The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 06, 1921, Image 1

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Member ot the Associated Press,.
Plftaontlt Your. No. OMD
Thn criminal caso of tho itato
against William 'Pinch, alleged to
hava tired two shots with a rovolvor
At Louis Uoldlschar, Malln Bankor.
Jana 21, with Intent to kill, was
- lcllod up In circuit court this morn-
(. 'llet. Tho Jury which will hoar tbo
evidence consists of D. F. Drlscoll,
gp. . n.rsorie Ulrlcb, B. Dennis, John And-
crson, II. A. Thlado, William Dirks,
' ' Daniel Murphy, T. P. Hogg W. E.
' . ' . Corum, Oconto Christie, William
;. Hall and C. I. Roberts.
Tho plaintiff, Louis liotdlschar,
' was thn first witness called to Ilia
' ' stand by tho slato and stated that the
defendant, Wllllnm Finch, callod at
, tho Malln bank twlco on thp day of
tho alleged shooting, Tho first tlmo
Finch cnnio Into tho bank,- HoUIIh-
.char snld, "ho had tho most pocullnr
luok on his faco I ovor saw it man
, ' have It was flko a crazy man nnd
ylio was cursing a lot." A man nnmoci j
Cut Jackson of Klamnth Fulls wnn
u tho private workroom of tho linuk.
t' with tho, bankor and Finch forced
f himself In without Invitation io-
iiiPstliiK tho party to go across the
street to the Malln hotel bur to got a
4 nofl drink, lib also said ho, had a lot
of money In his car. No business
transpired on tho first visit, BoMls-
t char said.
'- Tho second tlmo Finch returned
with a strangor, Uoldlschar
' This wa after Jackson and ho had
-, taken tho drink and ho alono went
'Into the establishment. No ohm was
h i; present but the ' three mnn. Finch
.'gain had this craiy look; on hli faco
pad demanded some papers ln"tho
safety deposit vault, particularly a
mortgage glvon by Finch on iomo
Merrill property. Uoldlschar said that
after a' search of tho box, tho paper
wanted was In Klamath Falls being
recorded and that this" nngorod the
'defendant causing him to swear and
makoa statement about "You. will
record papers on mo, will wout Well,
I'll show you and kill you for It."
' Doldlschar asked Finch If ho was
crazy repeatedly during this time and
tried to talk jm out of shootlmc
mil. Fincn men arow a revolver ana
'stood wlthlnjthree'feetof him looking
wildly ali 'the time. The atranger
,du?lng the talk made no effort to
assist the banker. Reaming that
Finch fas not Joking, Boldlscbar
testified that he struck the defendant
In the sldoand broke for the "door.
4' us he. passed Finch, tho latter struck
him with the butt of tho revolver
on the shoulder. Finch pursued him,
Doldlschar said', and two shots woro
fired. Doldlschar on iho stand 'said
ho did not know whether Flncn fired,
the shots or not, and dlroct question
ing by tbo district attornoy could not
mako him say bo saw Finch tire tho
''i Tho plaintiff. Bald ho was sooktng
refugo In tho rear of tho'baiik build
r ' Ing and said ho novor saw Finch on
tho lot In pursuit of him, when tho
shots woro'flrod. When Finch fltst
camo Into tho biAk, his car was fac
ing tho south In front of tho pluco
hut tho noxt tlmo Doldlschar saw tho
car, It was across tho streot facing
tho north, Finch no whoro In sight,
State to Conduct
Inspection of Fire
Hazards in City
Tho city of Klamath Falls Is to
have another flro hazard Inspection,
similar to tho ono conducted two
yearn ago provious to tho Houston
hotel flro, by A. C. Harbor, state tiro
marshal and an assistant from tho
samo offlco sometime during tho first
wook of Oetobor, according to tho
lottor recolvod yestorday by Arthur
R. Wilson, presldont of tho Klamath
Insuranco Agent's association. Flro
hazards will bo Inspected and rocom
mondailons mado for changes which
will protect and' keep down loss by
President Wltson urges evory citi
zen of tho city to remedy defective
wiring, remove inflammable mater
ial, from wooden structures, cut wcods
and In general, removo hazards bo
foro ordorod to do so by tho Inspec
tors. Any movo made In this direction
will assist greatly In kcoplng tho
proBont flro Insuranco ratcu, Wilson
Ono hundred men aro working on
tho right of way for tho now high
way between Hnyden crook nndIonny
creek; Klamath county's 16 mllo
stretch of the Klamath Falls to Ash
land road., according to E. T. Luddcn,
local manager for tbo telephono com
pany, who made a trip to Jenny
creek yesterday. '
Twenty mors men Vers to go to
work this morning, Mf. Ludden was
told by of fereman: Tha-i main con
tract wob lot to the John Hampshire
company, who' have, th'olr outfit on
tho ground. Many; sub-contractors
aro also on tho Job.
