THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON baturbay, ootobkr aa, iMt. paoh six 4 The Evening Herald E. J. MURRAY Kditor FRED SOUL1I ... ... City Kdltor '"publtshod dally oxcopt Sunday, by The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Fnlli, at 119 Eighth Street Hntorod at tho postofrloo at Kla math Falls, Ore, (or transmission through the malls as second-class aattor. ' MEMBER OK THE .ASSOCIATED PRESS. Tho Associated Proas Is, exclusively entitled to the uso for .publication ot 11 novrs dispatches credited to it, or not otherwise crodl'tod In this paper, and also tho local nows pub lisher horolnl . ,! . s SATURDAY, OOTOUKRlSa, 1021. SUNRISK AND SUNSET Klamath county sportsment are requested by tho Klamath Sports men's association to., observe the following; table Oof .sunrise and sun' et in this county,;. Oct Sunrtso Sunset S3 . i'.if 6:02 14 .................... , (f:6Jl (j, 6:00 I 25 .i......A. 6j5j. 4M5 ie ., :6S 4:47 87 e;55 4:4E 18 aj66, 4:43 IS , "6568 4:42 80 x:5 4:40 31 JflvL 4239 T Personal' Mention W. C, TownsenoV'was a county scat Visitor this K morning; wW ' brought applies in to tho m'arkoT from his ranch in tho valley south of town. Mr. and Mrs. Losllo Rogers and family loft this mounting In their cor Jor Medford and Ashland whoro'they will stop for a day, l'oavlng tho child ren, and from 'thero Mr. and' Mrs. Rogers wilt drlvo on to Portland tor a brlof buslnoss and plcasuro tnp. t ";; Mr. and Mrs. w!.li. Todd and fam ily will Icutq tojnorrow or next day for Medford whoro thoy expect to pond tho next six months, having rented tbolr homo in this city. Mrs. James 'F. Blaekwoll, who has been hero f6r ''several months visit ing her daughtor, Mrs. Warren Hunt and family, left" this morning for hor homo In Elmer, Washington, called thero by the sudden Illness of Mr. Blaekwoll. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Fluesmoler left tbls morning for tbolr homo , In Wright City, Missouri, after'a Waste's visit bore as the guests of Dr.-Fred Westerflold. They will make the trip via Portland. . Mrs, D. F. O'Leary returned to hor homo jln Sacramento tbls morning aftor a visit with her daughter, Mrs. D. Hahlon Crump of this city. Konnoth Perry, who has been ill at his! home hero for the past week or so, lis able to bo out again. V. p. Kennedy, advertising mana ger for the Standard Oil company of California, Is In tho city from Sacra monto this week in the Interests of his company. C. E. Trlnk Is in town today look ' ing after business Interests hero. Mr. YVohr, on employo of the Puck- ett brothers at Odessa, is In towarto anend tho winter until logging starts next spring. Charles Currln left tbls mornjng on a business trip to Portland. Charles DeCuman, garbage man, who has boon seriously HI with leak ago of the heart, Is reported to be slowly Improving and with careful nursing hope of his rocovery Is held out by the doctor. C. R. Qrovo, father-in-law of tho young man, sug gests that his friends can help great ly at tbls tlmo by refraining from calling on tho, phono for news of the sick man as the constant ringing disturbs him. Mr. and Mrs, Geno Hammond wero in from Merrill yesterday afternoon attending to matters of business. Mrs, C. R. Dowman and daughter, Allco, aro spendlg a few days In town from their homeat Chlloquln. Creed McKendree is a business vis itor here this week-end from Lake view, where he Is Interested in the aheep business. , Jlmmle Clark, 'one time well known ball plqyer on the Klamath Falls team, was a visitor here for tour or five days this week from Susanvllle whore he Is Interested In the box factory. Mr. and Mrs. James Driscoll loft yesterday for Bly where they will visit with Mrs. Drlscoll's