TV PAOB BIX HATTTRDAY, OOTOBKR , 1081 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I 8 Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs. W. Crandnll nnd son 'drove Into town yesterday from tholr .home at Malln and purebnsod sup plies from local merchants, Marr Wilson and family woro 'county seat business and plcasuro Visitors yostorday from Sand Hollow. ' Miss Margaret Huntoon camo Into town yestorday from her homo at ,jrlln and mado purchases at local stores. W. 8. Wiley and Jamoa Swanson .will visit the Vonna Valley, Oil com pany drilling operations tomorrow. The company has Just oroctod n standard 84 foot rig. t B. B. Magoo will leave horo Mon day for La Grande, whore ho will at tond tho Grand Commandory of the Knight Tomplars. ', Mr. and Mrs. Harry Acklcy, of tho Ackley lumber company, left this 'woek for tho woods whoro thoy will camp tor tho next fow days. Roy Nelson a ranchor In tho Keno .section was In town yesterday after noon attending tho fair. Mr. Kelson bad soToral head of cattlo entorod as 'exhibits. Charlos Adams and family woro county seat visitors yostorday from Olene. ' 'Charlos Lewis and family wero county seat visitors yestorday from Olene. I Charlos Adams and family wero .the fair yesterday from their ranch 'home on Lost Rlvor. Mr. and Mrs. P. 0. O'dara camo down the lako In their speed boat last evening from Rocky Point and "stayed over , until this morning pur chasing supplies for their fine boat bouse In which thoy aro living at ' present. Mr. and Mrs. Qoorgo Kerns arriv ed In their car from Haywards.jCall 'fornla, tho first of tho week and will bo horo for 10 days or two weoks on a vacation visit. Mr. and Mrs. Kerns aro former residents of Klam ath and although thoy aro now mak ing tholr homo In tho California' town, still havo largo property In terests here. E. M. Chllcoto, HI Woods and L. N. Haines aro local nlmrods who aro out for quail this week-end'.. They left word that they would try' for tholr game In the Pokegama section. Mr. ind Mrs. C. M.' O'Ncll, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Epperson and son, Qoorgo havo returned from Medford, where they went on a combined business and pleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Collier and small daughter, havo returnod from Eugene, whore they havo been for the last few weeks visiting friends and relatives. ' Mrs. George Walton and daugh ters, Katberlne and Beatrice are ponding the day In town from their home at Merrill. Mrs. Mary H. Reed, who has beon here visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Leavltt, left this morning for Dor rig where she will visit another daughter, Mrs. John Clomens. Mr. and Mrs. George Thrasher, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hanna. Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Hilton, Miss Mildred Thrasher, Harry Thrasher and Paul Hilton will leave at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning for the Bonanza country where they ex pect to hunt quail. 1 B. II. Jefferson nnd Bert Wlthrow, two of the most consistent hunters in tho county left yesterday attornoon for Silver camp, where thoy expect'. to havo a pleasant week-end practic ing their favorite outdoor sport;- Anton Suty, a farmer in the Malln district, spent yesterday in tho coun ty seat attending to matters of busi ness. Mrs. M. K. Kastwood is a wook end visitor here from her ranch homo on the Merrill road. . R. B. Wilcox of Miller Hill Is In town today on farm board matters. R. EI. Bradbury is another member of the farm board, who is spending tho day in tho city from his ranch on the Merrill road for tho purpose of discussing board business. Mrs. W. D, Batorlee and two daughters left thin morning for Port land, where they expoct to spond iho winter. Mrs. A. K. Johnson, who has been here visiting her sister, Mrs. B. E. Michaels, left on the morning train for her home In Red Bluff, Califor nia. J. Frank Adams, Sr., was a passen ger on the morning train bound for San Francisco, whore ho will attond to matters of business for tho next week. "Larry" Wright, assistant mana ger of the local branch of the Stand ard OH company, was a passenger on this morning's train bound for Cali fornia. This is to be a sort of pre- wedding Journey for "Larry", nW friends report, 'as he expects to be married while away to Miss Wanda Kamm of San Luis Obispo, Califor nia. Will Blaclunau who reside on the Merrill route was in town yesterday to nttond tho Inst dny nt tho county fair nnd nlso to purchaso auppllos from local merchants tor his ranch. Don J. Zumwnlt nnd Charles H. Wlthrow aro out on a ton days tic or hunt nouth of, hero. F. E. Maston Is n county Visi tor horo today from his ritnch near Olene. Mr. and Mrs. Wnrron Lowroy and dnughtor motored from Hutchinson, Kansas, and nro visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Call. After spending somo tlmn visiting many of tho beauty spots of thu county, thoy will Journey on to California for tho wlntor. KPIHCOI'AIj SERVICES Following Is (ho program of Epis copal sorvlccs at tho chamber of commerco rooms tomorrow, con ducted by tho Rev. Dr. George B. Van Waters, archbishop of tho dlo-ccbo: 11 a. m. "Croatlon nnd Dlvlno draco in Light of Sclcnco nnd Phil oaophy." 7:30 p. m. "Blblo Intcrprotod by Modorn Research." 