The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 07, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Evening Herald
K. J. MUIUtAY .,
FRED SOCLE ..........'........City Bdtier
Published dally excopt Sunday, by
The Herald Publlthlnt Company ot
Klnmnth Falls, at lis Eighth Street
Entered nt tho postofftco nt Klo,
math Falls, Ore., for transmission
through the malls ns second-class
Tho Associated Press, U exclusively
ontltlcd to the'uso for publication of
all now dispatches erodltod'to It,
or not otherwlso credited In this
paper, and also tho local news pub
llshor heroin. i.
'thk rmxs mcbt nn admitted
Itrprint of tending Kdllortnl ttam
lno of Editor Publisher for
Hcptrmbrr lOtli, 1021.
During his address borore tho Ar- War College last week, President
Harding cited tho fact thnt lack ot
understanding has been the prlmnt
cause ot conflict among men. llu
might htTO ndded that lack of under-
landing between nations hnd result
ed from the bickering of politician.
In secret politicians, tnanV of whom
woro serving some unrlghteou ulter
ior purpose.
-So better reason could bo advano-
'ed for making tho coming Contcreneo
on tho'1 Limitation of Armaments
open; as the first-step In a new order
ot world progress to tho ultimate
Parliament of Man. Such'a broad vi
sion would remoTO tho cited causo
that hat repeatedly carried vntluns
backward Into the lowest dojths ot
Among the pleasures thnt fell to
President Harding' this work was tho
writing ot a message to commrmorato
the completion of an International
arch' In the State of Washington that
stands ai a trlbnte to more than 100
years of peace along an unfortified
1,000 ' mile International border a
"condition made possible by under
standing alone.
Canada la a great nstlo-i end tho
fellowship that has made oar peace
(with her possible hat never been laid
upon a table for diplomatic liartor
In fact, diplomacy, as tho world
knows It, Is unknown between Can
ada and the United Statei. What
Canada Is doing and thinking today
la known to n today; what iho Unit
ed Mate la doing and thinking today
la known lo Canadians today. News
facta and arguments have flora frco
ly back and forth acrosa that border
for mora than 100 years; travel has
been aa easy at between our state
Canada and the United States
hav had their difference smaller
differences have carried other na
tion Into war. There have been
times when theae nations wcro
smouldering powder' houses that
needed but a- match thrown from be
hind a closed diplomatic doc to
cause' a conflagration. Instead, those
nations entered Into debato not be
tween diplomats, but Instead between
the public opinions ot the two no
- -- -- , j.jAJ.y
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i . . r jfff fmjVfJFtf if f Sf
one leak 15 1 y"ZDAMW' ifM
jmzmr?zmmm4i .mjfflWfti ,
3s Ml ill M ., ,
i &css- Aitrifs. if t-??Axrs i-'r;x ,'uv ' tij r
. S?rMWZ(WiWiyM J X'
: u MmC
iWmYS&l Bt?ali Y-W A
r 9 ? in iirfca pi" "T" "" - in IBM-bum --- T -t 4k. iw n--
I -( . n
. 'ltUPKUT, Idnho.if OcU 7fl'ump.
klii -walKliliig moro than " seventy
pounds worn oniofed by '' ttoiiliiorn
Iduliu fnriuurit In n Ulinmklii contisl
I'ondllCtm! Iiuro Inst wnnki Tlln prlait
wlniilnit miniiililii. wolKlilint 72
pounds, wim grown by Tluimns llluck
rr. An (ivmi luror iuimi)iln, whImIi
tng 73 iioiinds, fnllod to win tlm )lao
bocnusu Its owner, Willis I,. Will-,
iis two ilny Info In brlniiliiR It In
town, Tho socond find third prim
wlnnor woro grown by J, F. Thomp
son and wnlKhnd 04 3-4 mid BO
A good bed mid
U Ave,
Colonial room., iiV"0' i
"'! U WnlBMl a,,'11' M
lish, frogs, etc.. which are nbln
to ctiungo their color to conform to
tliolr surroundings, losu tlil power
thny becoino blind.
lioiisiiwork t0 i ,0 hlp
riioim uu, ,,,u ''"J" out or
)ll UI3NT Colr LZ1
-nil Phonn. i, , M'ymi,
'" '"'nu 20M r'l
r Hoii.
fr Imja .in, 'Mry ,
J. lit mm hi... .:'"",, ft-
. - .."i- , U(
onsldor b.i) Ink if 7.!10- '
-illii'nn,,;ffl,nr,c '
'" '"Ml t,h
i i.