parentB, Mr. dnd.Mrs. J, A. Parker, for the next few days. . Q. F. Wornor Is 'such a jood boost er for Klamath county, that T. C. Turner and family and T. N. Wiley, all of Houston, Texas, have traveled all tho way,. from the south on the strength of what Mr. Werner told them, to look over this county and are so favorably Impressed that thoy fcave decided to locate. I NEW TODAY BARQAIN Good upright piano, ma hogany caso In flno condition. $250. Call 741 Commercial St. near Ctli. 21-22 FOR RENT Six room modorn hauso 227 Jotforson. Furnaco heat. No children. Furniture tor salo. 22-24 A BATH, A DAY Drives tho naln ,.tffty. Tho Now Hot Springs Bath 110UBO. 22 FOR BENT Cozy 3 room bungalow, range, uutcn Kitchen furnished except bedroom frunlture. Call at 1603 Wall St. eornor Michigan Avo nue. ' 22-25 FOR SALE $290, 5 passongor tour ;"ing car eloctrio lights, starter, now tires, llowlo Oarago. 22-25 FOB BENT Largo eornor house keeping room, light, water, fuol, linen, etc., furnished. Phono 419 Liberty Booms, 3rd and Main. 22' LOST Ono FIsk tire, 31 X 4 or iMaln St. in front ot Blr Basin Finder return to Charley's Placo and rocolvo roward. 22 WANTED airl or woman for gen oral housework. ' 125 N, 6th, Lor- ens Apis., Apt. 1. 22-24 Tho ladles of tho Merrill Library club will give their annual Hallow 'cen Ball Friday evening, October 28tb, at tho Star Theatre Merrill, Oregon. Tickots $1.10, Including war tax. Chicken Bupper fifty cents a plato. 22-26 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE FWo room houso will be available for rent. Inquire 824 Wal nut. 22-24. LEARN TKLfXJRAPHY Having conducted a school of tel egraphy In Baker City, Oregon?1 in 1918, with marked success to all concorned, I am contemplating start ing sucn an institution in mamain Falls. ' I I am desirous ot obtaining tho namon of prospective students, to see If enough aro Interested to pay mo to begin. Thoso enrolling at this time should be qualified to tako po sitions made vacant by employes tak ing vacations next Juno and July, It is very Interesting work, and open to both men and women slxtocn years ot ago or'over. All Information can bo had by call ing at Local Western Union Offlco after 9 P. M. M. C. KBNOYER 22. ANNOUNCEMENT The Lnill,. AM nt tho riilin,il church wish to announce that their Christmas Bazaar Is to bo held Sat urday, December 3, at tho Chamber of Commerco rooms. " - - "22. Tho stomach Is primarily a nerve organ and one ot tho most sensitive. Insufficient norvous energy means retarded digestion which In tlmo will affect tho whole system. A ser ies of slmplo chiropractic adjust ments has often dono all that was necessary to restore perfect digestion. Dr. Lois C. Bridges, Chlroprnctor, over First Stato & Savings Bank. 9 FOR SALE) $200, S passongor lour ing car eloctrio lights, starter, now tires. Howlo Garago. 22-25 NOTICE OF BALE OF REAL ESTATE Notlco is horoby given that, pur suant to an ordor ot tho County Court ot tho State of Orogon for Klamath County, mndo and ontorod on Octobor 3, 1921, tho undorslgnud administratrix of tho cstato of Wil liam G. Tollman, decoasod, will soil at private Bala to tho highest blddor, on and aftor Novombor 7, 1021, all rlcht. title and tntorest ownod and possossd by said docoasod at tho tlmo of his death In and to tho following described real properly, to-wlti Sit uatod In Klamath County, Oregon, tho Southeast quarter ot Section 33 Township 40, South Range 10, East ot Wllhtmetto Meridian, containing 160 acres. Satd administratrix Is authorized to soil all or any portion ot said premises for cash In hand, br UDon terms to do approvoa oy me Court. All bids must bo In writing and delivered to tho underslgnod at tho law offices ot R. C. Groosbeck, Klamath Falls, Oregon, prior to No vember 7, 1921. Datod Octobor 8, 1921. 