The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 08, 1921, Image 1

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jSflW WiU
Today's NmH
Stye lEuatfng Mvvalh
Member of ihtt AmannntmH Prmmm.
nammnasaen amiaa - ' "- " ww m ww wewa e r
hivu--'- ,lM MAMATH KAIJ.H, OlTli7oNrHim)ltlAV, OCTOIIKIt H, 1021 : PRIOH TVK CmWan
. m over, tomorrow, Octo.
J V nro l-rormitlon Day w '
JrMilbl. H appalling """ u,nl
r flro from all '"
Firs Chief Keith Ambrose stated
iJt rittr f n c0""0 wn
.rirlleallr "H""1 out ,,y ft "ro ""'
Ulb. property nmllOM of llfowM
. -.wi. I'ommomorAtlon of thl dalo
"""" . .... ...i. .... i.
in bwo carried oui i- "
uinfrM eierclM., at which tln.o.
Mtiklt Imtnictloii In tha uo of flro
HttMtlro measure ha boon given
totiMTOUDKar generation. Tho ehml
MtWrttlM of tbl city. the fire chief
M, hid entered Into tho plrlt of
ft frtwntlon " ,lln" iP'ker
ikU1 tll lr members of thn
Kkool. euars, l '"",l wr"'onH
Bill by tho chiwreu noanng upon
0 nbject. and that ho appreciated
lk taUrnl shown for In tho Ion
n). UU action would assist In keep
hi jon firm now and In the futnro.
U MBBfctlon with pretention.
Caki Ambroin say.
"On'I be a ilrono or a dead one.
Rtnnbr scavenger feed upon
m mittrUI. It U lire tlssuo that
rtilsti oUtaie. Do an alive, ao aetlvn
li vardtnv off, esrolrns flro that thta
nictr will gln no sustonance from
roi. IWp yourself and thn Lord will
tip jou. Don l lt by tho roadsldo
tsd (ff..
"SUrt now. lion t wait. Itld your
komti, itorrs, shop and factories nt
Ike irrna of thli dread disease
nw gernis aro rarnloane, rub
lib, fllln. moss, aihea, Inflammables.
4bordir, anything that will brood n
fin. Correct men org&nlo dlsordor
la your building as defective tluei,
cblottM. stove, furnace, dltapntrd
Willi ind dangerous roof. Thn flro
alwue It very contagious. If you
m any opening In your bultdlng
tbrouih which ynu mlicht contract it
from t neighbor, closn them with
firs doors or shutter. This will keep
tbt disease from becoming epidemic,
Prorlda a few flrit-clim aid rnmod
ktioth aa fire palla, tiro hoae, chrnv
kal tillDCulnhera, n ladder, ntc, to
ward off an acuta attack."
fir Chief Ambroio alao atnted
Uit tome uf thn atatlitlct compiled
by nitlonal flro flghtnra aud othora
bo wtre In hearty accord with 'Iro
prrrtntlon ihow tlint durlnic the year
110, lh oaa by flro lit tlio United
Statu was aiiroilmatoly $500, 000.
00. If we could divert this amount
wr eoolil build a Panama canul every
jeir and still bavn unouish mnnoy
kit over to build about 3.000 fire
proof ichool buildings.
It his been estlmntod that in 'tho
faltid States there are burned on nn
imago every weok ton aohoola, two
collega bulldlnKs' und thrco public
On tho morning of March 4, 1008, n
firs occurrod In thn basement ot thn
Ukevlew nrammar school, Collin-
wood. Ohio. Tho atudoiits lu nil roema
kt ono reached nafotv. Tho llltlo
cslldren of ono room Rot beyond tho
cootrol of tholr toachor nnd runhed
'on tho nouront atalrway. A Jam oc-
csrred at tho oxlt which wos ovor
tiken by flro boforo tho children
Wttld be eitrlcntod. Tho charred
Wlos of 173 children and two
bathers wero erontually takon nut
f that building. ' .
On tho mornlne of Otnhnr 2 S. 1915
JU as claiaoa woro opond, n flro oc
'rrsd In tho bosomont of Bt. John'a
Parochial school, I'oabodyJ Mas.
'Ira drill wua sounded and tho stilld
Ma began tholr orderly march down
h itslrs, Ono child tutnblrrt and
WI. Nineteen clmrrod little bodies
M found In a hnnp at tho door.
"re moro died lator.
