The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 07, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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liars list
if win
,,,f"rdar copriHt shool', how,
1' nnd -onto of IN
1 bl ! Much rni.liiM lo In dona
" '";.,, nil Mow, Mid County
JJtVbBBM ' CCUrB, bttl l,"i,1,,,,
i If" Mr. Thomas.
ghcp -'- -- .,.,
well ill'il """
... .l,..w Tlllll WrtS MlO first
a! .hp bw ,,u wn" ",0 '
f that nytl.ti.R " .1 rpprewnw
,r. dlmloy ' ,""" "" l,l,"w"' deification vent, mil urrd,
i .IJ.amllnroht.Mn.cnsonlMOi.of
. it vsrylnif - tt"r" ,""'i"?ll"R
lone fl. '"1 """" ,,,", r""Cl'
ZA thrP rr. fi ll'o Min 'lM
r1"" . .. f.,,,11. ,, Mil. viinra
Arte ni1 mnrr . .
,u On lh w"u,' lmw,1"r' "l0
',' bowlnfT mMn by '' "" r,,7;
10 .n ..! I fhitr .mil tw fnlr
L.a ire n.ultislly B.prr-lnllv of
aTcood effect "", "f t,' ''"'l'"'1 co'
ltp,i.llon W-n lioth Mw.
roiioi"K "p ""'' "' "
'"' Pill-Ion C Khrrp
tot McKtmlroK, Superintendent
dm 1. Ileglsterod B,,",
,nimboulllo-rnm ovor ono yonr.
nrft R IKrd; aec01"1 w ' "'""
BM1 A Son; third. Bam Dixon.
pmtulel'lo 'o over one ,c"
iDntinJ Kcond, W 1). HjiiiimiiuhI .
it,,; third. John Cortes
p.mtiouktle ram iiiiili-r i year
lTUt tnl necond, W B. Hnmmmul
t Bon; third, Ilox llord
Ritsbouletto '''" "n,,or onp J",nr'
irrit ind second W. I,, iinmmonu
leg; (bird. Hex llord.
Shropshire ram over nn year
rmi, Ilurr West brook. No compotl-
Shropihlrc oo or ono year,
nnt and conil, J I) Hooper; 3rd
Burr Wc.tbrook
Shrop.hlre mm under onn year,
rinl, Burr VVslbrooV. No compotl
Sbropihlre " under ono year
Klrrt nd second, lliirr Wcstbrook
third. J I Hooper -
llimp.hlr !' over onn yenr:
MB under nmi year Klrat anil ic
A In t.oib. (1 P Hliainliart, No
CorrM.Io ram orr ono yar
nnt, Itri llord; trcond, K, II. Thorn
Corrlfdilo rum under una year
ririt. B. II Tliomaij Tocond and
ttblril, Itet llord,
ICorrlrdile ewn under ono )car
rint, wrond and third, K. II. Thorn
i B'llitercd Coitwold ram ovor ono
jr. Klrt. I'rcd McKomlrcv. No
romptlltlon, , ,
' Cotiwold cwoit ovor onn oar.
rinl and icond. Krod McKendrro
No competition.
Cotivpld cwra undor onn yoar.
, nnt and ifcond, Krcd McKondroc.
No competition.
(1 2, Miwii Omilcn or lU-uUtcnil
Klrt Dlvlilon
UrtcdlnB Hock Ono ram nnd two
oier ono rur, nnd two owe
Iambi, any breed, Klrat V. K. Ha'n
mond; llainhoutcltca; aocoiid, 12. H.
Tbomn, Corrladaloa.
Second Ulvlalon
(Umo aa abovo. Klrat, Ilox llord,
Corrlnlitea; nccoml, Krod McKond
m, Cotawolda; third. Ilurr Wott
brook, Fbropnhlroa.
I Million 1 HllKt ll(Rtii(Crrl
1 II. Nylandiir, Hnporlntundont.
I'oland-Chlna tow undor ono yoar.
' Flnt, Claroncn lllll; Hecoml and
1 laird Ilurr WVatbrook.
BNCIal data, aimttod 1'olnnd
China bonra undor ono yoar. Klrt
and wcond, Latin llrothorH. Sow un
ier ono car. Klrat, l.atta llrothim.
Ko competition,
Duroc-Joraoy bow ovor ono yoar.
i Mnt, KrnnV VoalmrB. No compotl
j Utrkiblru boar oyor ono yonr, lat
J. I), lloopor. No compotltlon.
' Btrkiblro boar undor' I your. 1st
J. D lloopor No comi'olltlon. ,
llcrkihlro now over ono yoar. lot.,
J.D, lloopor, no compolltlon.
