jMwE9KSnftvC sjshws -V'f wj,)tl"l(,"'i - --! J' 1 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE xfiva. SATURDAY, OOTODEB B, 1M1 wFiwfcnnrjjr; &7i. : 4Z' T LOOK FOR GOOD , w n FOR FOOTBALL if , Th?y Know Who'll Win Series SAM FRANCISCO, Oct. 8. Foot 1ml I toanin, representing tho biff uni versities' and collogoi) of tho Pacific roast, nonrly nil stronger, than thoy wore a year ago, swing Into action early. In Octobor "with Ramon against tho dull tnnmfi nml nmnllni nrlinnln The' 'first Pacific coaBt conforonco RnMAg nro (scheduled for Octobor 22, "Mont of tho coast toama will bo ntreager and competition will bo something florco thlfl yoar," "Sby" lluatlhgton, hond coach at tho uni versity of Oregon, Bald rocontly In glvlag his vIowh of tho coming soa non. ' Unlvorslty of California,, which woa tho conforonco tttlo last yoar with an unprocodontod totnl num ber nf points, and defeated Ohio State Unlvorslty at Pasadena, Cat., Now Year's Dny, this yoar promises to liavi) nnothnr "wondor loam." Only throo,. members of tho unde feated 1020 elovon did not roport for practice this season. "Heat California," nppoara to bo thn motto of fall const trninn on t)io Hlae and Gold BChodulo. Tho other coaforonco members, Stanford Unl Tornlty, Unlrorslty of WashlnRton, Orogon, Washington Stato coIIoro and tho OrOROn Aerlcultural col Ioro, snom dotormlnod to tako tho chniaplonshlp away from tho Cali fornia team. Tho Cnllfornlans say It cannot bo done Two conchoa now to tho confer eneo will handlo toams this soaaon. Ono is Enoch Bngshnw, Unlrorslty of WashlnRton Rraduato, who has rolnrnod to his alma mator to help hor team out of tho last placo .ditch It was In last yoar. Tho thor now coach Is done Van Ohent, formor Wisconsin playor, who will handlo Stanford. Outside tho' conforonco, tho Unl Tcrnlty of Southern California, Unl vortdty of Nevada, St. Mary's col IcRe, Wlllamotto University, Occl dnntnl University and Whitman col, lego nro biilitllng up strong teams, In tho hopo of dofcatlnR tho organ ization members whon thoy meet. FARMERS' IE WINS TUG G' WAR A program of sports mado an ln- toroRtlnR afternoon for tho crowd at tho fairgrounds yostordays. Tho farmers' tUR-of-wnr team dofoatod tho merchant's toam, desplto tho Vesi efforts of tho town nggroga- 'tloliJ" Harry Poolo roforeod tho L'mateh, and tho teams lined up as 'follews: ! t Farmers Calvin, Chostor and Lntbor Hasklns, L. Qerston, Prank MeCornack, Durrolt Short, Harry 1-Uooth, Ouy Merrill, W. B. Ham mond and W. 0. Dalton. Merchants 0. H. Harpst, Will (Baldwin, Austin Hayden, J. R. Kej Irley, W. B. Durbln, Tom Wntfers, t'Ooorgo drlzzlo, F. L. Smith, Jamoa RKoarns. and Floyd McMlllon. it,', Youngsters Events I ,J Juvonllo ovents, undor tho direc tion of Itobort Clayo, manual train ing loachor for tho city schools, ro- suit as follews: K ' ' Bl-ynrd dash First, Alox Clioyne, ''Falrvlow; second, Kddlo Sbulmlro', !' Miller Hill. : nirio" el nil nn.vnrd dash First. WsssmS wmsBslsWkx. v $fl3sm& Both these bora have the Inside dope on who will win the world's Baseball championship. Tommy afeQuado, left, has proof that uo . aianUwWwln. But he can't convlnco Eddlo Bennett. Tommy mascot J for the