A' lMl three-fourths of It was
Wfa ctrelessnosa from which no ono
i Ktmpt, whether they bo parent,
"Mhari or children.
it Ucomes nhCMurv to Ihk the
JH of the (tat of Oregon to do
WT the expemet of tho 1035
m I. ' F,r u ' PTopoiud to rulae
M.M0.0O0 In the ittte outside of
'"land. Yet this namo atutn ori'iy
1 i.L dMtriyna; by fire practically
V lilt imnnna
lD--JL m i
n f .. . 1 -- , , . I... ,,, v
a f eubiitsr onviciea
of Wife's Murder
by California Jury
bAICKPOllT, Cnl Oct. 8 John
A. Hponcor, formor clorerman. wu
convlctod of murder In tho tint .in-
Krcn narly tills mornlns; In connec
tion with tho dnuth of bin wife,
whoso body waa recovered from
(Jlenr lako, noar bnro, July J7. last.
Tho Jury recommended life Imprta
onment. Tho district attorney, In Ills clos
lug iirKtimont, charged that Hponcor
murdered his wife to got hor prop
erty ii nd froodom to marry another
Neither Hpnnrer nor MrK K I),
Harbor, nllegod nccossorr. was
called to tho wltncis stand. Snen-
i or mnlntalned his wlfn foil over
board from it rowbont
Thn county fair ended yesterday In
a blain of glory bringing many credits
to Its sponsors nnd much satlifnctlon
In thn farming community as a
whole. Many compliments have bci-n
mndo, duo to Ihn fact 'hn' a Tory
lata start was a factor which many
atntud could nof bo overcome, and
any effort would result In .1 fizzle.
To tho rontrary, In tho ahortrkl tlmn
ever used In perfecting n fn'r, the
fair board mndo n decided surma
and feel proud of thu exhibits shown
In practically ovory department of
tho agricultural line.
Thn fair board today checked up
on thn financial end of tho fair.
It K. Tlradbury aald thla afternoon
Hint hn bellovnd thn receipts would
aio't'il ftipcnicB. Total gato receipts
for thn thrco days were approil
mately S95. Hocolpta from tho
queen contest, adrertlalng and do-
nntlona remain to be countod.
The heaviest eipenso "was thn
prlzn list Approximately $1,500
will hn distributed to price winners.
Thn dairy rattln ozhlblta woro not
so numerous as tho beef dnsa but
worn really creditable. Rollcltntlon of
ahnnp ozhlblta was practically neg
lected hut the growers aurprlsod tho
board by appearing In largo n'imbfrs.
Poultry, rabbits, vegetables, fIowtr.
nomllrcrnft, fruit, canning, dairy
herd record clubs and numerous oth
er exhibits wero mado In largo num
ber, all contributing to thn auccs.
Tho altondanco yestorday ran Com
to 3500 persons, due to tho-day bjlig
given oor to tho work of thn child
ren under direction of frank Scxtn.i.
county club lender. Hports and gnmes
woro featured In connection with tho
dadry record club demonstration.
Complain satisfaction waa oxprasscd
at tho tine fair glvon tho public and
tho fair bourd nrqulttod thomsolvos
creditably, say ull who nttendad.
TOKIO. Oct. 8.Talk ot troublo
botwoon tho Unltod State and Jap
an I deproeatod by aonoral Loon-
ard Wood, governor conoral ot mo
Philippines, In an address before
thn Amarlcan-Japanoso society.
"Thoro la a groat deal of looao
nmi fonllih talk, about troublo bo
twoon Amorlca and Japan that U all
nonsonso," ho'sald.
HHEniDAN. Wyo Oct. 8. Un
der Sheriff McPberson -was shot and
Instantly killed last night In a bat
tin with whlskoy runner near horo.
Two mon charged with dolpg tho
shooting wore wounded In the Bal
tic and captured.
VIENNA. Oct. 8. All Jugo Slavs
of military o r ordered by now
naner advertisement! to report un-
Imodlately to' their eoniulatc. It Is
believed here this mean tna mooii-
liatlon ot the Jugo Slav.
DHAIi. K.J.. Oct. 8Mlfir Marlon
Holllni, of New York, today won
tha Woraan'a National golf, cnam
plonshlp, defeating MU Alexa Stir
.H. . ' ' i .lii..J
ftalph Kmcrson, ngod 28, formorly
employed hy thn Crater Oil and (Jan
Compnny, Is under n physician'
euro at Merrill, nnd wnn snld today
to ii rocovorlng from tlio effocts of
nn ovnr-doso of ronul. It In bullnvud
thnt hn took tho drug with suicidal
Intent bnenusu his uttt-ti t lotin to tho
18 yenr old duughtnr ot Mr, nnd Mm
frank Ornybnnl. runcherH nenr Mer
rill, worn not received with fnor by
tint young Indy or hor parent.
