The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 12, 1921, Image 1

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' Mr 'JBm- $ -A s i-
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Do ii
Associated' Press.
Fifteenth Year No. 0141.
klamath. f&liIs, ORt&ON, WHiN(DAYr.K7rOiinia,''ioai
snsnnnW'W fsW J . '
bbbsbbI bbsbbbs -am aaav a, A .A. bbbbbsT bbbbbbsw
i- .
j Throo resignations wore boforo tho
board of directors of tho clinmlior of
commorco at' tholr mooting yoBtcrday,
32. H. Unit, alleging prcssilro of
prlvato bUBlnons, rhlofly tho ncod of
California orchard .lnudn for hlton-
tlon, tendered his resignation a pro
nldont. Ho retains his scat on tho
, banrd of directors.
T. L, Stanley, whoso resignation
' has boon In tho hands of tho board
', far Bomo months, usltod that action ba
speoded up as ho deslron to Icavo by
Novombor 1,
Doth resignations wor6 laid ovor
j it wook, owing, Mr. Stanley said, to
n lack of a quorum yesterday.
E. T. Luddon tendorpd uln roslcna-
tlon ob chairman of tho parks' nnd
playgrounds committal !ilqn was
i rnforrod to tho commlttan en com
mittees. Mr. Stanley said this morning that
1 n Reed position olsowhoro Is calling
him. Ho said that to dmilgo the ox-
y art naturo of tho plnco at this tlmo
might ambarnss tho pooplo with
S whom ho Is doallng. Nocosslty for
) filling tho pjneo n llttto earlier than
i anticipated has arisen, ho said bunco
hl deslro that action bo takr on his
resignation at onco.
' "I oxpect our resignation will ba
'good ribws to somo pooplo"," com
menlcd Mr. Stanley dryly.
Tonight n 8:lfi" o'clock Knights
of Columbus will gather at (ho
Strand theatro for n program In ob
sorvnnco of Columlum Day. "Tho
Deserter,' u stirring doplctntlon of tho
Sleux uprising- of '7i", will bo shown,
tngothnr with other films on tho re
gular program.
Tho Ilov. .1. V Mojloy will dollvor
the principal address, denying with
tho arhlovomonti of Christopher
Joluinhus. Fnthor, Molloy Is fnmed
na an original thinker and entertain
Ing Hpo.tkor nnd his address will bo
Interesting. - )
Tho muslcnl program cintalnsof
a duet by Mrs. Molby and Mrs. Bam
borry nnd solos by Miss Dorothy 'ni
llot and Mrs. Hamborry. J. P. Ma
guiro particularly urgea alt' Knights
of Columbus and tholr 'ladlos to be
prosont. v .
ltnnkx and Schools Clo,
Banks, nnd public buildings closed
today lii honor of tho nnnlvorsary.
Tho city nnd high schools are closed
for tho Insltuto. fha Sacred Heart
.nmv tinl.l nxinrclsos honoring
Coluiribus this morning and dismiss
ed school for a halt holiday.
Klamath Rate Case
Data in Washington
' Prcsldont Ilort Kail of tho chambor
of commorco today said that tho rail
road rato caso which tho chamber
took up boforo tho Intorstato com
mefco commission at San Francisco
early In tho summor, rdlatlvo to
sesurlng nn oqultablo freight rate for
Klamath county and Klamath Falls,
w'as sent to Washington, D. 0., on tho
first day of October for final consi
deration. BAOV GIRIi A1UUVK8
Mr. and Mrs. Bay O. Whitley of
Pailean Cltv are the parents or
by daughter, horn October 9. The
baby has been named Norieno,
The Womana Missionary Society
ot tho Christian chureh will meet
Thursday a'tternoonv at 2: JO o'clook
at the home of Mm, W. A Wieat,
429 Jeff ereon street. Mrs, Oirem
will be In charge-ot the meeting.
,A eeren sad one-halt pound baby
Ctrl wa, bom tbMr. nnd Mm, J,
on Bandar afternoon at
9111. .
