M.AMI)t ?" - Ifir ff I; ' I ,Jr; I ., iV.'.'ViflO,.? ?T'Mv.rtf ,n : ij dvivvj arj!-' U'ii WW" !" !? IBW?. "'. i iti" 'ftdpt -tt i im ao mii Do It IVfc ( H M Member of the Associated Pre j VUlreiHh Your -No. 0140. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FIUDAV, OCTOBER 14, ill i prick five cmmt Wtiz i&xttmn itoaUi WW 'BbTBV . I U I"1 ' '.1 V , S ft r I - 'vi; PUNS FOR 3 rum niNnq fltr "' I1LII Uu.LJ ARE Although building got i.. aUrt In Klamath Fall buslaasa district this year,, It la going to make up tor loat time next spring, ' i IILILfiLLU1 Aa aoon;aaether permits awt."18 "iarati or working t mouters, year, the city will hare, three blg'"b4,ltor """on" ""-ibe like, business buildings In "the course Doctr. eh"" official, public; sanl t construction; probably on foun- Ury oKlc d others who are In datlona all laid thla fall. Thl . la ' " n promoting these various the . largest business, building pro- Kl" find that they cannot secure gram erer gotten j underway erwar at. 0ne tlmo In the city: Obo at Eighth aad Mala V'. P. Ifopka. left for his borne In 8acramento yesterday after look Ing over the alto for a two atoryUn, urge assoclatlo'nrfortho nreser land basoment building en hla pro ( ration and' promotion of public jporty on tho northeast, corner. ;ot, health, tho condition of .Indifference Eighth and Main street, t He left( nnd Ignoranco will continue to oxlst. Instructions with J. F. Magulre, his, The purpose of the proposed coftnty j local agent, to dispose Immediately ipuble health association will bo to of tho old buildings on the corner. jntorcst tho genoral public iln mattera They wlll'bo.romoved at once nnd ot pu,c health, -to securo tholr, cc If wcathor. pormlta excavation will j operation for all .county health of- ,bo mado and tho foundation work fCera, n short, to make mattera of dono thla fall. public hoalth "everybody's business." ' The "Hopka building wilt be two' When tho people of thte county have I stories and basement) 66 feet front-l becorao alive to the importance of ago on Main atreet and 104 .feet on public hoalth work, thero will be no Eighth, with ft IB foot alley In tho ( lack f enthusiasm for. clean-up rear,. beVween -It and the" Herald! campaigns and free clinics. building. It will be-built ot -white 'glased terra fcotta. with jl, .plate -Rlass, arcade In front and on the Eighth atreet side, there wllj be M !.& M hI.Ia wiMafli atinw wlflfVA-! 1 , IVVI. u ilu SIM .wn ...w"-. j Ono roerchantlle firm, It Is nn- derstpod, will' occupy 'the, entire gliding xtom basement to roof. tMr. 'nopkai did not revnaf'the name, ot tho tenants, saying that ..the lease had not yet been "closed. . Williams toItsUld O. D. Williams has announced. his Intention lo orect a three sjory nOSEBURO, Oct., 14 Pretty and building on hla property on Main 'Pt"C M- Clrfrk Kllllon. chamber- etreet. cast of the Winters build- jn' " Chateau Lake Loulso. testl- Ing. th'o length 'of tbo adjoining; 4 " morning at the Brumflold ) building and -with BB foot frontage trial, Dressed in black, and wearing. on Mn1n street. This building will m ho mot Drumfleld also be of whlto glazed terra cotta ' Tho foundation will Je laid, thlr j yoar It possible. There Is 'already an excavation on the site.- -nrt Building; Is Third 1 Ths three story HarU building on the corner, of Seventh and Main, "details ot which have been pub lished previous?, la the third .building planned. Contract for the foundation work has already been let. It Is probable that the) -ansa. structure work will not make mh progress before spring." Alt ; three buildings" aro In the handa of one architect and all threo will be ot similar type. Health Workers Here for Monday Night V Meeting Miss Jano O. Allen, stato advisory nurso, roturned last night from Lake vlo'w whoro sbo jiddrosscd tho Lake county ten6hora stltutc; Sho will ' Bpoak before tho local teachora at the closing session of the Klamath Instl tuto this aftornoon. Miss Allen" wilt'-bo horo ovor tho wcok-nnd nnd will bo ono ot thu chief aponkorg at thn public lienlth organlnzatlon meotlng Monday ovn nlng. ' Mrs. Sadlo Orr-nunbar, oxecutlvo