The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 13, 1921, Image 1

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iomm .baia hta .cuajwh o0um:v3 tot
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wi$ i 05)igjo ,7pr-Mimrr
11 A Class Ad Will!
Do It
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Eh,? 4ttitmna ilEFiuP
T ill. a r T ' 0W i W 4( n ri r k jo -. n . - -- , , iHM USJ - JB. ! u -- l , " .
rifvniii yh No. oi-in.
28,609Visited Crater Lake, 1921
A Kiln of approximately 8,000 In tlio number of visitors , to . Crater
Luko tlilH yi'iir over 1920 la shown In figure compiled by tho national
pnrk survlcn, or 43 per cent.
Thn increase In ciiro 'was proportionately larger, C3 per' cont. Com
parative figure urn nlvon liolcw. "In tho compilation of tlio tablo, tbo
term visitors" Includes passengers In private uutomobllcs, stages and In
fact ull persons who panned tho park ontrnnces. '
Oct. 1 1020 to
fiopt. 30,
K. Falls..
... 713
7,890 - 28,609 6,168
On Monday ovonlnn October . 17. a
,,,,1,11,. ,,,,,-llntr nf nil i,pm-in lnl..r.
cstcd In tlio county public health
nuiHlriK work, will bo held n the
chamber of commorcn forum room.
It Is Inconceivably to tho member. of
tho Itcd Gross, nnd tho representa
tives of tho statu bureau of uuralng
nnd tho Antl-Tiiborculosls association,
who nro promoting this nicotine, that
thcro Is cnyono in this community
who Is not Interested In tho vital
maltor of prosorvlnj; tho health of
tho community und provisions nro
being mado to nccomodnto a largo
Tho mooting will bo nd'lpj.'i)od-by
Mls Jnno Allen;' stato advisory nurso,
Mrs. Sndlo Orr Dunbar of tho stato
Antl-Tuborculosls association, nnd
others, who will oxplaln tho nood and
scopo of publlc'hcalth-BUrsIng nnd nt
tho conclusion of tho meeting, It It
hooiiib advlsablp to thoso present, a
county public health association will
be formed. ,". '
Although most ovoryono In tho
county Is now familiar with tho blue
elud figure of our county nurso, Miss
Frlcko, as hIiu dashos about tho coun
ty In hor llttlo Ford coup?, not ovory
ono knows Just what sho has dono
and Is now doing, nor do tlioy under
stand how tho work has boon finan
ced, nor wlint Its probable future Is.
No doubt, If tho nurso woro sudden
ly withdrawn from this flold, n groat
cry would go up and tho public
would domand to know why thoy
were doprlvod of tlilrf sorvlco. It U
to nvold Just such n .possibility, nnd
to incidentally lay plaiis for a moro
oxtondod nursing sorvlce, that tho
"!!!. IS
V Monday night meotlng la bolng call-
1 ed.
' Contrary to popular bollef, our
v county -nurBO .publlo health nurso, Is
not yet nn employee of tho county,
nor Is she Investod with any pt tho
powors of a county official. Her
work here during tho past yar has
been made possible only, through' the
co-oporatlon nnir financial support of
tho local chapter of tho Red Cross
and tho stato Anti-Tuberculosis as
sociation. It Is tho hope and plan of
tho present supportors -of the work
that tho county will take over tho
nursing work at tho boglnnlng of tho
yoar. Tho present county court fools
favorably towards tho work and no
liBiBffliKi flB---l WM$ISsWtilWM:K $'ffi-----------------------rffi HHH
Torcont (Jain
, Qaln
Cars Vis.
Cars Vis.
20,135 2,732 8,474 53 43
Columbus Day was appropriately
commomoritcd Inst nvcnlR at tho
Strand theatre, when, undor tho
Inusplcwi of tho local council of tho
! KIU or uoillinoun. n OHOI pro
grain was carried cut.
"It Is only fnlr to tho momory of
Christopher Columbus," stated Hoy.