This pleco of highway, under thn
forms of tho contract, is to bo fin
ished next June. According to Mr.
Ludden, If tho Initial paco is kopt
up, tho contractors will complete the
work within the tlmo of tho con
tract. Trees and brush are being cleared
at an amazing rato, ho said. Tbe
crows .bad progressed nearly half a
mile, ho declared, between noon and
quitting time last nlg'nt. The camps
are comfortable, Mr.. Ludden said,
and ho learned from experience that
high class food U being served the
workers. ' '
So far, he said, no detouring was
necessary for travellers, as the now
right-of-way parallels hold road
as'iar, as. u nas gone, im? gxaao w
apparently easy and uniform, he sald.
Yankees Duplicate Victory of
Yesterday, Trimming Giants By
Another Score of 3 to 0
6. Youngster Walt'o Hoyt came
ovor from bis homo In Brooklyn to
day arid .bosmearod the giants with
gooso eggs, whllo tho Yankees walk
ed off tho field with tho second
game of tho world series with a .3
to O'scoro. Tho Yankees again dis
tinguished thomHolvea as baso run
ners, Dob Mousol stealing home In
eighth heforo tbo astonished gaze
of John McGraw, manager of tbo
Giants, whllo Dabo Itutb, who got a
baso on balls during each of threo
of his four appearances at bat, ghow
od he could do somothlng besides
homo run hitting, by stoallng second
und third bases Ii tho fifth Inning,,
and bringing In u run in tho eighth.
Nnhf pitched a good game, but .his'
own orror In fourth and an orror by
Frlsch In tho olglh enabled 'tho
Yankees to win.
Tho crowd In nttondnnco -was
larger thnn at yesterday's game.'
Thcro woro fully 3F!,000 porsons Uj
tho stands. Governor Miller was
escorted ncross tho field ' by the
band and sat near tho Ynnkoes'
bench. JIo throw out tho first ball.
Tho llno-ups follew: ,
aiants Burns, cf; Bancroft, as;
Frlsch, 3b; Young, tI; Kolly, lb;
Mcusol, If; Rawllngs, 2b; Smith, o;
Nchf, p.
Yankoes Miller. cf; Peekln-
paugh, ss; Ruth; It; Meusel, rf;
iPIpp, lb: Ward,. 3b; McNally, 3b;
fkbang, e; Hoyt, p. f
"'Tbo game by Innings:
First inning Giants: Burns fan
ned: Hoyt threw Bancroft oat at
tint; Ward throw Frlsch out at
first: , I
Yankees:. Smith muffod Miller's
foul, tor first error of Mrles; Mil;
lor walked; Neht throw PeckJn
paugh ont at first, Miller taking
second; Ruth, "walked; Meusel lined
put to Frlsch, who doubled Miller
at second.
Second Inning Giants: Young
grounded out to Plpp unassisted;
Kelly fanned; Meusel grounded out
to Plpp unassisted.
Yankees. Plpp walked; Bancroft
throw (Ward out at first", Plpp going
to second; Frlsch took McNally's
grounder and touched Plpp out;
McNally out stealing, Smith to Raw'
lings, I !
Third lnn'lng-7-Olants: Rawllngs
Texas-leagued into left; Smith filed
to Pccklnpaugh; Nchf fanno;
Burns forced Rawllngs out, Pcckln
paugh touching second with Burns'
Yankees: Scbang tiled to Ban
croft;" Hoyt singled; Mlllor tltodout
to Burns;' Peckinpaugh walked.
