The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 07, 1921, Image 1

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Otfftf lEtf tfttfttij
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Tndmv JVftiiM J
j. . 7 irvi ti 'i
.4 A
Member of the Associated Press.
Fifteenth 'Viif Xi IIIIO
.. '
1 1
Shorltf Lloyd Low whh placed up
nRnlnt a linnt tank this wook by
Roy Tabor, deputy uhorlff of Dorrls.
A telephono cnll on mo Mondnfrom
Tabor and seemingly In ono brcnth
nnd "Nontonco, tlio Cnllfornln deputy
nnld,'"Low, ciitcli mo ft negro who
hiia licon robbing stores In DorrlH,
tlicn, running up to Klamath Fulls
unit milling tlio pltmdnr, thnii rolibltiK
plnctm up tliero nnd coining back hero
to fiell tho loot. He Is Just a noKro
nnd that In nil I know. Cntch him,"
enmo from Tnbor nnd tho click of tho.
phono nnnouncod tlml Tnbor hnd
liu'llg up. , r
Sheriff Low lmd no namu, doRcrlp
'tlon nor duo to no on, but observing
n' negro man boarding tlio Ashland
sjagotlvo minutes lator tolaphoned
Sheriff 'Torrlll of JiicIihhii county to
Investigate tho negro who would ar
rive thoro thnt ovcnlng.
j Fortune fnvorcd. Low and thonog
ro was tnlccn in nnd found to huvo
lpot itukcn from Dorrls. Included In
tho man's effects were checks nnd
pnporn belonging to a mnn named II.
Kcttrlson, rare of tlio Modoc Lnm
b'ur roiifpnny. Chlloqulti. 'Receipts
worn found on the negro where he
liadlsont two nultcasen tn rortland
nnd!thu slierlff of Siskiyou county
who.cnmo to Ashliind for the prison
or nfnt to I'ortland for tho Hiiltcnscs,
Sheriff Low has no Information
whether tho negro committed many
robberies hero or not but will have
tho effects of tho prisoner smirched
tr r,
tt ill
orrnrtnjn ntMle!luff,trirhtrii
no beginning nr summer.
'i Flvo hundred and thlrtytwo peo
ple had paid admlsslonu at tho
county fair grounds up to 2:30
o'clock this afternoon, nnd the
crowd .was still coming. TIiIb did
not Include tho mnny children. This
1b tho closing day at tho fair, and
schools and hanks closed for a half
holiday. It was cxpoctod thnt lator
jn tho afternoon tho nttendanco
would bo Increased by tho presenco
of pirents nnd chlldron from town
who"lnro Intcrontcd In today's pro
gram, which Is being given by boy
and girl club workors.
Milk testing, homo canning, sow
ing and other demonstrations aro
part of Iho program proposed by tho
county club workors.
B Awards In tho different divisions
wore bolhg mado slowly, but n com
"ploto list" Is cxpoctod tomorrow..
Mow "bout Fnlr on I'ogo Five.
Protest Filed With
Equalization Board
Tho board of equalization of Klam
ath county consisting of Judgq It. II.
Bunnell. C, It. DoLnp and W! T. Loo
(hold n mooting mis morning wnu m
ffornoys representing tho L. Jacobs,
jMboro.nrid'Colllor nnd Chnrlcslom-
. .;ls realty IntorostH rolatlvo to a low
rbrlng of tho 1021 taxation rnto ns
uiossod ngninRt tho sovornl proportlos.
According to. ,tho protcstnnta, the
1921' assessment lovlod ngatnsi tno
nromirtlos nro not In lino with as-
esHment. nlaccd against 1IKQ lioid'
Inga adjoining. Tho board was hear
inir thn iirntcstn this afternoon on
iho samo properties.
ft li.w, nEPOKTED FROM B. C.
t piNCH ItUPEIlT, B. C, Oct. 7.
blscovory of rich silver oro on tho
Kltsault river, Alloo Arm district,
In claims closo to tho famous Dolly
yardeu mine, is repor.ted hero.