Ii't Blmplon, which Is a
Tho Ionian tunntl in'Vi!:
limn is in. . ... ".'" Bwii....... ..'" U
--- '"' ""r
matter so vital to tho woll-bclnr
and peaco ot the world.
Tho people and press ot Amorlci
today are demanding nn open, confor
enco and onllghtcncd publicity on
overy question that directly nffecta
thorn In truth, tho "demand crows
more Insistent that representatives
ot tho Pros must bo admitted tn nil
conferences disarmament and olh-
erwlse, Including commlttco meet
Ings where the public buslneu Is
being considered and transacted
."We havo a bureau who'.1 duty It
ta to read each week the country
newspaper from all over tbu coun
try. Tharo Is not a pnpor of jnv con-
aequenco In our trado torrltory that
our bureau docs not get. This bur
eau look over these papers and wher.
we find a town whero tho morch.ints
are not advertising In the local paper
w immcaiaioiy nooa that territory
with our'llteraturo. It always brings
results far In excess or the tamo ef
fort put forth In ter:rory nhurc
the local merchant! uvj their
local paper," said Herman Rosen-
field, advertising manager for Scarr,
Roebuck & Co.. In dlscusslns luo
advertising program for bis ble on-
corn during tho coming year.
nor died
wwim ma hi,:
In a hundred' scattered sections of
In the words of the old-tlmo haw'
man, last night at tho Strand theatre
"went over big." It wa tho Inaugur
ation ot what Manager White
style "Country Store Night." Each
Thursday night he Is 3otn to give
away free various articles to thosn
I who throughout tho weak, havo at
Canada, the arguments of her Fo-.'Ple,
view expressed In a hundred nrw
and editorial opinions, that wero
brought swiftly across the tmrrier to
the American people, who in a hun
dred scattered sections, wera stntlne
their caae for the benefit of Tnnadhn
public opinion, which they
would pass upon It
tended the show In his theatre. Tho
Not diplomats, but public opinion
formed In a conference that embraced
all the people of two great nations
and at time extended over a period
of several years, has been respon
t Rlble for the peace that has endured
for more tban'ona hundred year and
haa kept the 3,000 mllo International
border on our north free from forts
and armaments.
Bonth, there has been a 'different
story for more than a century. Steep
ed In the traditions ot old world dip
lomacy, 'censorships, lies, and behind.
closed-door-barlerlng, a wall of Ignor
ance has been erected between th
United States and Mexico that ha
brought bloodshed and blind bate
and kept It alive by crumb of mlsln
formation that havo been fed to tho
peoples of both nations by outriders
ot secret diplomacy.
President Harding' voice and atti
tude iwlll decide whethor or not ths
coming Conference on the Limitation
of Armament will bo held behind
open or closed door. He ha com
mended more than one 'hundred
year of peace as a tribute to Interna
tlonal relation! baed upon under
standing. It I now for blm to decide
whether or not America's new nlace
of leadership In the world shall be
established on the understanding that
recognizes no International trader In
method followed Is simple: Wbon tho
patron buys a tlckfcl he writes his
name on a-card, which li ilcnosltcd
In a box. Each Thursday eight n cer
tain number of these cards will hn
drawn and distributed to those whojp
names aonear thereon will lm ih-
knew -1R Blven by Mr. White. Last night
was me nrst ana ten articles wvro
given away.. Next Thursday twentr
will be distributed.
Among the thing given last night
wa, a llvo spring chicken and tho
man who carried It off bnd to talca
a good deal of Joshing, but b
happy with hi chicken and
what the managomont sought
Tho pictures wero unusuall good,
a uecided Improvement bclns notlc
ablo In their production. Heretofore
tbero has been a serious defect In the
clearness ot the picture on the
screen, but since the Installation of
mercury attachment' to tho picture
machlno, this dofoct bag boon remov
ed and tho picture stand out with
startling clearness.
