t-y&uezXJV..' V y'yWSja!-;. rtf r t i( j t -- J- y '-r-vf3,yrp"nry-v'ji-: . '-A." m. t Mtitmio ,.' n 'sjJpjpnBnsm' m iBLr v Bbs .sk "" j---w.--'- U. ,.-. .... .iM(Mm.s -v. i4 f- if y4 Clou ld Will Do It Member of the Associated Press, a. - - i i rtrtuontli Yon No. (It 12 KLAMATH FALLS, OHICGON, MONDAY, OCTOIIint 10, 1031 PRICK FIVK CKmhV - - T'ju7,"ii ant?. . ' "- 4 V T iT i ' ' - 1 r 7yS V . .. ; V il IN REVOLT; TOWNS ARE UNDER HRE VIENNA, Oct., 0 (Delayed )t Ttyilnor Noustad, ono hour's drlvo from tho limits of Vienna, was under sporadic machlno Run flro yesterday from Hungarian Insurgonts occupy ing positions southoaBt of tho city. Tho Insurgents wore finally din lodged. Elchbuchpl also was Bharply nt tnokod and tho Inhabitants flod Into Welner Neustad. Sharp flRthlng oc rurred nlso at Brouck nnd other points In tho I.eltha sector, which forms part of tho boundary botween Ixiwer Austria and Hungary. Residents of Vienna feared an at task on this city as part of tho general rbrtng of monarclilBt supporters. TRANSPORTATION WAK PORTLAND, Oct. 10. CompoH tltlon of nutomobllo bus linos op ratlng botween Portland and fialom will bo met by tho Oregon Eloctrlc railway, which will reduco Its rates to conform with this mode ot traasnortntlon October 21. I 211 OF Twenty-eight now members ot the Knights ot Columbus wero in itiated Into ttbo local council yes terday. The exercises startod im mediately after breakfast, tho Kalghts, 100 strong, marching from 'tho Cihf Ht -church to Uio. K of P. hall whom bnojtnet was sorv od. Th" dogrco work. lasted throughout tho 'Jay. Tho first degree was exfmpll flod by tho local degrco ten.a: th ttosond and yiird degrees by a Jcam composed of dologatos from Seaftlo, Albany, Eugene 'and Bend. State Dopnty J. H. Poaro ot Ln Ornndo received 'tho now membors Into tho order and led tho Institution ot of ficers ot tho council for tho com ing year. ' The officers Installed follew: J. F. Magulro, grand knight; James Bamberry, doputy grand knight; M. Lavonlk, chancellor; fi nancial secretary, J. D. Noud; wor don, Emit Drehor; recorder, I. A. Towoy; treasurer, I. M. Igl; in side guard, Win. Tlghe; outside guard, S. Santamau; lecturer, L. O. Benedict, Gene Hammond, John Dreher and Martin Tlgho, trustees. At tho conclusion of tho day's coremonles a banquet waa served at ! o'clock in Lycoum hail, under the i direction of tho Ladles ot tho Sac red Heart parish. Borrol's orchestra played during tho banquot. Mrs. James Bamberry, assisted by Mrs. Den Zumwnlt at tho piano, render ed two beautiful songs. I Th6 first spoakor ot tho evening 'was Stato Deputy Pearo, who ro ssondod to tho toast "Tho Knights of- Columbus." William Hanley, the next spoakor, detailed tho progress ot tho Knights ot Columbus In Oregon. Tho Roy. Fathor Luke. Shoohan ot Bend mado a splondld address, flllod with patrlotlo appeal, when asked to respond to tho toaBt, "A Truo Knight of Columbus." ' Nealo Boylo of Soattlo llvonod tho erenlng with tlraoly nnocdotca. James Bamberry told of tho oxpoc- tatlons of progross ot tho local council and Dan Crump and John Unman spoko for tho nowly In itiated members, tho baby class. I- J. P. ' McAullffo, Torronce Mur phy. William Quill, J, K. McAn drows, J. P. Llnman, Thomas Ken- neally, Patrick niordan, D, J. Ring, Dan Sheohan, Dick Lacey, Vonco Matney, Matthew O'Connor, John Pauley, Nicholas Pauley, .Charles Marsrow, A.. E. Alberts, D H. Crump, Emmott Slsemoro, Loo Tornandcs, 0. A. Patterson, Alfred vl,eonettl, Loulo Schmlts, Michael 'Crartin, Francis Hannon, F. H, Call, Hans Auaerson, u. yv. w eon. Vrank Burgew. r' NEW NT I Fireman Halted by S. P. Train in Run To Fire, Reported A barn, flllod with hay, burnod In Mills Addition this afternoon. Tho proporty wag owned by Mr. Allen ot Chlloauln. The hay was 'owned by O. W. Balloy, tonant. I His loss Is C0. Alloa's loss has not boon cstltnatod. Tho houso was sarofl. Tho, tlrq truck passod tho cross ing ahead of a Southern Pacific freight train, which, it was reported to Chlof Ambroso, stoppod on tho crossing and blocked tho