' K to 1 t Two Departments Back Beetle War (Continued rrom,rogo 1) NMAMMMAAMMMMAMMMWMMWVWVH agriculture arid tho secretary of the Interior to combat nn Insoet In feet a- t tloa of tho tlmbor upon the national forests, Indian reservations, lands ro- f vented in tho United States .undor , the act of June Or 1916" (89 Stat., (218) and on tho unreserved public ( lands, In Oregon and-California. Of .thin, amount $00,000 Is to bo spent v ,lir tbo, secretary-of agriculture and j$9o,IIO Is appropriated to enablo tho nonrotary of the interior either inde- , (Pcndbntly or In co-operation with tho secretary of agrlculturo to provent ,i ( further loss of timber upon lands un- , , fler( tho Jurisdiction of the, depart- - , meat of tho Jntorlor. Boctlon J of tho tni'ti'iwiiintfciiuin ok tag rauu- k (oyajapjrorjatedRhaM be spent ex ;cep for. preliminary .Investigation un- r ( less, that States of Oregon and Wash- jlngfen or,the,owners of the ptao tlm- fbetjland adjacent to the Oovprnmont lans shall hare; satisfied tho seere- tary of agriculture that tbej Insect , .Infestation will be, abated upon tho (Vestal and privately owned lauds so as to prevent its spread to tht timber , on (he Qomsment lands. Daauge ay .Beetles . Froffl'jeport-of( local- officers of inv oeparimom u is round, mat a ,, ("crlpusjipjdemlejof bark bootleg has killed aTbillion feet of valuabh pine 'timber on both sides of tho lino bo " .twottfihe States of Oregon and Call v fornla during the past fw years and unlsss It la checked the l-ns already estimated -at three million Collars Is likely to bodoublo. or treb!othat amount. Tho Infestation has spreud until now about a million and a quar ter acres a'ro Involved. About halt of this area In In prlvato yOwnernhlp. The other halt Is owned or adminis tered by tbcUnKcOtatcs Including parts of flvo national forosts, part of tho Klamath Indian reservation, part of tho revcetod Oregon and Califor nia land grant and a small' portion of the unentered public domain. ftffortn At Control Some of tho private ownors of the region have attomptod to. protect their remaining tlmbor by destroying the insects on their own lands. Thcso efforts havo not been successful be cause of tho renewod Attacks by .beetles from adjacont lands!,The on tire. 'region must be regarded as a unit. If tho Insects are to be combat ed oueccBsfiilty, tho action taken ,must bo with tho vlow of cleansing , all er a large part of the unit In one " general plan. ' OroBon IefrMAtlon The leelslaturo of tho stato of Ore 'gon recognizing this raonnce and hav ing beforo It tho experience of other opldomics of tree killing Insects, has pawed a bill which provides that In sect infestations of this character may be declared to bo a public nuis ance and that tho ownors of tho land on .which tho Infostod tlmbor stnnds must abate tho nuisance or the stato will do It at tho owners' oxpenso. , This legislation Is ineffective whore Oovernmcnt land Is Involved since the Stato can not require tho Federal Oovernmcnt to pay. Are Covered by KpMemlc The opldomlc covers about 260, 000 acres In the Klamath Indian re servation, 100,000 acres of the re vested Oregon and California grant lands in. Oorgon as -well aa 26,000 acres of'unapproprlatcd public land and 286,000 acres of govornment ' land.; In.'JNajlonalPoresta, on both sides of tho "state jllnoTho prlvato owners and tho Stato of Oregon are both, helpless In spite of, ,tbo Stato legislation unless the federal govern ment will .do. Its share in, protecting tho ten billion foot of pine timber, worth at least; thirty million dollars, which Is tho main resource of the re gion. Activity