The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 11, 1921, Image 1

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A Class Ad Will
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Member 6 the Associated Press.
Fifteenth Year No. 014U
izwixhxn Hrnld
l . Tho oxtonslvu paving program con
j tcmplatod by tho council has boon
L abandonod and there will bo no win-
tor paving or any typo laid (excopt for
repairs, tho council decided lust night vlow of tho existing $65,000 luv
dobtodnoss, owing for previous pav
i'lrig contractM. A cbucuh on tho pnv
Ing program woh hold early In the
'evening and abnudonmont of tho pro
gram raado almost Imincdlatoly upon
tbo council oponlng.
Tho city Indcbtoness ,consumod
moot of tho council'! time last night'
nd preparation for special, refund
ing bond lssuo election, which "comosi
up Novombor 8, were made in th?
' selection of Judges and clorks.
Flvo voting placoa woro designated
with the following Judges:
First ward Brown's carprntuf
bop. Judges: May J. Aukeny, Btolla
Sheet, JorrIo.H. Momyor. Clerkw:
Mary K. McLano and Mary It. Mc
Cluro. .Second ward rlty hall. Judgei:
W. S. Slough, Frod Duelling, Frank
Ward; clerk, Mrs. R. B,
burg, Ooorgo Tugnot.
Third ward Bucslng's roalty of
mini wnru n ... v.-.
flco, Judgos, J. CiBoardsloy, Margery
J. Otterholn, Jonnlo K. Lindsay;
Clerks. Mrs! W. D. Miller, Mrs. M. P.
Fourth ward Mills Addition Kali.
Judges; Maudo R. Will, Enola K.
Hawkins. Ellzaboth A. Jordan;
Clerks, Mrs. Mary Staubo. Anna How-
Fifth ward Churlcs Do Lap'ollifblanched tho faco of Mra.Tlrum
'house, eorner Upham and Worden.
Judges, Jof f Wilson, Mrs. Fred Boulo,
:j. CBKckMauKiictc.Clerks,Irs.-J.
,C. BrocVc,nbrou'gh, Mrs. Doweose.
Councilman-Hawkins orforoa n
amendment to Section 810 of the
chartor providing tor n refunding
bond issue nnd tho suras for which
tho bonds woro to bo Issued, covorlng
cortnln Indebtedness, Klamath Falls
Improvement bonds Issuod May 1,
1911, amounting to 20,C00, nnd
bonds maturing on Octobor 1, 1921,
.amounting to I3C.CB8.51. Tho char
ter amendment passed by a unani
mous voto. A letter from tho Lum
berman's Trust "company was rend
by Judgo Lcavltt and a blank con
tract received bidding 93 nnd nccrued
interest on tho entlro'flS.000 refund
ing bond lssuo. Tho bonds In tho
bid wero to be dated Novombor 1,
1921, and maturo at tho rato of
5,000 annually from Novombor 1.
1924, .to Noverabor 1. 1936' Tho
a .Bt ratq Is 6 por cent, denomina
tion of bonds $600 and $1,000 each,
and Intorcst payable Boml-annually,
May 1 nnd November 1.
H. I. Will Dike Mitrnli.
Mr. Tuylor, resident engineer of th
Bbuthorn l'aclllo syatom at Dunamulr
was boforo tho councll.lnst night with
bluo prints showing contemplated
diking of Wantland avonuo at two
points whore tho ovorflow from tho
Hot SpringB addition covers that
soctlon when wot woathor sots
In. Tho diking wl bo done
boforo wintor begins und tho
council wero also notified that now
planking would bo plnced on tho rail
road crossings boforo wintor. an Im
provement much needed, ho said.
nesldonts of Mills Addition who
aro not on tho sewor which Is being
cons'truetod" by tho Lorone 'brothers
.nnnnroii "before tho council and re-
quostod to bo Included In tho Improve
ment. . A district auoui o uiuv.
would bo much lmprovedrttioy said,
by being Included In tho, program.