passago of (somo of tho voluntoor flroman's machines. Tho ongtnoer -was asked 1 to moro tho train by J, C. Thomp son but rotusod, Thompson', said. I Tho Southern Pacific station said thls uftornoon thoy had no, -report of tho occurrence. ' BURSTER PIPE ROODS STORE Water escaping from a burstod attachment on a heating tank on. tho uppor floor,, last night flood ed the Sugarman storo jind base ment, causing consldorablo loss. Throo rooms on tho socond floor had bcon ronted to Mrs. Henriotta Laughtou, manicurist, who was to hnvo moved in today. ' I Tho -water, it was sold by storo employees, flowed for an hour and a halt. Attention was called to It when It bogan flowing from be neath the door of Sugarman's storo about 11 o'clock. Patrolman MacDonald wag called and tho break repaired. Heaviest damage was done to morchandlso stored ln tho Sugar man basement. Tho amount of thAA0M depends ..considerably, on. tho posslblo salvage, but I), was estimated it would reach 1000. Thoro was no Insuranco against water damage. Tho colling ot tho storo was water soakod and will need re- plastering. Tho building Is own- od by Chllcoto nnd Smith. Fixturos In tho storo wore, water blistorcd. Tho connection responslblo for tho break was dono by an Inexpor lencod man, said Wlllftm Lorcnz ot tho Ioronz Plumbing company, this morning. Tho Lorenz com pany Installod tho tank Saturday but did not make tho connections.) The pipes were capped. Tbo ten ants yesterday undertook to havo' tho connections made with disas trous rosult. The Lorenz company was in no way responsible for this outcome, said Mr. Lorenz. Odessa Resident Called by Death Earl Whltlock left this morning by boat for Odossa for tho body ot M. King Gray, who died at his home there last 'night from chron ic ailment. The decedent was well-known ln Klamath Falls. He had mado his home at Odessa tor soma years. He camo here from San Francisco and is said to havo onco been woaithy. Ho was woll educated. Ho Is survived by a widow, a daughter, Dorothy, and two sons. Tho body will bo takon to San Francisco for burial. Mnlcc tlint Idlo dollar world Put It in tho bank. i m New Manager at The jyhite Pelican Jnmoa Mllno, for two years resi dent manager of tho Whito l'ollcan hotol, Is no Iongor with the Vostelry. Mr. Milne left about a wee': .igo nnd tho hotol Is at present under tho munugoment or J. S. McGlnfls, who was clork previously, Mr. Mllno Is now In Oakland visit Ing bis sister, according tp word re ceived at tho hotel. nAVB BABY DAUGHTER Born this morning, to Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Duggon,.at their home on Michigan avenue, a baby daugh ter, to be christened Margaret Yankees Win 3 to 1; Now Lead Series 3 to 2 Yankee 3 run, 6 hits, 1 Vror. Giant 1 run. 10 hits. 1 w error. , Hnttorle tfsakecsr, Hoyt and Hclmng; Giants, Nchf and ffeirith. t POLO GROUNDS. NEW YORK, Oct. 10. Tho Yankees stabbed the board of defeat in tbo Olants sides this afternoon, walking' off 'with tho third victory of tho series. .Comfng on top of yesterday's vic tory for tho Giants, this makes the raco stand 3 to 2, with the Yan- kcos loading. .Walto Hoyt, pltchor, was tho horo In toppling tho Giants today, pitching his second winning game fqr, the series. Bob Monsel also starred, his stool whip brooking up two Giants batting rallies by lightning throws. ' Following Is tho lineup for the gai'ne: The following which appearod in the Klamath Record, Is solf-expla-' natery: t- A BIG WASTE STOPPED After weeks of negotiations an'ing the bill. They are tho best agreement was reached last evening that has for lt? subject the publlca- ton of one dally paper in Klamath; Falls. It has boen recognized for somo tlmo that the publication f two) iony oi-a conunuanco 01 a conauion dolly nowapapors ln this city was an Miatifouldbe only productive ot ox- economic wasto, -the 'cost of whlch.r.1)enBQ t0 tto business men of tho had to bo mot by tho advortlsors andK readers of tho publications. It was c'1"' " the recognition ot this fact that I Tho decision to suspend tho prompted tho movo