The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 08, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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,ATtJlUAir, OOTOBHR 0, 1M1
c 4
Tke Evening Herald
JO. 3. MURRAY . Editor
IUBP jjOU.Lli ... Olty IMltor
Pnbllshod dally oxcopt Sunday, by
Tho Herald Publishing Company of
Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Btroot.
stored at tho lioBtofflco at Kla
rafc "Knlls, Ore, for transmission
throigh. tho malls as second-class
matter. tJ J '
'' r PRES3.
Tbo'Assoclatod Press is exclusively
cnlllloU to1 tho ose'for publication ot
air now a dispatches crodltod to It,
on not otherwise crodltod in this
puer, and, also tbo local nowa pub-
nsanr Herein. i
M ''
Three obsolete battleships, a cruiser
and two monitors, will be sold as
Jon at the Philadelphia Navy Yard.
Tbo; vessels' ,aro the battleships
Maine, Missouri and Wisconsin, tho
CrtiKer Columbia and tho monitors
Otari and Tonapab. They represent
an aggregate lonnago of 53,000. All
stores and machinery worth salvag
ing will be removed betore the sale.
Tbo battleships and monitors car
rfert main battorlfts of twelve inch
dins now declared obsolete as etfec
Htci frgtylng units, though they all
fi-CYCd c-nactlvo duty during tho war
nn, nation or training ships. The
cruiser Columbia, one of tho fastest
warships In tho Spanish-American
war,, .was used on patrol and convoy
The Maine and Missouri were com
missioned lu 1001, The Maine ro
plnrcri tbo old Maine blown up in
Iljwana Harbor in 1898.
The Wisconsin went Into commis
sion In 190J with th,o, North Pacific
squadron; She was turned out by tho
Unlop'Iron WorkR on tho Pacific
coast. i
f Tijn monitors Tanapnh and 'Otark
went Into icbaimlsslon ,iu 1900.
Dog" Hero Gives
Life to Share
Fate of Friend
,iulnsas CITY, Kan., Oct. 8.
During the burning of the garage at
J jib ana Stewart, Kansas City, Kan
sas, little ownerless dog sacrificed
his life that bo might sbaro the fate
of a horse that died In tho flames.
The, horse was bought from a trader
nnd used for hauling a small Ice wag
pn, After tho arrival of the bono tbo
dog was first noticed about tho stall.
Tbelo'g had many friends among tho
boys in the neighborhood and divid
ed his, timo with thorn but novor fail
ed 'to' pay a daily visit to tho horso
and somotlmes followed tho wagon
pn Us rounds. ,
.Several attempts wero made to rev
cup, the horso from tbo rapid spread
of jtlio firo but tho foar of explosion
from oil and gasoline proventcd tho
rpscuors from reaching tho animal.
( Tho dog accompanied each enc who
attempted (o reach tho horso rind was
brought back forcibly Bovoral tlmos
but finally sprang In alone and made
bis way through flames ami foiling
timbers and died bealdo tbo friend bo
could not aavq.
What Size Do you Take?
few people understand the mean
ings of tho numbers and sizes on ar
ticles of clothing, says London An
swers.. f'tn hats and caps tho size Is one-half
'the sum total of the long and short
rtliimoters of the bend. In other words,
1( jour -bend measures 13 Inches,
yptirftslze In batsls 0.
Tho size' In gloves Indicates the
number of Inches round the knuckles
when I lie band' Is closed.
The length la Inches of your foot to
Who "number" you take In socks. la
nnmen,'sJhosa the length of the leg Is
usually three' Umas the length of the
Mr. and Mrs. S. Holdon wore hosts
at a fnrowoll party Monday ovonlng
at their homo, honoring their cous
ins, Mr and Mrs, A. E. Mooro and
John Mooro of Detroit, Michigan,
who 'havo been malting n thrco weeks
visit hero. Tho ovonlng was plcasant-
ly spent with cards, music and con
vcrsallon nnd delicious punch was
scnod throughout tho ovonlng to tho
following guests: Mr. and Mrs. M. S.