President Expects
Only Reasonable
Armament Limit
.WASHINGTON, Oct. 12. The
four dolcgates soloctod by Presi
dent Harding to roprosent the
United States at tho disarmament
and Far Hastorn conforenco mot to
day to begin tho formulation of
policies of tho Amorlcan delegation.'
Somo hint of tho president's
hopos for tho outcomo of tho con
ference aro soen In a lottor given
out nt tho White House. Tho let
tor was written In roply to a re
quest that hq work for "universal
and absoluto disarmament." ,
Tho president wroto that abso
luto disarmament was "boyond hopo
of realization" and porhnps not
very dcslrablo, but n "reasonable
limitation" was a practical proposi
tion with somo hopo of accom
plishment. Tho most promising signs of oil
aro beginning to show, In tho Yonna
Valloy Oil company holdings,.- say
visitors and oil men who havo visited
thoro tho pnst wook, A fooling ot
confldonco nnd bollof that a strlko
will bo"mndo thoro becomos moro pro
nounced each tlmo tho drill beats Its
way downward, says O.eorgo Hartley,
driller, and Managor A. L.'MIchcol,
Socrotary W. 8. Wlloy stated that
whllo tho company folt confldont that
tho drill would eventually penetrate
paying' sands, still tho policy pf tho
company was to spread no misinfor
mation ns to tho operations, nor to
croato'a fatso hopo about tho pros
pecti. There was' a fooling of con
fldonco .and optimism prevailing
among tho stockholders and employ
ees which up 8 not present at the In
.nntinn nf th'n wnii lmi .now the rIl'iis
which nro coming Up from tho bottom I
-- - " - - i
of tho well woroso cncoiirnglng that,ing tho oporntor or orwnor to np-,
tho drilling Boomed slow to tho Inter-jpcar In pollco court and answor thoj
estcd parties.
At tho woll Sunday, tho drill
brought up a fine grndo of amber
sand which, when washed iu clear
water, stalnod It with all tho lrrldos
cont colors of tho rainbow, entirely
unllko tho oil struck at tho top of tho
well. Tho' sand formation has tho
sanfe bnso that Is struck In tho Wyo
ming and California fields whoro high
grade oil Is found. Driller Hartley
commontod on this' sand and showed
It to Mr. Wilson Sunday. ,
Tolegraphlc orders were given yos
torday for J GOO 'foot, of 8U' inch
casing" which wolgha.28 pounds to
tho toot. Inflow of this order, doop
drilling will follow to tho S',000 foot
depth. At present tho well Is down
1300 feet and tho formation oncoun
torod has glvon but email trouble
door go Chamborlaln of tho Crater
Oil company 'and J. D. Howard,
chemist of tho Martin brothers Mill
ing company woro visitors Sunday at
tho wojl and woro surprlsod nJho
splendid progress mado by the Yonna
company. Mr. Howard mauo an ana
lysis of tho products brought up by
tho drill and found a valuable steel
hardening product which throws a
new anglo into tho drilling opera
tion. Whllo tho cost of production' of
tho byproduct Is not glvon, nor has Its
entry Into the game been considered
and tho work of probing tho flold
for oil will not be abatod In tho
least, say tho company officers.
Man Arrested on
Lakeview Charge
Sheriff Lloyd Low yesterday took
Into custody James Utters, aged 26,
on a complaint aworn out by Lloyd
Morris ot Lakevlew who alleged that
Utters converted a farm wagon to his
own use early this week. The she
riff found Utters on one ot the camp
ing spots back ot the O. K. black
smith shop with his wife and Infant
Utters claims that he came from
Washington. He la being held for
Sheriff B. B. Woodhonae ot Lake
j county
who telephoned that he was
vr tut tods
I ' . 1: 1 ,,v
I A Creator of:Our Destiny ,
,yJ r '' ,0 """ T ' J
"Wo aro lost," cried Ignorance. 'Wo will "never seo our homos
again." t
Hut Intolllgonco held tho holm. Standing alone the man who
hag reasoned out nn enilroly new (errostlal theory, coaxed, deflod
and oncouraged hla frightened and rebellious sailors.