haying for Its necord shows that tho men who object tho elimination of this waste. . . i, -. m nnnk through tho publication of only one hnvo charB6 otU Br0, w onnBh dally nanor. This has boon nccomp- fo handlo a delicate situation In a llshod through tho ngreoment signed , last night by representatives of tho S3 PublSI S" "This agrvomont prevides: That the Record Publishing com- liany shall havo an option to pur chase tho Evening Herald at any tlnle prior to Decemhor 10, 1921. In tho event that the option Is not ex orcised, the Record Publishing com pany pusses to B. J. Murray by con tract ot sale. In view of this agreement a con tinuation ot tho publication ot two nowspapers would be a further ac ceptance of a condition that the very agrooment Itself recognized as a mis take and It was decided to suspend Tho Klamath Dally Record no matter which option was exercised., For that reason The Kiamatn itccora win no longer bo publlshod as a dally, but will contlne as a Sunday nowspaper, under tho samo management and direction as heretofore, with tho ex ception ot tho.edltor, Clark Williams, who disposed' ot bis holdings to tho othor stockholders and withdraw as a membor of the company. In taking this step we do so con fident In the belief that our rcadors and advortlsero will commond our decision. It Is suro to rosult In a stronger publication and henco will In the end bring greater benefit to tho community. Nothing occupies a moro prominent place as tho repres entative ot a community than Its newspapor. It Is tho mouthpiece ot Its city and tho bigger and moro pro gressive It Is tho moro will It mirror tho progresslvoness nnd prosperity of thn communltv In which It Is publish ed. Feeling that by concentrating nil effort nnd support In ono pnpor tno soonor will Klamath Falls havo a nubllcntlon worthy ot Its standing among tho municipalities of tho state. wo dechlod upon the plans announced nhovo, because wo hold tho wolfnro ot this city nhovo any selfish prldo or ngrandlzomont. If our plans do not miscarry, wo expect to tako over Tho Evening Horald within tho stipulated sixty days. If, tho outcome should prove to ho otherwise our disappointment will be to a cortaln degree mitigated by tho fact tlint competent hands will contlnuo at tho nowspaper holm of the city nnd that interosts of Kla math Falls will not suffer. Tills chango should meet with the unqualified approval ot tbo busi ness, men of the city. Over 25, 000 bos boon wasted in tho publi cation ot Tho Record. Wo say wasted, bocause no one benefitted throuch its publication as a daily. The only purpose that has -bees served was its use as a grindstone I Yanees Miller, cf; Pecklnpaagh, ss; Ruth,-If; Meuiol, rf; Plpp, lbj Ward, 2b;''McNally, lb; Schang, c; Hoyt p. ' Giants Burns, cf; Bancroft, ss; FrlBch, '3b; Young, rf; Kelly, lb; Meusel, If; Bawling, 2b; Smith c; Nchf, p. Hooro by PniBgs First inning Yankee; Miller popped Bancroft; Frlsch Threw Pecklnpaugh outtat first; Ruth fan ned Giants': Burns 'grounded reacheaWfcod the point ot guns to 'their first wh'on" McNally fumbled; Bah-fl croft forced Burns out, Peckln paugh to "Word; Frlsch singled; Young walked, tilling .bases; Ban-) croft scored on Kelly's Texas leaguer; Mensei fanned;' Ra-wllngs forced' Kolly "outPeclc to' Word; one run. - f ,t Socond innlsg Yankoea: Mou- st.1 singles; Plpp sacriitced, Frlsch to Kelly: Wa:d fanned Meuiel w (Continued to Pace 5) for the axe ot a few individuals who vigourously applaud a con- troversy when someone else is pay- .ponders ot tho other man's money that flnd ,,!),. Even ' k.ii . . i,- th wcro B"n'nK ee the business way. The only thought was lnc DCBt tblne; for the com- -ltr. When .it became evident that suspension ot the daily and continuation ot tho Sunday edition -was the practical .thing to do pond ing the existence ot the option, that plan was adopted. But It was dono under a plan that will protect the interests of all concerned. Thcro is no exultation ln the affair. That which has been done was the sensible thing to do. It Is to be hoped that