Lester, Miss Vorda Cozad nnd Mrs.
J. C. Rlchtor.
Mr. and Mrs. Loo Houston wero
hosts Tuesday ovonlng to a number
ot friends nt a quail dlnnor. Covers
wero laid for sovou nnd n most sump
tuous dlnnor was served by tho hos
tess. Prosont wore! Mr. nnd Mrs. 0.
W. Houston, Arthur Lonvltt, Miss
Rose Reed, of Oakland, and Miss
Mlnnlo Walker.
An elaborato affair of tho weok
was tho largo brldgo party glvon by
Mrs. J. O. Brockonbrough at lior
homo on North 12th street. Thlrty
tbreo bids wore, issued 'for tho affair
to socioty folk about tho city. Late
In tho attornoon dainty refreshments
wero served In rooms beautifully do-
coraled with fall flowers and greens.
Tho guest list follews: Mesdamos P.
A. Albortson, O. D. Burk, T. C. Camp-
boll, J. H. Carter, Charles F. Colllor,
William M. Duncan, E. G. Dreher.
O. B. Evans, D. W. Gregory, E. D.
Hall, B. Hardonbrook, E, D. Johnson,
O. A. Krauso, E. D. Lamb, E. T.
Ludden, H, N. Moe, Charles Mooro,
Charles Martin, H. D. Newell, H. W.
Robertson, Coorgo Stpvonson, Stove
Sabo, Oscar Shivo, Bert C. Thomas,
L. Torwllllgor, L. O. Van Bolton, G.
K. Van Riper, George I. Wright, Earl
Whltlock, A. E. Whitman, George
Watt, Rolland Wright, and Marie Mc
Millan. Musical circles and society groups
are busily discussing tho coming ot
Schlldkrets orchestra, which will ap
pear at the Elks temple. Several loc
al people have heard the orchestra
in tho east and pronounce It to be
exceptionally fine. Mr. Schlldkret
during aseason n Washington, play
ed at tho Washington Park Club at
an event attended by Allco Roose
volt. Later, It Is reported, he was to
hate played at tho- Roosevelt-Long
north, woddlng, but other engage
ments preventod this booking,
Oiio of tho Interesting oents of
tho weok was the afternoon nt the
homo ot Mrs. Lesllo Rogers honor
ing Mrs. Dorothy Luce, who is visit
ing here from Idaho. Mrs. Luco was
a nurse in this city for several years
and numbers ber friends by scores
In and about town. Tho afternoon
was passed In visiting and taking
pictures and a dainty luncheon was
soncd late In the day. Present 'were:
Mesdamcs William Duncan and son
George, Charles L. Mooro and daugh
ter, Mary Jane, Andrew M. Collier
and daughter, Marie, Will Baldwin
and son, George, . Allen Sloan and
daughter, Rosaleo and Mrs. L. O.
Mills at whose homo the honor guest
Is staying.
On Monday evening Mrs. Rogers
entertained at a quail dlnnor for
Mrs. Mary L. Moore and Mrs. Charles
Mooro and daughter, Mary Jane.
A recent edition of tho San Fran
cisco Examiner printed In Ita "Wno's
Who Among Club Women" column
an account ot Miss Harriet Pasmoro'n
actlvltlos In Europo. SInco Miss Piis
more has a number of filcnde in
Klamath Falls extracts of Hie article
follew: "Miss Pasmoro sailed for
Paris, Docoinbor 4 ot last yar, nnd
on hor arrival there' was immediately
'Al the moment when negotiations for Irish: peace aeetned deadlocked th ainn wui mt.- --' .
