The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 22, 1921, Automobile Section, Image 7

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111 BUS
acciiro stornuo which would accomo- aided tho fact that tho labor board
dnto moro than a month's supply at ,in(1 tied up tho strlko and that tho
tho moat. Furthormoro, thp doalorn WaBh,nBlon olMclals had allowed tho
manor 10 go rar enough. Tho ad
ministration has Its chanco now to
show Its colors and what It can really
!A gonulno expression ot relief was
tioard yesterday all over "Gasoline
Row and Alley" when tho news camo
that tho United Btatos Hnllrond Labor
Hoard had takon tho "strlko bull"
by tho horns and tnll at thu samo
tlmo and twlstod tho strlko question
temporarily out ot its system.
Dcsplto tho choory smiles which
11 tho rotallorn and wholesalers of
gasollno woro when talking to their
customers, doop In their minds subtly
fan tho thought, "What aro wo going
to do whon tho supply which all ot
as have, about two weeks all told
for tho city and county, runs out?
How aro wo going to meet tho do
tnands of our customers?" Happy
was tho usual lot of tho customor
who fortunatoly was no mind reader
for undoubtedly, thoro would havo
boon a run on tho present supply
which would soon have exhausted
tho amount on hand but tho news
today clarlflos tho situation-
Conversations hold at random with
doalors In gasollno about tho city
rovealcd tho fact that at no tlmo of
tho yonr does tho avorago dealer
koop on hand moro than a week's
supply at tho moat, dopendlng upon
tho wholesaler for current supplies
s domand usos up tho stock. It
wan also rovealcd that no dealor
could possibly lay In an oxtenslvo or
der of gasollno In barrels unless tho
Rockofeller Interests lowered tho
price to a point whoro this condition cnslor or slept better than what I
was possible Also, no doator could did last night whon the papors hor-
sald, to try to proparo to hold out
for, nn Indoflnlto tlmo was simply
next to,slmposslblo and In tho first
placo, no ono would attompt It in tho
faco of present financial conditions.
Had tho strlko been called, war
tlmo itso of tho gasollno supply would
hnvo followed, each and avoir usor
being dolod out his dally nllotmont
according to tho Importance of his
necessity. 'An equitable distribution
would hnvo taken placo, tho doalors
declare, and "mercy bo unto Is soul,"
would have been tho epitaph on the
grnvo of tho gasollno proflteor who
would havo taken advantage of tho
situation by foisting prices to tho
land of tho bluo sky.
Nearly every dealer had tho samo
opinion about the condition ot tho
profltoer who would hnvo takon ad
vantage of tho gasollno usor during
tbo Impending strlko, nnd lot it bo
said to all tholr credit, tho local
dealers would havo beon fair should
tho crisis havo occured. Ono auto
mobile dealer said, "Wo made up our
minds that every soul In business
was In tho same jack pot with us,
also It would havo boon at a tlmo
whon tho lowliest and highest would
all havo been placed on an equal
status. ;It would havo boon at a
tlmo when evory mnu Jack ot us
would havo hod to unlto and dopend
upon ttio other to shoulder his bur
den without a lot of squonllng.
Movement of every Bort would havo
to bo takon so that tho , common
causo of all would havo boon tho
main Idea, not tho peculiar advan
tage of somo ovor others. Necessity
eventually would havo forced tho
profiteer to Join tho common causo
but what a reception would havo
awaited hlml I novor breathed
do to avort ono of tho greatest sot
backs that possibly could como to this
country, right In midst of a time
whon tho country ns a wholo is slow
ly but suroly omorglng from a chaotic
condition. iLct us all hopo that tho
"big whlto chief" at Washington will
ndjudlcato tho causo of capital and
labor satisfactorily to both and that
Che prosperity of tho nation will bo
stimulated by concurrent action of
nil parties concorncd."
With tho strlko question for a tlmo
settled and tho prospects looming up
big that within tho next ten days, an
nmlcabto settlement ot tho labor
question will bo mndo, "Gasollno
Alloy" to a man breathes and talks
hotter. If anyono doubts this 'story,
buttonholo tho first dealer you find
nnd sound him out thoroughly on
tho question.
James Stevens
Relates New Story
About Batteries
"A chap who travels a lot tolls mo
that sornio places ho goes tho kids
learn to say "Ford" boforo thoy can
holler Mama," said James Stephens,
tho Wlllard Battery roan today. Tako
one that's real bright, and he can
mako V nolso llko n Ford motor bo
foro he surprises tho folks with
"Dow-Wow" and "Ohoo-Ohoo!"
"An old timer In ono of thoso Ford
paradises was in all kinds of trouble
His Ford cut up something awful.
Final? It struck blm that his bat
tery must be a llttlo off, and believe
me it was not enough Jnice In It
to crank a coffeo mill.