From tho union ot intelligence and c,ourago a now world waa
bom, a now tiro of freedom kindled, a new nation with a now'des
tiny established. ' '
Back ot all our American achievement, tho foundation ot all our
groatness, stands tho cloar-thinklnf, undaunted Qonooso, Chrlsto
, phor Columbus whoso discovery of a now contlne&t, Amorlca today
colobrates. '
Let Americans glvo thought to the attributes ot the man that
mado tho discovery posslblo., his unyielding faith and unsworvlng
conviction whon ho know ho waa right, tho courago to keep on re
gardless ot the clamor of tho timid and unintelligent majority.
America today is proud to do honor to the memory, ot the great
navigator. ' " ' """
Local Cop Pinches
Postmaster General
Tho postofflco dopartraont was
stnrtlod this morning when they
found nn ordor tackod on tho par-
. . . .. . ,. .i
col post oonvory moiorcyciu.-uruu,
chargo of driving with cut-out opon
Postmaster Dolzoll says that ho
Is In a quandary,, for Will Hays
owna tho motorcyclo and lives In
Washington, D. C, and ho fools It
would bo too bad to summon htm
hero for trial.
OREGON Tdnlght and, Thurs
day, rain in wost; fair In east portion.
Douglas Out-Twirls Mays by Hair
Breadth and Giants Win Battle
Yankee 1 run, 8 hits, 1 error.
Giants 3 runs, O lilts, no error
Batteries Yankctta.Mnyti and
4 Schaiifc;' Glaata, ..Douglas ..nnd
Snyder. " '
POLO GROUNDS, Now York, Oct.,
12 Tho Giants won a nerve racking
pltchors' battle from tho Yankees to
day by a score ot 2 to 1. Spltballer
Douglas won tho decision by a hair
lino over tho undorhandod fllngor,
Mays. Ward's orror ot an oasy
grounder, after two wero out In tho
sevonth and Snyder's two baso hit
laid the American Leaguers low.
Tho series now stand the Giants
41; Yankeos .
Following Is the lineup:
Yankees Fewster, It; Peckpln-
paugb, as; Miller, ct; R. Mousel,
rf; Plpp, lb; Ward, 2b; McNally,
3b; Sohang, c; Mays p. '
Giants Burns, ct; Bancroft, bb;
Frlsch, 8b; Young, rf j Kelly, lb;
B. Meusel, It; Rawlings, 2b; Bny-
der, c; Donglaa, p.
The game by Innings follows;
First Inning Yankees: Fewster
filed out to Yonng; Peck hit to
loft for two bases; Frlsoh threw
Miller' out at first; Peck goes to
third;-Donglaa knocked down Men
wit grounder nnd threw him ont
a Ore.
Bridal Couple Get,
'? J Free Excursion
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sp'raguo, La
Grando pooplo who surprised tholr
frlonds and rolntlvcs hero with their
majrlago Sunday, woro llkowlse sur-
prised lost night when they wens
made tho guests of serennders. .Mr.
Spraguo's nelco, Mrs. W. C. Elliott,
at whoso homo tho brlday couplo Is
staying, sponsored tho surprlso last
night with tho assistance of a largo
number of nolghbors,
In ordor to get things started somo
ono ran out, shouting "Flro," and
when tho brldo and groom showed
up they were kidnapped and placod
In a frailer attached to a Ford car
and hauled tho longth of Main street
to the tuno of a tin pan orchestra.
Giants:, Burns fllod out to Meu
sol; Bancroft doubles to loft con-
tor; Frisch filed to Miller; Ban
croft going to third; Maya throw
toung out at first.
Second Inning Yankees: Plpp
gots a two baggor to loft; Ward
sacrlficod, Frlsch to Kelly; McNal
ly singled, scoring Plpp; Scbang
forced McNally out, Bancroft to
Rawlings; Mays fllod out to Rawl
Ings. ' i
QlantsiKolly fanned; McNally
throw out Meusel at tint; McNal
ly throw out Rawlings at first.