it will never have to be done again, for one paper will serve every Interest ot this community for many years to cctne. It the owners of Tho Record ex ercise their option and we believe thoy will then tho readers ot The Herald will have no- regrets. They have a program in mind that is constructive and that will give the city a paper equal to the support It receives. Wo know what that program is and we, know it is a good ono. ' They are young, men possessed ot more than the ordi nary amount ot good business Judgment, who knew more about what they are doing than some of the wise birds who, In tholr Ignor ance, are doing so much croaking They deserve the support they aro getting and tho day will como wbon they will exercise a powerful in fluence upon tho affairs ot this part ot tho state. They havo not undertaken a .task beyond their ability and those who aro standing by them will never havo occasion to regret their support. I It tho option is not oxerclsod, then the policy ot The Herald will, ln every detail, contlnuo as it has boos, . STRANGE DISEASE i NAPA, Cal.. Oct. 10. An out break ot encephalitis, a disease sim ilar to spinal menengltlff, -which yes- torday caused threo deaths hero. today Is puzzling local, county and state health authorities. Three oth- or cases are reported, one ot which today gave Indications it would tar- JmtaaU friaUy. v Damaging Evidence Against Kaempke By Alleged Accomplice Tho trial ot Fred Kaempke, alleged robbor, in tho circuit court .Saturday took an unfavorable turn for the de fendant when the court allowed the testimony ot Frank Johnson, agid 18, a self confessed member of the alleged holdup trio, Staars, Kaempke and Johnson, who are accused ot per forming the hold-tip oa the night tf February 7. V Johnson stated that the arrange ments for the robbery were perfected in a local pool room earlier la .bo ovenlng.and that after.dnsk, the three men set out for the Ewauna rcoirilng house at 238 Oak street, -we're admit ted and entered the placed unmasked. The three women, Mrs. -Bessie Duke man, Mrs. Ruby Steele and. Mrs. SJnd Mrs. Flora Lee Young, were then .roftb-. Johnson alleged that $16.50 was obtained and after' the robbery. iho throe went to Fred Kaempke's homeun Shlpplngtou and divided the loot. Cross examination by the de fense failed to shake, his testimony. Argument was hogua by both stato, and defense just after lunch, this afternoon, aid 'the case' "was expected to go to the Jury about tfjroo o'clock. FILLING SLOir ROSEBURO, Oct. . 10. Eighteen ot the new ventre of SB called to complete the Brumfletl Jury vote on hand when court 'ffened today. The defense challenged two realre men this moratsg aad the stato oas, leaving the defease with three peremptory challeMes and the state with two. Brothers and sis tcrs of Dennis us?ll today re ceived a message announcing the death ot their father,'" whoso age was variously stated at 103 and 87, from grlet over tho death of Dennis. Thrco witnesses aro here from Canada to testify for tho state. B. M. Nichols, a La Grando shoe.doal er, Is also here to testify ot a meet ing with Brumfleld at Lake Louise, Canada. ' , Brutnflold this r morning com plained that mico overran bis cell last night, and that he had to spend tbo night fighting them. He asked for traps. His brotbors ar rived here yesterday. Orchestra Here for First Concert at Elks Club Tonight The Elk clubrooms are all pre pared for' a record broaklng crowd tonight when the first number ot the Moneloy Lyceum course. Schtldkret's Hungarian orcnonra will render a two hour program of varied music, from, the greatest compositions of the old masters to the lightest ot the best modern musical pieces. Director Schtldkret says. "I'll glvo the people a real mixture so that all classes will bok satisfied, not Just a tow. , It will be n, musical pot-pourri oh like a oulash." Some ot the offerings tonight' will bo tbo "Mlflero from II Trovatore; "Poet and Peasant' by Chopin; Vio lin solo by Prof. Schnolder Interpret ing Fritz Krelsler works and his own compositions;, 