nerves. Chlroprnctld spinal adjustments restoro tho if spinal Joints to alignment and with tho prcssuro romoveoi ino Kiawys oci normally and tho '.dlseaso wdually cloars. , rfVMWfHAHV. Undo Ben Bar: "Tho feller la stato of. health. n ov v j, , gone rauy lives In t h town ot Don' worry on we banks of tho Ri ver anuie." 1 1: 'tMMMVo-0t HEALTH FOLLOWS CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS PRESSURE ON SPINAL NERVES IN DISEASES Of THEFOLLOWIN&ORGANJ: ,HMri . 'NOSE THMAr' -ARMS EVIIINAC LIVER STOMACH ; PANCREAS J SPLEEN iKIONCVS J BOWELS NAPJENeiX BLADDER. TtluimM0WtRUH3S V Spiral u!umiM The lower nerve UNDERTHE MAGNIFY INO OLASS IS PINCHED BVAMIJALIGNEO JOINT. PINCHED NERVES CANNO, TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL IMPULSES. CHIR0PRAC TICADJUSTINO RE- MOVES THE PRESSURE. THE UPPER NERVE 13 f FREEASNATUREINTENDS. 'BUFFERED TWO VEARS, . THEN FOUND 'HELP ' ' v , "For two years prior to con-1- suiting a chiropractor I'suffer ed with rhenmatism. IHtuguat 1919 tho pain was a'o intense that I was nnablo to.,movo. Af ter tho first chiropractic spinal ndJUBtmont tho pain, eased. I contlnuod until Decombor whan I was discharged. I have been shooing horses over since." John Strauss, Chiropractic 'Research! Dureau Statement No. 1283-R. v WHEN HEALTH BEOtffS doponds on wnenyou telephone 539-J for an appointment. Con sultation Ui without' charge. r"" DRS. MAttfeTT & IvIALLETT Office Over Underwoods Drug Store1 Phone 539-J for Appointment. Get Your Skid Chains Now ; ' Don't Wait Until You Have an Accident! GUARANTEED, SPRINGS . . for Trucks and Cars ot all makei ? D.A.KENYON O. K. SHOP 439 Sixth Street Phone 462 .ejffsv- LAt s V ET tlio departed oaea be hoaor fed even in the grave. Let Uw sculptured marblo direct our foot steps to tlio soono of their long sleep; Let the' chiseled epitaph re peat their name and tell where re poso tho nobly good and wise.' ' LoagfoUoWj Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works 1040 Main St. fril Klamath FaUs UPKEEP. AND OVERHEAD BY ALLMAN v t ' ZZ . L 'U HELLO THERE. WILDOR-I OH SO-SO- ll WHAT'S THE I tHATS NOT IT, BOT L' I JC0U4:R HAVETOlD iFOOD fl2Xti!2? II ' D0MY Mfe'AH RrZl IS HOW ARE VOO? I AU. 15 NOT MATTER? WONT 'TMATOlO 5AVlNG,THT . IS" J"ATJ"v,. THAT BROKE ME- S?LS?H SHE BOUGHT TWO HATS 1 1 WELL, HOW OOVOU J 60LD THAT. a SHE LET toO TWO CAM LIVE CHtAPER WHERE POVOU rf'STHt RvENT D? o NESTERDAV AHD PAltv M UKE MARRIED LIFEjf GUTTERJi.YOU r- BE THE BOSS? f AH Or TsiVE IbOV VOUR gROCERlES? ,T rd.' U PAV ?J s.m'DOLLARS fOsl J 'In , T r,r-l II 11 ' Ul- Bw plah gj7 y $rM -S Foe J Si fl '"Vi i L y . .. Vl&4 ' . t . ""-h--., . -'W-l-'i '. ?:?& i - :w&k . , 3 ' v( U