10:15 a. m. Holy Communion will bo .colebratod. Episcopalians aro especially requested to mako tholr communion at this service All others welcome. 11 a. m. Morning prnyor. 7:30 p. m. Evening prayor. Tho choir will be present nt tho services. Tho locturog nro freo and all aro Invited. Indians' Friend for M.ore Than SO Years Captain O. C. Applegate mndo his way slowly up Main stroot this morning, and had roachod tho Gun Store, when an Indian steppod out In front of him, and withes broad smilo addressed tho captain In tho languago of his trlbo. Quick as a flash Captain Applo gato answered the Indian, McClol Ian Williams, In his own tonguo. Whon 'asked to Interpret tho con versation ho explained It thusly: "Ah, tho Indians' frlond, all day did I soarch for you yestorday," and tho Captain roturned, "Yes, for 56 years tho Indians' friend, and I'm glad to see you. Fow "whites can .talk with tho In dtang about town in their own Ian" guago outside, of Captain Apptegato and Fred Houston. Elks Series of Entertainments to " Open Monday Eve i Preparations 'for n largo gather ing ot Klamath Tails musically In cllnrcl people nro being mado nt the Mlka' cii1i for tho Initial performance of the Monoloy Lyceum course Mon day night when Schlldkrot's Hungar ian Orchestrn will roiulor Its moIoc tlona tit tho old and now mnstora nt 8:15 o'clock In tho lodgo hall. ThnN talent socilrod for tho first nuiubor ot tho four ontortnlnmonts, which tho Monoloy courso offers, Is composed ot six nlilo musicians who 'havo appearod boforo somo ot tho largest organizations In tho United States such as Masonic, Elks, tabor nnd nt n nmnbor of tho world exposi tions which started with tho Colum bian fair In 1S03 nt Chicago. In tho oloct Washington 1. C, soclnl cir cles has bud tho Schtldkrot organ! zntlon appear for all Itn "Inner seloct" affairs for tho political leaders ot tho United States. Tho orcbostra has been chosen also for such society ovunts, as havo boon gtvon by somo of tho Now York "400 clans." In Chi cago, Mrs. Harold McCormlck and Mrs. Marshall Field havo always call ed upon this organization ot musical tnlcnt to furnish tho dreamiest ot waltz music for dunces, fotos und lawn parties, not to'montton gather ings whoro tho nation's musical lead ers wero nssomblod to discuss must cul promotion. Tho Elks ontortulnraont committee nnnotinco that tho courso offered by thorn Is given under a strictly "mon eyback guarnntco" and should any patron bo dissatisfied with tho tal; ont offored, tholr money will bo cheerfully returnod. Tickets can be procured at tho Elks Club today and Monday. POE VALLEY FOLK PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Elmor Moore of Poo Vatloy aro .tho proud parents of n 12-pound, baby boy, born yes terday nftornoon. Dr. Goo. I. Wright, who "was In attendance, re ports both mother nnd child to bo doing nicely. A w MM TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY o o FOUND In tho Rex Cafe, n K. P. charm owner call at Herald of- ttco and Idontlfy. '. 8-10 KXt-A-w tft-. ft ! E.ft ft. ft- . . . -6- . .. - -- -d THE STRAND Finest Picture Projection in Southern Oregon SUNDAY i . Charlie Chaplin T THE WORLD'S GREATEST COMMKDIAN "ONE A. M." ? It will make oor sides ache from laughter; and THE SEASON'S BIO QYPSV PICTURE f EVELYN GREELY IN "THE OAKDALE AFFAIR" A picture full of action, thrill and surprises.' A first-run feature V ft ALSO "FORD WEEKLY ALWAYS INTERESTING . X Continuous Show Sunday Shows start 1, 8, 8, 7, D o'clock t COMING TUESDAY A Charles Ray in "The Deserter" country oiore j&very i nursaay y vice me riuuiL i "V ? t T i V W ft, jftfc ft. jfta, jftfc jftfc ftfc. jftfc ft. fta. ftst. ftaafta, fttt ftav j&. fta, jfta. fta. fta. jfta, ftt. ft. jftfc. ft BtJ WMWWWVWMMWWWWWAWWWWWWWWI The Rex Cafe $1.00 Special Sunday Dinner $1.00 Crab Cocktail Ripe Ollvos bill Pickles Apple and Celery Salad Waldorf Cream of Chicken Soup Choice of Fried Spring Chicken, Maryland Fillets of Veal Breadod, Paprika Sauco 8tuffod Spring Chicken, Celery Drosslng Apple Fritters, Special Sauco I Mashed Potatoes Cauliflower In Cream Apple Phes Punch Choice of Vanilla Ico Cream, Hot Mince PIo, Marshmallow, Pine Apple, Butterscotch Sundae Tea- Coffee Milk X A, Chocolato XJlJuynoo'"OCM!iJO"CiiyfVrfitv ii-rrri- irriirn"7"T"""rriWey rr r ' MVj4iWl4-- tf Of Interest to AU Good Cooks Every good cook realizes that the actual cooking is just as important to good cookery as is the prep aration of the ingredients. Isn't it fair, therefore, to say that better ranges will make better cooks? Westinghouse Electric Ranges' aro better ranges, for more reasons than can be discussed here. They are the only ranges with practical automatic control. They con be trusted to start and stop cooking without atten tion, and they use the minimum of current. They heat the , food and not the kitchen. Learn how good cooking may be done conveniently and comfortably, and just why Westinghouse Ranges make good cooks better. Talk to any of the following dealers: Link River Electric Company . KLAMATH FALLS FOBES SUPPLY COMPANY Wholesale Distributors PORTLAND, ORE. s fit. s is only an incident in one's life. He has not lived a full life who has not met it, throve your worth, with courage. Be one of the successful. Save the fruits of, your efforts. - ' - t ,t Your account is invited. i -i - .--! First State & Savings; Bank Klamath Falls, Oregon',. r. ' y i ' r h- 7' j t viy t'W s"