I Uarkihlrn ow undor one yenr.
"lrit and aocond, J. 1). lloopor, No
' competition.
Claa. innlo or IhwUtrml Wogti
ow with llttor, any brood. First
j and aecoml. It. J. Tipton, No com
' Petition.
I Mllklnn HriortltortM.,
j Champion, 0. 10. Crals'" Hebo Mc
i '"'Tre. , 0 ,
MllklnK shorthorn Wd, FlrM. C.
' E. Craig.
I Jsriayi-s.
; Jeraoy built roglatorod Flmt, 11. n
Wilcox. No comuotltlcm
Orado Jorsoy holfon-ovor two
'-". nrai, KranKvosi)urRiL rio
Orado Joreoy liolfor under two
yoara. First, Ilurr Wostlirook, AUo
first fpr ptirobrod Jorsoy bull, s;i.
clal prim offorod by J, n. U llaynot
tn jvinun,
uriuni cliamploiishlp, Hawkins'
iwiry, solo exhibitor, for bull drop
jioil boforii AtiRuat , loic, vimt.
sneond nnd third for cow droppsd
boforo AuKUnt 1, 1918, and llrst for
cow ilropiioil linlwoon August 1, 1'JIS
nuil August 1, 1019. Flnt, bull, ton-
lor calf nmi first, poller, fnlor calf.
iilvlolon II. Mowers
Mrs. 0. W, Dborloln nnd Mrs, K, n.
uciiry, Hupnrlntondonbi,
I'lnk cnrnutlons, First, Mrs Com
boom J second, Mrs, If. N. Mo
Astnrs, First, Mrs. (J, (5, Uirlch
second, Mrs. II, F. McC'ornack.
Ooldon glow, First, Mrs. Ottorbnin;
second, Mrs, J. F. (looller.
, I'otmiln, First, Mrs, W. I), Miller
. ..,..., .i.,A,.,, runfc, lirn, M,
Hurgus; second, Mrs, If, K, Hanger
Dnbllns. First, Mrs, C. Moem: soc
onil, Mrs. Kil I'rnpnt.
- Hliasta Daisies. First, Mrs, Ottor
Iwlnj second, Mrs. C. II, Flsbor.
(Inrniiliims. First, Mrs. Ed Vannlre.
Itin.i's. First, Mrs. Charlos Hob-
oris; neuiiid, Mrs. 0. V, Flsbor
ltoke.1. Klrst, Mrs, C. V. Fisher;
second, Mrs, ICd Vannlco.
(llaillolas, First, Mrs, W. D. Mil
ler; Hncoml, Mrs, B, II, Hall.
Hcarlut cunim First, Mrs, J. F.
(loollnr; socoud, I.. M. Hannoo.
Zeiilas. First, Mrs. J. F. Llnfesty;
socond, Mrs, Cummlngs. "
Display, 34 yarlotlrs. First. Mrs
M. B. Writ; aocond, Margrotta llar
gus, Cosmos, First, Mrs. J. F. Ooellor;
seciind, Mrs J McClurn
I'nnslos, First, Mrs. VI. D. Miller;
second, Mrs, Coaoboom.
Nasturtiums. First, Mrs, Isllo
Honors; socond, Mrs. M. 0. West.
Display variety. First, Mrs. J. B
Kronen Marigold First, Mrs. F. II.
McCornnck; second, Mrs, F. A. Ilsk
IMvUlon ,A Oprn Jurralle pomtm
lie Art
Mrs. J. I.. Hockley, Superintend
Hand madn apron, First, Margar
et Cummlngs,
llloomors, First, Margarst Cum
Initialed tool. First, Ctbal Carl-
IIUMini (i. Kunii rrodortn
Wilder Zi'timsti, Hupcrlntendont. I
Class 1. Uenoral Farm Products.
Sunflower, six on stalk. First. Wat
ter Zotiman.
Carrots, . First, exhibit 43; see
ond, C43. Names not given.
Mangla wurtiols. First, exhibit
CS; second, 100(, Names not given.
Hunfluwcr, six on ttalk. First, Wal
ter Zetxman: socond Frances llurett.
Alfalfa. First, C. B. Fink: second
Walter Zelxman.
Dry l-and wheat. First, Walter
Zetxman; second. William Koenlg.
Oats, First. I,. M. Ilannen.
Ileardlesa rye. First, C. B. Fink;
socond, Walter Zetxman.
