The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 12, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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,1., WHl
.Klamath countyT high school has
a 'football team which will mako Its
wafk In tlio stato this yoar provld
lag two policies oro followed by tlio
iombors. of v tho team," first, oboy
the Instructions of , "Hi" Wood.
oortcH, to thn lotlor nnd socondly,
tator ovcry contest with hut ono
toughftf,'wln tho gafno fairly and
la a Bportmnnllko way." This opin
ion comes from termor' football 'men
aid many business mon of this city
who havo witnessed-thol,tonm both
If practlco nnd In play against Ash-.
Mod high school. I
J Football men say that Klamath
nigh had tho golden opportunity to
rfnko avriamo for Itsolf'thls yoar
snch as 'has boen'ilonlod It In tho
past nnd "whllo thn Iron Is hot. I
stxlko but strike "with full pownr bo-
,Wn'd oTory blow." A Blangy phrase
sod yoRtorday by a fonuor oastorn
ftotball star, nod Borg, comos tho
naarost to summing tip tho chanco
the local loam bos to win tho Cham'
tfoMhlp of "lwuthorn Oregon with a
islbllliyrbfar-challongr-to -a
or$horn stato winner "The got 'good' now, so got It while
ydTtean.'. i ...
toach "HI" "Wood Ik strict In his
'.Mruetlon and ' the , player who
shirks his duty In practice re-,
rdrce a locttiro which makes his
mm burn and brings the flush of
shamo for his misdeed: Tho second
trial generally brings tho doslrod re- ,
suit which Bio coacn ii.i.-u
the" first pffort and there Is whore
the first pffort nq iimio w .
i-i A. 'nf thn 'team' lays and
whiro It has tho chance to dorolop
if nn nt the f host football ma
ofalnos In the stato. Coach. Wood is
making 'tho boys play ball and the
right kind of bal.
Whllo the players are not aware
of, tho methods used In the big
eistorn colleges, nor of tho drilling,
tonguo lashings,1 "bawling outs'! nor
of .many othor training features,
they, should bo 'Informed that un
j. thai,, nrnonnt coach, thoy. nro
getting tho samo' education which;
thoy weild wore'tlirtat praeUPe at
Cornoll. Harrard, Vole. Annnpblla,
Michigan, Missouri. Nebraska, Unl
terslty of California tand Ohio.
Pralao Is scarco at all tlraos an
neyer bestowed uponVa, tam until
nftor tho season has closod and
tHo nward of tho covptod "lot tor."
Is inado. Klamath hlgh.jnembers
aro, getting big school training and
havo boon unawaro of It.
One lesson In the gamo which
tlio locals must loarnby actual ex
porlonco Is that only ,poor teams
line' up on' tho ball ,both In prac
Uai and "play a snappy team who
win games follow the ball in, prac
tlco and play llko tho bloodhound
trails his prey at It. nil the time.
Coach Wood has trlod to Instill
thls'.fact Into the minds of tho, play-
.2. nm ttin first riav Of tho Bed-
va w.. ..w ... -,
Bon. "Trail that ball oyory minute
Bon. "Trail tnat nan oyory mmuiw ;
nd'hen you aroon tho offensive.',,,,,,,. HBy,icrH shoulder) ag 1 hurls himself out of tba way. A moment
lino' un llko a flash, call your ail- tho Nocond picture, Just a Umpire' Riglcr cried WtoP McNally ta on tho
'1 vi ir tho. ntbnr alda nro not cloud of dust--Hnyder haa Jwt put the nail on Mcpnuiy, a iracuan 01 -j w, .., ... -nale
and If the other aide . JgUJ tura. he fell out of tho way. McNally U tho second m tP etl homo .In any. ecrlea game. ,Tjr
inllno that is tnoir iookoui. uo ,
side, snap tho ball and go throngn '
thorn" Booma to bo tho theory of tho !
codch to make a sensational team ihe wonderful-punting of Eckorsall,
out of the material ho has on n games with tho mighty Yost
nana 'team of Michigan nt Chicago, won
Coach Wood also gavoadvlco and "Chi" tho game. Turn out you llttlo
ipstruct'lon at tho beginning of tho, follows and should yon fall to make
season which tho local players J tne toam this year, your school car
ahoujd hood. Tho neod of' scrub cer i8 not over, another yoar is al
materlal to work out against tho wnyB coming but it takes t-alnlr:
first team was nooded. "You mon'nn(j practice. Come, out early In the
jo not now that Waltor Eckor? B0nson nnd turn In your suit wh-.n
sail, ono of tho groatost llttlo. foot- tl)q gcBson la over big teams, tiro
ball men, who' over pl'ayod on Ch'l-1 mft,i0 0ut of Just such raw material,
ca'go was, so" Taw In play nnd soj Klnmdth. Falls high Is schedulod
small In sUo that his appoaranco Saturday to moot Ashland on thoir
on !tooleld & a uttlfqrm croatod Br0UBaB and Coach Wood plans on
n standing Joko tho first Bonaon? tf.kinc 15 mon with him. A bi?