"When tho light broke in on him
that way, he hit for the nearest bat
tery place and as luck would havo
Associated Service
Station Building
Delayed for Time
ennnos Johnson, proprietor of
"Charley's Placo," stated yester
day tho tho Associated Oil comp
anies had temporarily laid asido
tholr plans of romodollng the front
ot his shop for the filling station
which thoy announced some tlmo
ago would bo built. Tho causo of
tholr change In plans is duo to the
strlko of tho oil employes in tho
California fields, also tho Immin
ence ot tbo threatened strike of the
railroad employes.
When both problems are settled,
tho San Francisco manager of the
Associated Oil company states that
tho corner will bo replaced with one
ot the noatcst and most up-to-date
' POFITLAND, Oct. a3. "Gosh
sakost Lcmmo 'lone I I can't stop
now," said P. T. Oeppe, 5519 Thirty-seventh
avenue Southeast, to Mo
torcycles Patrolman' Dabcock, when
tbo latter arrested him for burn-
nil anil fltllMM alniUK. I.. v-f .11.
it , . .u..i .. .i . . tirn "" -"? "1 otuuuuB m mamma
.. - "" "" " i "- county
lard Bcrvlco Station. Right thero
was where ho and battery quality
got Introduced.
"He'd never heard that thero was
n Wlllard Ford-Sire Battery that
would mako a Ford hit llko a twin
six but he knows it now. And the
follow that tries to mako blm see
any other kind of a battery for that
Ford is going to be up against a
gonulno Job."
Ing up tho pavements on Division
Btreot yestorday evening. "They wiiuiinaw axaiuhxmjsntb
now heir nt homn and I've lust A great many car ownors mako
tiiBt iinnhonnd mo that I have a tho mistake of adjusting the car
NEW YORK, October 22. Busi
ness in tho automotive field con
tinues surprisingly1 good, consider
ing tho fact thatinst month usa-
ally is one of tho dullest month
In the year. Thero has boon no
material curtailment In 'production
In passenger car plants and tho
truck market is snowing signs of
Makers ot parts and accessories
report that their business for Sep
tember la better than it was for
August. This la particularly truo of
orders for unit parts such as frames
and, engines. Sales by part makors
In August wcro slightly better thaa
in July. '
Particularly encouraging, is th
got to got thero quick," ho expost
"That's a good ono," said Bab
cock. "Olvo my compllmonts to the
Tho baby has been named Char
lotto. '
Germany exported 20,000 auto
mobiles of various kinds and 4,000
motorcycles In 1920.
burotor when the engine Is cold.
Now it Is always best to mako ad
justments to the motor after it has
ben run long enough to get thor
oughly warmed through, and this
applies equally to tho valve tap
pets, etc. It Is qulto probablo that
tho cold motor may operate very
we I J on certain adjustments that
wll not agreo at all with 'tho hot
SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. ,22. j
Motor buses , operating between
Spokano and Coeur d'Aleno in ,act that collections are good and
competition with electric linen r that past duo accounts' are grada-
reaping an annual harvest of' $0,-jttlly being "whittled down. Tho vol-
000, according to compilation ot urae 0I notes outstanding is stoacU-
flgurcs taken from statements sub-'ly decreasing. The finances ot tho
mltted by bus line owners. Compll-! industry rapidly are becoming stab-
atlon of tho figures woro made by ( Hired. Retail sales of passongor
Attorney B. H. Kizor in tho hear- cars in most sections cf tbo countrr
ing on certificates of necessity be-! have remained practically station-
foro Director Kuykcndall today.
Dangerous Curve
"Dangerous Curves Ahead."
Thus read tho sign. Yet the motor
ist was in a flat sandy country. Ho
understood later when tho road skirt
ed a bathing beach.
Cuba has 1,260,000 tons ot sugar
ready for shipment.
ary for tho past three or , four
months. The natural tendency from
now until the first of the year will
bo downward, but surprising inter
est Is being shown In enclosed models.
Tbo British are urging seed quar
antine laws on China to prevent in
troduction ot pests.
r -t
siiiiiiH sHBsi
Have You Seen the
New Chevrolet?
Better see it before you buy a car, because
it is a wonderful car entirely improved
The Best Car in
America for the Money
F. B. Baby Grand
'4 a-'
490 Only
' A
Philadelphia Diamond
Storage Batteries
wn. i
White Pelican Garage
We have the plate with the long life. It's the PLATES
that make .electricity in a battery. Don't be misled.'
We have a battery to fit your car. Call and let u
demonstrate. , . , , , , ., ;,
The Electric Shop
f i
123 So. 6th St.
Phone 127
, -r--.-TFC
Bll. JJ. ..