QlanU and Eddto la the human talisman for tho Yanks. AWARDS (lonural awards for exhibits at tho county fair, nnnounoed by tbo Judges yesterday, aro as follews: CI bum O. a Vegetable Pumpklns First, Waltor Robin- son; socond, Anderson A Rollllng. Pumpkins, largest First, Walter Robinson. Turnips First, Andernon & Roll- llng. ' Cabbaeo First, Atlco Kos; sec ond, Mrs. 12. Schlssel. Cauliflower First, Mrs. B. Schls sel. Colory First, Warren Patterson. Six oars sweet corn First, Mrs. E. Schlsmd; socond, Anderson & Rollllng. ' Hubbard Squash First and Sec, ond, Anderson & Rollllng. Squash, First, oxhlblt No. 217; second, Anderson it Renting. Tablo. Roots First, II. P. Thom as; second, Allco Kos. Onions, six First, L. M. McKcn- zlo; second, H. P. Thomas. Tomatoes First, W. 8. Slough; second,, Wattor-Itoblnton,- ,- Display of vegotnblos First, Mrs. I). Hooper; second, Mrs. -A., Kos, Form products display First,- Mrs. II. C. Parker. Fruit display First, Mrs. J. B. Knmnn; second, Mrs. J. Hooper. Dulry buttor First, Mrs. Warren rnuorson. ' Home mado soap First, Mrs. J. McCluro; socond, Mrs. J. K. Bnman. Cottago Cheese First, Mrs. D. H. Kaylor. Honoy In combFlrst, Anderson & Rollllng; second, C. N. Snow. Division CO Open Juvonllo VcRetabH'H Mrs. J. Ij. Hwlc ley, Saporlntendent Tablo Boots First, Waltor including t uiris ciuu uvjuiu ut"M i Joyeo Slgtord, Lono Pine; socond, IBnkn Noll, Summors. ' , J Klamath Foils girls' club GO "yard dash First, Ruth Kllngen ij'berg, Control; Bocond, llouloh Ren 'ct. Mills. "' Klamath Falls elimination B0 'yard dash First, Loo Tonksloy, iMIlls; socond, Frank IlnllJ River- v,r flmall town schools, ! Klamath Falls, G 0-yard dash First, Jhao TankBley, Klamath Falls; socxl fbad, nilly Dalloy, Merrill. i'' Froo-for-nll for boys, first hoot ! First, Waltor Short; socond, Royco Tanksloy. Socond boat First, Al lea Holllday; socond, Baton Klgor. ' Finals First, Wnltor Short; socond ''jRoyce Tanksley, t dJI1 a Iris' Ireo-for-all First, Leona i Robin; socond, Florence Robin. ft"! rat boys' racc First, Richard IfBoguo; second, Gordon LoomU. l A porson who claims to have glv i an years of observation to tbo snb fl.'Jeet declares that rod-halrod girls l' can't eook. No real genlu la the ' cullaary Una, he aaya, ever had red. hal.- Caulltlowor Frnt, Marian Pat torson, Netted Com potatoos First, Ag nos Knman; serond, Walter Bowno. Pio Pumpkin First, Vcrnlo Zotz- mnn; second, Wnltor Rowno, Pumpkin, cow First Waltor Ilowno. Hubbard Squash First, Waltor Ilowno; second, Vornlco Zotzman. PIvIMon I Dommtlc Art Mrs. R K. Wntli'nbiirK, Bupcrlntondont. ansi 1, Apron, fancy ombrolderod First, Mrs. Bunlco Thomas, RcdBprcad, crochet First, Mrs. A. Carlson; second, Mrs. Thomas Hampton. Dust Cap First, Irene Fink; soc ond, Ulancho Short. ' Center piece First, Mrs. K. O. Cummlngs. , Center pioco. colored ombroldor- cd First, Mrs. A. Mark; second, Mrs. A. B. Rao. Center piece First, Mrs Q. Sox- ton; socond, Mrs. A. Mark. Corset covor, crochet First, Mrs, a. I. Grlzzlo; socond, Ireno Fink. Tutted yoke First, Mrs. C. A, Jones. I DrcBBor scarf, embroldorod First, Mrs. J, M. McCluro; second, Mrs. IC a, Cummlngs, Drossor scarf, loco edgo