" ""." i Tr; eAOB XHBEE THE EVENING HERALD, JUiAlVJATH FALLS, OREGON WEDJfBBDAT, OCTOBKB-1021 The Office Cat New Veils Worn Upside Down " KS -ai tftt.y U.l J .. 1 p' ." i h . , HI caw " BV JONIUH TIiO Morning Ator Lost night wo woro hupp. , Tho world was ours, And wo woro all of ui quoons and kings. Why noror was toon , Such cnebantod bowerfl ( A wo talkod of loro and otbor things, t-J-o morning after tho night before, Tho glow has gono And wo wonder why Such a largo brown' taito dcsMsmU upon The tonguoa of such mortals As you and I. Tho charm of last night And tho bitter taste, Why ti It tho on doth .follow tho other? I know not tho answer So' why wasto (Our tltno hi trying to puxzlo It. brothor? But Just as night 'Does follow tho day " As suroly as buds opo into flowers Tou will find llfo go In this selfsame way In this twontloth century world of ours. Ouch Hogs aro gottlng high toned. I saw a load ot 'cm riding down Klamath Avonuo la a motor truck. Grouch That's nothing. Our land lord rldos around In a llmouslnn. A girl who married a man with n past usually Is convinced her pres ence will mako his future ' South Brad, Indiana dispatches tell of tho arrest ot a man for speed ing. His namoT Oh, yes. It was I. Rush. ' A new auto trail Is to bo marked , across the sand dunes. Sometlmo we will learn that It takes moro thn :in emblom on a toicgrapn poio to niaice good motor highway. W, NEWS ITEMS Bherman Wilcox V had the mlsfortuno to havo n. heifer ' break hor leg Sunday In tho prsture. ,Quy Smile recently had the same !, Vmisfortuno. Both woro butchered. 'Walton N. Y. Reporter. TheBtujsamlst tj, iA June bug carrlod an angleworm M' An accident cut her In two .They charged the' bug with blamy Now what could the poor thing doT ' ' The Colonel Quit i "Qolonel, I hear you aro a con- , solMurT" "HohT" ' ( J "I hear you are an export a corn 'r olosenr." ' "Not any more. Tako your stuff to r a poison export." Thompson, tho roetaurant man, M.a.t I. Min flin vnnnt.ffltllPA ftt WHUM IW kVf W W.MMU.MWM.W w. t revolvors. Wiat wo would like to top Is tho serving of perfectly good r coffee In cracked, gorm-UNcd cups In Thompson's restaurant. Tlllle Tollum states that Evo was the originator ot the looso-leaf stylo ot dress making. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS GEE TOM, HELEN WAS ONLV PICKED PRETTV 50RE AT VOU I CF A HUMDREO FORGOING TO THAT DOCKS ISAtL! POKER GAME lASTNIGm-. BOT OON'TGO DID YOJ WIN ' .1 h AJVTMNGV I I now l mymmmmmmmmt& r ,Ummmmmiiviuu,rX..r)!t,l.AirmiMmJimemiet Certainly the ' the new veils. TI ,e worM asetts wpeMedoent If yw mnmmfTm&k Tho latss thing In ftsaMM too rmg.ita J lor. hare seUHant boreriflt garannftswi MvM 4 fouag spUsned owr-tBBi.Mr eg wm tiv Ij4 A Tsurtar. ivM frulta and fotlam etUhed down on thhatoiaatthebrMsiTleesBs'l tbtn mesh part of the vn lane over ", m L Af CI Job t tjayt Head situation to no moan, extent. N.ot of Kiwanis Clubony wou,d th0 iob 'rccolvorfl bon" 4 i PHTninn nf r "Dn .nn mossago ot Harry B. Karr of Balti more, prosldont ot the International Association ot Klwanls clubs, to that organization, no points out t tint Innmnh Ass. mam tnn tYtaa ar. nA .- V. r.r..: .