J. V, Molloy, who dollvored tho nd
dioss of tho cvonlng, "Hint wo as
Americans pay trlbuto to his mem
ory, for whllo wo may say that if
ho had not discovered Amorlca
Romcono olso would havo, It stands
out tnat bo was tho man who
brought tho now world to tho nt-
tcntlon of 4ha old In n practical,
tanglblo form. Wo look back to
tho time whon bo was cast into pri
son nnd hold up our hands "In hor
ror that such a patriot 'should. Jo
bo requited, but It wo cast ' our
oyes nooror liomo' wo will discover
something moro important to us
that wo havo failed to' pay homago
to tho memory of' tho man whoso
acblovomonts mado posslbl'o -tho
Amorlca of today, And whllo. WO
nro dwolllng upon this fact wo
should not fall ' to .discover Borao
of tho other faults of which wo
aro guilty. Wo should dlscovor tho
fnct that wot owo It to oursolvos,
to our nolgTibor, to our -bolovod
cpuntry, to sqo that tho high Ideals
that prompted Christopher Colum
bus to bravo tho unknown myster
ies of tho unexplored -west, ajo not
lost, but thnt thoy shall bo uphold
as the. guiding star that will lend
us nnd our country -to greater
holghts of liberty and Justice"
Tho nddross by' Father . Molloy
was precodod by a vocal duot by
Mrs. J. B, Uarabory and Mrs. A,
Molby and was closed by n solo by
Mls8 Dorothy Elliott, All , the
musical numbers woro roundly rip-
plaudod and the performers wore
compeuea iu rosyuuu iu uio'' v
coroa'. f '
doubt some arrangement will be
madowhereby the nurse will become'
a real coii-tyoployee.? , j
'Tho object ot tho puf)lloJ health
nursing association will not be,
thoreforo, tho rnlslnKot fuhds to sup
port'tbe nureing workond thoso who
woul fee tempted to stay away from
tbo meeting for foar thoy will be
nskod to contrlbuto or talte part In
a fund-raising drive, need, have no
hesitancy in attending .
Member of the'
i :
Bucyed up by a lifetime of Chris
tian faith, which sho hourly iand
dally exemplified by bor endeavors
to mako tho world a "brighter place
for her less fortunate neighbors.
Mrs. Emma Faith Orlgsby, wife of
D. S. Qrlgsby, calmly answered! tho
call to meet tho Maker In whose
footsteps sho had walked for moro
than half a century.
Many will miss hor helping band
la times of distress, tho hand .that
bestowe'd so frooly wlicnovor and
wuorovor mu ni'cu was iuuiiu, wiuijl
S--? . . . - "l
out regard to barriers of creed cv
denominational fnltli. No Sliardcr
blow could havo been struck tho
community than tho loss of Mrs,
arlRsby. '
Emma Faith was born January
26, 1S65, In Van Huron county,
Iowa. Her paronts moved to Jack'
son county, Oregon, -when sho was
small. Whon sho bad grown to
womnnhport sho mot nnd marrlod
I). S. Crlgsby and 35 years ago,
about two years after tholr mar
rlane, thoy moved to Klamath coun
ty and hnvo llvol horo slnco. For
many years tholr homo was on a
farm near Lost Itlver Gap, but in
rocent years they havo boon resi
dent's of this city.
Early in llfo Mrs. Qrlgsby affili
ated with tho naptlst church.' Bho
was n loader In tbo charltnblo worlc
of (thnt organization nnd a liberal
contributor Ho Its missions both at
homo and abroad, nut her help
fulness had n largor flold, un
bounded by sectarian Unos. No np
poal for help over found l!orwant
Ing nnd tho widowed, tho orphaned
ami needy of all classes and de
nominations had but to call nnd
flhdhor standing by. Tho world' will
novor know, nil of tho good sno nas
dono forher charity was unobtrusive
but prayers will arlso from many
heart for n long tlmo to come that
bor roward bo In keoplng with hor
Annr.llnrr in frlpmlft who WOrO Wltll
her at tho Inst sho died fenrlessly, a currency and 70 In silver. On a
follower who "had fought tho fight, tnblo where black Jack was being
nnd kept tho fnlth" and hnd no anxl-Iplnyod. between W2 and W -was
oty for tbo future. As sho struggled '-.rod by the ra.dora A unco
-m, thn nnln thnt hnd como Slid-,
denly upon hor sho doclarod that ex-
copt for leaving hor loved ones sho!
did not fonr doath.
Hor death occurred about 8:30
lat ovening., Although sho had not
tiben in the best of health for sovoral
years, there was no intimation that'
hor llfo was to bo so suddenly tormi-J
nnted. She complained of being 111
and rotlrod to bed, but arose. Her
condition became worse- and, her
daughter, Elizabeth, who wus alono
wllh her summoned neighbors and
two physicians, Dra. Campbell nnd
Mallett, Thq doctors said doath to-J
suited from acute indigestion, ana it,
is bellevod was superinduced by a
woak heart.