for this beautiful mansion aa the ofllcUl waWencaof UwTSralrtlh Prtm. wZEjr !?(?? w'BllVanf
Prtory one of the oldest mansions in IrStSTltlaVMJiOMMSSiSSti T000"
as Seala CoeU. "The Loddei of Heaven." iuawa at uturuga. KsMara ooaaty, and to kaowa
appointed sole 1st at tho Holy Ttlulty
Church (Eplscopnl). Hor singing 1ms
boon highly praised by Reno Baton,
dlrdctor of tho Phllhnrmonquo. Miss
Pnsmoro said also In a loiter olio
wrote homo to friends, that she had
boon summoned jo court aP.o? u per
formanco nt nu excluslvn Burden
Honoring Mrs. Mlnnlo Lot son,
worthy grnnd matron of tho Oregon
O. E. 3., who wilt bo horo Tucsdny,
Octobor 11, tho refreshment commit
too of tho local Iodgo will glvo a dln
nor at C.20 o'clock Tuosdny ovonlng
to' which all O. E. S, mombors aro In
vited. Tho dlnnor will be given In
Masonic hull und a delightful ovon
lng is anticipated.
Elaborato preparations aro bolng
mado for tho bnuquot to bo given by
tho Kntghts ot Columbus Sunday
ovonlng In Lycoum hall, cornor of
Eighth and High streots. The banquet
will bo sorved by tho young ladlos ot
Sacred Heart parish and will bo in
chargo of Mrs. Tom McDonald.
On Wednesday opening, October G
Mrs. Hattlo HJnos nnd Mr. Frank
Evans wero married at tho home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bell on Crescent
Avenuo. Tho Rev. C. F. Trlmblo per
formed tho ceremony which was a
quiet affair and witnessed only by
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bell and Uttlo daugh
ter, Estelllne. The brido has been
chief oporator for tho Pacific Tolo
phono company tor a number of years
and Is very popular among the joung
peoplo of the city, whllo tho groom,
Is ono of Klamath Falls' prosperous
young bustnoss men, bolng proprietor
ot tho EvanB Shoo company. Tho
young couple will mako their home
In tho Winters' apartments. Thoy
carry with thorn tho best wishes ot a
host of friends.
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. C. D.
Brown sponsored a birthday party
honoring her little daughter, Doro
thy May, on hor fifth birthday. A
number of little folk wero present at
the Brown npartmont in the Evans'
building to help celebrate the ecnt
and a wonderful attornoon was pass
ed playing games. Refreshments
wero served at tables decorated In
pink and jellow and a hallow'ecn
favor was presented each little guest.
Thoso present were Mistress Mary
Thomas, Helen Shite, Kntberlno
Furbor, Elizabeth Brown und Masters
Donald Wlmberly, Bobble Stovenson
and Jlmmlo Arens.
Extenslto entertaining has been
carried on throughout the weok hon
oring Mrs. Warren Lowroy, of Hut
chinson, Kansas, who Is hero as the
houso guost of Mrs. R. E. Call. On
Thursday Mrs. Call was hostess an at
home for her guest; and on Wednes
day Mrs. E, G. Dreher entertained at
an informal afternoon for the visit
or. Today Mrs. O. C. Loronz enter
tained Informally for Mrs. Lowery.
The P. E. O. Sisterhood entertain
ed at a guost night, on Thursday
evening at the homo of Mrs. Andrew
Collier. An interesting program was
given by mebmers and friends of tho
fraternity, which included muilcal
numbers as wolt as several papers on
intorostlng topics. Delicious refresh
ments wero served at tho closo ot the
evening. The program follews: Mrs.
Bert C. Thomas, Solo; Mrs. K. G.
Cummlngs, a paper on Ancient Poet
ry; Miss Vora Houston, Cleaner mov
ies; Mrs. Fred Fleot spoke on tho ob
jects and alms of P. E. O. Tho guests
on this occasion wore: Mesdamos R.
E. Ooary, Diaz, D. M. Smith, W P.
McMllllan, F. A. Baker, E. M Chll-
Does This Mean Feace in
i'" f ImT IT 'i t WWMWPi Tl laWinMH'iWtf iTm I m
m in
"Tanlac enmo to myrescuo whon
I noodod holp and ncodod It quick,"
said Walter Bnrnott, 1497 Omaha
avonuc, Portland, Oro.