(lawi 0. 9. Iotn(ors "
0. A. lllll and Henry Bemon, Burls.
(lolden coin, Dry land. First, B. I
llurnelt: socond B. Ward.
Karly roso, Irrigated. First, Allco
Karly roso, dry land. First. Ander
son A Ilolllng.
Netted (Jems, Irrigated. First, C. A.
lllll, second B. I. llurnott.
Netted gem's, dry land. First, An
ilerson & Ilolllng.
Hod, dry land. First, I.. M. McKen
(,1dm a. 4 IJnilt
C. D. Chorpennlng, 8upt.
Apples, winter banana. Klrst, II.
C. Shert: socond, II. C. Tipton.
Apples, lien DavU. First C. R. D.
Lap; socond, D. W. Short.
Apples, groonlngs. First, Andor
son & Ilolllng.
Pears. oft variety. First and see-
ond, Mra. J. V. Ooeller.
Fears, bard. First, Kraii fori;
socoud, B. I'. DoWlnger.
Plums. First, Emll Bgort; second
8. !. Dehlluger.
Jl'run'os. First, Mrs. C. B. Drew;
aocond, 8. ly Dobllngor.
Blrawoorllos, ororbcarlng. Fdrst,
Mrs. I. It Kaylor; aocond, Mrs. D.
V. Mason.
Ainplos, Ilaldwln. First, II. C. Tip
ton; socond, Mrs. J. F. Ooollor. .
Applos, Northern spy. First. Mrs.
C, H. Drew; second, Anderson &
Apples, llravonstoln. First, Mrs. J,
F. Oooller
A .very curious method of court
Is adopted by tho Zaparos, a triba of
Bnuth Amor ca. TOO
vmne man aooa out hunting, and on
dig rolurn throws his gama at
foot of the woman on whom ho haa
t his affections. If sho takes up
ihn mine, llihts tho flro and com
inencoa to cook ,ho knows that his
suit Is accoptod; If not, he knowi
ho la rejoctad. Aj u-iA.'.
Prominent Wucontin
Man Say Tanlac
Promptly Relieved
Him of Bad Caie of
Stomach Trouble of
Six Months Standing
bains 27 Pounds
and Feels Fine as a
It In an unriunwtlonnblo fact that
Tanlac l now bolng moro wldoly
endorsed by well known men and
women than nny nlhor medicine on
the American markot. Ono -of tho
latent to testify In tlnnm. ir. WI.L.
fiU, well known lecturer, rosldlnc
nt 227 Wolla street, Milwaukee,
"Tanlac has nol only complotoly
restored my health, but I barn
actually gained 27 pounds In
weight," said Mr. Nichols, tn re
ferring to the remnrkablo benefits
he bad derived from tho modlclno.
"For eomothlng over six months,
my stomach wa very badly disor
dered. I Jiiffored terribly from In
digestion and Dyspopsla. At tlmoi
I "would bo In great distress and I' "Tanlac has brought about a won
would Invariably experience an un-.dorful change In my condition for I
" SM ' " '
4 jggjapaBaBasaKt
comrortable bloutod feeling for
hours after eating, t had no appo
tlto scarcely and tho little I ate
would oftou mako lao doalbly sick.
My head ached until I felt llko It
would burst and I was so nervous
I trembled like a leaf. Whon I got
up In the morning, I was so -weak
and dlxxy, I couldn't trust mysolf to
walk around and I Just hurt all
am now enjoying tho very best of
health. My appotlte Is splondtd. I
relish my moats. Everything agrees
with mo porfoctly. Tho norvounncss.
hoadacbes and dlxxy spells aro all
gono and I novor have an ache or
pain. I am only too glad to tell
otbors about tho wondorful good
Tanlac ha dono. It has no oqusl."
Tanlac and Tanlac Vegetablo Fills
aro sold by Druggists evoryvmero. adv
suit 'on or' boforo Saturday, the 19th
day of November. 1921, and for fail
ure to appear and answer plaintiff
will apply to the court for tbo rollef
prayed for? In his complaint, to-wlt:
For an absolute dlvorco from you on
tho ground of desertion continuing
for more than onn year prior to tho
filing of said complaint, and for surh
otbor and furtbor rollof as lo tbo
court may seem moot and equitable.
November 10th, 1921' Is tho last
day of tho tlmo proscribed In tho
ordor for publication of this summons
In which you may appear and anawer
said complaint.
This summons Is served 'by publl-
cation by order of tho Honorabla V.
V. Kuykendall, Judgo of tho circuit,
court of tho Btalo of Oregon for
Klamath County, dated October ,
1921, which order required that sum
mons be published oneo a week for
six aiicosslvo weeks, the first publi
cation bolng October 7, 1921 and tho
lost publication being November,
18th, 1921. ...
