"Wfcfetir;- xr,ciftr-.; u.w- jut-v?-jw,. ,ocUcl -eVij"""? f-ffi"" 'W',: V4"" j. ,mS$m!&rXVzvi&lw&ciF- .jrtss. .,,&... -s 1 u ftttiiqrtr,iwonnK i, ,'AY. " THE feVENJtNC HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOtrKHnrr Pergoniil Mention owT y lf : M 1 aag 5 r k ii I-. J Z : ' ' I JL it. AWltthf h. it - . j' . W, C. llnrlrtti' rfttnrniMl vxitni-nv tfrom ft dd!h'.,4ttnt, with a bag ot vno ducim. y ' i v II , . aui itm?! iq in xiivuiora ana J&shlanri fni In wAnlr.nnrt .wi.li - --.,,- ...., ,, fne intention 6t Attending the Ash. 1-mauiain, ua gaino tnu aitor- moon. The GREATEST PICTURE Ever Shown in Klamath Falls nnd Mni 1IaTy Thrasher, i -anas Mildred Thraahor and Paul .union win leavo early in tho morn- on a duck' Aunt. They emncl So spend tho dy in -tho, country "m "i murruii Alex BhlTo, who ha3 been away a two woeks' vacation in .fcnn JCrnnclsco and Los Angotcs, has ro- riurncd home. i .. Mrs. D. K1. vArnaM il.n I. I.... t;- "' " " uuuu Jsroro slnco July ylsltlng with old ttrlends and attending to business aacercsts, left tills morning foevher rpme In Portland.' ,,. , airs. w. Q. Tallman was In town "paying taxes this .morning from her arame in Merrill. TRpy Hickman, 'and ..R. S. Dixon, eatUemcn fronu the Port Klamath country, aro attending to business acre today. R. W. '.Tower.' bad a nice supply xt .applM in. 'from hla ranch home car 'keno"ai' the public market hls mcratug.i i P j -A. 'Knllna-nradiJ a, trip Into towa 3renteVdft"yVfoQi'ib,la home at Matin to get a bunting -license from the rtoumy clerk. t , i IV. Magn6sa,,of Kirk was here yesterday attoadlng to matters of vnslaesa and preparing for a hunt- Jfajg trip. , 1 HHanlta for tho soldiers loan ap- awaleals have 'not yet been recelred y tho appraisers here and soldiers seeking loans will be compelled to wait until theso blanks aro recelv mi. Idessrs Andrews andsKlnney were -visitors l& tho city yesterday from their ranches riear Olene. i Miss Mable Latta, who waa cm loyed In 'tho aasosaor's Office at one time, has accepted a position sis, 'bookkeeper and stenographer 'at flte Nine Lumber company's camp in Swan Lake valley. t R. C. Oroeabeck expects to leave Scmday mornlag. for Portland where he wllliYpocd tho greater part of tho .Week iin -matters of legal business. t &)au X Zumwfllt and Charles H. With row roturned yesterday atter xtrta from Barnes Valley aind Dry vallty where tbey spent ten days on an unsuccessful deer hunt. Don Vfspnrta that he saw flvo deer, shot at two ot them, and, due to tho fact that hla gun didn't, shoot curves very iwell, got homo ivlth the foot ot one -wllikcnt and tho hide ot another to allow Tor his ton days hunt. Mr. tVithrow had nothing-to show for ills trouble. Cllluiflos OtbV left on tho train this wornlng for Maaloel where ho will ,he on matters of business forjthe next 'few days. W tJktra. Kattlo E3. MrgaHrwho're b1b on a ranthrin the Bly district, teado a vlslt'totown thU morning for 'the purpose of purchaaln3,aupplles. Ms. -and Mrs. BertcWUhrow and lUKhter, MJss Waive, (left the last ol the week for'silverj'eamp after a eer, that Berths friends v say he ntaked out there last week. Walter ZeUnian waa attentlng to rsoatters ot business at the banks' this asornlng from hla raach1- homo In thuNKalley south ot towp.i)' "W.1E. Lamm was' In town yesterday Hooking