The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 04, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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01 B
rAHKl, Okla., Oct. 4. On
small farm In McCurtnln County, 3G
silos ovor rou Rli rondn from Idnbnl,
JoaopIi Oklahombl, a Choctaw Indlnn,
Isj' hunting nnd fishing, rnlslng corn
and holplug bin nolghbors nt harvont
Umo. ' t
A halMoion portions In Idnbnl,
can Id bo found wlio romombnrcd ox
aclly what part Oklaliomhl playod In
tho world vint, yot It was ho Wno
cnpturod 171 Oorman prisoners sin
Rio Irandod, nnd was docoratcd and
oftod liy Marnhal I'otnln of Franco
u tho socond groatost Amorlran
boro that tho war produced. Alvln
York was ranked (Int. '
Oklahombl, howovor, wbon quos
tlonod by Mm. 0. 0. Conlnn, of tho
Oklahoma Historical Bocloty, who al
io la a Choctaw, Raw nothing peculiar
in this lack ot recognition, bo said.
tto did only his duty, bo addod, and back homo with hi wlfn and
baby carrying on as his forofathon
carried on. Oklahombl (a a full
I Ills name tnkon from tbo Choctaw,
means In tbotr lauguago "man kill
or," according to an Intorprotor. It la
not dlroctlyconnoctod with tho namo
Oklahoma, prosontod to tho stato,
which In n combination ot two Choc
tow wordH.
(Oklahombl wos onrollod In Com
pany I), 14 1st Infantry, 26th Division
M n prlvatn, 20 years otd. Whon ho
enlisted ho could not speak Kngllsh;
but that ho could speak tho langu
ngo ot wurfnro In fighting for his
country Is ovldoucod by tho wording
ot tho citation from Oonoral I'otaln,
nftor which ho rocnlvod tho Croix do
Tim cltutlnn rrndH: "Under a viol'
wit barrago ho dnshrd to tho nttnelc ;
of tbo cnomy position covering twoi
bnndrcil nrdn through barbed wire
ontnnglomonts. Ho rushed on mnrh
liio gun nostii, capturing 171 prison
ers. Ho atormod a strongly liold pos
ition containing n numbor of trench
mortars, turned tho caplurod guns
on thi) cnomy and hold Bald position
for four days, In splto of a constant
barrago of largo projectiles and gas
Jiolls. Ho croBSod No Man's Lund
any tlmos to got Information con
iwrulng his wouudod comrades."
Asked what ho thought of tho nr
my, with n smllo ho rcpllnd, "Toot
uch salute not enough flhoot."
SAOItAMKNTO A four-loggod
rooster la tho latest nttractlon to bo
added to tbo collodion nt McICInloy
Park. Suporlntondont of Parks FroJ
orlck N. Hvana today roported tbo ro
colpt ot tho fowl, which Is tho gift ot
Mr. W. II. Albertson of Wheatland.
Tho fowl la vory much nllvo, Evans
said, and. can bo soon 4n tho largo
bird cago noar II Streot.
eatobllshmont of R. J. and a. Ips
witch llrlthors, survoyors of liquid
rofroshmotits to Borao of San Fran
cisco's most brilliant porsonagos, was
raided by prohibition offtcars. By a
rnso, a quantity of liquor sorvod tho
officers wns spilled whon their Iden
tity wa8 dlscovorod. Ono ot tbo agents
bowovor, succoodod In prosorvlng
enough ot a drink sorvod to blm to
do as ovldenco tor arrest of tbo threo
SANTA MONICA Support of n
proposod constitutional amondment
to provldo that tho state undertnku
dovolopmout of powor and wator ro
sourcos to an oxpondlturo of $500,
400,000, oloctlon ot officers and sel
ection of Palo Alto for the meeting
noxt year marked the closing session
of tho Loaguo of California Municip
alities. BUOKNK, Throo Unlvorsltr of
Oregon graduates, "Shy" Hunting
ton, "Drlgh" Mitchell and Dart
Spellman, are directing the football
training at the alma mater here' All
three played on Oregon teams tosetty
orIn 1915-and 1916.