A warrant diamine Kinorson with
Insanity nn secured In Justlco Oag
bagen's court this afternoon by Mr.
Kmerson worked for thn Crutor
company nbout SO dny. Ifn rnmo
horn from Tnfl, Callfornln. Ifo ha
been a lodKnr In thoHlruybaol home
fur thn month. Friend of the I
(Iraybaol family snld lii became en
amored with Miss Oraybsel, but h
can mi hn wan it stranger, her parrnis
advised her to ruttlsn him nny encour
agement. Klin Is yald to havo acted
upon this udvlco strictly but Kmcr
son pvrslstod, Ity display of $2, COO
worth of llborty bonds and talk of his
wealth ho Is said to havo sought to
Influence tho paront In hi favor.
Jhny remained ndnmant, howovor.
Thli morning when Mr. (Iraybaol
nroso hn found Kmerson' car In the
yard nnd Kmerson In a stupor In
the rear seat. Help was summoned
and the man wa taken to Merrill
i hero I)r Krrsan treat oil htm
Kprrlnl In tlio Herald
MKPFORI), Oct. 8. Tho Mall
Trlbuno last night donlcd circulated
report that oil In paying quantities
had bean atruck In tho Trlgonls
well, but aald that splondld Indica
tions that a paying strlko may bo
mado later havo occurrod In tho
last couplo of day.
Slnro last July thoro ho been no
drilling In tho bole, which I down
1,350 foot, rtcamlng Is In progress.
While baling out Thurday tho bail
er brought up a quantity of oil.
which wa discharged Into the
trough. Tho oil wa skimmed oft
the water nnd a numbor ot person
gathered pint bottle full, -which
were brought to Medford for exhi
bition, '
Tho reaming I practically com
pleted and casing down. Whon
onto fifty feot of tailing are re
mo vod from the bottom of tho well,
drilling will bo resumed, Tbo drill
stopped last July in black llmo for
It Is tho theory of tho driller
that pressure exerted by 1,100 feot
ot water In tho wotl Is holding back
tho oil. When tho casing I wt
and tho woll Is baled they expoct to
havo no difficulty In drilling furth
er, nnd aro confldont that they will
'got oil In paying quantities.
Sewer Digger Escapes
Unhurt From Slide
Charles Wlllard, resident of Mill
addition, was burled by a cave-In of
tho ditch thl morning, but escaped
sorlou Injury. Ho was on his
hands and kneos In tho bottom ot
tho ditch, and wa completely car
nrod bv the slide. Fellow workers
nulckly dug hlraout. Dr. A. A.
Soulo -wa called, but found that
wlllard was unhurt oxcept tor
. m
Cora Farley has filed complaint
In the circuit court today alleging
that the imra ot 81,095 I duo bw
for nouiohoid work performed for
O. A. and Bertha Harris on a ranch
from January 8, 1919, to Juno 15,
1920. .The plaintiff alloge that
nothing ha evr boou paid hvr.
ICddlo Hums, ullngod "master
mind" of tho robborlc commlttud
at Mt. Ho bron and Dorrls, Califor
nia, Junn 22, when tha store of Mill
er 6 Iloblnson nt Dorrls nnd Louis
Hollo' at Mt. Hebron woro ontorod,
tho afo blown, nnd an cscajio mado
by tho robber, wn captured yester
day in I'lncor county, California by
Hherlff K, II, Oiimm of that county,
flborlff Ixivv wu notified ot tho cap
turu todny by Hherlff Andy Calkins
of Hlsklyou county at Yroka.
Tho Information available was that
after Hum left haro ho wont to
Dunnmulr and becamo a cook In
restaurant under tho alias "Vance"
and nont Instruction to postmastor
nt many places to nnnd hi mall to
I'l icor county nndor tho alia name,
Hliorlff Calkins, and Deputy Iloy Tab-
r of Morrlri sent picture and Iden
tification papor to Sheriff Gumm
who mado tho capture within three
day nftor receipt ot picture. Sheriff
Calkin left today for Placer county
to take Ilurn back to Yreka to stand
Allan Houchln wa captured,
bound over to tho grand Jury and In-
'dieted, but frood of complicity by
trial at Yreka whllo Joo Scmldl, cap
tured nt Ifoppnor, Ore, by Sheriff
Low In Septombor confossod to tho
robberies when trlod nt Yreka, re
ceiving two years nt Ban Quentln
After thn robberies June 22, tho
trio of robbers camo hero In n ma-
chlno but when chase got closo, ran
thn automobile into a ditch east ot
tha city. When Marlon Ilarnea and
Hurt Hawkins, local dcpu(y sheriffs
attempted to arrest Ilurn at the
Kfjdd h(tno In Mills addition a
wee'k later, thn Ilrookflcld women,
tho offlcor,i nssert, blocked' Deputy
Ilarnea in his attompt to shoot Durns
whan thu latter want out a rear door
of tho Urookfleld rosldonco. Sheriff
Low stutcd today that neither Sher
iff Calklng'or Deputy Hoy Tabor cvor
guo up tho pursuit and deserve
much credit for effecting ii capture
ot a bad crook.