Councllmon Hawkins. Vollmor and
McCollum were appointed by tho
.... n iniinoct tho district and re-
nr rindlncs at tho noxt regular
meeting. '
niirht of War for Sewer,
The Ewauna Box company offered
the city an easement for a sowor right
of way across their property form tne
0putheru Pacifloi right ef: wiay, dia
gonally across the property to Lake
Ewauna. longth 1008 feet, condition
al that lu cW ot .overno'y? .after tb,e,
Hint ww llvea the city would pro
tect 'them .frbm. damages accruing
from wen ovorflow. The right to
use the right of way for piling lum
tfor wm wtftlwd' n tn rtlole, . No
'Chief Says He Will
atop Annoyance by ,
Sidewalk ' Loiterer
Ronortn again aro bolnr turned
into polico headquarters that flirt-
'nnrl "mftllllltie" In liAlnv rfntiA tiv '
bunch of smart young men who an
noy ladles pawing by tbo McDonald
poolroom, .and also that much an
noyanco la being " given passorsby
who try to thread thoir way
through tho bunch of men -who
colloct thoro. Acting Chief of Fo-
Jlco Ambroro says that tho prac
tice both of fllrtlnr and eonsreiat-
Ing nt thai point must atop.
"Any lady who Is annoyed can
got mo on tho totophono and I
will como'lto -her assistance at
onco and arrest tho Insulting party
if sho will appear in court the fol
lowing day. I want that annoyance
to stop nnd it must." tho acting
chlof atatod. I
ROBKBURO, Jet., 11 In opening
the stato's caso boforo a Jury, com-
nlAtA.1 lna vnifnpilnv nftArnnnn in
,..-..- ,,.,......, ....... .
try Dr. Drumflcld, District Attornoy
Nounor this morning in outlining tho
ovldenco upon which ho hopes to con
vict tho dontlst for the murder ot
Dennis Russell declared, "tho Stnto
Is ontltlod to a verdict that will carry
a death penalty."
Neunor snoico for an hour, touch-
J'H; frequently upon bloody phrases
fluid, ns shn sat bosldo her husband.
nrumflold on tho other hand showed
no. worry...
Dextor-HlcV tne defonso' connnel.
spoko fifteen minutes in a low earn
st volcq, urging tho Jurors,, to "bold
your mind open until you havo hoard
tho entire story, until you havo heard
witnesses cross oxamincd, until you
havo hoard tho wholo truth. Dr.
Brumflold did not murder Dennis
Russell, and tho stnto cannot provo
It. Wo sbalt havo another defense
than that of insanity, although this
defendant was Insano on July 13." '
The Dostnoned mooting of tho
Woman's Home and Foreign mis
sionary society ot the Emmanuol
naptlst church, will be hold Thurs
day at 2:30 p. m., at the homo ot
Mrs. R. H. Bunnell.
Tho subject for study will bo,
'.'Japan, its neods and our oppor
tunity." President, Mrs. J. II. "Dick
son will preside at the business ses
sion; and Mrs. H. C. Cbamberlln
will load tho study hour. Persons
planning on attending should meet
nt the church, corner of 11th and
High streots at 2:00 p. m where
cars will bo waiting. '
Oregon Tonight and Wednesday,
fair. ,
action ivan taken on this matter,
Hart Bros, To Uulld.
Hart brothors ot Sacramento ap
noared boforo tho council and asked
permission to startoxcavation on tho
lot at Hovonm ana Aiain street, aiso
to removo the storf sower-which is
undor tho Main straot sldowalk. The
excavation permit called for $16,000.
PormlHslon was granted and tbo city
will assist in tho removal of the
sewor to the extent ot $'125. The
plans call for excavation flush to the
street for tbo now theatre building
Permits to construct garages were
granted to u. Nt Liturn, not apnngB
Addition, cost $40, and W. S, Slough,
Ewauna Heights, framo garago, 18x
22, cost $40.
