TiZ ipj,a!yt '.-tiSiiiKS 3lftUr rnmimMMmtfinM' r.jt.wiJhi,..,.. ., M ," ,.,-, ytt THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON X rAGH THB1JE SATURDAY,- OCTOBER 8, ,1M1 -Tmizmigi0sm&? " 4 KT ? The Office Cat ' bhhhbuJ"IkkLez." ' v ejBjBflBjBjBBjsBBaHBHj BY JUNIUS ' More Curls A girl I alum , , In Huo CnrroU; She's ono of tboRU ' Human parrots " Cincinnati Enqulror. . I never shun ' . . A slnglo maid; - riovo tbomall Too much, I'm '(raid. Hastings (Nob.) .Tribune. PoroplrlniTCItUon 1 don't think much of this wonthor. 2ool Friend That's mo, too. I try to koop my mind off Itf There'll Always n Silver Lining "I hoar you'vo lost 'your cook. Tough luck, romarkod Bolt. "Oh, I don't know," ropllod Nutt, "Wo bought a can oponor and that at leant dona not burn everything that conies ro tbo tablo," Did you over boar that follor say: "I had a swell tlmo on my vacation, but bollovo mo, 1 am glad to bo back again?" Don't ovor bollovo him. Tho hardest part about vacation la Rot ting back on tho job. " Undoubtedly a Record A Cblnoso, fighting for clltzonslilp In Chicago declares bo wan born In San Francisco, hut admits that his paronta novor loft China. This Is bo lloved to bo ono of tho most absent-minded trlokn tho stork oor played. t Life As I Sec It Don't fuss with your neighbors about a few shortcomings. I know n very distinguished man who says "ot" for "ato". ( A Dr. Stratton claim that women ' are being huggod too much In tho modern dances. Uy straining our oars I - and listening Intently wo bavo not as yet, hoard any complaint from tbo Iwomen, It. K. i . No Argument "Do you deny that wo uro descend ed from raonkoys?" "If you want to claim that doacont, old man, I won't dispute you. Why bould I nrguo with you about your family trooT" Study briefly tbo face of tho fel low who is carrying a flshpolo und you can toll wbother ho Is coming or going.' ' Tho hon has a right to kick: sha is never so much as allowed au egg of her own production. ' AU Hlr.cn Twins, oh? What'll I do about ,u baby carriage" ' t ."Oh, thoy mnnufacturo them for two or threo pasBongors, old top." Sally Skukum says "llubo" Ruth Is evldontly a plgoon fanclor 'causo bo's boon makln' n collodion of "homers"- Phllo-Hophy (Talent won't got you any placo unless It is backod up by ambition. An editor wroto a southern Miss ouri subscriber, namod Dill Jeffrey, advising him that his subscription bad expired. Afow days lator tho editor received his own lottor, across the bottom of which was scrawled, "Bo's Bill." ' Ob, strenuous days for cupld, And Hymen's all astir A chap pays court to somo fair lass; Tbo next, we hear that comos to pass The! court is paying her. Got'em Rolled Up The dlmples'deep of lucky Kate Have lost1 their 'luring charm, of i late; J While Mabel now wins witb.'all ease, Her only dimples grace hero knees. i Judge ' ? 0AAA Outbursts of Everett True By Condon 1 7HI3 ttHOOS tH THIR.O TtM & CVM-CO- AT VOVR. Cfftcaj TO e . . . ' ai.. j "rvutm tu b v .-c-a aw t ino i-i-... ..-- --- ItTMMCC ItSN NCONa ATW rau on out AT THE CHURCHES No changes will be made in this column unloss tho copy is at Tbo Evonlng Horald offlco by C o'clock Friday evening. f SACRED IinAIlT Oilmen, cor. ot Eighth and High, Rov. Hugh J. Mar shall, Rov. J, V. Molloy. 1st Mass at 8:00. 2nd Mass at 10:30. Evening sorvlcos at 7:00. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE soctoty of Klamath Falls hold services In tho lower room of tbo Library building, corner of Third nnd Main stroots, ovory Sunday mornlni; nt 11 o'clock and ovory Wednesday evening ut 8 o'clock. Tho Sunday school sosslonls from 0:45 to 10:45 ovory Sunday morn lng. Tho stibjoct for Sunday is: "Are Sin, plsoaso and Doath, Itonl?" " Tho frco roadlng room and frco londlng library is open from 2:30 to 4:30 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. , FIRST IIAl'TIHT CHURCH, corner Washington and Eighth. A. F. Sim mons, pastor. Residence' C12 Calif jr nla nvonuo. t METHODIST KPISCOPAL CHURCH Tenth and High, Rov. S. J. Chanoy, pastor, 1005 High St., Phono 537-W. . FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH' oornor Sixth and Pine streets. Rov. Arthur Rice, mlnlstor. t EMMANUEL HAITI ST CHURCH Corner Eloventh and High strcots. J, II. Dickson, pastor. Phono C02J. , C1UUSTIAN CUURCn, cornoroth and Pine stroots, C. F. Trlmblo, pas tor, 2107 