after business .affairs eon- jaqrUod with hla.trilll at Modoc Point. X. Alerflon Js registered at the tVWto Tellcan hotel today, having arrived last nlghtf from "Weed. o. V. Adam-airtl -wlte aro visitors from,MojUord who aro registered to-iJ-4y(it Iho" While Pelican hotel. The Three 1. TB .bt Ta LWt ' ' Musketeer ft r f. jpri ! SWi" ;v Wai be Shown at the STRAND THEATRE Sunday (There will be a cautibpou thomh serting: t jthe fol- n 9rl'5y ( lowing heurs: 12:4S 3:00 J B.,l 5:15 7V30 also the world's greatest screen comebSan. CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "THE FIREMANL" Featuring saiiiaMwMww AAMjiMtiiVWMwwVMVWMvVVwVVwVwVWVVwVWMMwVVV Orin Mnson Louise Qaum Tfiw is the same picture that' ik how runnm in Port--land and Seattle a nd that made such a record-break-"" ingfrun in New Yoi k. It is the original picture, featur ing four of thegrea test stars in filmdom. There is no abridgement. of thispicture every scene is shown just at it is be -ing shown in Portland and Seattle and! as it was sKowa. in New York. This is axlmittedly - one of the greatest pi ictures ever shown on the screen, Featuring: Dorothy Dalton Rhea Mitchell AND KEMEMBKRr THEECE IS NO INCH EA5E IN THE PRICE. IT STAYS AT 36 CENTS. $ man home loan? I am a married with two children and dessrerto- boy a home for my family. ex-sbuvick.matc Loana to veterans arormade only on real citato security, and. tho- tuml must be located In Orciion. If tho veteran has one-fourth of 'the- pur chase price of a homo he can arrango to' get tho remainder up io 3000 from tho state. If hr- ha nelthar cash nor land, and none ot hla near relatives have land that thor will pledge In his dehalf, wo. know ot no way that be can -obtain tho loan. However, a prellmltaaryy application made now for a low. will preserve the veteran's rights Indefinitely. If he can see his way clear tovs,vD with in a few years hls.neceaaacrpart of tie' purchase price, of. a honw, he "has the opportunity t work t that end with tho promise-ot a loa frona the state when he lav' ready, for It. Bnt di not overleok: the preliminary ap plication, i pvasiig cb other depaftntewta-of the systom arc high, amir the company practically- broke. Dhrlnr the atato fair there this year; tne company did ''put en service but nr said to have lest jnonoy. Fortnsately wo S"OU,fCKHT One outaldo ami ono Inside- aipartment; Win tors Bldg. 15-17 "VWVrXD HO ROOT Piano in good dltlon. ?ltl tako beat ot care ot Lte..n 'rr.pi .. j. .ti.i. . k. .re not bothered here-abowt .treet"' '--- car. Business condmooi tbe coait Buttons aro nfospennas and ysOK RENT Cabin. Seo Pickle. oplol- UaadMaIn. the people making money; PeopH do not know how well off therl' (.WAIHTISO-l - not k cor. IB aro her" Mr. Woatoit saU. t NEW TODAY housowor 'Woman 70S S. for general 5th street FOR RBNT -Nicely furnished room 'In now homo, furnaco Heat, tele phone, both, etc., two blocks from Post officer. Phono, Mrs. Onun, S88M. 15 LOST October 8, a gcntloinan'a open l faced gold watch, botweon Oth and Pine and Pelican- Bay club house. $5 reward. If voturnod to club house, Pelican Bay. 16-17 H-21 liotol. WANTED Oood all around man for porter work. Apply White Pollcan 14 FOR'SAI.E ORtRENT 3 room hoirao K you aro looking; for a roal bar- k. aioro or paoae- galai Call K. K 488,, B. Noud; 1V-17 M.TERNITY nurso Phono 51CJU wishes cases. 