City Engineer Zumwalt stated that
two culverts were found at Front
and Blxth streets, ono ot which would
take caro of surface water near there
providing dltcbea were dug. No actlor
was taken on this matter.
' The boating bill ot the Klamath
Heating company was allowed last
nltfht'amojtntint' to. $76.85. The
'meter showed that 34,000 .pounds ef
steam was used in city . healing
Council adjourned at. 12:30. o'clock,
Councilman Bogard utflnc the only
hwntw. ' I ' ., J .
Qants Even Up With Yankees
As Result of 8 to 5 Victor;
aianto S runs, 18 hits,
no errors. ,
4 Yanks 5 run, 7 hits, two
. ' tDattcrlcs aiants:
DarneHand Hnydcr.
4 Yanks: Harper,
4 Piercer and fiehanjr.
Oct. 11. Victory porchod high on
tho bats of the Olants this after
noon when tho Ynnkoos pltckJax
caved, Inland ongultod tho Amer
ican leaguers In an eight to fire
defeat. Over 35,000 fans saw the
Giants even tho world series which
now stands "fllants throo, Yankees
three. Barnes pitching cast a mys
tical spell over tho Yankeos, ten
of whom wero ornBcd at tho plato
by strike outs. '
Following is tho llneup:
r Olants Hums, cf; Bancroft, ';
Frlsch, 3b; Young, rf; Kolly, ib;
E. Meuselj It; Rawllngs, 2b; Say-
dor, e; Tonoy p. y
Yankeos Fowstor, If; Peckfia
paugb, ss; Mlllor, cf; Mousel, ,ff;
Plpp, lb; Ward, 2b; McNally, Sk;
Schang, c: Harper, P.
umo by inningn
First Inninrninnta. Tin
walked; Bancroft filed to .Fewater:
Frlsch struck out; Young out on
foul fly to loft. '
Yankec:TJmplre Morlarty order.
cd Ruth, who was In civilian
clothes, to Ioave the Yankeo bench.
Fowstor walked; Peck fouled out
to Frlsch; Miller singled:; Fewater
scored on Meusel's slnglo; Pipp
nun., u. .noiij iq ,wUBSISjJ
warns .an over sasmor scoreal
Miller and Meusol; Harnes re.
placed Toner In Olaats, box; Mc
Nally fllod to Young; throo runs.1-
Second Inning Giants: Kelly
walked on four pitched balls; Mou
sel got a homo run into tho flol'd
stands, scoring Kolly; Rawllngs
lied out to Miller; Snydor gots
homo run Into .left field stands;
Barnes singles; Shawkey now pitch
ing for Yankees, replacing Harp
er; Burns singlod; Bancroft fan
ned; Frisch fllod to Meusol; throo
Yankees: Schang fanned; Shaw
key singled;' Fewster hit a homo
run scoring Shawkey; Frlsch. threw
Peck out at first; Mlllor out to
Kelly, unassisted; two runs.
Columbus Day to
Be Observed by
The, Local Council
Knights ot Columbus and friends
will observe Columbus Day tomor
row night at- tho Strand theatre,
whore thoy will bo tbo guests,
starting at 8:15 rclock, ot tho
theatro management.
The big war. feature, "Tho De
serter," starring Charles Ray, will
open the program. Following tho
pictures there will bo musical selec
tions by two well-known local ar
tists, Mrs. James Bambory and Miss
Dorothy Elliott. .
, The principal address of tbo
evening will bo delivered by tho
Rev. 3. V. Molloy, and will deal
with tho achievements ot Christo
pher Columbus, discoverer ot tho
American continent, and tho effect
upon the progress of tho world.
J. F. Magulre, grand knight,
urges all local knights and their
ladles to Join In the observance of
a day fraught with so much sig
nificance In American history.
The home ot Mr: and Mrs. Wil
liam Bandham In Hot Springs addi
tion -was -thooieeno of a quiet woo
ding' party last Sunday -evening;
when 'Mrs. Sandbara'a sister, Mrs.