Mr. Orlsby, who was in Uosoburn,
Is now on his way here, and funeral
arrangements will probably await his
arrival. . '
Associated Press.
All alleged gambling house,cp(cIuct
ed by Oeorgo Snider at 624 Klamath
,svonuo was raided last night n9:30
o'clock by Sheriff Low, DoputyHnw
klns, Chlot of Police Vflfeon. Patrol
man Mcl-iughllp and Brandenburg,
and Flro. Chief Keith Ambros'o.
Gambling has been reported nu
merous times-to tbo sheriff's ottlco
nnd to tho pollco and tho'placo at
624 Klamath is said to .havo been
going .in full blast, when tho officers
descended on It. The sentry, Jim
Davis, who stood near tho door of tbo
"'"' ""' ""w"-. -- ..--. -- .....
i .,.. Min tl.K rnl.-rnifllVnrrn na thnv
l",-,' D' WV M,...w. vw .... .
sprang around tho corner of tho
building, and dashing Into tho placo
bowled at tho top of his volco, "Dulls,
bulls, tho cops aro raiding us."
Twenty eight porsons woro taken In
by tho raiders and a complete poker
and craps layout, besides cords. pokor
chips and dlco woro confiscated and
taken 'to tho pollco station.
Oeorgo Snider confessed, said She
riff Low, that h? was oporatins tho
place and. that ovorythlng was his.
A warrant, charging him with operat
ing a gambling houso sworn out
by Sheriff Low. George Boylo, was
also arrested on a state, warrant
charging gambling and tho sentry,
Jim Davls, sufforpd a like fato, being
charged with being an accessory to
tho fact with, Snldor. Two minors,
said to bo sons of well known fami
lies woro alleged to bo Included lu
tho twenty eight arrested but aro
said to havo adopted names
for tho occasslon, Thoso r arrestod
gave tho names of Sam Hoad, W. E.'
Pierce, P. Griffin, P(. S. Miller, It.
Dovero, Thomas Canella, John O'
Shea, Con Kunan, C, L. O'Drlen, Mike
O. SllovJa, N. lllanns, George How
ard, Al Powers, Carroll Larson,
Wisher Williams, Carroll Johnson, It.
E. Moore, George Doyle, Evans Hng
gort, Loo Clement, Al Trask, Arnold
Doctor, Frank Plchott, Oscnr Jolly,
Archlo Hnsklns, M. Puckett nnd V.
Snider whon soarchud had ?330 In
l''jUrB '" ",""ul' -- -
tablo, Tho mlddlo room wber poKor
was bolng playod was descrtod nnd
tho men sitting nround on benches
FORT WORTH, Texas, Oct., '13
Fire almost destroyed, pilasvllle, an
oil' town near here, today. Only f Aur
of five buildings of the business sec
tion remained. ,
Besides the husband, Mrs. Qrlgsby
is survived by four children, Mrs. Ida
Grimes, Mrs. Ada Brown, Mrs. June
Orlmos and Miss Ellzaboth Grlgsby,
of Klamath Falls; two sisters, Mrs
Mary A. Drew, of Klamath Falls, Mrs.
Kittle Wandsted, of San Francisco,
and a brother, Charles Faith, who
waa'in Coos county when last board
i " ,.
- - i -.
Lonely Run in Final Game of
, Series Gives Championship to
the National
GIantl nt, 6 hlu," no
crijors. . 4
Yanks No run, 4 tilts. 1 4
error. '
Itnttorles Ncbf and Sajrder'O
Hoifnnd Bchaas;.
Oct. 13.- Tho Glnnts.vf-ttalncd thePr,8.c.n t0 RawHngs.
plnnnc'lo of .'basobalT lrtmbrs yf",(-jhi'. Jnnlrf(fQ(antot ivMbuse)
whitewashing th'o Yankees today lngledf "jftuflfl -'oat ataailii.
ono to nothing, In tho docldlng Bchnnrf to 'Peck; 'Dawllngs singled;
gamo of tho world sorlos. NehfSn'dor tanned; Nehf fouled to Da-
pitched unhlttnblo ball for tho!kor'
Olnnts, holding tho American leag- Yankees: Meusot tiled to .Rawl-
uors holpless. Hoyt pltchod for the'lnBs: Dancroft throw Pipp out at
Yankees and his lack of control ln!flrst: Dancroft throw out Ward at
tho first Inning, followed by nn or
ror by Pocklnpaugh resulted In tho
Giants ono run. Tho sorles closod
Giants flvo, Yankees three.