-I ,v u.m.0 ul "" mra owners or ineir own Dusiness own business or chief executives In prominent cor- TO THE K - I Take TableepooBtsd of Bolts Back Hart or Bladder Bother If vaw(,aiwf wee V mv wuv.. . . moro man on tho Job," Is the latest; no'Pea IN INJURIOUS We are a nation or neat mtr,'ll of It by using Montho-Sulphur, and our blood Is filled with nrie acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. . Tho kldnoys do their utmost to free the blood of this Irritating add, but become weak from the over work; they get sluggish; the elimi nate tissues clog and thus the wast is retained In the blood to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps ot lead, and you liavo stinging pains In the back or the urine Is cloudy, full ot sedi ment, or the bladder is irritable, obliging you to seok rellot during the night; when you have severe headaches, norvous and dltzy spells, sloeplessness, acid stomach or rheu matism in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces ot Jsd Salts; take a tablespoonful In n glass ot water before break fast oach morning and In a few days your kidneys will act fine. This fa mous salts is made from the acid ot grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with llthia, and has boon nsed for generations to flush and stimulate cloggod kidneys, to neu tralize tho acids in urine so it is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disor ders. . Jad Salts is inexpensive and can- not injure; makes a delightful ef fervescent llthia-water drink, and nobody can mako a mistake by tak ing a littlo occasionally to keep tho cianeyB eioan and active. Adv. OH .TOM, I BOUGHT , A NEW E? 'cli. mclcn wotw HBAR.f' Ib1bWbjWWJS.LI'I4"I"i'i7V'1 m woe. porauons, moy aro in position 10 i i, uut iuu AVUfVuv yuuyiu uopuuu ont upon tuqm would be materially Mr. Karr thinks -that there are very few cmployorv In the country who cannot make some slight addi tion to their working forces. All Leather shoe at 9BM. 90SS, & gT88 jj,,, KTan.. Bl10o Oo. 4' ITCHING SKIN Tho First Application MnlteV'fNdn Cool and Comfortable. ' . If you aro suffering from ecxema or somo othor torturing, embarrass ing skin trouble you may quickly be declares a notod skin specialist. This sulphur preparation, because of Its gorm destroying properties, seldom falls to, quickly subdue itch ing, oven ot fiery eczema. Tbo first' application makes tho skin cool and; comfortable Rash and blotchos are, healed right up. Montho-Sulphur is applied ltko any pleasant cold cream 'and is perfectly harmless. You can obtain a small. Jar from any good druggist. adv. SKGE TEA KEEPS When Mixed WIUj Bulpnur Brings Back lit llonutiful Lustre At Onco, It Gray hair, hpwover handsome, de notes advancing age'. Wo all know the advantages of a youthful appear anco. Your hair Is your charm. It makes or mars "the face. Whoa. It fades, turns gray, and looks streak ed, Just a few applications ot Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances its ap pearance a hundredfold. , Don't stay grayl Look young) Elthor prepare tho recipe at home or got from any drug storo a bottle of "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Com pound," which Is moroly .tho old time reclpo impro ed by the add!- TOM DIDN'T HAT TbDAV! that's GOOO ,ytl vpri 't M SOOTHE Wrong Ideas on Paint Economy FTIHERE'S one way to save X o on paint. That way is to use the best of paint. Some think of paint economy ns "cost pqr gallon." That is wrong. Cheap paint 'doesn't cover as much surface you need rnorr gallons. Cheap paint is more difficult to spread, requires more labor, eo the best paint costs no more when you've put it on the house than cheap paint docs. More than that, it lasts five or more" years longer, if prop erly applied, while cheap paint on 'the average begins cracking in twelve months. Good paint is an investment that caves money by preventing deteriora tion" of tlic house." o o c "Cheap" paint is' the only paint that really costs you any- f i VV Houst Points t Phoenix Pur Paint- ur Prepared Pain Manufactured by W. P. Fuller & Co. Fun PR Paints ."Pore Prepired" tad 7t nix" it Fallcr Sptclficitiont for bouu ptintlnr. Oct ADESE ana yon ntrt tn Dot thit anyone