secretary of tho stato nntl-tubercul-osls association, anothor ot Monday ovonlng'g speakers arrived last night, night. She will address the mem bers ofj the Library club at their meeting this afternoon. CHIIiDREN'S FAIR AWARDS READ? FOR WINNERS The fair board bare announced that, the priseg won by the children on the last day of the fair are .ready for distribution, and will be awarded the winners In the ath letic games and the, dairy herd record Ciuo aemunB.rai.uun, ua priMS lor IUU uiuo yiaiuu awarded will follow la about ten dayg or two weeks, the . board memi ! aay, - J fiealth Association Would Foster All Phase of Work Tho public hoalth nurslnK mooting I iilch Js to bo h?M next" Monday ,.oVt)iiMK, ill the chamber of commerce robins',- abfiUfd bd tif particular later et to all tUbse Who ife Interested In apodal phases of public beel'th" Work. much taiK naa ocen nsf rceoaiiy concerning too promotion oi a "bet er bb wk" "dental clinic, for achooli children,' "day nurseries" for -" p They complain .that the public la In different to tbe thlnga that are most vital to them.' Thla' charge Is un doubtedly, true and until the peoplo of the county can be organised Into v IJUiy 19 wnue no oocupieu a room at tho 'Chateau, and learned his name wn Norman M. Whitney, from a laundry slip. - She said ho told her ho intendod to sail for Australia, September 10, He left tho, hotel, August 2, she said, and after that wrote her one letter. Tbo letter, was not read. .. Aftor argumenta between the at torneys tbo court permitted the pro secution to read tho "Dennis Russell" socution to reaa mo -uennis uubsoii letftr,. which tho fttVte contend 'Braiijtleld;wrpW injlcmdlhg tfffe contends md it.to District Attorney Nouner, Tho court overruled tho defonso objection to tho testimony' ot Flo rence Curry, former telegraph opera tor at Lake Loulso, and she told ot Drumtleld depositing 100 to for ward Mrs. Whitney. ' Samuel D. Couch, hardware mer chant', Identified tbe gun found In the wreck as the "One ho sold to Drumfleld. , Lutheran Pastor Will be Installed In Pulpit Sunday Tho pulpit ot tho local Luthoran, church, which has been-vacant slncd the doparturo ot tho Ilov. Karl Mat thias to resume his theological studies sovoral months ago, is now perma nently filled by tho nppolntmont of the Rov. II, J. Moyor, ot Franken mutb, Michigan, who will be.lnstalled Sunday. The Induction service will be heldl at the Koosb haH at, 10:30 a. m.,,the ReV, W. F. Georg ofj(Portland, con ducting the services. . Tbe Rev. Mr. Meyer is a graduate of the Concordia seminary at Spring field, Illinois. He la here with the expectation of making Klamath Falls hla home for a long time. He Is married and has established a' home at 444 South Riverside atreet. , The Rev- Mr, Matthles la now com pleting his last year ot theological t instruction,, at tlio St. Louts Mo seminary, WEATHER REPORT. 1 Oregon Tonight nnd Saturday, rain; strong southeasterly galea. m NET TIGHTENS : k DRinnnn 1U UIIUIMMLllU ' Tkl'AM hmm M M M, it. r ak mwwm r I . i TEMPLARS EDO . SESS1, LA ORAMDB, Oct., i4-The Orcnd commandery or KnigbU TemPW or Oregon has closed its thirty-flitlir'a.n-nual session, one of tho most swtwm fu In the history of the order la Ihto stato. : Approximately two hundfest Sir Knights from the several comssan derles throughout Oregon- altendod the conclave, which assembled Thurs day morning, ' Charles W. Nlms, of Ashla., was elected grand commander, succeeding Grand Commander W. O. Jshellon- barger of Portland. Otherhjgh of ficials chosen at this session, for the ensuing year, are as fojtews: 'Mlltoi L. Moyors, Balem, deputy grand com mander;. Ralph D. Robinson, Port' land, grand generalissimo; V.fk, .yan Kirk, Portland', grand captalnr gene ral; E. B. Magee, Klamath Falls, senior grand warden ; James F. Rob inson, Portland, grand recorder; J6hn 1J. Cleland, Portland,, grand treasur er; W, W. Youngnon,. Portland, grand Prolate, George F. Cochrane, La rXmnrin. tunlor rranil .warifim! M1. 