First, Mrs. R. ,B, Wattonburg. Whlto embroidered gown First, Annn Frlsbcc. Hand mado gown First, Mrs. :. Wnttonburg; socond, Mrs. Hamaker. Handkerchief First, Mrs. R. Mooro. R A S. FINK KltAMATH CEIiERY GROVN IIY ATj CRYSTAIj r If thero Is any finer celery grown (this sldo of Kalamazoo, In general, i 'or In Klamath county In particular, II. than that grown by Al Crystal, Tho Ilowno; socond, Marian Bownb; Cabbago First, Waltor Downo; socond, Marian Patterson.' Carrots First, Marian Patterson; socond, Julia Kos. Cucumbers First, Vernlio Zoti raan. ' Parsnips First, Waltor Rowno Manglo wurtzols Floyd Bunnell, Onions First, Julia Km. Horald will havo to bo shown. Some very flno specimens of celery have boon sent to this office In tho paat, but to dato tho palm must go to Mr. Crystal, who Is bulMIng for himself an enviable reputation aa a successful gardoner. ' He's a bright son who doesn't nogloct tho education of his parents. To Honor U. S. "Unknown" tHB3!r3FimwSBBsf-';!?-' V' .. j!-;!l!S's.cHHtt3HB fSPJL I .-.KSSjBWaBKl-" A &? vt V..xVaBBBBHBaBBMSHl ' XAdy Ltmcrick has been suggested aa tho boarer of England's math which British women will send to this country for the dedication if the Tomb of the Unknown American Warrior. She lost her sen In he war and endeared herself to American soldiers through her canteen md other war work.. i NEW TODAY FOR BALE Household & kitchen furniture. 1021 Washington St. 8 FOR SALE-rl -1920 6 pasBOneor Ford, ICloctrlc startor, good condi tion, i Klanuith. Pall Auto Co. i!2t SUln Phono 210 8-1G WATH1RUAN PIANO SCHOOL 13 IJBONH GUAHANTKICD POPULAR SYNCOPATED STAND ARD MUSIC BK01NNERS & ADVANCED PUPILS ACCEPTED , i:.VItOJJ,MKNTH CIXWE, NOV. lSril V. n. CIjARK INHTItUCTOIl 83G LINCOLN, PHONE 307 CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION GIVEN AT YOUR HOME. xt FOR SALE 120 foot 34 inch orna montal wlro lawn fonco. Ono orna mental Iron gate for samo with fit tings. Also somo 4 foot woron chick on wlro. All at & prlco. Apply G22 Klamath Avo. 8 A good bod and a good bath at Colonial rooms, 11th noar Main St., and 741 Walnut Avo. 8 FOR SALE Horo la a real bargain. 140 aero ranch, all under Irriga tion, about five miles from town. Fair houeo, ono of tho best barns s tho county. School within half mllo California highway will bo built on ono sldo of proporty. Small payment down. Inqulro, WIBTIAKIMVOOIMinNTLKY 121 KOrtlt 8th St 8 FOR BALK 1 Chalmer Rag 1 ton track 1 Oakland I Ford 1 Serlpps Booth 1 houao trailer. Will trade, what havo you! I sacrifice i all can. Leaving town. Seo me at once, 240 Broad St. Dick. 8 FOR RENT Oozy bedrooms, bath and phoae, board If desired. Use of garage. Phono 240M or 240R. 8 FOR SALE Smalt heating stove. Call at Gl Main, upstairs, or at 115 North 4th St. 8-11 Shotgun for sale, double barrel, Parker, hammertoes, 12 gauge, first class condition; also leather case and jointed wiping 'stick. Prlco S3 5. Phone 331W. 408 N. 6th St. 8-10 FOR RENT--Furnlshed room for gentleman. Hat and cold water. 505 9th St. 8-11 FOR SALE Double bed and springs. Sanitary couch, baby cart all In good condition. 