s ttW'SA 'I V' ..-- T -' 1 '-t- i ) . THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLSi OREGON PAGE SATURDAY, OCTOBER IB, 198t Sm&SfflgR&SBiRn TONIGHT STRAND THEATRE TONIGHT a2 ii .1 JIU.V ymy u 4 ?, TOM MIX in 'The Heart of Texas Ryan" A GREAT SELIG PRODUCTION. Of this picture Col. Selig says: "I consider The Heart of Texas Ryan' the greatest rive-reel picture I ever produced" I 'WMVl'wwwWWWWWWaAWWWWAa jiggvwv'MMMMMMMMWMMMAMVVV y-"-i----- r j The Office Cat or JUNTOS T) 1115 Oil NOT TO III!. Who wants to know who always knocks The glrllos with tholr turnod down Bock? It is tho folks who always sneoro Wbeno'or o brcozo blows on tholr kneos. It Is tholr nrcliltoctual plan That ciiUKcs thqm, to1 place a ban On dlmplod Unco which ofton shows Abovo n much bo-rlbboncd hose In mhklng folks tho doar Lord found Not fnt'enmiglr-to'go around; So nomu poor Rlrls, llko you and mo, Hare no nlco dlmplos In each knoo,, We'ro born to work and not to charm, Our "stockjos' noyor couso alarm, Wo pull thorn o'or our knocs too thin And fix thorn with n safoty pin. No dinky bows am n't" tho Bldo, To drow attention and mlsguldo. V know wo'ro vory proper, too, To do ns prim folks ought to do, ' Hut still, you know, In splto of that, Dear Lord, next tlmo, plcaso mako uh rat." 1 "" " AVIiy'WallV t AR n spoclal Inducomont to kick the buckot wo rind Yonkers under takers advertising "Lady Embalm- Merle West says ovon a llCtlo man , can talk mighty 'big and somotlmos a big man can net mighty small. ' Maybo tho young woman who walk ed down tho stroot this morning In Klamath Falls attlrod In a markot basket swinging on her arm was doing tho best sho could undor tho I circumstances. Nearly everything Is shipped In baskots InBtoad of bar rols nowadays. Distance may lona enchantment to tho vlow, but most mon profor closo upfl theso days, They llko to got all the details. JMrs. Noxt Door Nabor asked nor liusband tho othor ovonlngj If ho thought thoro wore any marrlod folks Jn Heaven and tho Moan Thing 're plied "I should say NOT that's why thoy call It Hoavonl" Our Golden Hul If a protty girl smacks you on one cheok, turnyo the other cheok, also. Frod Floet says 'the heavy weight motion pleturo star Is finding' tho prlmroso path a rocky road to travel Tho house shortage was made moro acuto whon prohibition emptied tho "jails! but thank goodness people can 'still stay at tho movies. i A woman 'should, be ablo to glye the man some good; advice on flsh'lng for sho Is an expert in playing-'th poor rish they go atter. ' Somo, girls' Idea of bolng frank Is (o stand between you and tho sun. "1'omf. Whon you fool you're going to tuni' tc bio And'your.hcad la In a whirl Don't 'hang on tho hammock, Hut hang on to tho best girl. Tho income tax offers anotlior way to reduce, J. K. Aloxander, n Now England horticulturist, has raised a now yel low tlowor, which ho proposes 'to uamo for President Harding. It Is of tho porch-climbing varloty, no doubt. Don't put any modorn conveni ences In your home they might glvo your wlfo and daughters a Uttlo tlmo In which to rest, road and think and a woman 'hnBn't any business resting, reading or thinking. Even n movlo pleturo of ovory move of Fat Arbucklo Is-bclng mucin, showing him In jail, bolng arralgnod, and In fact ovory movo ho makes Is bolng pictured, Tho Uttlo Bccno which got him Into tho troublo would bo highly Interesting and would no doubt draw a big crowd. "Van" says: "You asked If tho oars of corn could hoar tho whlspon Ing of tho loaves?" Thoy can, but they will bo shocked Just tho same Tho greatest pleturo over shown In Klamath Falls: "TIDE THREE MUSKETEERS," at tho Strand' tomorrow. 