Yankoes .complained Neht awaa doc
(Continued to Page Fire) i
Tho Merchants Bureau meeting
last night brought forth gonoral ox-
nrosolons of satisfaction ovor tho
rosultB of Buyers' Woek, Bald Secre
tary 8tanloy today. ' ' . j
Rotund slips aro coming in fast,
said Mr. Stanley. Ho called buy-
At 3 o'clock this nftornoon thoors attention to tho provision that
prosocutlon nppearod noarly roady rotunds aro not grantod on loss
to close. Tho dofenso, it was than 25 worth ot purchases and
thoght, would bo brief nnd thqro is ndvlsod buyers to hold tholr- slips
"... a. - ..nlt Ihn nnfl jt Itin waaV. nUhniitrh
a posaiDimy tnai mo cubo muy " m m . ...- ,,v-.w..
A class ot thirty wll bo Inltluted
In thn threo degrees ot the Knights
ot Columbus in the Knlghta. ot Pyth
ias hall next Sunday. Tbo degree
team will arrive Saturday evening
This is the second. Initiation ot this
organization, the first being when the
Council, was Instituted a few months
ago. Tho number to bo Initiated rep
resents the maximum that can bo In
ducted in one, class. It denotes a rap
Id and healthy Increaso In an organi
zation that has proven an important
(actor Intho growth and development
of overy community where Council?
havo been established. Already the
local Council has begun tho mapping
put of a program of very ambitions
undertakings In this community and
the confldonco with which the plans
are discussed by tho members de
notes their ultimate consummation.
Members of tho order havo been
notified that noxt 8iinday tho follow
ing program will bo corrlod eut:
8:iB, gonoral assembly In Lyceum
10:00'a.'r. Breakfost.
11:00s a. 'nf. First dogreo work In
Knights of Pythias' hall.
' 12:00 0 m. to 0 p. m 2nd and
3rd degree work.
7 P. m. Class Banquot.
Boys and Girls to
Handle Program, at
the Fair Tomorrow
Tomorrow, the final day, l8 Boys'
and Girls' .day at tho County Fair.
Tho following program will be given'
Bo-fB and Girls' Irogram
Milk Testing DerfonstraMon Dairy
Herd Record Club.
Display of Dairy. Herd Records
Dairy Herd Record Club. '
Stock Judging, of Dairy and Beof
Cattle Team, Dairy Herd Rec
jord Clnb. v
Stock Judging of Sheep nnd .Hogs
Team, Beet Oalf Club. (L. J. Aft'
en of O. A. C. In charge ot stock
Canning Demonstration . Hauler
t Canning, Club. Leader in charge
f , Sporta
Serpentlno Dance By, ajl school
.children. C. D. Cborpennlng. in
charge. ,
Potato race, betwqon MJJIcr Hill and
Lone Pine Potato Clubs.
Boys' CO. yard dash, between repre
sentatives .from various' Boys' and
' Girls' Clubs, .one representative
from each club. .
Girls' DO. yard, dash, between repre
sentatives from various .Boys' and
, Girls Clubs, onq representative
from each. club. , , .
CO yard, dash botween rcirosena
liven fcpm Idffercnt Klapinth Foils
schools, pno from each school; ago
n limit -13 to 1C years; winner to
represent Klamath Falls In the fol
lowing race:
CO yard dash bctwocn representa
tives from tho following schoels:
Malln, Merrill, Bonanza, Bly,
Klamath Falls, Keno, Fort Klam
ath and Klamath Agency; one
representative from each school;
age. limit 13 to 16 years";
Free for All SO yard dash Limited
to school children of the county;
age limit 14 to 18 yean.
ROSEBORO.-Oct. 6. With seven
tontatlvo -Jurors In the box, attor
neys in the Brumfleld ease resumed
tho examination of talesmen, at 9
o'clock today. -
tFour men-remained of tho first
panel and tba new panel called -for
today, j i -i
Six of tha veniremen seated yes
terday were ranchers and the, BQveoth
waa a road .worker. juaga-JJinxBaaa.
complimented j the attorneys on..he
progrees' made yesterday, -. .
At thU' momlng'B session- two
mora tenUtlvwrJnrora were, Becnred.
Followtnr eahauatlon of the.
panel, court adjourned until tomor
row-,, when a second panel of 50
talesmen- Is summoned to appear. '
There werp. fow spectators In, tho
court room today.
Little benefit was seen in the
" At ono o'clock today, nearly
three hundred persona had register
ed at tho gate at tho second day ot
the Klamath ' County Annual Fair,
the occasion being the Farm Bnreai
Day, In charge .of B. H. Thomai,
county agriculturalist.. Thp principal,
address of. the day waa made, by
George Mansfield, president of ta
Stato Farm Bureau.