1. Henderson, Xstorla, grand '.standard . bearer; Fred A. inman, Daker CHy, grand sword boarer; A. P. Davis, Marshtleld, warder; George Drain, Ashland,, grand captain of the gisfd. . .Roseburg waa selected, aatbeoei clavo city for 12. '" The vlsltlng'sir Knights were'haJId somely ontertalne'd during' taolr 'stay In La Grande, by the Sir Knights?! Eastern Oresjeh Cqkmanderyk,Njl. ' .MUUilbUt" SPROUT ANTLERS Defdro tho largest assemblage of Elli.a Alain caaa, flvA AAnrlMa Iab 9 - Elkdom, Arthur E. Leavltt. Ray , Crawford. Charles N. Caseboora, Wll- Ham O. Woods, and Robert O. O'Delt.looeo wno wore in wo couniy ja. wore initiated into thn mmtarlos ot.IndlctmenU were made against Hd- - i the great patriotic order last night at tho club rooms on Main, streets Ten candidates for Initiation wore on the schedulo but only half the number appeared- at the, appolutcd time, duo no doubt to the advance word that tho Candida tog were lined up tor, a great amount1 of Innocent amusement by the senior Elks, as'aij good nephytes for the order. All ten candidates 'were to bo corraled and bridled yesterday' afternoon at 3 o'clockand "prepared' for tbe cere- monies In the evonfng. Elk bulla were sent In search ot thp "baby Elks" and tbo roundup netted .but two ot. the ten Intended victims, Arthur B. Leavltt and Ray Crawford; Handcuffs,' 'hobbles, , and blinders were usodon tho, two' neos and, given a toy wagon containing a brass horn; with labels attached to their backs reading ''Baby Elks, To Be Inlated Tonight" tho'two candidates paraded tho length of Main street under full guard ot tho herd masters. 'At tho club rooms, tho two woro dressod In tho latest vogue from the Lady Lucllle-uuff-aordon'B select shop in Now York and thon' placed In tho show windows of tho Enders Grocery. Classic backgrounds aufh' as raw moat, hay, bones, hair tonic, vinegar, wero used to display the manikins skill and costumes to the host advantage. To tell just what happened to them at tbe Elks' club would be tolling tales out ot school, so the reporter, can only say that today, alf flvo members of the class last night 'are endowed with full rights of EJkdom and are basking In the smiles of' many friends who welcome them Into the order. ! r- f ' Exalted Ruler C, A.) Hayden stated that the- attendance last olakt por tends a remarkable' winter "in the social lfe' of the club and that the Elks who are members 'of lodges In other cities are planning a "homto folks entertainment" for the home members which will bo a revelation';1 The datb is soon' to be' set for the entertenmen(. BKEOF MIL MEN m m STRIKE ' 0HI0AOO, Oet.l. Waimv8 atotti. grand tWat ot tksj) Broth erhood ,ef Locesgettve ftaeers, today requested a conference ' with the railroad executives In vstsMea here on behalf of the six big rail road unlonilwbtch have voted to strike. . . . Tho officers of 14 raHroad unions saet at one -hotel while over 100 railroad presfdeati met at -another. 'Tka'. presidents notified Stone by telephone that hla letter would ke eeisldered. Tbe road executives were 'ex ' .. -i I. pected, to- ask the railroad labor board for a, farther wsge roduc tlon.i nrnralaliur to Mil all'l fntnra cut .along to the pukllo In lower, frelgnt' and passenger rates. The labor board today 'handed down a deetaten providing for the restoration ot place, work, In, rail road shops,. y This ruling plaaaed the railroad prestdenta but- the union's leaders feared tho effect 'on the men who have voted to' strike rather, than to 'accept further wage reductions or rules which they oppose. . Immediate' reduction of ffelght rates, on all agricultural products for a period covering CO' to 90 days, pending ' the further reduction- ot .wages waa, one ofy the proposals placed before the Association of Rail- jWay Executives here today. The grand jury finished its Oc tober session late thla morning, returning Indlctmenta against seven f"1" f uu .." " -j ward W. Jones, B. O. McDonald Drurii i iiuiinTrii JLILTimUIUTLU DfMDUHT and T. R, Capener. Jack Morrlsson'BABg ARK mmm sua uien -iwynoiu-. v. . .., ana A. m. Mcuiarea. .Edward Jonea waa Indicted for al leged theft ot a watch from a home- ateadera home when at large after the last jail outbreak In