of Prlvato Owner In April, the private owners of tim ber In. the. region called a meeting lit Klamath Falls In which tho" situation was discussed. Besides the. owners of prlvato land tho mooting was attend ed by representatives of the Indian offlco of tho, department of the inter ior, the buroau of entomology and tho forest service of the department of agrlculturo, tho California fores try eommlttoo, the, Oregon State For ester's office, the Oregon agricultural college and tho :Western Forestry and conservation association. At tho meeting it developed that the private owners were anxious to combat the Insoct Infestation in accordance with the Oregon Law or voluntarily, but they felt that' it was reasonable and just that the United States as an owner of a large part of the Infested unit should cloan its own lands both for Its own protection and to. aid in THE Twenty-Five Year rppovlng, tho menaco that now threatens, tho ..timber, of tho..ontlro roglon. Tho lands aro so Intermingled that It Is almost nseless for any prl vato owner or all of them combined to act Unicoi the. Federal government does Its sharo. Hfftimatod Ooxt of Control, It Is estimated by the department that the work of cloanlng tho Oov ornmont lands would cost approxi mately $'1CO,000 and that it will ro qulro a similar amount to romovo the Infestation from tho prlvatoly ownoj lands. Tho" department fcoli .that tho Govornment should under take Its obligation In removing this menaco In order to protoct Its own lands as well as to bo Just to the ownors of Intcrmlnglod lands. Unions tho Work of combating this Infesta tion Is hogun at an early date tho insects will spread over a much greater territory,, will causo .mucin moro damnrco to adjacont tlmbor and will bo moro difficult to suppress. Only One Signer of Indian-Treaty Lives, (Continued from Page 1) MAAMAAMAAAMMMVWMWWWSWMWWWWt of the old councils ia.cloar,.and ho Is expected to give testimony valu able to. the. claimants.. Tho- other chlofs who attlxod tholr marks to the troaty have, In tho In torvonlng years, been gathered to tholr fathors. They were: Lalako, Chlloquonas, Kolloguo, Moghonkas kit, Blow, Talmor, Jack, Qucnas, Possaksult, Chcmult, Noakmim, Moochkattalllck, Toontuctel, Bosski you, Sklattlc, Shollalloss, Tattctpas, Mukhas, Hcrmankusman, Schon schln', Jackson, Stakltut, Kclntpus, Chuckcstou, Kllotoak and Syctocket. Tho government representatives were J. W. Porlt Huntington, super intendent of Indian affairs for Ore gon, and .William Logan, stato In dian agentt Tho , -witnesses wero Captain William Kelly, First Caval ry, Orogon Voluntoers; James Hal- loran, second lieutenant, First In fantry, Washington Territorial Vol unteers; Dr. William C, McKay and Robert Blddlo, teamster. - After many years of endeavor to gain tho oar of tho government, tho Indians at last havo secured per mission of congress, through the ef forts of Congressman Slnnot, to in stitute suit In tho United States court of claims. Their cholco of attorneys, onom nnd Irwin of this city, and Daniel B. Henderson of Washington, has been approved by Charles Burke, new commissioner of Indian affairs, and by tho interior department. Now remains but the formal signing and ratification of tho contract with the lawyers, says Mr. Onelll, and tho suit, which involves claims ag gregating from $10,000,000 to $15, 000,000, depending upon tho esti mates por acre and of tho timber value, will bo launched, The Indians claim that when tho treaty was signed In 1865, after much, council between tho federal commissioners and chiefs, and care ful inspection of tho land, the area allotted to the Indians