Huntington la -head jKuch, ,wltb
Mitchell ano! Spellmanas assistants
Dill Haywar, vetoran Oregon train
er, ,la' again at his task of condition
ing the men' . .
BALEM Charles Park, president
of the stato board of horticulture, an
aiouncos that It will ho necessary "
quarantlno Malheur county on ac
count of woovll found in alfalfa In
that county, and that action will bu
takon at onco to' prevent the Bhlp
rnont of alfalfa into other countleu
Babe Spreads
BsWMW'. BirlHjHjHjHjHjV71Hb si
- . w.t, .- o(4 .
,mv orii wwk oiuu i ..
I that earner pigeons wero aeni io ino onu par m unu uot rciurim.
I Ruth la shown releasing; tho pigeon that carried the nowa ot his Ctth
lijiJmor, wWohoatjnevoland.
A proclamation In lino with Mr.
Park's suggestion probably will be Is
i.uud by Qovornor Olcott.
nBND Nlnn high school students
wxiro nuspondod Friday for bclns
loaders ' Uo strlko which bogan
Thursday foronoon. About half of
tho students aro still out. Tho stud
ont body president, tbo odltor ot tha
wcokly paper and tho acting captain
of tho football toam will bo asked to
roslgn when they roturn to school.
LAipiVIKW Work on tbo dam
for tbo Summer Lake Irrigation pro
ject Is oxpoctod to commenco this
wook, a satisfactory settlement hav
ing bcun reached with Max Uodo ro
latlvo. to property Intoroats. Tho cuuo
had boon ponding somo time, altbo
all proparatloDB for boglunlng work
Itad boon mado provlouH to tho sottlc
moat. i
PORTLAND Tho 3-ycar-old son
of Mrs. M. Hwanson, 42G Charlotte
Etrcot, was tbo unwitting nccompllco
of a bad chock nrtlit who dnfrnuded
tho Ilroadny Grocery company. 410
Kant Droadway, out ot $ir,.2r by n
trick omploycd several tlmos In thn
last fow weeks. Tho boy was on his
way homo to lunch when ho met a
strango man who slopped and en
gaged blm In conversation and spnt
him to tho grocory storo to cash a
chock mado puyablo to his mother.
IlOSnniJRG Two rnrloadp of np
p!o3 woro shlppod from Ilosoburg by
tho Orpgon Growers to Sun Francis
co. Ono car constotod of fancy nnd
oxtrn fancy Spltznnbergs and tho oth
er ot C grado Spltzcnborgs, Sovoral
olhor carloids will bo shipped from
this city during tho romalndor of tho
woek. All of tho oarly npplcs shipped
by tho Oregon Growers aro holng
sont to San Francisco and aro bolng
sold on tbo markot thero.
Planning Big
Aerial Training
Field Near L. A.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 4. Tho
Arcadia Uulloon School, at Rosa
Fiold, noar boro, will probably be
como ono of tho largest airship
training confers In tho west, If tho
plans announcod by Major M. F.
Davis, temporarily In command of
tho school, aro curried out.
AlrBhlp pilots nnd observers, will
bo taught and two more blimps, will
bobrought to tho institution.
Classes In tho school will bo open
ed about tho, oarly part of October
to bo conducted with a staff ot fifty
six officers. About 425 men will at
tend, It Ig oxpectod.
'limes Are
Onco upon a time such jobs at
to n few privileged families. It'a different now. For Instance, hero la
Miss Polly Dews, girl weaver, who has just beon made maeistrute at
Pewobury. !he keeps her Job at the mill and works there when she, U
I net ntfcuea at the town ball.
iMfAfAatfl In IUIia'i hnmA.rnn ritpnril
- . - ,Yj --
Tho people of this community aro
olatod ovor tho prospocU ot tho now
markot road that Is going to bo built
through this placo connecting Weed
and Klamath Falls. It will bring
Midland noxt door to Klamath Falls.
Midland will bo represented In the
county fair, as products and stock are
going to bo exhibited from tho J. D.