Third Inning Yankees: Fewster
singled, but was out trying to
stretch It, Meusel to Bancroft;
Peck got a Texas leaguer; Miller
tiled to Bancroft; Meusel fanned.
Giants: Bker replaced McNally
at third; McNally hurt shoulder
sliding Into second In the second
Inning; Peck threw out Snyder at,
first; Donglaa fanned; Burns hit
a two bagger; Bancroft fanned.
Fourth Inning Yankees: Plpp
grounded eut to Kelly unassisted
Ward ont, Donglas to Kelly; Baker
filed out to Frlsch.
(Hants: Man threw Frisch out
at first; Young singled; Kelly fan
ned; Young stole second; Meuaol
tlnilod,- seoitog Yonng; Rnwllngn.
Atltr A 9tnV nasUUsijliAti OSA nn.
, --rn -- ,
sfisasm)naa-.asast sns. - -
(Osaunaad to
Foundation Wolrk
Ort HartBuildina
To he Done by. Henry
Thol contr'act fpfthe' eMavatloirl
a'nd concroto VroritTap'to the first j
floor, on the Betrijhree ttory Hart
thoatro and buslnsss'bulldlng at tho
cornorfof Seventh aad'.Maks'atree.t,
waa let rcatordaylafternoon to-E. B,
Henry, whose bM'ot $7,596' waa the
lunrai'UL ihb ivmuinuu, "JjJR r
The contract Is said .to efiir.farjK
basement. 106 feet long, S'toeV.rMff
nnd 10 feet dees .'with tneavatlsa'
.... .'.. y. .t ...' . Mlfl
Iiu8ivio,ino sireei proper, iuo bibb'
walk, on the Malnlfstreot will be ex
cavated and additional V space pro
vided for tho " basement business
room. The comblnod theatre and
business building' wilt cover a space
ot G6 foot wldo and 114 feet deep.
ATLANTA, Oa., Oct. i2. ieveral
.32 caliber bullets and a trail of
foot prlnt'shat 'toiled at the road
were tbcunlj) clues'to the persons
who attempted last night to aa
sasslnatoMrs.- Elizabeth Tyler,"
hoad ofthe women'a department
of tho Ku Kluz 'Klan.. .Five shots
were frd Into the bedroom wfn
dow of, hop. homo.
ThelJBnllots whlzxed over the
head of. Mrs. Trier aa aho loaned"
over the bedside of her 'daughter
who waa IU.
An hour later- the Atlanta Con
stltutlon got a, mystorlona tele
phone call from a man who said,
"Wo srot Mrs.-Tvler tonight .and wo
Will got. Colonel jAlmraoniomprr
Plan Equalization
Of Water Charges
A regular meeting of tho bonrd of
equalization of tho KJamnth Irriga
tion district was hold yostorday after
noon In tho offlcos 6f tho district for
tho purposo of equalizing tho water
charges for tho past yoar Jo consum
ers In tho Poo Valloy district. About
20 users of tho sjstom wero presont.(
Among tho questions brought up
yesterday wore the selection of a now
ditch rider, cleaning of tho ditch of
moss for noxt year'a flow of water
and plans tor supplies to the last
uBer on tho laterals
At the hearing yesterday ofto man
complained that that he got too much
water, moro than ho ordered, and
another person said he could carry
his yoar's supply In a ten gallon pall.
Plans will bo made to correct this
The final development ot the meet
ing was that 14 applications wore
made for suspension of operating
charges for tho season of 1921, on
n, rrnuniis that the servlco had
failed to supply sufficient water to
Irrlgato the lands under discussion.
iMr. Bradbury explained that if tho
board of directors allowed tho re
quested reductions that It would
rnlso tho assessment on tho lands of
the balance of tho district, ob the dis
trict Is charged with Iho cost of oper
ating by tho reclamation servlco nnd
theso charges Inclu'dod tho Poo Val
loy lands. Th board took tho ap
plications under advisement and ad
journed to meet October 18 to pass
on 'the claims and also, to consider
any other claims presented.