"General Farm Conditions aaoi
Accomplishments ot .the State and.
("National Farm Bureaus" was tho
topic chosen by the Medford speak
er and he traced the, splendid work
accomplished by tbo bureaus from
tholr inception, to the present day.
Tho neod of pgrlcultural dqvclop
mont. Intelligent co-operation be
tween tho capitalistic, classes and
tho agricultural sections, equitable)
railroad rates, coupled with systom
atlq education pt 'tho- present day
boya and girls, in tho, nrt . ot hus
bandry wa thp solution to many ot
tho griefs which tho farmers labor
ed under today,, he said.
Tho arm bureaus,- tho speaker
said, wcro working to that end, and
were slowly but surely driving tho
truth homo that tbo. wealth of tho
notion, tho prosperity and the In
ternal development rested on tao
farming Interests. Many other in
teresting facts t about finances vreri
aiscustea oy me spesaer, ana mm
speech waa well received and
plauded. f.l
Shorthoni Breeders' OsjaawlaO
fl ." -i4tws'othelrweMi.
ciroeoera aasociaiie c tao"Aa
vantages of Botter" Livestock;" '-
which he mentioned that this after
noon the Klamath county broed'ero
of Shorthorn stock would meet pr-
paratory to the formation of a
county organization, as thero weroj
zo breeders wno naa both pure;
bred bulls and heifers, and thai
others woro using pure, blooded
bulls for breeding purposes. This;
War Finance corporation's billion association would add, materially mi ,
the 'future or tne nreea nere.
Miss Helen Cowglll, assistant
dollar fund .for loans to farmers,
"by farm bureau, chamber of com
merce-and banking representatives,
ha rat thla' mornlnr. ' "
State club leader, of Corvallla, In jti
short speech complimented the.boyn
and: girls work, under .direction ot
to tho Jury today, though court at
taches thought it hardly likely.
thoy may oxorclso tholr own" Judg
ment. ' r
! Mr. B. S. Grlgsby ahorwod tho
WBLI, KNOWN COUPLE . largest purchases bo rar, Ti4s,?ri
licensed TO WED The refund of for oxpiroa Binur-
. i. ....I.. . O i'Thn
A .marriaco liconso- was -ibbuoumiut iou,ub --. -
last evenlne to Franks Lester .Evans chamber ot commerco rooms "win, be
and Mrs. Hnttlo Hinds. ' Both aro open until 9 to rocolvo demands tor
well known resldonts of Klamath rotunds, but Mr. Stanley said tho
Falls. Mr. Evans Is in tho shoo slips would bo honored until tho
business hero, and Mrs. Hinds has , following Saturday at o-clocic
boon head operator for the Paclflo
flMo ManarieldA President" 'of Mr. Frank Sexton, club leader, anal
the atate farm 'bureau; T. N. Case in turn then came boosts Jy B. B.
Hind L. A. West ot the Klamath, nan, n. b. uraapury, rr an k hoxios
farm bureau: B. B. Halt and T. L.
Stanley of the chamber of com
merce; J. W.' -Kerns, chairman or
the" chamber's marketing commit
tee, and J. A. Gordon, Marshall
Hooper and B. M. Bubb, represent
ing tho threo local banks, partici
pated In tho conference.
The billion dollar fund Is to bo
nro-rnted among the states and
loaned through local banks. Tho
War Finance corporation charges
Banks of the city will closo at
noon tomorrow, tho half holiday be
ing doclared that tho bank employes
may attend tho closing day ot tho
fair. -
Schools ot tho city will also closo
far a. halt holiday.
Storos' would not.. closo, Charles
Roberts, r6t tho Merchants' Bureau,
paid. : '
Telephone and Telegraph company
for peveral years. -
6. Decision
1 Justice as to
KBWPORT, Ore., Oct. . D. B.'by tho WMMsfs? Justlco as to
Waggner,' ot Newport, was found InTestlgatliffl' tho Ku Klux Klan
iA thla morning between here and will await action by congress on tho
Agato Beach beneath bis automo- proposed inquiry, Attorney General
tfl0, luaugneny annonacea toaay.