Threo ' gonoral- samples taken free
from native silver "average moro
than 'lOO ounces to tho ton, and
tho body of oro of this richness Is
ald,torbo very oxtonslvo. It has an
jtverage width of 22 inches, .and ad
JplnsMowor. grade oro, which .carries
ifooAv-milling values.
Fnlluro to agrco upon tho degreo
of crlmo Is snld to have boon respon
sible for Inability' of tho Jury In tho
caso of tho stato against William
Flnrlt, 'charged with firing two shots
ut I.oiiIh Iloldlschur, Malln banker,
to reach a verdict lifter long delib
eration last night.
MumberH of tho Jury stood out for
conviction on a chargo of assault
with Intent to kill, It wus nald,
whllo others hold that Finch should
bn found guilty of tho lessor offonso
of assault with a deadly weapon.
The, argument In tho Jury room
hlngcd'tipcm tho question of whotlicr
I"neli fired tho two shots with dond
irtntoV.'oMiot. -'"
Tho Jury was discharged nt 10:20
thin moniliiK. Nino Juror's nro said to
hnvo stood for conviction on tho
mora bcrlous chargo on tho last bal
lot. ,
Finch will havo anothor trial. It
Is sot for tho first Monday In Do
ccmbor. '
Judgo Kuykcndnll gave tho Jury
four Instructions bearing on tho
ensa: Onllty as chargod in tho In
dictment; guilty an to assault with
dangorous weapon; not guilty, and
not guilty owing to being lnsano at
tlmo of the act.
According to court attaches, tho.
testimony of Dr. Patterson, n phy
slclnn who resided at Merrill for
ovor 10 years, --was to tho xiffoct
thnt only when tho defendant Finch
wag under tho Influence of liquor
was ho incapablo of Judgment., In
1 his opinion, Finch's mind bqcamo
temporarily paralyzod at such tlmcB.
Closo observation of tho defendant
nt 'all times led tho physician to
this conclusion, ho said.
The -stato witnesses were Lculs
lloldlachar, Conrad C. Jnlo, Mrs
Vivian Wlldo, Carl JackBon, John
Thorsen and Jerry Johns, Dut two
witnesses for tho dofonso wore
callod, Carollno Finch nnd Dr.
J. O.
ItOSEHUItO. Oct. 7. Tho second
panol of fifty prospoctlro jurors was
ready for examination when court
oponod for -tho Brumfluld trial this
morning. Tho following tentative
Jurors aro. In tho box as tho result
of questioning tho first panel of 24:
Harry Lurklns, Oakland; M. H.
Payno, Yoncalla;, Waltor O. Coatos.
Ollula; Jcsso It, Clayton, Tyco; Am
os C. Crlpp, Rlddlo; Q. M. Hartshorn
nnd James Marvin, Suthorlln; C, S.
Hunt, Oakland; J. I. Roach, Tlllor,
and Waltor Haines, Elkton.
Vincent Applegate, Ycncalla
farmor, was chosen as tho' eleventh
prospective, juror. Ho Is 24 years
old. Most of tho others In tho box
aro old mon. - ,- . i
Tho defense has 12 .'peremptory
challenges to exercise, and the pros
bcutlon has six.
,OnEO.ON Tonight
mid Saturday
!?- 'twru-j tm.
Giants Willow Wielders Run
Wild in the Seventh Mopping
Up Yanks;
POLO onOUNDS, Now York, Oct;) Fifth. Inning Yankees: Peck
7. Smashing out In tho. Roventti filed to Mousol; Ruth fanned; Mou
with a whirlwind orgy of bntUn,g0t singled; Mousel went out steal
tho aiantg ptloa up olght runs tn oing'Hocond', Snyder to Bancroft.
row, and with four already to their
credit, turned tho tables on tho
Amnrlcnn letiKiio nlnvors In . tho
third gamoiof tho Bcrlcs, .which now
Hianun two 10 unu. ,
Tho final scoro of toduy's gamo
was 13 to 5. with the Yankees on
tho short end. '
An Immense crowd filled the
stands to capacity this afternoon.
Every scat -was taken by tho tlmo
thu gamo started and tho hloachor
gates woro closod.