mniiivn v 1S Marlon
McCardle waa found not guilty of subject "Making the Sohool, Fit the
complicity In the death of Daniel j Community," waa highly apprecia
Kaber, her stepfather, today, and,, ted. '
lett tho eonrtroom-a free gr'-
CHICAGO, Oct. 12. BIghty-tlve
. n n Backing house
. .!,- votea wero Uhnlated
;hTtr ot a gnx pcklag
. a . .uauaJ sn
Turissni artannT n wm naiv w7i
asnTdsnrV -
iihi! liJirMMPnii t nr,
ales favtavassBMltf-iwrft 7&1 7X. t v"f&JUti
feadr to isa issu Mill
damage ton th AlMaaXfV:!
ed two months -mo, wa Cairo'
when Charles Beeko Dairy "wg---
fined SIB nnd osto-for 'speeding nt
Olene Monday. Tho 'fine wan
levied by 'Justice - Gaghagen. Tho
complaint was signed .f by R. ' J.
Stretchbew TSsMont engineer tor
the state hlghwafjiieosamlsslon. .'"
By recent ireaohatlen tho highway
commission, scWotct the Alcoaasv t
road whtli It settling, islngHsliU
a speea Hsalt of 'MossHsscasi; hWf
on that rood.', The gsnsraJ stats Hsa
lt I. W -ssHss.- V'
geeedW tf prevalent' on the Kin-.
rn ath " FnMe-Dah-r road,- whleh Is
now- prnstlcally'fcompleted for v H
entire lonnth. tSponisl 'attention wBl
be glvsnbthe sseedrs from now- sa,
said MrVtretohbery and arrests
will follow'every known tlolatlsa.
Her said' that he had tried odnea- -
tlonal' methods, had stopped nn-
merons aaotertesr and warned them,
tut the damage, to the -roads gees
sa. The' efforts ot a few salutary
fines 'Will now M .tried ( no sat.
Jnstlso ot the peace' and eonsUMss
have':nroni!sed co-operation and aa
attempt will . asanas 'to nave ias
eennty provide. motorcycle 'tra. '
tic' officer" "' t -'1
a 'Re. Wants Fasted
Work ot posting signs ,oa all eta
hlghwsW tth esaacyls now aa
derwsrseM'Mr.''tiehery. Tho
A!flM road is posted.-
,tjJQl 'dvsrtlstar'talgn hive .heea.
nnd ! to ftcir iplncohXbe'nb
numerous speed warning signs.
Somo of these havo been posted tor
aomo tlmo, yot thoy apparently
mako no Impression on tho motor
ists. There is a stato law prohibiting,
placing ot advertisement signs oa
the highway right of way, which,
will savo morchanta expense if they
wlll heed it, says Mr. Stretchbory.
Will Arrcat Speeders
"The officers connected with the
local highway office have hesitated!
In making arrests of speeders,
said th eneglneer, "In spite ot tha
obvious damage to the roads that
have Jnst been completed. We wish'
to emphasize, .however, that
straight methods to deter the prac
tice will be used from now on.
Klamath county teachers hava
gone over as an organization 100,
per cent strong In affiliation with
the State Teacher's Association and
a report to that effect 'was spnt
today to Salem by J. B. Rees. who
engineered the organization, assist
ed by Professor Butler ot tho Ore-
gon Normal sohool.
Tho Toachor's Institute opened
promptly at 9:30 .o'clock at tho
high school and tho program an
nounced yesterday by the Horald
was followed out with the an
nouncement ot the purpose In at
filiating with the state association,
as soon at the welcoming addresses
ot Mrs. O. J. Ferguson, county
school superintendent and Prof.
Robert Ooetx were made. The ad
' .t. .. nt Karl KlinairiCE ob uw
Miss Ettle Alice Boothby ot Ash
land and Amel L. Paul ot this city
were united In marrjlage Monday
evening by the Rev. .C. F. Trimble.
The groom la employed by the South-
I era Pacltlo railroad la tho local
J fteis.. Tto.snnk wll raskU aa.
"v- inn."5:rv
. w.a. ..-.-. Ty
M a-
nwm IT K
rL f ;it tii.'.:i jTi'ir
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