WASHINGTON, Oct. , Sonater
Btahfleld will not. return to Wash
ington tor several days apparently,
as this morning Senator McNary re
ceived a request from the, Junior
senator, asking that bo be paired as
voting In favor of the Panama canal
tolls bill-and also in faTor of ratify
ing tho peace treaties now before
the senate. I
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6. The radi
cal revision ot tho tax bill, Is In pros
pect as tho result ot conferences be
tween tho various sonata republican
factions with a view to tlio amend
ment of tho bill an roportcd by the
sonnto flnnnco committee
1 Tho agrcomont would previde:
Tho repeal noxt Janunry of all
transportation taxos oxcopt possibly
pullman accommodations;
Increaso of Income, eur tax rates
166,000 from thp
committee maximum', rato of 32 per
cont to a maximum of 50 per cent;
Repeal all ot tDo majority luxury
and so-called "nuisance" taxes, in
Finding 'soft drinks;!.
Increase of the corporation tax
rato.ot 15 per cent, as. recommended
by committee, ' .,.'
. ... i "t 'v
and E. H. Thomas for a full at-
tondanco tonight at the chambqr; ot
commerce rooms for the formation
of a rodeo and fair grounds asso
ciation, bo that next year a banner
fair could be put on. 'The meeting,
tho speakers said, was at 8 o'clock,
and every man In tho county .was
Invited to participate In It.
Dairy Stock Judged
The forenoon was given over to
Judging, of sheep, hogs and dairy
, i,i
6 por cont Interest, and tho oxmuus, uui o wum . u
banka are allowed to add not to J departments was not complete at
exceed 2 per cont moro. Tho bank tho tlmo of tho publication ot the
takes all tho risk, guaranteeing tho Herald. A few ot tho available
security bohlnd tho loan. . Hvlnnors nro mentioned. Tho prize
.v.. t. fc. ., tn thn1 Jersey bull belonging to R. B. Wll-
uuunvio " l"" """f - , ..,., ... ,. ,i
additional fund created, tho plan
was without any obvious benefit.
Tho samo socurity Is roqulrod that
safeguards ordinary loans. Wher
ovor tho farmer can show nsafo
Btatomentr it was said, ho can ob
tain a loan.
tho animal drew many favorable
comments. The dairy herd of Bryan
Hawkins took first prizes in the.
Jorsoy class for ono bull over two
years. Junior bull calf, sonlor hotter
calt and tho herd consisting of one
hull nnrl twn nown river1 ono vear.
Tho fund was created as an emer-. nd 8,go thr(jo prJzoa fQr two.yoar.
gency aid to the agricultural Inter
ests, supposedly, but, according to
members ot the conference, it takes
Tiding for loss security than hedges
old cows, '
Sheep Awards
Burr Westbrook took- first prlxe
cognizance of no emergency by Pr-jwlth a Shropshire ram over one
year old; J. D, Hooper, first and
-. - ... m I V "
usual Banning joans, ouner irom g0C(m(, prJr0j Dnrr Wegtbrook,
the local assets or under mo xeaeroi tn,rd ,n fnB Shropshire ewo class;
reserre plan. Durr Westbrook, first in a Shrop-
J. A. Gordon, president ot the gnra raniVder ono year; also first
First National bank, said that ho nn(J Be?ond- ,n tno Shropshire owe
knew; of no' Instance where loans cJagB nder year; a p 'shamhart.
had. heen refused local farmers to,- Rnd Bona prtzes in the
handle crops or prpyide feeding- H.mnai,irn rflm nd awe class: Burr
MANILA'. Oet. 8-Nlne Moroe' stock, If the security ordinarily re- xvthrnaXc first. John W. Taylor
were killod In "a tlght at Kulay-' quired' was present, It seemed to ' emii' and DaT8 Brothers thlrA
kulay, BulH province, wnen the be the opinion ot the bankers that placea pa'pen. 0t fat market Iamba
Moros attacked' 16 PhlUpplnp con.- 'Klamath banks could handle the con8layng ot bree fat lambs ot
Btabulary troopers, headed y Opt-. local situation. Klamath's share ot .any Tt6i" jj0 other awarde wer
ernor Moorp ot Bulu, "who. (; te the amergency loan. Is available tn VsvMMisvswwwAit
negotUU M x ,ar.issj let tkki eoMukr. (OeaUaved U . I)
1 . I aih
wt ;