City Sewers Undergo
A General Cleaning
Stroat Commissioner Hunsaker this
week started tha annual flushing of
all tho sewers In tbo city. Tho main
on Main street wero tho Initial points
for forcing tbo accumulations ot the
past sumiuor to tho sumps and diffi
culty ha been experienced at point
whore buildings woro eroded. Sand
and cement ha bneu carried Into the
lower, settling along tho aide ot tho
flow, Impeding tho retuno a It was
carried along. Tho street commission
er is kooping tho city .workmen hard
at work on such places.
Work of cleaning out the flushes
will not bo stopped whon tho work
on Main street Is finished but every
sower lu tho city I to recotvo Individ
ual attention so that during tho win-
tor mouth sanitation will bo accom
pllshod by an unimpaired outlet for
tbo refuso wntors.
onEOON Tonight and Sunday,
No Game, Rain
NEW YORK, Oct, 8- To.
day' gamo of tho world's
Serb's wa called off this si-tot-noon
on account of rain.
Tlio gamo scheduled fo to
day now goo over until to
morrow afternoon, starting at
9 o'clock, eastern time.
Babe Ruth ha developed
an abeee on hi left arm sad
carried hi arm In a allag to
da'. Had the gamo bom
played he would havo taken
no part la it, according to aa.
nounceme&t last night.
Tweaty t bona and fau wero
om kud to see the fesoito
game the series when the
postponement was annouotd
nt a o'clock. The rasa wa
l railing fast and,hardti
w.,v.i. .
MR 0
k mui
Public Market
Does Usual Large
Saturday Business
Thero wo no falling off In tho
crowd patronizing tho Grand Con
trol public market thlx- morning
over provlou Saturday, despllo
dally oporatlon of tho market for
tho last weok. Tha ( morning' pat-.,
ronago Indicated a normal Satur
day' business ahead.
Flno bleached crisp calory was
one ot tho attractive foaturc of
tho mnrkot today. Tho unal vari
ety of root vegetable and fruit
was on tho counter. Potatoes ara
now bolng offered In all quantities.
At a meeting of tho director of
tho Crater Oil company, hold last'
night, the resignation of W. C. Ix-h-man,
who has chnrgo as mnnagcr of
tha concorn, wa accoptcd. It I un
derstood that Mr. Lehman has dis
posed of his Interests In tho company
to local business men,
Tho board of directors of tho com
pany has outlined a conservative plan
of oporatlon for tho futurn, and hn
for ltchlof fcaturo a provision that
all development work shall bo dono
by contract. Only bonded operator
will bo omployed, so a to nssuro per
fect and complatod work. Tbo com
pany is now asking for bid for tho
completion of well No. 1 to sea level,
or to a "lessor" depth In case oil 1
found in paying quantities. It I the"
present plan to put tho first holo
down to son leol, If thl I necossary.
Noted p troloum geologist havo
stated that tho alto of well No. 1 Is a
promising one.
The future management of tho
company will be In tho hands of tho
flnanco committee, the members ot
which 'aro O. I). Burke, chairman,
W. W. Montollus ahd Dr. F. R. Ood-
Tho trial of Fred G. Kuempko,
charged with robbery, began this
afternoon In tho circuit court beforo
Jury composed ot Eldon Dennis.
William Banks. D. F. Drlscoll, (leorga
C. Ulrlch, F. Hill Huntor, Gcorgo W.
Maxwell, Will Wilson. Allen Stuns
bio, W. C. Messner. J. It. Hitter. Pat
Pnrker nnd S. A. Mlchaelson.
A special panel ot vonlromen were
called consisting ot S. A. Mlchaelson,
W. C. Mcssner, Allen Stansblc, Sam
Courtney. A. J. Lyle, Will Wlllson,
Pat Pcrker, O. B. Fife, Colman
O'Laughlln and J. R, Illttor.