429 Roosevelt St. Phono 339M. , 8 Ham O. Tallman, docoosod, will soil at prlvato solo to tho highest blddor, ou aud aftor Norombor 7, 1921, all right, tltlo and interest owned and possessd by said deceased at tho tlmo of his douth In and to tho following doscrlbod real proporty, to-wlt; Sit uated in Klamath County, Orogon, tho Southeast Quarter of Soctlon 33 Township 10, South Range, 10, East of Wlllamotto Moridlan, containing ICO acres. Said administratrix is authorized to soil all or any portion of said promises for cash In hand, or upon torms to bo approvod by tbo Court. Alt bids must bo in writing and doilvorcd to tho undenilgnod at tuo law offices of R. C. Oroesbock, Klamath Falls, Oregon, prior to No- vombor 7, 1921. Dated Octobor 8, 1921. JUNIATA TALLMAN. Administratrix of tho Estate of William O. Tollman. Deceased. O 8-1G-22-29 N. 5 Make Uiat Idlo dollar work! Put It In tho bank. YOU ARE THE JURY Hoar tho TesUmony.of Klamath Falla) Pcopio and Docldo tho Coco Doan's Kidney Pills aro on trial nro bolng tried every day for weak kldnoys for oxhaustlng kldnoy back aches. What Is tho vordlct? Road Klamath Vails tostlmony personal oxporlenccs of Klamath Falls wit nesses. Thoro can bo only one vor dlct a chorus of approval. Honry Smith, carpontor, 106 Mala St., Klamath Falls, Bays: ''I have; used Doan's Kidney Pills oft and on for a long tlmo and havo, always found thorn to bo a rellablo kidney romedy. My back ached and pained at tlmos and I had a soreness lust ovor my kldnoys. My kldnoys didn't act right, olthor. , Doan's Kidney Pills always rolloved tho troublo; the backaches loft and my kldnoys were put In good order." ' Prlco 60c, at all doalers. Don't simply ask for a kldnoy romedy got Doan's Kldnoy Pills tho samo that Mr. Smith had. Foster-MUburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. gMMMViHHMH'TVyVT'g We Will Serve Our, i Special Swdar Diner From 11 a.m. to 8 p. m. for $1.00, JEWE CAFE t r t MENU Ripe Olive ' Celery la Braaek , . Fruit Cooktall ' Consomme Broth Royal Columbia Rtver Salmon Salad Maltro do Hotel Choice of Baked Young Chicken, Orator Dreaatac Roasted Pig Shoulder -with Sweet Potato Veal Porterhouse Steak, Paprika Batter aa American Vegetable ' Chicked Fricassee with Puff Dumplings Prime Rib of Steer Beet an Jus Fried Unjolnted Spring Chicken a la Marylaad' Golden Puff Potatoes Baby Peas la Oreata Cocoanut .Cream Pudding -. - Tea 'Cotfoe MUlc NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL K8TATH Notice is herebyt glren that, pur suant to an- order of the ' County Court of tbo Stato of Oregon for Klamath County, mado and ontorod SJSSteHlr.i ",2kih,"?fffffi& rtunity ?.' i ' - Opportunity plays no favorites. Busi ness history proves that those who suc ceed, work hard and save money. Successful people as a rule date their success from the day their saving helped them to take advantage of an op- ' portunity. You can make your futurevbright by saving a part of your earnings. Luck t i never did, nor never will, provide for old age. j For your own good, get the Savings habit. Your money "eventually reaches the bank.. I it deposited by you or other parties. "Think it over." WEPAY 4 v ON YOUR SAVINGS DEPOSITS WITH US The First National Bank it KLAMATH FALLS OREGON i V .S" . -iSJ,'l "' ny .y ;. -