Wantland Avo. Phone 239-R. . Season's Fires in Montana, Idaho Burn 35,000 Acres MISSOULA, Mont., Oct. 8. For est flros in djstrict No. 1. compris ing Montana and northorn Idaho, burnpd ovor 35,847 acres,, oqually di vided betwoon national forests und prlvato lands, according to n report compllod at district hoadquartors boro. Tho total number ot flros dur ing tho soason Just closed was 1,267. Of tbo tofal numbor of fires, 429 wero llstod ns causod by lightning, 257 by carnpors, 1C4 by railroads and tho remainder by miscellaneous agoncles, More than 17,000 acres of national forest wore burnod ovor. Not a slnglo fatality among tho tiro fighters (was roportod during tho, soason, and tho few casualties reported wero all of a slight nature In ylow of tho foct that tho f In fighting army M times comprised 1,100 men, iji 'npdttlon to permanent patroj and protection crews, this re cord is'conBldercd remarkable. NAJi-JT Ul-r QfMB' H6R6-N flBLj C Ali&v A fors! XDOON fiU$IN6, ONLY vta4 &.. t-aw s, . - - - i-5- -' v - a w iu iibj M-BBT DF U, S. EXPORTS LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. Vr-Ono million threo hundred and sixty thousnnd four hundred and forty (1,300,440) frolght cars, each car forty foot In longth and containing twonty-flvo tons each, which placed ond to ond would form a continuous string of cars ten thousand threo hundred nnd six (10,300) miles long, or almost half around tho world, wpuld bo necessary to transport tho JIMll.OOO toAs roprcsontlng tho comblnod quantity of principal com modities exported from tho United States to nil foreign countries for tho first six months of 1021, accord ing to announcement made today by Mr. It. L. McKollar, Fojolgn Freight Traffic Manager ot tho Southern Railway Systom and Mobile & Ohio Railroad, with headquarters bore. Thd announcement nlso stated that tho comblnod quantity of principal oxports tor tho first six months of 1921 exceeded tho quantity of ox ports for tho samo months of 1920, by 4,520 carloads ot twonty-flvo tons each or 113,000 tons. (Tho oxportatlons of whoat for ox amplo, for tbo first nix months nam ed, Mr. McKollar stated, woro equiv alent to 147,8d0 carloads of twonty flvo tons each, or an lncroaso of m,oro than 155 per cent, over tho samo months last year. Tho oxportatlons ot corn, tho nn nouncomont said, aggregated C4,C79 carloads of twonty-flvo tons each, or nn lncroaso ot 571 por cent, far tho first six months of this year as com pared with tbo samo months ot 1920. FREE. $3 AUTO STROP RAZOR HOW? WHEN? WHERE? WATCH THE PAPERS 9-11 BAD ME SALTS Says Bacnacho Is Sign You Hnvo Been Eating too Much Moat. ' Whon you awake up with bachaebe and dull misory in tho kldnoy roglou it gonerally means you bavo boon eating too much meat, says a well known authorty. Moat forms uric acid which Qiorworks tbe kldnoys in their effort to filter It from the blood and thoy become sort ot par alyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, llko yon relievo your bowels; removing all tho body's urinous waste, elso you bavu back ache, dizry spells; your stomach sours, tonguo Is coated) and when tbo weather is bad you have rheuma tic twinges. The urlno Is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often got sore, water scalds and you are obllgod to seok 'rollnf two or three times during the night. , 4. m NT ,Tho first, frost this month will conio on tlio morning of Octobor I7tb. 1 t ' A ClnSslflcn: Ad will soil It. CoTee -servod pfpind hot r7fy pure cre&m $ret- prWe CbfFcv hup serve Wl ft l lake Home ePmen Dottfhnuh SO? , DR. G. A, MASSEY Fourth and Pine BU. In Wnrron Hunt Hospital Off. Phono 407 Res. Phono 86M M-HK--M"'Mfr Portraits and I Enlargements J Art frames nnd framing. J. HENLINE PHOTO SHOP Opposlto courthouso ( Phono 3D 837 Main -A-M-Ct-4 KX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION Klamatn Pot No. 8, American Legion meets ra$H at tho City Hall on tho '$$&' first and third 'Tuesdays ot each month., Ex-scrvlco men nro lfclted to at tend tbo mootings. . For momborshlp caiuJ or Informa tion ex-sorrlco men arw requested to soe or wrlto tbe following efficers: J. II. Carnahan, Commander. Roy ,N. Fouch, Post Adjutant.- For relief of omployment see or wrlto tho Chairman ot Tho Relief, and Employment Committee, Francis Olds, euro Lakosldo Lumber com pany. Klamath Lodge No. IS? I. O. O. F. Moots Friday night or each wook at I. O. O. F. ball, 5th and Main street Cbas. Newman ..............N. O. W. C. Wolls V. O. Q. B. Manguo ..