Tho teams lined up as follews:
Yankees Miller. cf; Pcckln-
pnuRh, r.s; Ruth, U; R. Mousol, rf;
Plpp. lb; Ward; 2b; McNally, 3b;
Schang, c; Shawkey, p.
aiants Burns, cf; Bancroft, s;
Frlsch, 3b; Young, rf; Kolly. lb;
E. Mousol, K; Rawlings, 2b; Snyder,
c; Toncy, p.
Following Is tho result by Inn
ings: '
First Inning Yankees: Lined
out to Frlsch; Rawlings throw Tcclc
out at first; Ruth fanned.
Olnnts: Burns filed out to Mou
sol; Wnrd threw Bancrott oui ai
first;--Frlsch singled; Young walk
ed; '.McNally throw Kelly out at
Second Inning Ynnkces: Mousol
hit two-bagger; Plpp sacrificed.
Tony to Kolly, Mousol tnklpg third;
Mousol out at plato whon Rawlings
throw Ward's groundor to Snydor;
McNally forced Ward cut, Bancroft
to Rawlings.
ninnU! E. Mensel singled, Bob
nearly caught brothor off first with
nulclc throw; Rawlings lined out to
Wnrd, who mndo wondorful leaping
catch and doubled Mousol out oy
quick throw to Plpp; Snydor sln
glod, went out stealing second,
Schang to Pocklnpaugh. '
Third inning Yankees: Schang
walked; Sha-wko'y singled. Schang
going to third; Schang scorod on
Minor's slnglo; Shawkoy going to
second; rock, walked, filling bases;
Shnwkcy and Mlllor scored on.
Ruth's slnglo; Ruth stolo second;
Ruth wont out stoallng, third, Sny
dor to Rawlings; Mousol walked;
Barnes roplacod Tonoy In Qlant's
box; Pocklnpaugh scored whllo
Rnwllngs was throwing Plpp out at
first; Ward struck out. Four runs,
qinnts Barnes singled; Burns
filed to Miller; Bancrott singled.
Barnos going to second; Frlsch
walked," filling bases; Barnes scorod
when Young walked; . Bancroft
scored' whon Kolly walked. Qulnn
now pltohlng for Yankoes. Frlsch
scored when Meusel went out to
Plpp unassisted; Young scored on
Rawtlng's infield hit; Snyder fouled
out to Plpp. Four runs.
Fourth inning Yankees: Mc
Nally hit by pitched ball, taking
first: Schang singled, but ''was
thrown out trying to steal, second,
Young to Bancroft, McNally going
to third; Qulnn fanned; Mlllor
struck out.
Qlants:' Wnrd throw Barnes out
it first; Burn's got' a threo-baggor;
Bancroft fanned; Frlsch walked;
Peck threw Young out at first,
' .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiH' '
l lkiiiiiiiiiiiB
. -?kr ikkkkkkkkkH
'''m?"' flkiH
Miw vJ. kkkkl
Scere: 13 to S
aiants: Kelly fanned; Mousol
filed to Mlllor; M.cNnlly throw Itaw
lings out nt first.
Sixth Inning Yankees: Plpp
.Went out on groundor, Kclley to
Barnes; Ward slngld; McNally
struck eut: Schang filed to Raw
lings. '
Giants: Snyder singled to right;
Barnes hit Into doublo play, fcjulnn
to Peck to ,Plpp.' Burns singled
and stole second; Ward, throw Ban
croft nut nt'tOrst."
-. . JT---
Sovontlu, , n!nrvvnn!j?cs:,. Burns
nflnr inntr ltn
, Qulnn's
field drive; --Mlircr fahJicd Bancroft
threw Peck out at, first.