was marked by natural raonumonte, such, as mountains, .streams, trees and prom inent rocics. ( wnen me surveyors came, five years late, they aid. not pay strict attention to these mark- IngB, nenco mucn oz me renue Wjood .River. valley,xaad much of. the Bly country, as wen as omer terri tory, was left out The Indians claim that they were to have received 12,400 sections, of 2,436,000 acres under the treaty. fj I Fl 1 7 KM A J w n n a. n -uftwi i i v ' s AC?w. .v.Vil'i.i jkV?.. .vBAw. "1 1 1 1 1 1 ' JZ l I 'tSHHIIISII I AnontmaW I ANcrmefc I I ff V ill " ... n .1 x sr- -j p mrt 1 1 1 1 1 m T 'fn. 1 1 1 1 1 1 IflrlM I'M' j HtN i bwh JhR7 ijiK. 5Sa7 JisFirv 2W 4 t TW8 cum upcy msJ lAJei KaJKL JSS'r'V -Jira, Jfu ' afHWOirW Hhy4M9J V iRyV ' .7sst,1SwmtMO'Jil I U"f(rmf-Adl sf im.eotstry pmaism nu.awsiv JS,' EVENING HERALD; Ago in LinkWlle The surrey,! establish! , txmodarfSB that lncludod only 1,636,000 acres. Tho record, so far is a kvoluminoj mass of.documenU, and tho'erl dence when. the trial tart8,-w111 probably,. run .Into. volanMa and re quire months in tho taking-, . . TUB STRAND Tomorrow night at the1 Strand Thoatro, a distinct novelty in the way of a "Country Storo" programwlil be put on by tho thoatro management, In connection with the regular pro gram. Tho. novelty will consist of dis tribution of ton packages of food, such ns sides of bacon, chicken, can ned goods sugar, spuds, eggs, flour, vegetables and In fact all kinds of commodities which can be' used In tho' household. Each patron writes nis or her namo on a slip at. tho door. At tho close of the second, per- rormanco tho first ten names out of tho box .got the packages. In Dubuquo, Iowa, this plan was tried out nnd tho patrons enjoyed their prizes for "eats'.' como in handy at all times. A sea picture "Nobody's airl," featuring Billy Rhodes, a grim sea plcturo showing the wickedness prac ticed by a villain to live without working will bo shown, as will other features. Comparod with the earth,' the moon Is a tiny body. In fact, it would fit comfortably within the length of Australia, our smallest continent. I AMMAMAMMWAMVMMMMMWWWWf E -EAT T AT The White Lunch lTomo Cooking and Pastry Specialty 1122 MAIN STJUOR MWwVMMVMVVAwwWw yVwVWWWM MADE IN KLAMATH Alfalfa Meal FOR SALE MURPHY'S FKRD STORK ANDERSON'S .GROCETERIA .SUNSET. GROCERY Mfg. by HARRY TELFORD MMfWWVWVWWMrMIAAMM DR. T. C. CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND SUROSOM L O. O. V. SalldUg PboaeM Residence 4SS5 Pime St. Phone .SOO-R. 1. O. CLEGHORN CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Phone 192J 133 8. Riverside I Holliday Dairy x Wholesale ana. Retail ..PMtnrisea Milk aad CreaBt. Phone 501-J. OBca, Phons 17 7 W Res 17TR Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart' PayslcUa aad Osugeoa - i: . Waits Baildlng Klamath Falls - Orsgea, IWMWWWWWWWWMWWWW KLAMATO FALLS, OREGON DR.G.A. MASSEY Vnartk m PIm Bis. r la r Warren -HantrBospltal Off. Phone 417 Res. Phoae SIM raJOAH.BAT BUS .Fare tie 'Mll war . Zatm Itar. Oaf e rvi PeBean Ctty i ;,. -: a. aa, 11:41 . as. l:N p. . :ee p, : p. PkoM 77 L. D.Gaw.M.D. Km, BAB,, NOffli AND THROAT .aiiASSBS WRniSHKD I. 6 .O. . Bid """ Phone -W 1 Rooms 20S, 203; 204 , Wsiaie PeHeasi Beeel. Thorn 8 Klamath Falls Plumb- ing A Heating Co. It7f, afADf n.irnonu Ma-w l'' ii"aJVVrsAfrtAVU Coe9 Atdo Service HtKbon, i Buick, and Dodge Cart Country .Tripe a r Specialty FAMI1M t"l United Cigar Store . aaa warn saoBBnsnaM "" " 7"" .-..