Ruth, dlsablod and barred from
tho gamo by his doctor's orders,
took a bat in tho ninth In an at
tompt to turn the tide but ground
ed out.
Following is .the lineup:
Giants Durns, ft; tyuicrott
ss; Frisch, 3b; Young, rt; Kelly,
lb; Meusol, If; Rawllngs, 2b; Sny
der, o; Nohf, p. v
Yanks Fowster, It; Pockln
paugh,' 'ss; Miller, cf; It. Meusol,
rf: PIPP, . lb; Ward, 2b; Baker,
3b; Schang, c; ,Hoyt p.
' Tho gamo by Innings follews:
First Inning Giants: Baker
throw Burna out at first: 'Ban
croft walked; Frisch fouled out
to Pipp; Young walked Bancroft
on second; Peck let Kelly's ground
or through, scoring Bancroft; Hoyt
throw Mousol out nt first; ono run.
YnnUees: Ruth on coaching lino,
Fowster fnnnod; Peck wnlkod; Min
or singles to rlghtflold; Mousol
fliod out to Kelly; on a wild Pitch
both runners ndVancod; Plpp fan
ned. Second Inning Giants: Rawllngs
got a two baso hit; Snydor sacri
ficed, Hoyt to Pipp; Rawllngs out
at plato whon Pecklnpaugh threw
Neht's grounder to Schang; Burns
singled; Peck threw Bancroft out
at first.
Yankees'.Ward foulod out Sny
der; Rawllngs threw Baker out at
first; Schang out, Bancroft to Kel
ly. '
Third Inning Giants: Frisch
filed out to Miller; Yung walks;
Kelly popped out to Peck; Young
stole, second; Meusel fanned.
Yankees: Frisch threw' Hoyt out
at first; Fewster -walked; Peck hit
Unto double play, Rawllngs to Kel-
Fourth Inning Giants: Rawl
lngs hit two bagrer; Snyder sacri
ficed, Baker to Pipp; Nehf filed
to Meusel; Burns tanned.
Yankees: FrlBch threw Miller out
r V
ta .1
League Players
at first)'-Mesei filed to Dur;
Plp'p get 'a Texas leaguer; War
singled; Baker walked, fllllr
bases; Schang filed to Burns.
' 'Fifth' inning- Giants: Bancroft
filed to Fe'wster; Prlieh out, War
to P.Ippj Young singled; Kelly fan
ned? niv . i
Yankees: Hoyt fouled out to1 Kel
ly; Fowster fouled out to Kelly;
Peck walked: Miller forced PiV.
first. I
Sovontb Inning Giants Durns
wa'lkc4; Bancroft fanned; Frisch
filed to Meusel; "Young filed to
Ynnkees: Daker fouled out to
Frisch; Schang filed out to Mou
sol; Hoyt singled; Rawllngs took
Fowsters grounder and touched aee--ond,
retiring side. , .
Right innlnr Olanjs: ?KelIr
whiffed: Meusel grounded out
Pipp, unassisted; Ward threw out
Yankees; Rawllngs threw oat
Pocket first; Miller fliod to Burns;
Mousol fanned.
Ninth inning aiants: Snydor out,
Daker to Pipp; Nehf fanned; Hoyt
threw out Burns. v
Yariksr Ruth batting tor Pipp;
Ruth Grounded out Kelly, unasslst
od; Ward walks; Rawllngs throw
out Baker at first and Ward was
thrown out' trying for third, Kelly
to Frisch. V "
Not Guilty is Plea
Of Fatty Arbuckle
SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Oct., 13
Fatty Arbuckle entered a pica of .not
guilty today to tbo chargo of man
slaughter In connection with tho
death o't Virginia Rappe. His trial
is sot for Novomber 7.
English Premier 'to
Attend Conference
LONDON, Oct.., 13 Premier Uoyd
George Is preparing to go to Wash
ington to attend the disarmament and
Far. East conference. Unless unfor
seen dlf'lcultleaorlso he will be there
for tbo fjrat session.
, ."
Miss, p race Holmes, state repre
sentative of the, Oregon Anti-Tuberculosis
association, arrived yeaterdar
and left, this morning for the Klamath
agency, to conduct a survey oi m
tubereulosls, situation on the ro r-
v if: u '
4 (I
1 K
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