Reduced Fare for
Livestock Show in
Portland, November
J-aro and one-hnlf for tho round
trip will bu In effect on tho South
ern Pacific for tho cloronth annual
'aclflc International Livestock show!
it Portland, November C to 1. ac
cording to announcement by shew'
irrr..ini i
nnnnvi nm t ... . I ,ul.i .... . . .. . L . . I
uuuuituuii., jq, ,, A imu "u nnui mono wno laKO
bronto tablet depleting tho death of advantage ot the liberal rate to
Albort Edward Scott, a 15-yoar-old vl"'t h" Pnclllc International hllo
nowsbov whn ill a.l tioaMn 1,1. .),.,. In Portland, m. Ill nnv ii.i....i,i.i .
sho gurt In Franco aftor having dinJunl who .doc-nV approclnto.
killed and Injured 31 Qcrmans. will KOod livestock cnoueh to visit ih..
uu ucuicsuea nero on October 38, """ snow ci us Klna on tbn
with exercise at which William continent, won't havn to come to
Jennings Bryan will mako tho prln- tl0 pounds to have his ticket vail-
clpal addroos. i dated, or any bother nt that sort."
The mnmnrlitf whink ,. ' S3VS tho minminrnmnnf
placed on the town hall, Ig the gift' Loe"1 Hwy ngents can furnish
of newiboy of Greater noiinn nt detail regarding thn roturod f.r
whom "Scottv" was on nnin ,' .
volunteered for service overseas. Veteran nf th
Th tnhut -.nM...-j ... r eiran or me
Ing by dale Hosklns. based nn ifn.l
clal photographs, cost the newsboy '
$2,000. I
President Harding and Vice Prcs.
Idont Coolldre. ATnp latn .,.
at their Inability to bo prosent for Joseph Samuel Longford, ono of tbo
100 uuicion exercise, approved " living uonrederalo soldiers,
tho memorial In letter mado pub- eelobrated his 102nd birthday annl
lie todar. Thn nnldnt in i. versarv tlm n.h .i ..i,k - ..i.
ter to Edward Kcevln, director of about a mllo nnd a half on routo to
the Roosovolt Nowsbora association, this city to bo nntnrtnlnn.i i. ..
which had chargo of raising tho'ber of the Daughters of the Con-
uuua, uiiTuiaca approval also of iorac7. n0 iook Ills "noxt" at a
tho plan to have Mr. liryan mako barber shep beforo tho entertain
tho principal address In his stood, mont "to got fixed up for tho girls,"
uuiuk iuui wun ine former socre- as no taiu.
tary of stato a irpeaker, "a most Mr. Lungford. who Uvea with hi
appealing naaress" was assured. .daughter. In Chesterfield mum..
m. - u . m.... ..... t. .. ----1
.m jrw.moiu woouago paid trlh-nss 16 rramlcnlldren end 4K n-...
uto to boy who sell papers, saying: urandchlldrcn. At 41 hn ininVd ,
1 "Newsboy go everywhere, cee 'Confederate army, sorvod In a num.)
everything and know everybody. W of bnttlns Including tho Dattlol
tu ta uo ezDoricncn in ivfifih oi ins i:rmttr nni Ai.Mt.i- .. ...,
,. " w m mil-
tney HO not nave a Dart, nnd hn ltn In bis nxnnrlenri nu r-......
which they do not llvo. Thoy nro PX. Ho Is nctlvo, and goos about
rtinencan. jo ineir spirit, to iho r unaided
entorprlso, to tholr courifgo. to tholrl
devoUon. It Is altogothor ' fitting! Knock tho II. C. .f I,. I.y l.nvlng
that a memorial Should bo orectod I,,,x,'. W'l'nlretl nt Tlio Kvnn.' Hlioo
bearing tho name of ono of ..lCl" '" 'W. , 4
If &&icxijj ;
Serves you right--
You're vMl to Hip I'alp Mill nut lm loiuplrin
i t'nli- you .line whTo M-rvIrp, prlw .i ,lui. .
On 6th St. Near Main.
Open 5 a. m. to 1 a. m.
Confederacy Ig
Hale at 102 Years
,""'"' ,l" ' ' '.i---m-.i-, ,
Sole agency for the largest Weitern
Milling concern.
Will buy your grain at top market pricu
for cash. See or phone
maun, urc. and Klamath Falls, Ore.
Cambridge to Have
Military Camp
CAJinrtlDCB, Mass,,' Oct. 7.