- -11-h-ijt.hjI Portraits and Enlargements Art frames aad xramlng. I HENLINE PHOTO SHOP I Opposite .oonrUioase r Phone St STMiB ATwamrmn' vKJaaiatn. Feat Ko. I, AaMrlsaa Legloa Meats at tht city Hall oa U first, and third Tuesdays of each month. Ex-service mea are invited to at tend the meetings. , For membership carati. or .informa tion ex-service aaenara requested to see or-wrlte the following officers,: J. IL. Carnaban, .Commander. ' Roy, N. Foiieh, Post Adjutant " For relief of employment see or write. the .Chairman of The Relief and Employment ' Committee, Francis Olds, caro .Lakeside Lumber com pany. ,- " . . - . K - in ' KluMttJi Loelfw He, ' ". LOJUF. Meets Friday night of each week -it I. O. O. r. hall, 6ta and Main streets. Caas. Newman .. ,".t. ,;.N. jO. W. "0. Wella ... T...........V. O. O. B. Mangue r. :.Bccy. w. D. Color ,Treas. ENOAktPMENT H, V. Brown ... . C, P. J. V. Browbsker S, W. L. J. Msoiaro , .'. ,... BrUa Nat . Ottorboln .,,, Treasurer CHIROPRACTORS, - Dr. Herbert B. Maliett Dr. ; Oeo. E. ' Maliett Office over Underwood's 7th Main . -s Phone B39-Jr ' FILZ' SCHOOL OF POPULAR MUSIC I have constructed thru Wears of experience the only course that loaches you to play the piano by NOTE and by BAR in 10 to 20 les sons. Write for particulars, 701 11th 8t.,.Klaaaatlr Palls, Ore. Phoae 367R. DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician arid 4 Surgeon x Officurand Residence -r J.hoesl ' , I. O. O. F. Temple I WllL- Take oat Cellars or FIB la Iota CON MURPHY 517 Mortteter St, Phoae S41-W 0& nl.tCTA'(J'7IT wJilsMfclallllTlf i o r i T- Urn CENTRAL A L L HOTEL M ITS sjasawls-ssBaBamJaaW awaiBBW, IWkaBTssaTsSlaBBTsVaafsBTaTaVBa Transient 75 cents up By Week $4.00 mmmrmmmmmm NEWS ST iinsjann ndutest Premiunn- Dairy Oldest Retail Dairy ta Towp t Phone !22iF-2 QtQVJER: S- T r - -f. MAKES Your Watch Kemp - ,tiTitne 511 Main St : Klmath Fall. i SAW MOili ENGINEHROK OONBTRUOnON CO. Destgaeri' and' bmUiers of era saw asBIal ylnalag alii asti t alaku. Dtedgtac. POs Arlvtag. - .Pkme.4M-W . j OffJee Oormer Sattas; aa4 Oak I TNr a. P.Ja)0 . - - I DR. L. L. TRUAX ' -WARREN HUNT' BkWPITAL i Day Ffeosw, 47 NigM PksaM, $m E. D. LAMB . c FHTHICSAN AND SUROBON JPboaes27W, . j 1TB Rooats White un a DENTISTS , Dr. E. C WiMcanrar xraoini;sM ' Dr. P. M. Notl raosTa a Ow Excavatinf Teaming Let u make yoa a price oa. dig ging that basement, or other, air eavatlag you contemplate. We .'also 40 team' work of every doserlptioa. Phone 426-J TUESDAY,- OCTOBER 4, lMt i AND mtifWWwmAAm NEW enr IAUNMT FINISHED m:i,r'wtmir-i: ROUGH DRY i.-t Tut Your, Da la Our SwU" PHONE 154 i Corner Mafa and Klamath Falls Cyclary We are here to serve yds. u4 aim to serve yoa, right, MotoreyesM ana Bicycles. Parts and -Anessorka. Tires and Tabes, that' wOl ataaA your Inspection, as we. carry Ua best In our line. -ReDair.ahoa 2a .connection- with Harley-DavMaam Service. ntoste.ara ' 11 Mate St. '.- , Klasaaah Vafla Klnutli Dye Werb f Phoo 408 . OUR CLEANING,, WftfPfa AMt REPAIRING WILLrMAKH IOW ' rCLOTKsW Sr LOOK LIKE NEW HATS KHBLOCKKD deeds' Called for aad DeUtei 4ai Mate Stress DR. J. G. GOBLE ..-The -rell-lrnmTn Oytktsa now located in K. D. Bleek, 1313 Main. Phone SIIOC. SSSBHSBSB5SBBS! 0tA000wv0www&m . DS.C A. HAMBO . , Daatiat, - l o.,ojr. PHONBai asssaEpseaesi CHIROPRACTOR l Dr.. Lois C7 Bridges Over First State and Savings Bank Suite. 105 " Phone:X02-J Let Your. GLASS troubltf be Mine CE.STUCKEV; Ra-Glasiag aad CakfaW . AfAldag -r , Phone 477W ' ai o-jatyenthandjPlot I ""affc"'" I . t- 'f'ir -ss-s-ss9s9s9ssBsasaaa t ' ' FRED WESTERFELD Phsae 434W. f gag 'u.'i'.y ' : ' i cssesaessss5sasasssssassssBaaaj w" - '- v - j i 4)all' If It's Loose 7 -We "Will Move O. K TRANSFER CO. 1US- $& rri? tT ff! VT.1i .. . . Jj f ( fK .1, f. AVtfrf- t4 i: ,. j. " ii '