F., Kuempko and Arthur A. Staars
wero Indicted by tho grand Jury, May
4, for an alleged burglary ot th
rosldonco occupied by Mrs. O. M.
Young, Mrs. Bosslo Dukcman and
Mrs. Ruby Stcole at 238 Oak stroot,
on tho night of February 7. Tho men
aro alleged to hold up tha rosldcnco
at tbo point of gun rotlovlng the
occupant ot Jowelry und money,
Staars broko Jail on Juno 7 and ha
not been roedpturod. Kaempko refus
ed to participate In tho outbreak nt
the Jail.
Mr. Bessie Dukoman. tho first
witness called by tbo stato, Identified
Kaompko aa ono ot tho hoWups.
Columbus Day to
Be Kept by K. of C.
Wednesday, October 12th, Colum
bus Day, Is to bo fittingly commem
orated by the Knights ot Columbus
ot this city. An entertalnmont Is
to be given at the 8trand theater,
the program to consist of vocal and
Instrumental number, a brief lec
ture by that gifted orator, the Rev.
J. V, Malloy, and the usual screen
1 production shown In this house.
i The number of tho Knights of
Columhus, both local and visiting,
with their wives, will bo guest ot
tho theater management on the oc
trial' mm
llOSKHimo, Oct. 8. Officers aura
closoly watching Dr. Brumfleld, vrfce
yesterday complained of Illness, ex
peeling that ho may have another
lapso of memory fit.
The work of obtaining a Jnry
was resumed this morning, wtth
court attache expecting that the
Jury may bo completed today.
Mr. Brnmtleld, who yesteraer
held hor husband's hand la the
tourt room, today eontlaaef to
show a sympathetic Interest.
Attor twelve tentative Juror had
been picked, tho last being at. X.
Eby, Sutberlln farmer, the state per
emtorlly challenged Payne late yes
terday afternoon, because Dr. Bras
field had done dental work for hiss
alx years ago. The defense challenged
Clayton, Hunt, Marvin and ISahM.
Joseph WJnlford, TJmpqlia farmer,
and Fred Parker, Br., Canyonvllle
rancher, were accepted on the tenta
tlvo panel. Tho defense has eight
challenges remaining and the state
has flvo. t
Brumfleld today narrowly escaped
tho trick ot fate ot having the face
of Dennis Russell, hfg alleged marder
victim, peering at him through the
trial. Robert Teagne, venireman, de
clared by those who knew Russell to
bo almost a double ot the dead sua,
anawcrd question satisfactorily U
both sides, but was cxcuied when he
said ho would not vote for the 'death
Walter O. Coatei, one of the first
tontatlvo Jurors accented, was excis
ed today on' account of sickness.
Tho prosecution began to ask It
tho veniremen knew Venlta Elleae
burg. the pretty nurse who lived
clghtoon months at the BruafleM
home, and who has been at eoart
since the trial opened.
Tbo defense challenged C. L. Htm.
Ilton of Oakland, and It. flT. Jones, a
now special venire may be needed.
Two names remained on the Met
when the court adjourned at aeea.
Eleven tontatlvo Jurors were ia the
for nrios
Thursday evening. Cupid played
upon tho bells In Hymen's bower
tor tho benefit ot Mr. and Mm. Frank
Evans, and the muilc; the eenple
aald, was beautiful but last night at
7 o'clock, Puck and his hand ot fan
loving companions assailed the happy
pair In their apartment la the Win
ters' building and made the evening
ring with merriment for the head
only! t
.Aliening that both of the newly
weds had asserted that they "beat
tho gang to It'' and were escaping the
usual kidding and pranks ordinarily
played, friend ot tho couple who are
omployod lu the California Oregon
Power company and tho Pacific Tele.
phono und Telegraph company bor
rowed two blue wheelbarrows from
tho Baldwin hardware company, cap
tured both Mr. and Mrs. Evans, tied
them securely in each barrow, and
hauled them from Seventh and Main
streot to Third, then back to the
placo where the parade originate! to
(be accomplishment of tin cant,
dlshpans and a Copco special music
box, consisting of three boxes and
two boards, rosined.
The prisoners seemed to enjoy tho
Impromptu ride thoroughly and com
plimented George Mangue and Curley
Woodflold upon their skillful mani
pulation ot tho one wheeled vehicles
adding that both must have had sa
early start tn lire with them. "Best
wedding present possible and both
of us appreciated the effort ot our
strong backed friends," is the way
tbo groom told a friend aboet the
wild, wild ride down Main street last
PORTLAND, Oct. 8. Market
steady. Wheat 11.01 to SIi0t