1G--17 TO PRBVKNT dlsoaso, all tho sorvos of your body, both motor and'sen sory, must ba kept In perfect condi tion, so that vital forco mny botrons mittod normally. Dr. Lots C. Brld rs, Chlropructor. 1G. Advortlotng brmgs etflcleacy. -ol PIANfllAnd Phnnmarsiib fnr ftatn nnl tradsron car. Pltbne W& M. 416 Pine. . 15-17 i A GOOD BED an a apoal bath a Cosaula! rooms; l'ltfc near Main St., oasd 741 WalamtAvs-. IK MATWtNlTV NUBSB-r-Plinne 292W. . '" J6-18 Local Men is Glad ' To Be Home Again ' "Am I glad to be back In God's country well, look ma' over," said Ed Weston, who returned last night from a trip back to Ds Moines, Iowa, hla former home. "I sure am glad that I am homo and FOR? SALE Qoli aoxrel horse. 617 tAtameda. 15.U7; CHILDREN ARK uamUy. suBCerMble tjadlscaso. Chlropcactic Splnal'odr juatmtots wlll.do mach to make them wll and atrocer Dr. Lois C. Bridges, Chiropractor.. , .. ij; WANTED To bay Urge beatlna stovo. i. T. Ward & Co., Oentral hotel building, 16rl8 .- -iu ever showa that I no longer have to fool around . . -.. uit.. tnna TimEE P.a a corner -waiting for a street im niannnii "' r- ' i ' MTJ8KETEBRS," Xaenairasr. at the. Strand 14 Veterans Urged to Aovlv for Loan Even Jf Temporarily Broke Tho following question and answer from,' tho Portland Oregonlan is nr.n'tod for the probablo Information it will givo Klamath ex-servlco men w$o Intend applying tor a stato lean: I 'Loan Must Be ocuiil. CONCORD, Cal., Oct., (To the i TSaitor.) I am an er-servlce man rrom the state ot Oregon. I do not rwish to -take advantage ot the cash 'TinnnsMuit I want the home loan. 'floasB'slato how I can procure this Jloan. I am financially ombarraaied lliic!veo- xespect, having no land my Velf anxl,Tione'of my immediate rela tive have any" upon which -I could Vriut -., Mortgage,, How would i go fyo'i',t'!Uke advantage ot this car that runs spasmoaicaiiy, iiko I ozporlcnced back In Doa Moines. Tho peoplo In that city still ozpect to ride on a car for a. ntoklo and tbe employes get between 50 and 60 cents an hour, operating ex- FOR BALE 19S! Chovrolotrun 200 snllos, Overatted cord tires, Ale mltoluhrlcatlng systom This. Is. sue of the new ones with tho hand'bralte.l Tour ewnterms. 'Lestars Sorvlco Stntlos,, Cor, Uphara nnd Prospect. IS FOR BALE 20, thousand capacity j pMivTuiui! ruuuy It) cuu, IIIVIUUIU motor truck, cutting- tools and 80 available In all. Address. Box 23. ' Dairy. Oro. ' 16-25' t n n (fUJ UWWWWVWVWW,vWWSVtfv M WWVWWWWWWWMWWWWWMtfWWWWWWMMM. Old Age and lifi'r '.VU'f V 'J..tt . r t.H MJWrsiav. ,- I rl , flM- , y 44 -ij1 .c-,v l'. f '. f. Gontentment ;lt',.. . l ,1f It ), , i i I ls V i , hh.,V", f ; ,t '.Wtf , , ltk 1 -r ii Dance Tonight U-'r HALL (Formerly Scandinavian Ball) MUBIO PUKNISHED BY ROBERTSON'S ORCHESTRA SPECIAL FEATURES INTRODUCED TONIGHT GOOD MUSIC SMOOTH FLOOR i - , KNJOx-OBLETIMH y v ( -. ADMISSION 85c EXTRA XiADIBg 8e ' ) I 4 a . The older you grow .the more you fear poverty and toil There is ?-,, pne sure remedy to kill thew fears 1 w, ?ind replace them with content-1 A tnent it is a Savings Account. The bigger it grows, the happier you are. , BEGIN TODAY T We Invite Your Account First State & Savings Bank , ., a Klamath Falls. Oregon vwiMMrM)MMwMiwiMMl(w ,,1- ,",,, , Ji.-nnrJUIJ,uug; ., ! f. rt ,i!M,A,L.