Soldiers Field, the a'thletlc irrniin.i
of Harvard University on which the
niaaium is situated, is to bocomo a
soldier field In fact. Thfrmintnrv
department of the univorslty Is be
ing installed there men, horses and
suns. Quarter for the enlisted mnn
of tbo artillery outfit, atni.ia. .
their horsei and 'a gun shed for tbo
field pieces are being erected botwoen
numbor who haa becomo Immortal.'
A boy' band of 300 Dleccs frnm
New York will havo a part In the
"Scotty" dropped his nowspapors
uu" unusi, ice man a month
after he waa graduated from TBm.
mar school. A few wook later ho
was in Franco as a member of tho
101t Infantry reglmont. At Ent.,t
July 23, 1918, a year later, tho boy
Toiunieorea tor oxtra-hazardous tor-
"Boo that path. Scottv?" nM i,i.
lieutenant. i
'Thaf your targot, not a Hun
must cross It."
"Yon, sir," said Scottv. ,a!ntd
ana iook up bis !io-abo hub. Rln
glo handed ho held tho path while
o aiuvu or CriDDICd 31 Onrmnm
- -..HH..V,
men uiort from his wounds,
s. ...... ,.... . r
rinks under tho direction of Major
0. C. F. Oootz, commandant of tho
Tho military dennrtmnnl ulll t....
also on tho field that wa named for
tiie men of Harvard who went to thn
..w i.. aro oumtT orecied botwoon Civil AVnr rldlna- ,i. .. "
thetennl court.and the hockey) pTca.o an? gt St "'
Knullv Vn mi
8TATI-: nv mtiY:nv ivmi .,-. ...'
rt,.v..V..J... ,'' . MXMtnw
mil uiuaTji
nirdlo Llnil, Plaintiff
Cliag. Llnil. Dnfnnilnnt
To Chnrlen T.ln.i ft,.i. .
n. ... .J. ..;" v""i uuuio
iiuiiiuii. sis inn'nmn tw . ni.i.
Oregon, you aro hereby required to
filed nffalnstou In .tho nbovo entitled
VP Wf'b a ' Mlt Torn the date
-. ..v .uai (luuiicaiion or this sum
mons. and if m, r.n - . '""""
nnswor, plaintiff win apply to thn
Cor' tr H'O rollof pnyad for n,h"?
"fj','"' " " o noroin to-wlt, for n
decreo dlvsblvlnv tin.,,i. i'L'...
mony now i-rtiti,,. , .i.".1:.'!
"SI ?nt,na for uci, ,hor
.. .V.....V. u;iiui ub io mo Court
may soom oqullnhlo.
i Th'l'l"'mmons Is served upon yoii
by null cntlnn lli.n i .u-t,". "
Honild. u d.i ;!" "",S",'f
iinhii.hnd ,V,.V' .' ""''"'" i'"'lipa,
i ii ' i' u -"rai circu ut on
wJvIlimotI! Co,,' 0rc"n- nco ,j
WCOl fnr ntv wib i... ' . . "
Honorable p. v:"K.,K ,m d,'
-,.w v..., , , ,lrH( puuiication of
this summons Is October 7. 1021
'ah At'ofioy for Plaintiff
0.7.H.H.M '"'" U'
iu -r-iv nnm
m uiiii gv mLwm. '.
-L-aB r-p-:. .
I mi9fmWWWWmW RffvaaBMBMBMfl
I 1 lWP-vggB
m 1 lin 1 i tJSMSmmmm
I FmSttIii11 ftffl?W
For Your Sunday Dinner
Choice Cut of Beef from 2-year-old itHrt.
KAIl'rmit ,.wi,u. .....I -t ..i... ... mm .... .-m if alUSJ
, , - .. ph'om riru nun rum
iVLiV,W'.r?.,i,.",,'0,1, """ '" ' ""' Will Hrk. m .
- i-v.i, r,ii.-r,H'H HI'KCIAI." ...w r
Prlitu, Itoile.i . mi. iV,...V. ""' "' ..Mile V.
Ilrmut of Inili ZZZ.Z...Z.Z.. ,---.W 5
CliorM k1iMiilfli.r. , ojv POt"
-, ,.. .,,.n.,.v. . ,,,., ,,,, ...... .......... .... ..... ....... -
I.linti. lnln - on
U'K of Um ,!ZZZ'.Z'.ZZ.Z
Hlwuldcr of Ijimb (wliolo pluco)
,.,.aac rJ
The Lincoln Market
i nira and Mam fhone au..
- ,