Lillian Cruder, ot'Taeoa. ' Wash
ington. -Became the bride of James
Rm-asrue -of L,a oranae. Oregon, tm
Rev. C. F.' Trimble officiated at!
the wedding, which took place ut
PdiOO o'clock,-- ' I
Third -,lnnlijg-iOlanU: Young
fllod to Mousel; ' Kelly singled;
Meusol, fllod to Fowstor; Rawllngs
Yankees: Frlsch threw Mensel
out at first; Plpp got a Texas
loaguer; Ward fanned; Plpp stole
second; McNally fanned. '
' Fourth inning (Hants: Snyder
singled; Dames singled; McNally
throw UurnH sacrifice hit widely, fill
ing bases; Bancroft singled scoring
Sny'do'r; Barnes, Burns scored when
Frisch forced Bancroft out to. Peck
unassisted; .Young fanned; Kelly
singles to right scoring Frlsch;, Kolly
out stealing, .Schang to Ward; four
runs. ...
Yankees: , Schang walked; flhorw
key struck out; Fowster walked;
Peck struck out; Mlllor fanned.
. Fifth Inning Olants: Meusel
1 walked; Word, throw. , Rawllngs
Nlow hopper wild to first; Meusel
lakes second; Snyder filed to Mc
Nally; Barnes fouled out. to Mc
Nally; Poek took Burns grounder
and touched second. .
Yankees:. Umpire sent Earl Smith
from tho bench to tbo club house
for loud .talking; Meusel walked;
Plpp struck out; Ward struck out;
McNally tiled to Meusol.
Sixth Inning Olants: . Bancroft
singled; Frlsch' walked; Young fan
ned; Bancroft' out stealing; Frlsch
scored on Kelly's hit to conter;
Mousol filed to Fewster; one run.
Yankees: Schang singled; Show
key grounds out to short, forcing
Schang: Fewster fanned; Peck
filed out to left.
Sovonth Inning OlantstRawIlngs
filed out' to abort; Peck threw Sny
der out at first; Ward threw Barn-
es out Tat -first. -Xt
Yankees: Miller filed out to
Young; Mousol fanned; Rawllngs
throw Plpp out at first.
' Eighth' Inning Olants:- Burns
filed to Fowster; Bancroft filed out
to Ward; Frisch stduck out.
Yank oos : Ward out; Bancroft to
Kolly; McNally fllod to Kelly;
Schang walked; Baker batting for
Shawkey; Baker thrown ont at first
by Rawllngs., '
Ninth Inning Olants: I'Icrcy
pitching for Yanks; Young singled
to left; Kolly fanned; Young out
stealing, Schang to Ward; -Meusel
singled; Rawllngs struck out
Yankoes: Fowstor , filed to Raw-
llbgs; Peck popped out to Rawllngs;
Miller popped out to Rawllngs. '
Kaempke Jury Fails
-To' Agree; Retrial -Set
for December
Tbo Jury In tho caso ot stato
against Fred Kaompko, charged
with robbery of tho Ewauna room
ing house at 238 Oak street Feb
ruary 7, last, wero unable to agree
at 3 o'clock' this morning and were
called In and discharged by Judge
Kuykendall. It i8 said that eight
Jurors houng out for conviction
while tour voted steadily tor ac
quittal. Bailiff Matoon last night took
tbo Jury out for lunch at 1 o'clock,
in tho hope that after a good 'meal
a decision would be reached, but
tbo supper, it is said, only strength
ened the divided sides on the ques
tion. Judgq Kuykendall set retrial ot
Kaempke for' tbo first week in De
cember. Two hung Juries hare re
sulted in the past two weeks, that
ot William Finch, charged with as
sault with Intent to kill, and that
of Kaempke.