1 ' JUNIATA TALLMAN, Administratrix of trio Eetato ot William O. Tallman, Deceased. -O 8-16-22-29 N. 5 mJm . GIRLS-LOOK WHO'S HERE SUMMONS FR PUBLICATION Eaulty No. 1362 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAM ATH COUNTY. Butte Valley Stato Bank, a cor poration, Plaintiff, vs R. A. Mitchell, Defendant. To R. A. Mitchell, defendant abovo named: In tho name ot the Stato ot Oregon you aro hereby required to appear and answer the complaint fil ed against you In the above entitled cause within six weeks from tho date of tho' first publication of this sum mons, and it you fall so to appoar or answer, for want thereof, plain tiff will apply to this- Court lor. the rollof "prayod for In his complaint on file herein, tewit: for judgment nirnlnit vnii for thn mm of tl028i78. togethor with Interest thereon at tho ' rate of six percent per nnnim from' April 15, 1921; for, the further sum of i519.'50. tocothor with interost there on at.the'rato of six porcont per an-1 num front April 27, 1921; for the sum of $250.00 as attornoy'a fees, and for the costs and disbursements of thlg suit; and for decreo of this,' Court adjudging and decreeing tnai. tho aforesaid sums constituting n valid Hon In plaintiff's favor against tho premises described as: Bltuato in Klamath county, Oregon, Lots 2, it and 4 of Block 15 of Second Falrvlqw Addition to tho City of Klamath Falls. and ordering that said Hon bo fore closed and said premises sold in the manner provided by law and tbo pro ceeds from such sale applied In pay ment of tho sums herein boforo men This summons is1 sorvod upon you by publication In thb Evening Herald. a dally newspaper printed, published, and of general circulation In Klam ath County, Oregon, once a week for six weeks, by order of tho Hon. D. V. Kuykondall mado and entered on September 30, 1921. Tho dato of first publication ot tbls summons la Octobor 1, 1921. R. C. GROESBECK, attorney tor Plaintiff. Address Klamath Falls LEW CODY THE HE-VAMP in his latest picture, the powerful screen classic "A Dangerous Pastime" supported by an all star cast, including Cleo Ridgeley, Elinor Fair, Mrs. Irving Cummings, Arthur Hoyt and also HOWARD WILLIAMS "The Black Dot" The man with the syncopated feet the one-man jazz dancer, whose dancing and singing, whistling and guitar banjo and ukelele playing would make a mummy laugh. 1 There will be no increase in price. Also a Charles Chaplin Comedy and Ford Weekly STRAND THEATRE TONIGHT FINEST PICTURE PROJECTION IN SOUTHERN OltKUON "Groat Minds Orlglnato, Fools Imitate." TONIGHT Oregon. 1-8-15-22-29-5-12' T We Witt Serve Oar Special. Sunday Dinner From 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. for $1.00 JEWEL CAFE The Following Menu Awaits Yeu: ' K"?"3MgHV"i"?? l-l-H-HHH4t-4'4-'M'4-4'44 Contentments Crisp Celery Green Olives Soup ot Chicken Supreme Crab Meat with Mayonnaise Baked Halibut a la Dutchess , - Choice of Stuffed Young Chicken with Apple Roast Young Pork with Baked Apples Chicken Fricassee with Needles Jelly i i t i A llf Spring Lamb Chops with Qarden .Pcag Whlptyed Potatoes Cauliflower In Cream Dessert Lemon Blancmango Pudding or choice of any of Assorted Pies ' Tea Coffee or Milk .vr ( AAAAAAAftAAAAAAAftftAAAftAAAAft ArAAAAA A A AAAAAAAAAAAtAAAA AAA Contentment in old age is a won derful blessing, especially when there is money in the bank and noth ing to worry about during the de clining years of life. The only way to be contented in old age is to start a savings account NOW and prepare for your future. 1 , First State & Savings Bank (, , Klamath Falls, Oregon t,t 1 1 1 1 1 lx t """"I'limiiMHmt ? t t 7 7 T t t t v .'V i ' It) tr'aaaaaawHM-waewwi "