'&:. U tf " r .&V THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FRIDAY, OOTORKtt 14, 1021. lAGH TWO 4L& r0 , . : 'A - 7 (JU Store Closes Satur day 8:30 p. m. Shop Mornings When Possible Sfr s, UZ.&'.l it U..; ..A...w ....., ..? Hf - KUlMblKI4 TIIAT.AllB KXI'KNHIVK, OTHERS KQUAIiliY jVSiGOOD VOfl LESS MONKY. More, than 100 square miles Jn Eastern Oregon will be; made a tortile garden spot; It la confidently asserted, as tho result of the successful ex ploration for water In the Fort Rock country in Lake .county, near Sliver .Xako. Dccausa .tlia. country will become tributary to Klamath Falls with the oxtonslr-n eastward of the Strahorn v railway; and because1 a, number' of Klamath Falls residents have land Interests in the region, the develop ment Is being followed with interest hero. , Tun or twelve years ago .there was 'n homesteader's rush to the Fortl Rock country and It bocame quite thickly settled, but water was lack ing nnit tho population since 191Q has dwinled until now not more than 300 people reside In tho 100 square. miles. r ,. 11 tho test well's showing of inn Immenso water supply nt compara tively shallow depth lis borne out In other parts of tho valley, It will soon beromo again a thickly settled re gion. Tho Orcgonlsn recently carried a page story on tho development, with, pictures of the well, showing, the abundance of the water flow, With tho pump discharging from 600 to 800 gallons a mluuto the water level was not lowered after tho first few. mlnuto'n pumping, which decreased It o..Hcant 24 feet, although tho pump was operated constantly for six tiours. Tho demonstration was the occa wlon of a gala gathering of all the residents of the valley, and perAng from Silver Lake, Prlneville, Bund IjEST f(WELL PROVES BIG SUCCESS FORT' ROCK f VALLEY TO BE GARDEN ALL CELEBRATE DEMONSTRATION . v . , ' 'JO those who, are authority on the sub ject, proves beyond a doubt that thero Is practically an unlimited supply of water underlying Fort Rock valley. N. 0. Jarinson, agent tor' the pump used in making this demonstration, and who has had -a wide 'Cxporlcnco with irrigation; from' wells', claims that this is live water and will afford a supply fori a pump of 4 00 gallons per ralnt-j ute capacity, which is equal to over COO miners Inches. The. well equipped with the pump used Jn, the test, It Is claimed, will irrigate 50 (acres" of-: land." The question .9, power fflr pumping Is now. one' which confronts the people of the volley. In tho opinion of "ll. ,M. Parks, ' undor whoso ' direction the work of 1 drilling and testing the fwell has ' been In charge, is that ;a" steam r plant jplaced'ln' tho timber handy ;for fuel. Is tho only Immea- iato volution bt tho problem. By this moans, Mr. Parks says a mini bor of fanners could go together, gonerato current,, which could be run to. tho valley and' used to lift the water. Once this is dono, it Is pointed, out, capital will become in- interested, and electric power will be forth coming Irom the Deschutes rlvor, possibly Prlngle Falls. Two remarkable features' about the well aro tho temperature of tho water,, which Is about 02 degrees, and the supply, whtch Mr. Jannsen 'eitys i.onfy equalled in ono other I place in tho United States, so far,. as ho has been able to leant, . h Undoubtedly the Fort Rock va'li ley, anil by this term wo include Fremont on tho west sldo of thd valley to Cliff on tho east side, has oijo of tho greatest futures of any body of land in eastern Ore gon. This upland Is a volcanic ash soil, covered, with a. growth of sage brush,, capable of producing all kinds cf crops, and in fact-.lt will in tlmo rival tho famous Yak ima valjev, so claims, .those who ,-t, it h Beautiful Silk and .','. Fall Dresses $19.00 wabi , t it 1 V 1 .' 1 ' 't . WHEN YQU SEE THESE DRESSES YOU WILL SAY THAT THIS IS AN ALMOST V ONttttXRD OF PRICE, IT IS INDEED FOR A COMPARISON WITH OTHER STORES. YOU WILL NOT HESITATE LONG, IN CHOOSING FROM THIS ASSORTMENT., BLACK AND COLORS, CREPE-DE-CHINE BEADED SATIN DRESSES-NAVY TRICO . TINE DRESSES GEORGETTE AND . SILK COMBINATION M 1 1 1 - l-.