Big burly playors regarded him as
fu .HlnM nVf 4lin nunv tnnlrlnr.
9 Dllll ailUUlK U. 1 a-M vasswB
wlthltr-iten- teeUofjKjm, with all.
iThfoAwasIa Bmasji -and- when thoj
f. ..'..! I'1 ,- ML i'i...i ..'
?'v-r'v i . i. -
iiblg ' fOllOW icamo. iw iuo iiimjv nua
'wrapped. tightly ho,
ftoBldirtot move. The big follbw
3 -iXTivnni In ha tracks and held,
.fc-ir'in t!o like embrace. Thtf
l.-A' ".' ii.iS V.A niuil Anil WAlltht
Tilk''cello had speed and we
UrMcohfldence the little fej
san insocwne iiri ,ipw. ii,."" f.nwnti.nna .many i' -";-."
camopn. .tacklng pndonelg. nr,-BOjljg 0Ver!that afternoon to repre
fjrdgant jpUjror who hosj sneored nl gontyKiamnth falls' In the 'domon
IHho 'J'lnsoot'' "took , the, bal vwh'on trfttlon.on'thQ streets .and ;t the
iaeke'rsail 'was to'tacVto h'.m P9-W"rABhland ,blg1. moss meeting ,n thp
the-fleld came tno nig teiiow, iook- nuilltorlum. i
i ai. ..JI HHAnavlna fnn n i 1
had 'real-heaa on mm ana u.ea u. ow,Biwn "1"" ' T
' ' ' A'- - -" ir- "j" I A . U
aSS33FlMSff? flrst5- i .vgg
Douglas Out-pitches
Mayi and Giants Win
(Continued from rago 1)
I Fifth Inning .Vrtiikces: Douglas
. I
throw out Hclmng ut first; Bawl
Iiikh throw Mav out at first; Fow
stor fanned. I
Two, Wonderful Action
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaili- ..yT
''tXtmJfKML l Vy ""iVJ8SK AJfc Jet JT" ITaTaaaaaaB
' '' ' f ! i '
rrlMtcd horo arc,. Uo most remarkAblo baseball action picture ewr taken.
Bp( A(i j,,,, gpot ot aie loat world norJea opener In New York McNaJIy stealing borne! ino oBapenos oni
,. ., Uwiwn McNaIIv radna in' from third, last starUns to throw hlaaaclf for the aide Catcher finrder of j,
tlio llAnt ert, to recelro tho ball Umpire Rifften dashing arotrnd to aee
Mmfmmmmmmammmm . v-
mimmmm, i :,.:v
ft ani,: ri w. vvk r .aki . c ..v uhvi;sbb(m sir .v. . ij- aiwtfi'vr ti : tyuv-h h v - - - r ,
''-fi.MMMaMii:tmMww.('"'MMiijmuaaj -UUL'IV
rny ja planned In Ashland Friday
ntiu'a T.A'MmTI) IrV
IIIUIllDI lllllli'iH' .-
4, v HrnnKA JAn.; SUlilrpf
, Sheriff Calkins of Yroka tolepbon.
.., ioi...iiTy,t fnilnv (hut t,E(ldio
' ..
eu ouvu" :... .. - ,. ,
BurhB'; the alloged "moBtersroln,d;
of 'thoYDoWs. hnd Mt. Hebron pb-1
berries' wa eaiey ooninu ine u uu
that,1 Plato., jBUrns baB maintained a
aiillAn nltltalrifllnlm
ca his confinement
How, inhe fYroisLail-ind refuses to; dls-
",''.. . r- !IIA!',ULL4
L. V i '. . 1 1. rf 'i
Giants: Snydor fllod outi tol
Miller! Douglas grounded out, ,Plpp
unassisted! Burns hit a two bag-
gor bubovont out at third, Mlllor
to' Ward to Baker.
bixin t inning innKces: i-ock
fouled out to Frlsch; Frlsoh throw
.,',' ... ... ..-. i ..!-.. .
Sixth Inning Yankees
m...ur ouu Hi .,., muu. .,. .