June. B. O. McDonald and Tom R. Capener are charged with alleged moonshine operations on Worden avenue. Mack Morrison and Glenn Reynolds are tho alleged,, highwaymen who hold up tho' R..EL Kre.riers,Mazama party on the Crater lake road August 5 last C. A'. Frtsbee .la' accused' of uttering a check without sufficient funds to cover samo nt the bank upon which It was drawn, and A. B. McLaren ot forgory. Jack Krelgh and, B. F. Watson Wero released from jail. Krelgh. was J charged with conversion of the au-iHIghstroeU. ' tomoblle of C, I. Record six weeks The body will be at the family 'ago and Watson was arrested on a' residence, 721 Ninth street, until i I charge of alleged burglarising stores o'clock Sunday afternoon and all In Merrill. Tho grand jury was friends may call until then, discharged from further servlco un- a. til called again oy tne prosecuting attorney. . ' L, . , Costs Htner $30 rv p:.toI m v R, A. Htner this forenoon paid a fine of 130.96 In Justice Gaghagens' court for carrying concealed wea pona. Tbe, tine waa $25 and the costs 85.96; both being paid by the dtotendeut. . .Judge Qaghagen gave Hlner- a. severe lecture and ordered the big Luger" revolver, retained In the custody ot the court until. Hlner left own and "remained away from town." The dressing down oa tho guaoting charge was,a"severe-one. Hlner told Sheriff Low that ho would leave town'., . .5 " WHEAT PRICES. Pbn;niANPt'dct., 14 Wkeat.quo- i.4li'nH'i1..iHAe1rar AArBV-'at-tt fpiUB 11.03 to,ll.M a bushel. Contract, to Retain Es.'ttL. sMaT -! 9 JkuFW MtftC Tho Clauses of the contract drawn up by the law firm of 0'NalH"if Trwln f'dr.cbhitderaUon tVf-'bf the twelve membersof the Klamath trl- Ibaleoatl rMngrVa?d aVdki- cusses today i tM law firm's otfloe by. the cmeN;ssMe14Tth eea tract'WMetetMA'eoWcll mmk1- bersiu,jk.ioi;iSiirr son, WahosijD., C.,. attorney, k also, an; 'associate, la ihelproeeedags. As soon as .the ,e ontraet'la .Accept ed by the; tribal; council, the lawyer will- prepare the evidence for a suit agalnrt the lialted States govern ment -Involving -between 910,000,000 and $15,000,000, which the Indians claim'bolongf. to .them, because of Im perfect survey of the Klamath reeer- vatton.in 1871,. the survey not being In accordance Wjth, the treaty algaed on Aug'usj; 14,. 1864. SALEM, Oct., 14 E. M. Bubb, vice-president and casklejri of tke American National. bank; ML,'Jeka- son, deputy assessor asd Arthur. R. Wilson, president of the'jWJJso Ab stract company of Klamath rath. were appointed .today aJTappraleers for. Ktamatk, county under Iki pro visions of the. Oregon soldier hoaae law passed June 14. The tkreensea !,.. t 'iri.ii.. L an J. ' ... , ,i inii.R-up.i, , ' jyUj Carnaban, commander of KUmathi.pos, s'Utcihivtijtbe work rif thn hoard Would becin at oncn and that In no way would deulr be pcrlencod during tbe pending test ot tho validity of the law by the Port land post. Loans wjll 'be made as soon as the, board ot appraisers had' vised tho property securing tho loan JA m0Mage ncelyeA tTom (Adjutant General Whlto gavo Instructions to the posts to make their applications tor 'loans without delay, SOUTHARD TRMWONY SOIDIEBS LH .m -,.., M.fc w ii solution to have ona grand county TWIN FALLS, Idaho, Oct. r-i.1J . . -it n- k. Tho court today ruled that tka' ',eW dJ " M "' ""' . i rZ .ul- i iteen the city and country scfcool. Uif, ?, ItZ w" otf feature wklch w. wel f ri "SnSUSTT LSI uZ? rum. Following the track loua husbaada of Lydla Meyer ., ... .IHllnill. furM wm ' V JSJ id' murder ot her fourth Husband, Ed- ward F. Meyer. J funeral for Mr Grigsby Sunday i i Funeral services for the late Mrs. B. S. Grigsby will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Emma nuel Baptist church, Eloventh and QOOKED FOOD SALE AT .m'.,r, w.,., tauadkaw ' """" ... ivnumiun. Ladles ot tbo Sacred Heart par ish will hold a food sale tomorrow - in w i n am i.niiLini i uuiiu uiui . II.. ".. .1 IahIsaI IllthllA MAM. I ! "V ' "" " " ' O.clock ,tt thJworK g ven laem " :" i"i o- - ------ - . . ... t -l their donations in before 9 o'clock. PRESIDENT ATTENDS THE FUNERAL OF SENATOR