The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 14, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ,i .HwjtWt!
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Km 4-6 -
FltlDAY, OOTOI1KB J4,"i021r
Personal Mention
MIbu Fnvn Hindi lu In tiiivn Yrnm
,?' libr homo In tiio Kliiinnth vulloy on
' i a combined uuhIiiohs and pionauro
0. I). Arthur, prvnldont of t)io
Howiird caltlo company of Lnkovlaw.
wuh In Klimiutli KnllM yoHtordny nt-
tondliiB to lmittorn of IhisIiiohh. ills
; , ,ibImoss coimliitod partly of buying
'fti now Oldflinolillo from tlio Aemo
' Motor company, and uiivIiik. n hlir
(bill of grncorloH from Kiamath m'or-
; 4 Mr. nnd Mrs, John Endors drove
tint of tho wcok. Mrs, dray ox
poets to Bpond tho wlntor In tho
Jim O'ICncfo In HpcmMng tho wook
onil In town from hl.i ranch bolow
Keno attending to muttons' of busl
nosa. , Jim, John Corboll In In town
for a fow ilnyn , tfrom hor prosont
humo on tho big marsh visiting
with old frlAnds In Klamath Falls,,
rrrtnk n. Iloblnson, who has Orln
been In Portland for tho past throo stor,
vfaibuH motio.v ricTuiti: "
f'AITMI.' ll,' 1.1,'iMi. li.lTn i.-l
!, 1
OllO Of (lin lilffL'lmt Inirnt linlllnu nunr '
fought over a inuv':ug picture nnd one
that' will havo widespread and lnstlng
Influence upon tho plcturo business,
Is now under way botweon two of tho
big plcturo production concerns, Tho
.siicosh thnt. followed "Tho Throo
Aluskotcors," in which Loulso Olaum,
.-jovsr 10 ABiunnii today with a pnrty o(
J friends who nro planning on attend-
. "K tho AnhliimMCIaimith football
ffl?Kamo. Mlsu Vorda Coiuad wns a
inamlrar of tho party, who will boost
for tho K. 0. II. S. team.
11. U. Cobb, a monibor of tlid Call-fornla-Orogon
P.owor cOmpnny'H on
glnoorlng Blnff, is back at work aftor
a porlod of Indesposltlon caused, by
a bad burn rocolvod on circus day
when ho accidentally stoppod Into n
hot spring,
John Shook wan attending to busi
ness affairs horo yesterday from hlo
ranch in tho Dairy country. It Is, on
hi, ranch that tho oil digging Is in
t Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I'oyton and
'ons, Frank, 'ixssllo nnd Italph, left
by auto this (doming for Ashland and
Medford to spond. tho wook-and nnd
tp attend tho football gamo at Ash
land on Saturday. Lcsllo and Frank
aro among tho votoran playorn qn ,tho
local torini; having 'wotf tholr lottera
last.yoar. , ,
r i - l
Mra. Ooorgo Wslton nnd daughter,
Doatrlcp and Kathorlno, woro In town
yottorday afternoon' from tholr honic
at Merrill. Tho Misses Waltons woro
In the chlldrbn's brehestrn, "directed
br Harry Ilarrnll. Hint nlnvn.l i..
f !O0i . ff"6on for tho entertain-
, muni ui mo toacnors wno woro at
tondlng tho inBtltuto this weok.
,a. Wt .Houston nnd Wlllard
Smith nnsworod tho call of tho
wild this morning whon thoy awoke
and found It raining, and woro out
after duckB boforo tho day was
Tory old.
It. C. Spink Is In town for a
cotiplo of days from Idlorcs't on
Springs crook looking after his
business affairs. (
J. K. Paddock was In town from
Donnnxa - yestordny -nttondlng to
business .nffnlrs hero.
, Mr., and Mrs. Frod Potnrson
nro ' spondlng' tho wook-end' In tho
county goat tin order thnt, Mr. Pet
eriori may attond tho 'instltuto bob
glonn being held hero.