"I novor dreamed tlioro was a
mcdlclno that could mako as big a
change In n man na this ono has
mndo in mo. I had ntomnch troublo
of tho worrit sort, my wholo norv
ous system noomed on tho vorgo ot
a brenkdown nnd I had awful head
aches at times. I
"Luckily for mo I began to tako
Tanlac and now I'm sound nnd wolt
In ovory respect; in fact I Just fool
good clear to my finger-tips and
hnvo moro tlfo and oaergy than In
Tnntnc nnd Tanlac Vegotablo Pills
aro sold by Druggists ovorywMoro. ndv
Davy Jonst1 Rich Cargo.
A dher was sent down recently nt
New York to locate n case of mncliln
cry Hint bad fallen Into tbo rlcr, Aa
soon ns bo reached tho bottom ho
slgnnlcd that he wished to come tin,
When his helmet wns renin ed, the
llrst IMUis lie rnlil una. "Wlmt's thq
number of the cnol" Thero wpro so
many cases nt the bottom of tho river
Hint tie dlilnt know which ono be
longed to his employers. The u mount
of cargo Hint Is lost In loading und
unloading ships Is enormous. Popular
tjueiice .Mommy.
Expense of Firat
Parties Limited by
Washington College
PULLMAN, Wash., Oct. 8. Limi
tation of expenditures by Washing
ton state college fraternities and sor
orities for formal and Informal par
ties aro Insisted upon by President
E. O. Holland In an oxccutlvo order
received by every group on the cam
pus. The letter roads in part:
"My attention has been called to
ono tendency whlcb, if not chockod
will do great harm. I rofor to the
formal parties given each year by
our fraternities and sororities, I
havo beon Informed that the cost
ot music for one of theso evenings
has boon from $30 to 40. I havo beon
told that the favors for some of tho
parties havo cost from $1 to $3 for
each person giving the party.
"It Is necessary for us to Insist
that no formnl party git on from now
on shall cost more than (2. SO for
each person prcsont, nnd that no ono
Individual shall pay more than fi.
Informal parties aro limited to a
cost of $1 for each person present
no Individual to pay more than $2.
cote. Roy Orom, C. D. Chorpenlng,
M S, West, Burge Mason, Mlssos
Foronco Portor, and Wanda Brown,
Members were: Mesdamcs' C. P. Mas
on, 11. C. Thomas, K. a. Cummlngs,
Fred Fleot, A. M, Collier, R. C. Ooos
beck, C. V. Fisher, L. L. Truax, J,
V. Brew baker, Sid Evans, J, I. Board
and Miss Vera Houston.
' .
Tho Happy Hour club will meet at
tho home ot Mrs. J, A. Loach, 736
North 11th street Tuesday afternoon.
Tho La Salle Quartet furnished
tho ontortalnmont for the first social
night on tho wlntor program ot tho
Moosq Lodge, Monday ovonlng. Tho
program was a musical treat tor
Klamath Falls folk and ludlvldual
oxcoltenco combined with highly de
veloped vocal ossemblu made tho
ovonlng an exceptionally Interesting
and finished ono. Tho ontertalnment
'was well nttendod by local po'oplo
lodgo members aa well as ' tholr
' 'U!t3ala1aM-rSlW
- - rTTTT- TW T'M 1
! f
Permit fo irrigate
884 Acres of Land
During tho months of July, August,
and September, Porcy A. Ctippor,
Stnlo Englneor, Issued 109 pormlts
to npproprlato wator which cover tlm
Irrigation ot (1832 ucros nt land, tlio
dovolopmont of 490 Horsepower, th'6
uso of wtttor for municipal, domestic,
mining, tlumlng, nnd viirliius other
purposes. Tho estimated cost ot tho
construction work contemplated by
tho appropriations amounts to np
proximately $1,03,000.00. During this,
period pormlts woro Issued-for tho
construction of sovon reservoirs for
tho storngo of 720 aero foot ot wntor
nt an estimated cost of approximately
Among tho moro Important dovot
opmonts contemplated undor tho ap
propriations nro tho follewing:
Tho East Bldo Logging Company,
ot Portland, contemplated tho ex
penditure of '$81500.00 In construct
ing a flumo and other works on Stop
Crook, In Washington County, for
uso lu connection with logging opera
tions; Tho Wostorn Dlatomlto Company,
of Portland, aro constructing a powor
plont on tho Deschutes Rlvir near
Loworb'rldgo for, tho dovolopmont of
4. 74 horsopowor to bo used In connec
tion with their dlatomlto quarries In
Deschutes Ceuntv:
, : ...