A wedding dinner was served im
mediately -after the ceremony ut a
table, decorated with gladlollas and
aweetpeas at which only the Im
mediate, relatives and. friends of
the couple were, present after a'
wedding, Journey of six weeks to be
spent In southern California Mr.
and Mrs. Sprague- will return, to
La QTtnde to' make their home..
. .PORTLAND, Oct., 11 Livestock
Bt,ea.dy" Eggs, unsettled! n-jor, fjrm.
Teachers to Have
'.Floor at C. of C.
t J Forum Tomorrow
. Tho forum at tho chambor of
commerce tomorrow will consist ot
educational features, dealing with
tho Teacher's Institute which 'moots
hero for a three days session, also
with topics which 'will tend io
show how the 'youthful student may
socure' the 'most from studies. Pro
fessor Robort Ooets, principal of
tho county high school, has- been
Invited by Chairman McNeally to
preside tomorrow.
Earl Ktlpatrick.' of tho oxtonston
division, University of Oregon, and
Professor Butler, of tho history and
civics department, Oregon normal,
are schodulod for educational top
ics. The chamber plans to havo
Invitations extended to the teach
era of tho 65 school districts in this
county who will be horo. A good
attendance is expended.
To Organize County
Health Association
Plans are ...underway for the or
ganization In-Klamath county, ac-
ganuauon of a county public health
assoclatloain Klamath county, ac
cording to, ' Miss Lydia L. Fricke,
county health nurse. The associa
tion wHl be county wide, with
health 'centers at Merrill, Ft. Kla
math, Matin and other points, and
headquarters here.
Monday, October 17, a mass moot
ing ot poople interested in the
movement will bo hold In tho cham
ber of commerce rooms at which
Miss Jano O. Allen, stato advisory
nurse ot tho State Board ot Health
and Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar, ex-secretary
of tho Oregon Antl-Tnberco-
losls 'AsHCclatlon. Miss Lydia E,
Fricke and others will speakr. Tho
object' of the association will bo to
Improvo tho health, situation In the
entire county by.harliHjrraMresi
on sanitation, hygiene, and pther
health codes, during the coming
year. '
Local Coast League
Twirler is Home
Earl Hilton, local baseball twirler,
Is back homo after a successful sea
son with tho Oakland team- In tho
coast league During the forepart
ot tho season Earl was "farmed" .to
Vancouver and pitched flawless
ball. Not a gamo was lost while
ho was on tho mound.
After a few weeks with Vancouv
. Oakland called the twirler In
and he pitched a consistently good
season. He Is here to spend the
winter with his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. James Hilton, having arrived
last night.
H. T. Lacelle, who tor tho past
12 years has conducted tho Yom
Klppur salo that K. Sugarman puts
on annually, arrived horo last
evening and is making preparations
(or this year's evont, which starts
Grand Jury Opens
New Session Today
The grand Jury again ts in ses
sion, called by Prosecution Attor
ney Brower, who has a largo num
ber ot cases to be brought before
them. A large number of mon
have been bound ovor to tho grand
Jury since the last session and tho
session very likely will contlnuo all
Four members ot. the last grand
Jury are on the present ono, C. W,
Lewis. Jacob Reuck, foreman, Clay
ton Cornlsn and . u. siarquarat,
The .three .members are William
Campbell, 3. T. Perkins and J. A,
Falrclo. Selection ot a now clerk
of the Jury will1 be made owing to
the, absence, of Paul Bogardus, for
mer clerk.
WABH1NOTON, rOct ..U-iThe
emergeacx taritr,, insteid of qxplrlng
Utt nu.viuuyi . . -.t-t. ,
tlve until February 1, under a bill
favorabiy reportod upon by the house
ways' ond me'aiiBcomwjltce, today,
no pp.:
Tho Klamath CouV,ty Teacher ta
stltuto will open tomorrow with m
ost.ihatodattondaBce eTcleee tei 101
teachers frcm all orer'ibaDaMtr,
according to the program aaas es4
by Mrs. C. L. FergnsoM.cowrty 'iihael
superintendent The meetla ft, la
ta k'o place In thecounty high 'jutml;
.Tho rural schools In the U "
trlcts will be closed dart tw Uate'
ot tbo session here, with, the. aeaalMe
excoptlon of one or, two 4k4clHsj Is) '.
tho northern part ef tke.oeiatr where -tho
teachers in attend tM;Jsjtftite-
hold at Bendi! permbelei , .
being granted owing to the great 4te.
tonco to this city.