Giants. Frlsch singled; Young
doublod. J to ' right. Frlsch . taking
third; Kelly -walked, filling bases;
Frlsch nnd Young scored on Mou-
scI'b double, Kolly taking third;
Kylly and) Mcuacl scored ori 'Raw
In box;' Rawlings wont out .stdallng
lings slnglo; Collins roplaccd Qulnn
second, Schang to Peck; Snyder
singled; Barnos- singled; Burns sin
gled, filling bancs; Snyder scorod
on Bancroft's nacrlflco fly to Ruth;
Frlsch walked; Barnes, Burns and
Frlsch scored on Young's throe-bag.
gcr; Rngnra replaced Collin's"' fn box;
Bogors throws Kolly .out at first
Giants' batting rampage scorod olght
Eighth. Inning Yankoes:- Ruth
walked, Fowster ran for him; Meu
sol fanned: Barns throw Plpp out
at first, Fowstor taking third;
Fowster scored on Ward's stngle;
McNally forcod Ward out, Rawlings
.to Bancroft. Ono run. ' '
Qinnts: Dovormor catching for
Yanks, Fowster playing loft. E.
Mousol slnglod; Rnwllngs fanned;
Mouscl stolo socond; Mousel scored
on Snyder's slnglo; i'ock too
'Barnes' fly; Burns doubled, sending
Snydor to third; Ward throw Ban
croft out nt first. Ono run.
Ninth Inning Yankoes: Dover
mor. thrown out nt first by Raw
lings; Baker batting for Rogers,
filed to Mousel; Frlsch throw Mll
lor out at first.
Officers' of County
Shorthorn Breeders
L, A. West was elected prosldent
and Silas Obonchaln, secretary and
troasurer of the Klamath County
Shorthorn Breeders ' association, or
ganized yesterday nftomoon ut tho
county fair. '
Threo dlroctors, P. L. Pope, War
ron Patterson and Frank. McCornack,
wero selected. Tho organization will
have a 100 per cent membership
among breeders of Shorthorn stock
in the.county andexpocts to do much
to oxpand tho development of this
class of stock and, ralso tho standard
of breeding, ,
ADRIAN. Mich., Oct. 7. Tho first
snow of the season In this section fell
yesterday upon, apple blossoms,
brought out by warm weather of the
past week.
B.' s'yOsitt T-Liifl
PJiiiiiW' v'wJgiiiiiiS
gmSkVv"''' "P&fSmS
gigigigMg.'ffMsiiHiigiiDf J
Klamath ' Falls Is' without a baud
leader, and tho musical organiza
tion built up this summer under tho
direction of Frod Scelak will prob
ably dissolve, according to membors
of tho musical organization.
A. L. WIshard. manager of tho
band, told the story of tho trials
and tribulations of tho cn'pnfilo lead
er who loft hero last week for a
California point. "Scelak has left
ug just at tho tlmo' when tho finest
musical organization which ' this
city has ovor known was reaching
tho perfection point. But don'tJe
hasty and blarao him; ho was Jus
titled In departing. Any man who
exerted tho best thoro was In him
to build up tho kind of band ho did
uso his own money to buy music
with, deprlvo his family 'of personal
necessities to kcop his word with
tho band boys, battlo for' a living in
a community which failed to rocog-
nlzo hlg worth, and then nve tho
fruits of hlg all-summer work pass
ed up by all savo a few; Well, that
would tako tho heart out of on op
Scelak was recently promtsud
$100 by tho chamber of commerce,
and a comraltteoi nppolntod to
solicit tho money. Band mombers
said Scolak did not receive tho
monoy, and A. J. Voye, chairman of
tho solicitation committee, boro out
tho statement.
Scelak claimed tho chambor was
responsible for his coming here,
promising- him financial assistance,
but when ho tried to collect ho was
continually put oft, Wlion his
houso rent' fell due ho was unable
to meet it. Band mombers thought
Scelak a good loader and express
unnnlmous regret ovor his leaving.
Secretary Stanley was asked some
time ago It tho "Chamber was re
sponsible for Dlroctor Scolak loeat.
Ing hero, but denied tho rcsponsl
blllty, saying that he came here of
hi own accord. - I
Chairman Voyo of tho soliciting
commlttoo told a Herald represen
tative tbtg afternoon over tho tele
phono thnt tho money, was, noyer so
licited, never turned over to tho
chambor nor paid to tho band dl
roctor, to his knowledge.