KNOX WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. Presi-' dent Hardtar today attended the funeral ceremonies ot the late . Philander ' Kaox, Penasylvania, senator from VETERANS GET FIRST CHANCE AT THE POSTMASTERSRIFS morning. Tne sate vm oe iioHrinvontal effects. The primary the management of Mrs. Pauleyj wMk( wh(ch ,g reay th0 foundation who requests all the ladles to have f th tuintet M been unusually WASHINGTON. Oct. 14. Presl-'and dent Harding, b executive order. In thecolumris ot the efficiency re haa Inaugurated a fixed policy glv- cord measurement standards, suck aa lng preferential consideration to 'Professor Butler described to us Wad-warlwar- veterana In applications nesday," Mrs. Ferguson said la sum- ihlps . III CITIPnrf, All Mm LIIIHILk :Kv. t" , ThJsfslaalwiaetUUte whleh has sgosw sssslsn ssnee Wed needay will eosa to a'slsssi tMt afisr-neea-'witk tho Mgigaif " Ja Allasi, mm astTiMsy tmtuaes) nag tssja Ma) er, latatnsjfcsg aa'tkt' a way whlek a sjhM'tk nnplbs who now are s4er 'thaw laasrasUea will neelvw saaay bsMSSJias 'frasai tka helpful afato Moslfai by tk tsasksra eaHseUflr. Vh. I Mrs. C- J. ri-gasaa, Masr sckool saperlatendeatsiatM tkatjfca Is highly pleased with tkhs yeaf eon ferenee and that It to' this beaiaamg of an era of county and eKy lasgraat loa whleh, in. the yean to'eosae,rlll assist many of tka prsssat day atlplto witk Uelr-lif afokiesaau -faaumer-able beaefitS 'la' advaneedteaekiag metkods kkve aecxuedtl the already efftossat teaebtaa; method - this day, Mles'Fergmson says, aad whea the rural sekoole, open. aTsadsy, tka pupils tM start tareeetiy tka beae nu.gsieTnbr!tkelr teetrmrtors dur ing the last three dayi.y IM J 1 1 1 II I r The mast algaal aecoapllehmeat, according to botk Mrs.' Fergasea and Profesior Geets, has bee tka 'effect lag of the county 'argaataatlas 100 per eeat strong' trf tke taaekera' erga tsatleai perfected Wednesday forer iiaoa. ThWatt pket tka Ktamatk armaty 'orgaalaaUoa la Mae, iaf tka saata; Inst'raeliaa and 'aaaaMla whlek the, ether aaaatlas metre fresa tka statsiergastlHtloa. Klaasatk eeanty tsaekern'aow"t wtu act aatka. uait srsS'"" ' ,' "Athletic Interest RoeweeV - (Subordinate to the county"brganl- ex-fiatlon.'the sec6nd great accomplish 'raent was .the development of the Interest ot tho,county In athletic and educational subjects from a compe titive standpoint. A resolution to adopt' a basketball schedule for the county schools "was carried, the sche dule ot games to start sometime In December. The' schools designated for the games are Cblloquln, Klamath Agency, Mferrlll, Bonanza and- Kla math Falls, . Eack school will play two games around the circuit. The' unanimous adoption of the re take'placo .t night, when oratorical . ..,.. ... w,n v auu uvviauiaMvu whv . - - staged between the county and city pupils. Belt poise, confidence and torohslO'powers are developed In this; manner, ''which under the- present system,- would be 'latent on the aver age student until In later, lite, wltk a vocation chosen, It would j ha brought to the surface. Accurate ex pression ot Ideas are obtained In this manner while the pupil Is In the stage ot mloldlng, and In after life this help will bo Invaluable In any field. ot labor which might bo taken up. Primary Grade Progress. Ono other feature which has boon accomplished this yoar was the mark- ed dovolopment of work In tho prl- ..I..II. ,lmu'lno muslo and Initiative school work. The small Btudonts have had advanced . . - - - ij i-a, . Mrk Aim ..4-w-.-"w ". lmnossioie in pasi yar w " "- cood this year and work of this class was dwelt .upon In the Institute. The county superintendent ex presses her belief that tula Institute beM t thla time of the year kaa perhaps been of more assistance to thQ teichors than the usual" method of holding it 'prior to the enaulag teaching term. "1 feel that Klamath county teachers .are entering oa a new era which wilt place thla county in the .front ranks of state teaching also -will place this county klgk Iliac o ustHut i i I ) i .'iV ' I If C- -VI "5 'l , i 31 t$ v a 4 I I ' r.f -I b.Sf ..auA ijMa-; s.1. - ' '