Mr. nn'd Mrs. W. J.- itcrtrnm,
woekfl on buslncss'lB oxpoctod homo
on tonight V train,
, Ilonn and family, accompan
ied hyistovo Meaner, loft yesterday
afternoon for Clovor crook whoro
they -will spend tho noxt fow days
hunting. Tho rain 'will mnko
things onslor for tho party -whon
they start tracking tho nntlorod
bonutles of tho forest.
Margaret Huntoon Is a visitor
hero today from, hor, homo in
C. F. Flint nnd F. 0. Mcdnvlc
nro liimhormon who arrived InBt
night from San Francisco nnd aro
staying ns guests at -tho Whlto Pol
lean hotol.
Johnson and Dorothy .Dnlton.j
prompted another concern to
film tho Btory, starring Uouglns Fair
banks. .Tho result of tho suit will'
Iducldo whether successful pictures!
can bo .(llniuU by another firm, thus
Bui'uriiiK somo ncnoui irom tlio su,c-j
cess of tho first producers, i "Tho
Thro Musketeers' Is now being
shown lu Portland nnd Soattlo nnd it
speaks voll for tho enterprise of
Tho Strand theatre thnt this great
production can bo seen horo at the'
samo tlmlo. It will bo shown nt tho
Strand Sunday.
ijmjk nrc Ann inihutkd.'
r- , l'
Desplto tho threatening weathor'for
tho big gamo jOt, Ashland tomorrow
between Klamath' Falls'and tho Ash-
land 3toqms, f lftoonocarloads.tof jplay
ors and rooters left this morning for
.tho, scono. ptho,. bnttlo, ta) pf,cn-
miisiasm ana pop. "itain or no rain,
wn'ro Ashland bound and our team
will win," woro tho last words of tho
rootorn as tho cars started.'
Tho' twenty two mombcrH 'tif tho
football squad consnjtlng, of T. Pey
ton, I,. Peyton, H; Wo.riley, 0, OroVes.
T. Tonksly, P. Montgomery, T. Mont
gomery) 'It. Montgomery, Oootr,
A. Moorlatnf, 'G. I)6w, It. Watts,
M, Adams, W. Samllinm, II. Can
troll, II. Poltz IJ. Jofforn, C,
8hrlvorn, 0. Carr, P.. Milam, P.
Motschnnbacher ' left under vtho
chargo of Professor Itobqrt Gocti
nnd Coach "'HI" Wood.7 Tho team
ycstqtday afternoon woro taken to
tho medical' cxamnor for physical
Inspection and found to bo fn first
class condition. Conch Woods Is a
believer In tho rulo that players
should ho examined carefully boforo
any contest. This theory, if npplled
years ago, would havo resuueu in
tho saving of many players serious
who havo boon living horo for somol Injuries, coacn woous sajs inni
tlmo nt their homo on Ninth Inspuctlon of tho Klnmath team will
Btreet. loft yestordny morning for, ho mado regularly to hvold any sorl-
Callfornla whom they aro moving, ous consoquonces from nccldcnts
In hopo of Improving Mrs. Dert- which can bo avoided.
ram's health. j Tho ndvanco guard of Klamath
, . Mrs. Al arahnm and llttlo daugh- Falls rooters woro instructed by tholr
tor, Dolphin will return tonight comrndos to hold down Klnmnth's
from n visit of throo months wlthjsldo until tho mnln urmy arrives to-
rolativen nnd frlonds in Mississippi morrow, aa many pluft to loavo this
nnd othor nouthorn states. nftornoon nnd onrly tomorrow morn-
Waltor 0. West. Indlnn ugont, Ing. Tho rally tonight will boo at
Is In town today from tho Agency least 75 Klamath rootors In tho audi-
nttondlng to mnttors of business! torlum of tho Ashland high school
VERSAILLES, Sept., 18, (By
Mall) Tho Indictment ngolnst Henri '
Ueslro Landru, the French Oluo-'
board, has boon drawn up, Therp ate '
20 counts, 11 of thorn charging rauri
dor of women to whom ho had pro-1
misedmarrlag', nnd, tho remain lor
forgery arid other, fraudulent opM-a-
t'0!".." .
"Ho will bo arrnlngni'd for trial 'In"
tho. first, weok jn November, bnvlifg
boon Jailed slnco April, 131U. " tU
' llAIHR 10TAL IMTE8 '
V . 'if) .