Some criticism was ciado this
-week bocauso tho band was sup
posed to lead the parade at tho
oponlng of tho fair Wednesday,
but no parade, hand, or even tho
semblanco of a parade, showed at
tho appointed time. Charges wero
made that the band refused to
parade Wednosday bocauso tho
Fourth of July , commlttoo, never
paid thorn tho $000 duo them.
Treasurer Furbor of tho Fourth
commlttoo has denied tho chargo
mado by producing' aho cancollod
checks to the bandmen,' and states
that the story Is a fabrication. A,
L. WIshard, manager of tho band,
also denies the charge, as bo was
prpsent when tho money was paid
over to the band.
Arbuckle Arraigned.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct., 7, Fatty
Arbuckle was arraigned this morn'
Ing In the superior court here tn a
(Charge of manslaughter, in connec
tion .with the .death of Virginia
Rappe. October 13 was set as, the
date of pleading, ' ,
Fred Hood was acquitted yester
day In the United States' district
court at Medford on. a chargo of
cattllng rustling on' tho! Klamath
reservation, last tall. Hood was ai-
leged to havo stolon ono steer. This
Is according to a telegram from H.
M, Mannrng, local attorney, who de
fended Hood.
i Fred and Charles 'Hood went' on
trial today on a second' rustling
charge, and when that trial Is com
pleted there is, third similar court
to be heard. nff
Ton or twelve Klamath casca; wero f
on tho- calendar when the court
opened the Medford session, .Mon;
'day. Many Klamath, Indians nnfl
other Klamath residents aro jn at
tendance as .witnesses, iVtonJ
cases In nil -tare te- noinea, iaa
session will ond early noxt week.
Lester' W., Humphroys, united,
8tatedJorno7 for theOrqgon dis
trlct. tmd Thomas Magutro, assist-.,
ant Baited Statcsjattsrany, aro con
ducting the prosecutions for tno
government in the criminal cases.
Early In the session tiro men.
awaiting trial entorod pleas of
guilty and wero .sentenced by Judgo
Wolvorton as follews: Harroy
Drew, Klamath Indian, ploaded
guilty to having assaulted his wife
with a hammer, and waagiveaji
sentenco or'stx-fifon'thsn' tb,.o'MuTtr'v
nomah county' jail; Jesso Sconschln,
Klamath Indian, pleaded guilty to
larceny of a steer on tho reserva
tion and drew a sentence, pf, nlno
months In tho. Multnomah county
Jail. A stay of sentence for '30 days
was granted becauso .of Sconchln
being sick.
William. Carroll and Tom Capp-
ner, white men of Klamath Falls,
pleadod guilty of making. liquor In
that city for their' own uro, and
were sentenced to' 00 days in- the
Multnomah county Jail.
W(ASHINGTONfoct. 7. A 'tax of
four dollars a gaujn on all alcoholic
spirits withdrawn from bond .for In
dustrial, medicinal or any other pur
poses has been agreed upon by Re
publican leaders us part of' tho now
tax program.
This Is an. Increase of JJ.80 fi gnl
lou and Is expected to ylold 75,000.
000 additional royenuo yearly.,
Tho proposal to repeal the ,$2,000
dollar exemption allowed corpora
tions was abandoned because U( would
work too great a hardship on small
Tho lendor also agreed on a flat
corporation incomo tax of lC.por, cent
Instead, of tho .10 nnd. IB per cent
Brother of Local
Telegraph Operator
Killed, Auto Wreck
A telegram was r.ecqlvod yesterday
by m". C. Kenoyor.- night operator at
the Western, Union, telogrnph, pfflqo
that his brothor, Jamcs,f'l8; jonrs of
age, .was accidentally 'killed Wednes
day at Hanford, California,. 40 lnlbs
south of, Fresno, In an, automohllo
accident. OllW and James,, brothers
of Mr. Kenoyer set out from tholr
fathor'e ranch far town, and tho ac
ctdont happened near the, home,, just
bow, the 4wlre did not state,, Ollvor
was badly scratched up while his
older brother died, before his, par
ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Alfred Kenoyer
could reach him. Mrrl Kenoyor, stated
that ho could.taot attend .the. funeral
whicb, will bo, he jd, tomorrow, a Hat;
I ford.