- .......... Secy, W. D. Cofer . Treas. ENCAMPMENT II. V. Browq C. P. J. V. Browbakor 8. W. L. J. McCluro .- Scribe Nato Ottorboln ., - Treasurer CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Horbert B. Mallett Dr. Goo. E. Mallett Offlco ovor Underwood's 7th & Main Phone 539-J i FU.Z' SCHOOL OF POPULAR MUSIC I bavo constructed thru years of experience the only course that teaches you to play, the piano by NOTE and by 'EAR in 10 to 20 les sons. Write for particulars, 7,01 11th si., jviamain vans; urp, rnone aom. I WILL- Toko out Cellars or Fill In Lota CON MURPHY 517 Mortimer St. Phone 541-W I 1 , m I rrtYyjMl 1 AAAAAMMVWMMMMMMAAArW E , EAT T AT The White Lunch Home Cooking nnd Home Pnstry a Specialty SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAY, 76o 1123 MAIN STREET AAAAWVWWVtAA JMVwvwwvwwvwwwwy MADE IN KLAMATH Alfalfa Meal FOR SALE MURPHY'S I'EED STORE ANDERSON'S GHOOETERLV SUNSET GROCERY MfR. by HARRY TELFORD AAMMMMAAMMMAMAMWWWWWWt DR. T. C. CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON I. O. O. F. Building PbOM 190 Residence 125 Pine St. Phono 200-R. J. C. CLEGHORN CIVIL ENOINEER AND SURVEYOR Phone 192J 133 S. Riverside Holliday Dairy Wliolcsnlo and Retail ..Posturlzcd Milk and Cream., Phone 501-J. MMMMAMMMMMAMAAMAMMMWMVWWWM Offlco Phone 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Snrgeoa White Building Klamath Fajls Oregon iwwwwwmmAmwwwwwmiw PELICAN BAY BUS Faro SSe each, way Lvm Rex Cafe Leaves Pelican City 7:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 13:46 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 5:30 p. m. Reckard Kent Service Phone 77 25-tt L. D. Gats, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT GLASSES FURNISHED T. O .O. F. Bldg. Phone 99-W 1 Rooms 202, 203, 204 Res. White Pelleaa Hotel. Phone 0 Klamath Falls Plumb ing & Heating Co. 1178 MAIN ST. PHONE B43-W aAAA0MNMVMWWVWWWWWWMk)W9 Coes Auto Service Hudson, Buick, and Dodge Cars Country Trips a v Specialty PHONB 108 United Cigar Store AAA tratlT gJWWHWlJe DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Officii and Residence Phones 821 I. O. O. F. Temple DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecanrar PHONB SM Dr. P. M. Noel PHONB . Over Ua4enroe7s SeveaU and Kate Streets Excavating ' Teaming , Let ns make you a price on dig ging that basement, or other ex cavating you contemplate. 'We also do team work ot every deicrlptioa., Phone 426-J Premiun Dairy 3 Oldest Retail Dairy In Town Phone 22-F-2 i GLOVER MAKES Your Watch Keep Time. 511 Main St. Klamath Falls SAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Dealgncra nnd bulldem of mod ern saw mills, planing mills mat box plants. Dredging. Pile driving. Phone 466-W Offlco Corner Spring and Oak Near S. P. Depot DR. JL L. TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phone, 407 Night Phone, I .E. D.LAMB PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Phone 17W 17R Rooau 1 aad a White FRED WESTERFELD DKNTHT v Phone 434W. X-IUy Laeorator LoomU Bldg., VJaaaaMi Katti NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY, "Put Your DwU la Our SwU" PHONE 154 Corner Main and Coacsr KlamaUi Falls Cyclery We are here to serve yon, and aim to serve yon right. Motorcycles and Bicycles, Farts and Aceuoriea. Tires and Tubes, that will stand your Inspection, as we carry the best in our line. Repair shop la connection with Harley-Davldsoa Service. Fboae S79 110 Mala St. Klamath Falk O. B. BISMARK Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OUR CLEANING, PKKS61NU ANXJ REPAIRINO WILL MAKB XOUB CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW HATH KEBLOGKKD Good Called for aad Delivered 481 Main Street Klamath Pall DR. J. G. GOBLE The well-known Optician now located in K, D. Block, 1313 Main. Phone 2B3-M. VVMWMMfWArrrWAMArwrMMrW DR. O. A. DMtist L O. O. F. PHONB SI .iAvtAnfVuftrirnfVVyiiTrjJ"JrjJJ- CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Lois O. Bridge Oyer First Stato and Savings Bank Suite 105 Fbona 102-J Let Your GLASS trouble! be Mine C E. STUCKEY Rc-Glacing and CabiaU Malcinf, Phono 477W Eleventh and Pine A it '1 T If Ifs Loose We Will Move It O. K. TRANSFER CO. 124 '& "-t Phone87 ' lei ' HI -",S v