(Dy Main-
have hrcn
- tJ . - x
last to eight
This has
LISBON, Sopt., 16
Postal ratos InPortugnl
increased slnco May
times tho former rate
aroused protests from publisher and
membors of parliament who charge
thnt tho hew ra.i v'rtually prohibit
the 'exportation of Iiookb to' 'Brazil
and that this will destroy Portuguese
Infliionco In tholr country.
"aam --- -.-- ftwM -- a.
HHHHdH Uftfr B Si " ' ' J S"
Mnko thnt idln ilollir work I
it in tlio hank. ;
Gttndbdia tlndasi "! boJr mttt bodr, comln' ihtaush iht rre" and Mtlcf to hlmUUt "OoJi. If I
WWM Vlllf mti pwriu ims wit IWiy TCUI Q'
A Real Man's Instrument
Is the.anlbranscn because it does everything that the straight piano can do, It nov.
'cr has1 to bo coaxed to play, la never out.of practice and the ncrw free instruction
music rolls teach how to play not how to grind out noise. 1
The dubranscn Player today Is ag logical as the automobile and bringr educa
tion, comfort and Joy to every member ot the family.
Should you have a child about to start music then by all means select a player
tor, Jt provides tho means ot hearing the world's best music band played by the'
'sreategt muslelnna rlsht In vonr own hnmn . 1 1'
Wo are asking every man to .play tho Odlbransen 10. 'minutes ' our 'store,. -ei-, ?
amino tho scopo ot tho now free instruction rolls nnd let 1 us ,explalnrtherprlces
which aro National $495, $600, and $700 with terms' up 'tir thlrty'months.t .:
Lots play tho Oulbransen. " .'.l"xf .'U . ,t, , v'uK
Klamath's Only Exclusive Music House
', j
507 Main St.
v .
connectod with Indian, affairs.
Mrs. M., Kln'tr Oray accompan
ied by hor two sons, King 3r, nnd
nichnrd, loft this morning .for
Oakland, Oallfornlnj nccompanlng
tho body of Jki, King Sr who died
nt his ranch on tho Uppor lako tho
nnd tho visitors nro prlmod to ren
der a good account of thomsolves.
Tho gamo Is scheduled for 2 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon.
Mnko that idlo fiolwr work! Put
It in tlio bank. '
Special Prices for
' V -Saturday
Dressed'Fryers 30c lb,
Plate Boil :.... ....; 9c
'' Roasts :;,...v,...:j... J..;;i.:15, 20c '
. Steaks 18, 25c .
Hamburger ....15c 2 lbs. 25c
Bacon i . 35c
Next to Strand Theatre .
i. - . . "' 'r
1 136 Main .We Deliver Phone 543-J
Special Sale-SATURDAY
We have just received about 125 new Coats, Suits and Dresses and will offer the
entire lot tomorrow SATURDAY at Special Sale Prices.
If you are unable to purchase a garment you are contemplating, a small deposit
will hold same for 30 days. '
Remember the sale prices are for ONE DAY ONLY. TJie most popular fabrics
are used in the garments and, the trimmings employed the very newest for this lot has
just been received from New York today.
Coats-Special Prices:
$14.85 to $39.85
Sizes 16 to 46, regular values $20.00 to $65.00
SuitsrSpecial Prices:
$27.95 to 39.75
Sizes 16 to' 44, ..regular values $37.50 to $55.00
Dresses-Special Prices:
$14.85 to $39.85
Sizes 16 to 46, regular values $20.00 to $65.00
Canton Crepes, Charmeuse, Crepe Back Satins, Poirett Twills,
Serges, Trioctines. Many exclusive novelties in ' this lot.
Our entire stock of Hats
in Trimmed and Sailor
atyles reduced for this
sale. We have group
ed the entire stock in
three lots.
$4.85 $6.95 $8.95
Regular yalues $7.50
to $15.00. Special lot of.
others Hats
'"' $2.95
FOnMER VALVES 95.00 TO 97.50
- V
"The Women,8 Fashion .Center"
;jK 4
.. w-.,tUUJ 1
dffl i
?'V ! -
: ''