'Echos of tho Me tropolitan Opera Houso," a modloy consisting of "My Hear March," Alda, Cavelorla Rustlcana, "Evonlng Star,' Palgllcclo selections nnd "William Tell." tho wonderful overture so pleasing to ovoryono, Cello solo, Med loy of Southern Melodies, Serenade from Titel consisting ot sliver flute and cello and a wonderful violin solo by an oxlled Russian professor who formerly taught In tl Moscow con servatory ot Music. Tho selection Is "Humoresquo.' Local hospitals and schooh wen' visited today by Director Schltdkrct and his piano player and selections woro played. PARENTS OF BOY Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Msllory aro tho hpy Ptront of n baby boy, befauMet night nt their homo here. no x NUN'S HIS BROKEN Blf TILL' DOWN STIIRlf ' J. W. Krause, aged 40. ot Tla. Jusna, Moxlco owasr of a strlag of race horses on the Mexican circuit, also interested in numerous stable in Oregon, suffered a broke, bank Saturday night while his corns-" Ion, Will Rogers or' this city ro cetved severe bruises about tho head and shoulders, when the two men fell down a stairway la si house at 611 Broad street, accord ing to the report on the polio record. Lee Dotea, Will Rogers an William Krause were loading cat tlo at the stockyards for J. Frank Adams, local shipper. Saturday af ternoon and at 6 o'elock, the tare men wore alleged by tho police to enter the house at (IS BrooA street. The police say that liquor was served to tho mon and at 7 o'clock, when the trio attempted ta come downstairs, Rogers placed at arm about Krause to assist hiss. Ag Rogers took a step, his toot eangkt in the spurs worn by Krause, caus ing both men to fall headlong downstairs, about feet Lee Doten took Krause over to the O. K. livery barn, and placed him on a cot and assumed he ssys, that owing to his Intoxicated con dition, he was all right and -wol sleep off the effect. .Rogers was able to go home unassisted . after recovering consciousness. ' Sunday morning at 2 o'clock, Krause at tracted attention by his repeats cries for assistance, claiming that ho coald not move. Doctor A. A. Soule; was called and examination revealed that Krause had a broken bark. The Injured man was taken to va local hospital if c'r treatment-but- recovery' Ts "ionwdored doubt Jul. , i Krause has had a string of fine horses -on tbo TbvjJuana course all year and has been purchasing Kla math county hay for them and shipping it direct to the Moxlcaa stables. A largo band ot work horses are also owned In this county by him and friends say that ho Is woll fixed financially. Krause has bad numerous, business rela tions with Rowe brothers ot Malta and with the Nine, brothers, well- known logging contractors ot this county. DISAPPEARANCE OF. GUEST REPORTED BY. HOTEL MAT W. F. Browne, a. painter, left the Arcade hotel lasth Friday and a.u cot returned, according to Chris Ulnnas. manager. Mr. Blanas is rather con- corned over his disappearance He did not tell anyone he was leaving and his belongings are stlil in his room. Browne lg described as about 60 years .old, and about S feet three Inches tall. He has a heuvy gray mustache and walks with a limp MOVING BUILDING Joseph McDonald is having tho former Army and Navy storo at the corner of Seventh and Main street moved fromi'its location to the corner of Sixth nnd Plum stroot. Tho moving Is bolng done by moans of cables and the con tractors havo had difficulty In koeplng tho public from luterforr- Ing In the work. The building will block Soventn street from Main to Klamath avenuo this ovenlng. Joe Smidl Not in Prison; Given Parol A wrong was dono Joe Sraldl, confessed accessory to the Dprrls and Mt. Hebron sate crackings last Juno ln Saturday's issuo ot Tho Horald, which said he was serving a two year term in San Quentln. Tbo Herald's attention has been called by Sheriff Low to the fast that he was paroled on the aentenoa and Is now at liberty with a ohanon to redeem the mistake into which he v was led by older persons, da-. to the adventurous spirit ot yonthv ' !! !i m m i lyji s, )nufc fii Ai',