can nuke long ierrlc palnu. WHERE TO BUY tlon of othor Ingredients. Thou sands of folks recommend this ready- to-use preparation, becauoo it dark ens tho hair beautifully; besdos, no one can possibly tqll, as It darkens so naturally and evenly. You moisten a spongo or soft brush with It, draw ing this through tho balr. taltlni; ont; email strand at a tlmo, Uy morning the srar hair disappears: aftor an other application or two Its natural color Is restored , and It' becomes thick, glossy and lustrous, and you appear years -younger. Adv. BakedBms & Lunch! 1 bdked h'Jusf-fhe V.. -th M o t Meh way i ACT NATURAL I a J'P 79Aetoo?e 9&(n I PAIP FIFTV DOILAR5 Wjk for it . mm - ' .' , allwwt y,-sAiiflsfisW' vBMfffl HiM Inin inmnii I . i Don't allow surfaces to rof it costs less to paint them. We've made paints for west- ern use for 72 years. Wc use ' pure PIONEER WHITE-' LEAD, pure linseed oil, zinc , and color, but wc mix them in scientific proportions with long time skill. Our white lead base must be fine enough to pass through a silk screen with 40,000 mesne ' to the square inch. That means I covering capacity and case of spreading. Wc super-purify the lead to make it "whiter," which means clear-toned colors. The finished product on the house is a beautiful, elastic tough protective coating. , ' Wc caM these paints "Fuller's Specification House Paints" be- ' cause they are the very' best made for the purpose Fuller's V 9MCIFICATtOM 9MCIFCATI0M "Phoe THEM. Thtie relate arc trs portint to you. ro it' Important to co to the rltfit atorca to ct them. Agc3ta' nine cad i drnaea are printed la the memo, coupon to the rlzbR. Cut it out end put it in your pocket now. either Tor All Exterior Jobe of PrJntlnl It U ArtMble to Secure the Senicee ot a Master Pa nter l!L4 ,x TOPAK ff i k IJaGaYeur Filttvt? before 9 O'clocKrYour A.M; Pictures am nnoerwogas mmm aavsirv Tr- nismtr hit r ai -. , j -"-BBftaiBW a WV J 1 1 1 i 3ui? vH WHERE PAHTrCULAH PCOPLC HUY TMtlR DRUGS Cooking Electrically ' the ideaF method Electrically equipped kitchens hold no terrors for the housewife. Theyr . are cool, cozy, and comfortable in the summer,' They eliminate the drudgery, the grime and the nervez - racjking tension caused by wood stoves. The expense is surprising , lyjow. '.Let us tell you about it. i The California lompany it 'Let us be TOM, DID WHAT I VAS TO VOU 1 J"","' ...I wj ti mX r S i i I I II i fa j "1 ft -""leSiS t ggagfesg Free Advice on Painting ASK our agent for our .free tdV vice. He will h'ow.you a color car a which mow 32 shades of this deilr nble paint We have a Fuller Specification Depart ment which will tell you all about the most desirable coor scaemM, color Jiar- rnonv and those other iv at ills details you want to know. Ta&e advantage of Fuller Houwif Pafos. Take steps to paint now. DorPt let weather depredate your -investment. ' W. P. FULLER & CO. 'Sept. 17, Ssrt Francisco 'Honter . Mannficturef of Paints. Varnlinn. Enamels, Ctalna. and riONBKR W1IITBI.KAD tor 72 Vra , EiUbllihtd lta. Branches In 16 Cities la the We Dealers everywhere. Also maktra of Rubber Cemeat Floor Paint, AU Purpose Varnishea, Silken white Enamel. Filtren-lor-Floors Var tilth. Washable Will Finish, Auto Enamel, Bam and Koof Paint. Porch WHITS LEAD. - SAVE THIS - , (Cut this out and pule It In your note book ae a memo.) My bouse needa palnttsc Fuller's Speclficstlon Mouie Palnu ate sold by the following Ag cat! BROWN BROS. 102'5Vo Main St. Phone 7&n ,' WORK ready afr 3 . KccDrS U"AdyJ Oregon Power 1 r' your servant?' BY ALLMAN NfcD HEAR SURE DIO- SAVING AREVcX'0BAPPOIMTE 9 ' BKAOSE I DIDNT Bawl'voo ounr About it ? iTfil'i'H upmmimmvr&i 'Uiry' fcSltrv Ir5JM . r ' A fM