Hooper ranch. Mr. Hoop'or's ranch
conslsU of Rovoral hundred acres all
under Irrigation. Ho has eloctrlc pow
or to pump tho water and furnish bis
beautiful homo with light and heat.
Mr. lloopor says ho will bring slxteon
different kinds ot homo grown fruit
nuil all kinds of vogotables grown or.
his ranch to exhibit, also sovarat
Kpoclos of roglstorod shocp and hogs
nnd a guinea pig. One nocd only to
visit tho lloopor ranch to bo convinc
ed that ovorythlng In tho lino of fruit
and vogotables, grain, hay and stork
ran bo grown In Klnmath county If
correct and modem agriculture mo
thods are cinployod.
Tho following pupils of Miller
Hill Dairy Herd club won prizes In
tho stato fair Judging contost first
Pllso, Tholma Koonjg, socond prlzo,
Charles Wilcox; third, Mary Schul
mlro; fourth, Richard Robustallinl
and fifth, Guldo Robustolllnl. '
William Lung Is spending lib vi
catlon on Soln Koyn ranch. Mr. Lung
nrrlvxod horo from San Franclsio'
John Dopuy nnd son, Alfred nnd
J L. Davidson ot this placo and Win.
Tlngley of Miller Hill left Inst Tues
day to bunt tho!rvcattlo on Rock
Creolc.Thoy expoct to bo gone for aov
cnjl wcoks.
Alice nnd Henrlctto Owons from
Klamath Falls spent'tho wook-ond at
tho homo of their slstor, Mrs. Homer
Dn-.o McAullffo from Klamath
Falls and a party of friends were In
this vicinity hunting ducks Saturday.
C. R. Pattorson nnd family accom
panied by Mrs. Knapp woro Klamath
Falls visitors Saturday.
Goo. Furbor was a Klamath ?alls
isltor Saturday.
James Racknor from Soattlo,
Washington, Is a visitor at tha Gio.
Furbpr homo. Mr. Racknor Is a broth-
or ot Mrs. George Furbor,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Largont utrt
son Herbert Jr., loft last wook for
an extondod trip to California visit
Ing points of lntorest. Thoy alio will
go to Ft. Jones, California, us Mrs.
Largont's mother lives there.
Mrs. Walter Komp, and daughter,
Nova Jano from Klamath FalN. were
wook-ond visitors at tbo I. D, Hocpor
James Scalla and son, former pro
prietor of tho Shasta cheeso factory
camo hero Saturday for an extondod
visit to tho Robustolllnl homo. Mr.
dispensing - Justice lit Bncland. went
the News
Hculla accompanied by Mf. nndMrs.
Robustelllni and son, Richard, mot
ored to Pollcan Day and Shlpplngton
Vlncont Farnaslor, who recontly
camo from Dorrls, California Is mak
ing an extended visit with Domnlco
Uort Roglnato, Sabastlona Perll
olo and Hartolo Spada from Algoma
woro visitors at tho Robustolllnl
homo Sunday.
Mrs. J. D. Hooper and daughto'rs
Ila and Opal and son Bernard, ware
Klnmath Falls visitors Saturday.
Miss Knapp was a caller at tho Del
Fatll and Robustolllnl homes Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. I W. Jory woro visi
tors at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
William Warden of Lowor Klamath
lako Sunday.
Herb Philips and Slla Obcuchaln
woro Midland vUltn's recently.
Pylo and Caroy of Kin Frnnclpco
bought 8 carloadJ ot nhnop from Ned
O'Connor of Morr '1. They wore dilv
en Into Midland Monday and will bo
shipped today.
Mr. Caroy, cattle buyer from San
Francisco was a Midland visitor Mon
day. John O'Connor and John Harry
from Merrill were Midland Visitors
Don't exnect oncraved tcstlmon
rials to your loyalty If you go back
ton old friends to gratify strangers.