A number of prominent edaaatera
ot tho state will be preeeat, Mrs. aJs.
gusou says. Among, hoee whe foam .
written' that they" woalfc'att taw; Tft-.m
W.. M. Smith, aaaUUattaeriatea4
ont of public lastruetloa, lalesa; Fret.. , ... ,
Butler, Oraon.NorMal; I.' Ik Renter; v.-.
secretary of State teeckera
tlon and Oregon 'Agricultural
Corvallls; Earl Kllpatfkk, Uatver.
slty of Oregon, Eugene; ad Mtie
Jane Allen, Advisory Nurse aa4 saesa-
ber of the Oregon State BeereY eC
Health, Portland.
Tho teachers are all lavfteeVte at
tend tbo forum, bf the ehaaher eJC
commerco tomorrow noon, ainsaji
monts being made, early this week fef
Chairman McNeaUy.ef ilhe eaterlata
ment committee.
The-throe day program et the la-
stltuto conelsta of a varied
and ownlag to the late eerled
which the session ts heM, weif ta'tar.
the school year, the BretraarwIM be
of groat asslstaace te the teeetMra
withvthe present "eraraklasaa.Hf , j
--U iofcsna aava)aewa iwiiwuv
vWedBeaday Menriac-
9:15 Music
Organization for 'affiliation with
State Teachers' Association PresieV
ing officer, J. i). Rees
"Making tho School'Fit the Com
T-ri- Inal HHla'a si riiiat raihii rain ease .
munity." Earl Kllkpatrick.
Wednesday Afternoon.
1:15 Music.
"Tho Teacher's Place In Carrying
out Regulations ot State Board-of
Health," Dr. II. L. D. Stewart.
Gcnoral Session, Prqf. Butler
"Teaching Current Events." j
Soctlonal Primary Mrs. Maya B.
Rural Qradod Prof. Robert Geeta
"The 'County Flold Meet."
High school Earl Kllpatrlek.
Tliursdny Manias
9:15 Music
General "The County UaK."-
Asst. Statu Suferintendeat. W at.
Smlth. '. v
Sectional 'Primary Mra. Mag
D. Wolls. k .
Rural and Oradod "Teaching the
Pupils to Study;" Superintendent
Wl M. Smith.
High School Prof.'Butler.
Thursday Afternoon. . ,
1:16 Music,
aonaral "Tho Troublesome Tafen-ty-Flfth."-Barl
Sectional Primary and Intermedi
ate '-How Can We Best Handle the
Hot Lunch Problem in Our School!"
Frod Peterson.
High School Prof. Butler.
Friday Bfbrning.
9:15 Muslo
Ooneral Sosslon E. D. Ressler
"Professional Improvement.'
Soctlonal Primary Mrs. Maye B.
Conferouco of Rural Teachers ath
County' Superintendent.
(High School Earl Kllpatrlek.
Grades Superintendent W. M.
Friday Afternooa;
1:16 Music.
"Teachers Association" E.
Ressler.- i .
Miss Jane Allen; -Selected
NEW, YORK, Oct: 'iUJMf
Ruth today announced, tbat.tWioi
Jury. to hia'ann wojJ( keehjiaj'eift '
ot the" game -for 't bedrest ;of' the .-
Jes. 'His'physiclaa, $k ,Mf$
j warned -.him" that .teJ.talra.'.twsJMt'
( chances wpuld risk, the. leaa th'
!rm, I ""
V l-
'41 1