Pictures Showing How,
Frisch Safe
t Frank' Frlsch, "the batting ttar J
New York, liWwn bere)aa helattdj
JI9l&ttFKSsB9HHHE9HHilllllBfeLta' HHHH
r nvnHrr . .A. irv?.- .v .,f'"r. .iuvrjr: . ?y v&: .. .kshh .
v EWBiiif''i$
! ugh umpire yoigiey Mi-uigiu ;anr- jn.ji ..
fSwLJw.- lUHm,,;Taa WmmrMri- 0
TT tf ft M X.-, . - i. , ..
'If-lK-i '.: .77i
, (Hants: Word throw Bancroft! out
at first; Ward throw Frlsch out at
nrsi; young out, wnra to i-ipp.
HovonUi " Inning Yonkeea: Plpp
fllod out to Douglno; Ward fllod
out to JJurns; uaKor singles to con
v . . - .
oui 10 jiuitih; uuKur bihkivb io iu-
tor; Schang singles to right, Bakori
. .1.1..1. o,,o- .ooi. .
Hmnr ...-, -"-"-" r
IO"U on wild puvu, nunilUED miur, .
McNklly Stole Home!
They show yon, In graphic, dose-
the climax tho bat of filler .(J"1
, - ,
later aAMhcr catneriunan s-apped
ground jmt. 9M Wr. U
At Second!
the atcw'rld'1ertea ope-er to
- ito aeeo-d b,sJh,forhga.
. ....
mujn uui ub mail
T rtt a,.j HaV ihaiiBi ikiiI V,t11 iL
tfM A. Hi 1 at
first; Meusel fanned; Ward fumblod .
and lot Rowlings reach first; Sny
der doubles to right contort scor
ing' nawllngs; Douglas fanned; 'ono
' ,, v.v. .....
Eight Inning Yankees; Fowstor
out, Douglas to flrsl; Peck fanned;
-AT 1
I Thnnday, 18th, n 0 .o'clock.
iiouBTO-Fii, ' hyncopa!'
' '' TED OftCHKSTriA' '
"" -i--M-ri yinriruvuTj-u-LTuu
'efts may ndvnnrn ' dtit
' !'ii .
day, this. Is your notice, no
lurmcr., guarantee, on prices.
ii Buy :your OUEBN .SLAB.
Or viBLOCK-WOOn nnwronrfi
(avold-adTances" that are 'euro
; to come: Aslt. about our ., ;,
i , i ( -r
For Ybur-Hca'ter
' . ' ivf ..' ''
C Peyton Ge: i
" ' "WoodUo Bon
,' 410 lila Be.
Phono 030
If you haye a watch to
" III ' I
1 M
, to "a blackmith, buti , d
622 Main St.
v :-' giants .-:f.
r.': - ' '
b iv
1 tjt
M Av . ,: ' "tout. IT fJtu ,- 5--'oo
'M O WWfM l-Urti 'ai mf 41 jnV- i,if lAKl av,,l c A. -
We Mm fix iires:'
jQAfi :' ftlipi;i ri
'- - -
"Miller walkedriTancrbft threw Htm
....., ....v
.nl Kilt M I-M
Giants: Peck .threw Burns
rVA ..lumw "
at first; 'Peck, threw Bancroft
at first; Frjsch fanned,
" Ninth Inning Yankees: Bawl-,
ings threw Plpp 6nt ai 'first; War
filed to purns: Baker slnglod; t
Tight; BoVofmof inninir,for; BJ
kor; .Douglas throw, ont, Schang.,
Pupils .
You nro anxious ioi give.,
your 'child every advantago,.
at. ckboi,"btjt how '-about'
his eycs7 Pornaps ho fs xo-'
inv tn.ha. hflndlcaODed . for
lack'.of glasses)"' i S. : 'U.
, , 'V ' ? tU t ."
-No-boy eanla-fTWoHi.lnj..l
I i' )ifii.,Hjj.Vi.... jjlu
'UnettyJA caso of'tnat kind
came Sunder our observa ,
tlon last year, . . I , r .,,, ,
t'f . ', '2 ,. ;
' -Teacher -said 'he- waa stu
nt, nn.i linll-i-ho did not
do weB at' kV lessons. We,l
examined his eyes 'and
, tnniM ho "couldn't see thel-
.itin. nn the., blackboard. '
.. n'" w- n- -i -, , ,..v
Glasses , changed fOTerythlng
soon. bo was leading hu
I , ! ' .,
"Pi?"' '
." MdsU baokward''eblldrcn- 1
hard .poor 'e'JoalgM; Horw
beut your child?' '
h:Jwntters ,
Phone 149-W 712-714 Mal
repair don't end it
and Jeweler
w. S
..uVf !.
t I
FKy Ball
f . i m
a lw waU'w ., a - . j l-i.'--i A &iM
r n
, 1
' SI
- ):
'tf -:
. "
I .'