-ryvvvuXfuu '' VVVVVV1 VvxnjafurxrKnuAjanjT OTHER FALL DRESSES AT $25.00, $35.00, $50.00 up to $65;ti0 New Fall Coats, $16.50, $19.00, $25.00, $35,00 These are all new arrivals reaching us just in time for convention , specials every garmnet is. tailored according to rigid specifications, .workmanship and designing.'" Slip into one of these luxurious coats, you will pronounce them, truly remarkable values.r and other points. It took place Sat urday, October 1, and Is described by tho Silver Lake Leader as follows:' On last Saturday at the woll drilled .by the state at tho Ernst ranch southeast ot Fort Rock, a crowd ot 1G0 or more people gath ered to witness the pumping dem onstration., A Btcam threshing engine was .hitched to the 12 Inch Layno fa ,havC watched the development of. Howler pump and a steady- stream lno aKima country. ot water poured forth from the At present vory few peoplo llvo -well throughout, the day. The pump was run ut variable speeds of from 700 to 1000 gallons per minute without lowering tho well more than two and one half foot. At the demonstration given some throe weeks ago the water in the well vras lowered four 'and a halt feet, bat since that time the well has neon sunK deeper, being now a depth ot 220 feet. I This demonstration, according to In this part of tho country, chief ly due to the fact that'thoy have been bled white by crdp 'failure's In tho past five years from drouth Now that the question of wator for irrigation is solvod, it is reasonable to expect that many settlers who obtained patent to their lands 'and left, will return, and many who are looking' for cheap land, 'will avail themselves. of tho opportun ity which this valley offers. Modart Corsets . ' KKQNi:- liAC'ED, . ,, 4 f. 11 The particular wdmanhcu tcken it to be the most economical , and satisfactory corset of. today. Xheyare well r fashioned of pink broache in attractive floral pat terns. 'All models are well boned through' out. ..Full line of sizes and modes. We Would t appreciate making appointment few. days, ahead, s Surgicial fitting our speciality. f Infants Department ' r PyXfparatfpns are t being made for BABY 'WEEK which we consider our most important event of the whole year. Many new features and attractions are now be ing arranged for our Baby department is more complete in all lines than ever before Keep your eye on qur BABY WEEK announcement. EXCLUSIVE AGENT PEGGY-PAGE DRESSES FOR SOUTHERN. OREPpN Giant Cricket from Eastern Oregon is Twice 'Others Size UBND, Oct., 14 Classified by ox ports at tho Oregon Agricutural col I;ko, tho insect oddity with an over sized head, a striped body, and long bleached out legs, Is Identified at tho college us a saud crlket, and Is de clared to bo tho largest speclmon over rocolvod thero, being twice tho solzo ot a specimen provlqusly rated as tho largest, which had come from Arizona. This is tho first to have boon sent from Central Oregon, and fcollogq entomologists aro cleslroun, T securing another from this locality, '.tor tbolr collection. The' tinder ot Ihij specimen Just passed on by the A3. A. C. oxpertH Is R. N. Duchwaltor, Ewnd merchant, who discovered the sand crlket recently on tho road east T Dendt , "The ferocious looking, and other--wise Interesting entoraologlval spepi nwn referred to in your letter ot petpber 4 came In, .today," writes C. tJ, 'Mcintosh ot the department qt Industrial Journalism at the college in a Jeltor received at tho Dullotln Mjjfjcp this mprnlng, y'lt Jvaa Identified as a sand cricket, cnu) ot 'tfio largo, headed burrowing tJTOiibt the genus fltenqpelmatus,," hetcontlnues. , ,y,It thI, (,urroepusly often thought venomous, and nnldo Insect, Mcintosh suggets that a "Army's groatest ally in humanltar dead ono be sent, -packed to prevent breakage Prohibition Causes k Injury to Bathers from its wholly Inexcusable homici dal expression It Is fairly harmless. "This speclmon had evidently been started on his trip alive, 'since crack-M" tnla Paragraph: ors for food had apparently been en closed. He arrived 'deceased.' He is also the victim of may ham', bolng minus one full leg, which he must have been enclosed without or else' eaten up, skin and bone. Also ho hed broken down mo3t,of his ontoimao, and his hard skull was sllghly ;rr.ck cd. Othorwjso ho Is In goct condi tion for tho .taxldormls't, "This part, of tho ImmemorlaUtng is to. bo perfomed hero, Prof. Fulton says the, specimen Is too tilg to bo lonthroned on, his stick pin with ylaco- ra.JntacL. So. Fulton will do the res(duo up in arseniq and' varnish, and later forward tho product to ycu at (Bend." Mcintosh mentions-.that Prff. Pul ton would, greatly appreca(o having another. .ma'le spq'cimeri. '('This Is the first- specimen from Central Oregon, and-ias IJ;, ought to be, of, coin so is remarkable for'lts.slzo and general worth,' he says f i;bo cpllego, will .be ;glad to r(epay jcosts, of packing, and sending a live sp.oclpon. If shipped alJvo, the In sect should, bo, 'niacpd, in a small tin pqx ,wJtlf,i,a ow njoist, leavos tp.pro vpnt its ielng bumped about and in- I J;tro(,i,n shipment, .Ptri holopi'shfjiild If it is 'not possible to sond a. live BOSTON, Mass., Oct. 14. Cuts sustained ,by bathers aro the latest woos to bo blamed on prohibition. In an official statement by tho city park commission upon tho work ot its life- savers at Boston beaches this season Man work" .it pays a tribute of on extremely high order a compliment which the, public in general will do woll to consldor. Tho Dook cf Books teaches that of that admirable trinity, of divine ly bestowed attributes or spiritual possessions faith, hope and char ity tho groatest and most prlcoless of all ig charity. Again It Is writ ton that possession all ot the load ing virtues besides, but haying not charity wo ao as sounding brass or a' tlnkllnG cymbal. Charity In its breadth and depth ot Import is the noblost of quali ties. Charity Is but ancther term for love for ono's fellow man, sym "Ever slnco prohibition came in the most frequent calls for first aid assistance havo como from 'the nu merous bathers who aro cut by brok en bottles. Alcoholic addicts are prono J pathy with his yearnings, patlonca to go to the shoro for clandestine In dulBonco,, Thoy hurl tholr empty hot tlos on tho beach and seem to tako dollghtMn smashing them. "The beneficial milk bottle Is a lessor but still serious, sourco of .troublo, Many women who picnic along the shoro are apt to abandon with his weaknesses, toloranco for his shortcomings, liberality and benoyolonco In judging his nets, Tho Salvatldn Army knows and practices these qualities. Bettor than almost any othor does it un derstand tho secret of appealing: to thb good In a man, to best ho Itself tho civic woltaro center ot Us hemo community, so tlio newly elected grand exalted ruler of tho Elk hosts stated in Los Angofes ,a day or two ago In accoptlng the highest offico in tho gift of tho order.. Brqad benevolence Is an Instinct i H" , i nr In tho heart, of 'an, Elk as .patrio tism and without patriotism an Elk wouldn't, bo. an. Elk. ' :n -r- The making ot boots and shoos in Canada dates from 1C67 and-Is ono ot tho, oldest industries in tho Dominion. tholr empties with such vehomenco. knows' or can feel "away, down In' as to loavo thorn -shattered." his heart." And tliat Is eood Elk The statement adds that not a life has been lost this season at any ot the. beaches in charge ot the park department, ' Miss Margaret Darch and Miss Ina Meyers, have reached Kansas on a "health hike" from their homo 'In Indianapolis to the Pacific Coast. Humanitarianism of Two Organizations is Applauded by Editor The Los Angeles evening Ex press, July 16, 1921, says: When thp local Salvation Army hall the visiting Elks as k the it. overy doctrine, every lino ot word ot It. Tho ear and heart of the Salva tion Army are in true with the heart throbs ot men. Their chalt'y( !snot putted up. They take jtno one in need pt. .charity as. they find; him, ..relievo his distress nad plant In him a love for tho best ho' :an khw'"lind feel. That, top, is god .. . .. - Elk doctrine,' wneu tne yaiva ion Army wants friends, tor their (fel low man Its mombers know the way to tho heart of an Elk. , What wonder Ihon that'tho' Sal vation Army welcomes the, Elkaj as its. groatest ally in humanitarian wok Every building inthe, unit ed States that housos a lodge ot Elks has an ambition to makej ofp Let Us Fill Your Prescriptions R-I-G-H-T They aro always filled right when wo fill them as wo use only tho right drugs and tho, right attention to scientific details. Nothing mUsIng when It comes to ability to holp the doctor to relieve- your lllsj ' and .It you appreciate this bring more of your proscription's to us, : .1 lr ' I, . I '.f-ii ' I ' ' .'i;"iii 'Xl 'v! WJVMATHFALIiOjREQON'wSwl V f WHERE PARTl'cUllXK PEOPLE1 ' fU ' r .j, urtv I BUY THEIR 'DRUGS IA,-E1,Rl I , l puri'tv ' I lACSRAfiyJ ' .T V J. I-,Sv 1 r " -