It Is hard to bellovo that this
world will go on Just tho samo aftor
ono Is dead, but somo folk say It
win. I
All Leather kIioch at $.1.88. 80.88,
& $7.85 nt The Evans' Hhoo Co. 4
All Guaranteed
One Year
Genuine Diamond Grids, Quarter-Sawed
njwdwood Separate
ont nod Famous PhiladoIpblA
Electric Shop
Chks. .D. Garcelon
123 S. 6th St.
Phono 127
Admission includes war tax and the evening's dancing.
Ladies Free, war tax 5c. , Best Music in town.
Houston-Filz Syncopated Orchestra
Rim of (J. S. Mapped
for Automobilists
IjOB ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 4.
round tho, "rim" of tho United s(ateM
In 120 days, complotlng a charting
and road-mapping tour covering 23,
000 miles is tho latest accomplish
mont of n crow representing tho Au
tomobllo club of Southern California
The four months' trip resulted in
tho crow's bringing back to Los
Angeles comploto road data on all
soutborn and eastern main highways,
It Is stated, and touring Information,
obtained firsthand, Is now avail
able horo on all routos through tho
southorn states and Into Canada.
Tho craw's report In part states:
"Hotels, In many places through
tho oast andnoutb, arc ?ot unawnra
that tho war la ovor. '
"Cbargos for gasollno In tho oast
are higher whon It Is purchased In
garages than When obtained at gaso
Serves you right
'Wlien you want tho beat to bo had In the market
coupled with real service, this Is tho placo to fcet-W
On 6th St. Near Main.
Open S a. m. to 1 a. m.
Hot Water Each Morning
Puts Roses in Your Cheeks
To. look one's best and feet one's best
Is to enjoy an inside bath each morning
ilnVn wmAtfl. Oiir fffrmeBtatlonB and Dot
sonouB toxins before It Is absorbed into
the blood. Jutt at coal, when it burns,
leases behind a certain amount of in
combustible material In tho form of
ashes, to the food and drink taken each
day leavo in the alimentary organs a
certain amount ot indigestible material,
wblch If not eliminated, form toxins and
poisons which are then sucked into the
blood through tbe very dueta which are
Intended to suck In only nourishment to
sustain the body.
If yon want to see the glow of healthy
bloom in your cheeks, to see your skin
get clearer and clearer, you are told to
drink every morning upon arising, a
glass of hot water with a teaspoonful
ot limestone phosphate in It, which is a
harmless means ot washing the waste
material and toxins from the stomach,
liver, kldhcya and bowels, thus cleans
ing, sweetening and purifying the entire
llno stations; Motorists making lots
tripe .across tho continent wifljlnd,,
conditions materially Improved ao far ''
as numerous supply stations are
concerned," '
Hereafter The rieraia will publish
vno menn nnu iimimum -. - -
uros and precipitation record as tok-
on by tho U. U Reclamation sorvlco
tatlon. Publication win cover iuo.
day previous to tho paper's Issue, up
to K o'clock of thn dnv
Following Is tho sunrlso nnd sun
sot tablo for tho coming wook!
' Max Mln. clpltntlon
Sunrlso Sunset
Oct. 1 72 41
Oct. 2 77 40 f
Oct. 3 80 43
ABk a truthful man his opli mi,
and tho chances nro ho will hand you
something you don't want.
alimentary tract, before putting mora
food into the stomach.
Girls and women with aallovr sklnr,
liver spots, pimples or pallid complex
ion, alto tliote who wako up with a
coated tongue, bad taste, nasty breath,
others who are bothered with headaches,
bilious spells, acid stomach or constipa
tion should begin this phosphated fioL
water drinking and are assured of very
pronounced results In one or two weeksv,
A quarter pound of limestone phot-
Ehate costs very littlo at the drug store
ut is sufficient to demonstrate (bat lust,
as soap and hot water cleanses, purifies,
and'frethens tho skin on the outside, so
hot water and limestone phosphate act
on tho inside organs. Wo must always
consldeftthat Internal sanitation ia vast
ly more important than outalde cleanli
ness, because the skin Wires do sot ab
sorb impurities into tbe bloed, while tho,
bowel pores do,
women wno aesire to ennance ia
beauty of their complexion should tusk
try this for a week and notice results. '