11 SHASTA VIEW NOTES Thoro was no school tbreo days this week on account of tho teach er's Instltutoat Klamath Falls'. O. E. Hunt and "wlfo woro vis itors at Clarence Hunt's homo at Orlndalo Tuesday night. Mr. Hunt has purchased sovoral head of dairy cows from his brother. H. E. Wilson has purchased moro dairy cows. Rancbors In this section aro preparing to oed tholr hay and furnish milk tor tho now chooso factory. J. L. Bailey nnd wlfo woro vis itors nt Levi Griffith's homo In Poo Valley Sunday last. ' Nols Foglo and wlfo aro rojolc Ing over tho birth of a fine son recently, Mrs. Mabel Foglo Is car ing for mother and babe. The ladles 'Of tho Holplng Hand socloty woro ontertalnod by Mrs. Wm. Frcor Wednosday of last week. "A nlco comfort wns tied and aorao, wool cardod. Tho pro ceeds from (his work Is uso'd to holp' tho sufforors In forotgn lands Tho noxt mooting will bo at tho homo of Mrs. Nettlo Hunt Wod nosday, October 19. Mr. E. Mocham of tho Rogue valloy vlsltod nt J. L. Ualley'8 homo Wednosday, Mr. Mocham was onco a rosldont of Poo valloy and still has a, ranch thoro whore ho has been- spending a tow days. Eight groat docks stretch for miles jttlong'tho Thames rlvor to serve tho, port or London. Some Idoa ot their slzo may bo had from tho statement that ono or them the Royal Victoria and Albert Dock ls so large that ovory man, woman and child In Eng land could find standing room In It. Almost aa largo is St. Katharine's Docks, to provide tho site of which no fewor thanl,250 houses, which accomodated over 11,000 poople, woro swept away. ; Sales Expert to Broaden Scope of 'His Operation If. T. Lacollo, -who (or the past 12 years has been conducting the Yom Klppur sales for K. Sugarman, has decided to expand hit field of operations boyond the territory horotoforo covored. Mr. Lacelle's spoclalty' is conducting special sales In various cities throughout the Pa cific coast. He has clients who an nually omploy his services Just aa Mr. Sugarman doos. Tho success that has mot his efforts has brought to him Inquiries outsldo of his reg ular territory and ho has decided to oxtond tho flold of bis labors towards tho cast and with that end In viow is going to build up a salos forco that 'will follow his plans. Horo ho not only made .friends for tho storo but ho made friends per-' sonally nnd tho success, of his sales, proves that his" methods are sound,; indicating his expansion plans will not fall. State Ready to Redeem Warrants Stato Treasurer O. P. Hoft an nounces readiness of tho stato, treasury to redeem all stato war rants prcsontcd but not paid forj wont of funds prior to Soptombor. 3, 1021. All warrents, proporly in dorsed, will bo paid on presonta-j tlon at tho stato treasurer's of fice Interest ceased on October 10. CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Herbert D. Mallett - Dr. Goo. ,E. Mallett Offlco ovor Underwood's 7th & Main Phone 639-J C. V. FISHliR, M.D. 1 DISEASES OP THK EYH, EAR, NOSH AND THROAT . GLASSES FITTED AND ' FURNISHED Phone 87 MO Main Street VtWVMAWSAMAWV SEE Dr. LOIS C. BRIDOES CHIROPRACTOR Over First State & Savings Dank Phone 102-J. OALKINS-DONELSON INSURANCE AGENCY WINTERS BUILDING Wo can 6orvo you lnsurancewlse. CLARA D. CALKINS, ' MOLLIS S. DONELSON. DR. L. L. TRUAX '.' WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL V Day Phone, 487 Night Phone, 50' pTROUBLESjJ. Charlie's Tire Shop GAS and oils! 6th & Klamath St. DR. GERALD p. WAJIREN DENTIST ' Pennenaatly located at Dorrls, Calif. SPECIALIST IN Crowns ' :and Bridge Work Prices Reasonable. Work Guaranteed Phono 1S6.J DR. W. A. LEONARD Dentist Specialist It. Extractions. Oral Surgery and diseases of the mouth Room 10 oTor Golden Rule Portraits and , :: Enlargements '. Art frames and framing. i I HENUNE PHOTO SHOP Opposite courthouse' Phone 88 887 Main, EX-8EKVICB HEN, ATTENTION' i Klamath Pot No. 8, American Legion 'meets at tho City Hall on the first and third Tuesdays or each month. Ex-service mon are tarlted to at tend the meetings. For membership caru or Informa tion ex-service men atv requested to see or write tho following efficers: J. II, CarnaUau, Commander. Roy N. Foucb, Post Adjutant. For relict ot employment soo or write the Chairman ot The Rellot and Employment Commlttoe, Francis Olds, caro Lakeside Lumber com pany, Klamath Lodf No. IS? I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night ot each week at I. O. O. F. hall, Sth and Main streets Cans. Newman ................-N. O. W. C. Wells V. G. O. B. Mangue ............ ....Secy. W. D. Cofer .Treas. ENCAMPMENT H. V. Brown ........ .......... .......0. P.' J. V. Browbaket 8. W. L. J. Hectare Scribe Nate Ottorbeln ., .'Treasurer VVVVVI' A 1 DR. O. A. RAMBO Dentist , I. O. O. T. BnlMinS PHONE 81 ' jmVVa)MMaNMHi GLOVER .MAKES . Your Watch Keep Time, 511 Main St. Klamath Falls L. D. Gait, M. D. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT GLASSES FURNISHED I. O .O. F. Dldg. Phone 99-W Rooms J 202, 203, 204 Res. White Pelican HotcL Phone 8 DR. a A. MASSEY roarth and Pine 84a. In Warren Hunt Hospital Off. Phone 4(7 Res.' Phone MM FILZ! SCHOOL OF POPULAR MUSIC I have constructed thru years ot experience the only course that teaches you to play the piano by NOTE and by EAR in 10 to 20 les sons. Write for particulars, 701 11th St., Klamath Walls, Ore. Phone 367R. DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGUM L O. O. V. Snlldlag Phone Se Residence 125 Pine St. Phono S0O.R. J. O. CLEGHORN CIVIL ENGINEER AND BURVEYOR Phone 182J its S. Riverside Holliday Dairy Wholesale and Retail ..Pasturlzed Milk and Cream. Phone 501-J. MADE IN KLAMATH Alfalfa Meal " FOR SALE MURPHY'S FEED STORE ANDERSON'S GROCETERIA SUNSET GROCERY . Mfg. by HARRY TELFORD MMMMMMMMAAMMAMVWVWWVWM WILL- Take out Cellars or Fill In Lota CON MURPHY S17 Mortimer St. Phono Oll.W Office Phone 177W 'Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Sargeoa White Building Klamath Falls Oregon KWMWMWWWWWMIWMWWWWMWWWWWm PELICAN BAY BUB '- ; Fare 86c each way, LeaTM Rez Cafe Leirea Pelican City 7:46 a. . ' i 8:00 a.'m. ll:4Bip.m. , , 1:00 p:sa. 6:00 p. m. 5:10 p.fn. Reckard Rent Sertioa Phone 77 86-tt AiiiVinAnjVVXriAAAJWVruuutjj Coe's Auto Service Hudson, Buick, and Dodge Cars Country Trips a Specialty PHONE 1M United Cigar Store 888 MAIN STRKKT LSjjsiaiaaa...ytnvuvft 1 DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon1 Officii and Residence Phones 321 L O. O. P. Temple DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wkwcartw PHONE 884 Dr. P. M. Nod raon 4 Ores Ualwasrs Excavating Teaming v Let ns make yon a price oa di King that baseaent, or other caiatlng yon coaUaapUte. We akMi do team work ot ersry daserlpUea. Phone 426I NEW an LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Yovr Duds , la Our Suds" PHONE 154 Corner Main and Congr Klamath Falls Cyclery We are here to serve you. and aim to sorre you right. 'Motorcycles and Bicycles, Parts and Acesaorles, Tires and Tubes, that will atand your Inspection, as we carry the best Jn our line. Repair shop la connection with Harley-Davldsoa Service. Phone 878 leio Mala St. - Klamath Falls O. E. BISHARK E.D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND SDRGKOM , Pboaea 17W Rooms 1 and 17R White Boildlnc srH FRED WESTERFELD DRNTHrT 1 Phone 484W. X.Ray Laborator LoonUs fildf.,, Klasaa Vails J I 124 S. Sixth St. ! . Phone 87 If It's Loose We-Witt-Move-It .. .. iiiii. OJaLXRANSEElt GO