Attorneys for Plaintiff, whoso Dull
ness and post office address It
Amorlcan National Bank Bids;.,
Klrfmath Falls, Klamath County,
7-14-21-28-4-11-18 .
Special Prices for
Bartenders Still
Maintain Unions
II03TON. Oct. 7. Bartenders'
union contlnuo as active organlxa-
lons, despite prohibition. The
stato board of labor and Industries
In an Industrial directory Just Is
sued notes that among tho 2,079
labor Unions In tbo stato aro nine
whose membership Is made up of
bartenders. Tho unions aro located
In Boston, Haverhill, Holyoke, Law
rence, Lowell, New Bedford, South
bridge, Taunton and Wcstfleld.
Xrw shoe aold. Old shoe rraoltxl
at Tho "vana Hhoe Co. 4
When Mixed With Itutphur
Brtaga Hack Ills Beautiful
Lustra At Once
Gray hair, however handsome, de
notes advancing age. Wo all know
the advantages of a youthful appoar-
ance. Your hair is your charm, u
makes or mars tho face. Whon It
fades, turns gray, and looks streak
ed, Just a few applications of Sage
Tea and Sulphur enbancos Its ap-
pearanco a hundredfold.
Don't atay grayl Look youngi
Either prepare tbo roclpo at homo
or get from any drug store a bottle
of "Wyeth'a Sage and suipnur com
pound," which Is moroly tbo old
tlmo recipe Impro td by the add!
tlon of other Ingrodlents. Thou
sands o'f folks recommond this ready-
to-usa preparation, becauso It dark
ens the hair beautifully; besides, no
ono can possibly toll, as It darkens
so naturally and evenly. You moisten
a sponge or soft brush with It, draw
ing this through tho balr, taking one
small strand at a tlmo. By morning
the gray hair disappears; after an
other application or two its natural
color Is restored, and It bocomos
thick, glossy and lustrous, and you
appear years younger. Adv.
son shortly. At first you test a dull
misery in tho kidney region, you suf
fer from backache, ,slck headache,
dlixlneis, stomach gets sour, tongue
coated and you feol rheumatic twing
es when the weather Is bad.
Eat loss moat, drink lots of wa
ter; also get from any pharmacist
four ounces of Jad Salts; taks a
tablespoonful In a glass of water be
fore breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will then act fins. This
famous salts Is made from the add
of grapes and lemon Juice, combin
ed with llthla, and has been used
for generations to clean' clogged
kidneys nnd stimulate thorn to nor
mal activity, also to neutralise the
acids In urine, so It no longer Is a
source of Irritation, thus ending
bladder weakness.
Jad Salts Is inexpensive, cannot in
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
lltbta-water drink which everyone
ubould tnko now and then to keep
the kidneys cloan and active. Drug
glels here say they sell lots of Jad
Salts to folks who believe In over
coming kidney trouble while It Is
only trouble. Adr.
Equity 1353.
James M. Milne, Plalntltf.
vs. N
Ellxnboth W, Milne, Defendant.
To Kllxaheth W. Milne. Defendant,
In tho Namo of tho Stato of Ore-
You nro hereby required to appear
and answer the complain; men
against you In the above ontltled
Your Sunday Dinner
Fryers, Chickens
Next to Strand Theatre
1136 Main We Deliver Phone 543-J
"Let George Do It"
The Man who
Sells for Less
Watch Repair
yH vm 1
-h,1 f
-:. i'-r
m ' t
IT-' yV4
T " oK
'W '. '
in WW
." . .
GEO. L. METZ, Jeweler
622 Main St.
Phone 72
.jit Jinnr- uxrkin.mruLiLnriri -.-.-.- --- ---...-....
Meat, Also Tnko Glass of
SaHs Before Sating
TJrlo acid In meat excites the kid
neys, they Become overworked; got
sluggish, ache, and fool like lumps
of lead. The urine becomes cloudy;
tho bladder Is Irritated, and you may
ho obliged to seek rello. two or
throe times during the night. Wben
tho kidneys clog you muit help
them flush off the body's uilnous
waste or you'll he a rent sick per-
Let's All Boost the
County Fair
This year's Fair should be a starter as a
Dairy Exhibit. Next year let's make it
larger.. About 4,000 cows being milked .in
Klamath County. Increase it to 15,000.
The Klamath Falls Creamery
' wf
'if ' l
& ''
t 'u
iJ. - - t ;jUiv
W, !
.-' vri