'w, k. west, of La Grande, secured
tho right to npproprlato wator from
End Crook for tho Irrigation of 421
acros In Union county;
Tho Pacific Livestock Company so
ettred permit to npproprlato wator
from Cottonwood and Dry Crooks for
tbu irrigation of 493 acres In Grant
C. H. Drew, of Klamath Falls, so
cured pormlt to npproprlatq wator
from, Whlskoy Crook for the Irrlga
tlon of 884 acres in Klamath Coun
ty; tho Construction work undor this
pormlt consists of 3J4 miles of cannt
at a cost ot $2500.00,
It., nnd O, C. Grlmmott, of Hol
land. Oregon, expect to expend $10.
090.00 In constructing works for tbo
appropriation of water from Cavo
Crook for placer mining purposos In
Jo'sophlno County;
Pormlt was granlod tho City of
Lakevlow for tho appropriation of
wator from various springs for muni
cipal purpooa, , ,, .. .,
Tho avorago woman will torglro
n man almost anything oxcopt hla
fbnvlng let hor mako a fool of him.
Klamath Man Gets
Serves you right-
Iced Melon
Lettuce with Quartered Tomatoes, MaronnaUo
Croam of Chlckon with nice
Klamath Celery
Choice of Bntreoa
Roast Domestic Oooso, Applo Sauco
Fricassee ot Chicken, Egg Dumpling
Stuffod Spring Chlckon, Plum Jolly
Breaded Voal Cutlots, Frlod Egg Plant
Mashed Potatoes Brussel Sprouts
Assorted Plos
On 6th St. Near Main.
Open 5 a. m, to 1 a. m.
Sole ' agency fo r the largest Western -Milling
concern. i,
Will buy your grain at top market prices:.
for cash. .. See1 or phone tJ.
Malin. Ore. and'Klamath Falls. "
Tim NTllAND ,. f ,
( "Tho Oakdale Affair," n big gypjy
fo'aturo, Is tho offering nt tho Strand
tliontor Sunday. Tho six rools ,ro
full of action nnd good clonii comody.
Tho plot ot tho film follows!
Oull Prim, dlsgulBod ns a boy, runs
nway from homo and moots n band
ot crooks, giving hor name Kb "Thtf
Oskaloosa Kid," Later 'slid esinpoi
from thorn and, moots Bridge,- a tramu
and thoy boeomo f rjonds Hor.father
finding Gailnnd jjior Jowol8gqndT.
thinks sho hnn been kidnapped' tinil
sends do'toctlvoB ott her trail After
a sorlos ot amuBlng Incident Halt Is
nrrostod nnd roscuod(from a mol ,by
tho arrival ot hor father. Brldgo
proves to bo an eminent author siok
Ing material, nn dho Is happily unit
ed to Gall.
Charloy Clmplln, tho poorlois fun
mnkur, H nlso on Snndny't, progrnm.
A continuous attornoon mid evening
show will ho run.
Porsons are often pre
judiced against glosses
and somotlmes positively
rotuBO to wonr thoni
even when they know
thoy nro Imporathoty
But a contest with ago
Is hopoless, nnd It Is tho
part of "Wisdom to ylold
gracofully to tho first
summons to surrondor.
Wo nro proparod to
glvo you advlco In this
matter corroct advlco,
tlmo-savlng, sight-saving
advice. Wo aro properly
equipped for making
thorough and Intelligent
examinations ot your
oyos, and If you need
glassos, will furnish them
at as low a flguro as cor
roct lonscs and porfoct
fitting frames can bo
had anywboro.
h: j. Winters
Phono 149-W 712-714 Main
Sago Custard Pudding
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