The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 04, 1921, Image 1

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A Clan Ad Will
Do It
9Hp u jntitta Herald
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( uH
Wsftconth Your, No. 0107
Member of the Associated Pres$.
Tho attention of tho council last
night wag dovotod ontlroiy to par
Ins matters and the opening of
bid on tho many jobs under con
templation. The council followed a
cautious proceedure In handling the
bids, and while all wore road, no
rommonts nor awards woro made,
the matter being laid oror until
the noxt mooting. Artlon mar bo
deferrod on tho paring program un
til after tho refunding bond Imuo Is
floated (o tako care of Indebtedness
now facing tho city from former
paring contracts. A letter from a
Portland bonding houso was receiv
ed by Pollco Judge Loavltt and
passed to tho councllmon last, night
for personal Inspection which ad
Opening Game of
World Series Will
Be Played Tomorrow
NEW YOIIK, Oct. 4.--Tho matron-'
oils is all worked up orer tho wjrlu
scries, which opens tomorrow, Tho
flrat jcamo will bo played botwoon tho
Yankees, champions of tho American
league, and tho Giants, loaders of tho
All tho games ore scheduled to
start at 2 o'clock eastern time, which
corresponds approximately to 11
o'clock Pacific time.
1200 IN LOOT
prick nvn ennt
The second hand store operated Tho roof and Interior of a two
by H. S. doodlng, 1008 Main street; I 'ry framo building at Serenth and
woa plundered of more than 1 200 1 Main street, occupied by ethrinn
. , ; -, w-.w
I worth of Jewelry sometlmo last "room and conducted as a rooming
nignt oy micros, who used an inch aouse undor the name of the Mar-
auger to bore through a roar door.
I A bolo was punched out and a cross
bar, which held tho door fast, waa
The store was closed shortly be
fore 7 o'clock. Ooodlnr nn. and
betwoon that tlmo and this morn-
, ing tho robbery Job was committed.
Men who -work at tho mills and
room at tho York cafo came home
about 2 o'clock, and remained op
until 3 o'clock, but heard no un-
Klamath post of the American Lo- ' sounds at tho rear door of tho
rlsod slow procoduro with new work B'on wl" decide at Us meeting at flooding place, which, is directly
quls Houso was badly scorched and
the contents water soaked last night
at 8:20 o'clock by a fire said to have
been of Inclndiary origin
At the time when the fire' broke
out, Mrs. Perham and her daughter,
Mrs. William Darls, were attending a
local theatre. Notified that the place
wa liable to bo destroyod, Mn. Davis
recalled tho fact thut $750 In cur
rency was In a, vaso upstairs in her
room. Trie vase was recovered but
the monoy was missing,
Saturdays and
Tuesdays Are Set
For Stock Shipping
Tuesdays and Saturdays of each
wook, haro beon est aside by the
Southern Pacific freight department
for special attention to cattle shlo-
pers. xoay J. J. Miller, local agent,
reports that 40lcars of livestock utt
here-lala ateralag for the south. Last
week Mr.iMllUr said, that oae train
of 6;care waa shipped 'from tho
couaty. -targe a these shipments
seem, 1m said,, that only about 60 per
cent of tha. stock would be shipped
isjm year ewe totho low prices of.
fared the growers by the, buyers.
until tho outstanding debts oro. tno city hall tonight whether to ac
paid. I copt the basement or nppcr floor of
Tho logic presented to tho coun- tno now Moln street courthousa for a
ell by tho financial houso was suf-.LoKlon c,ub room
flclont to causo them to rofloct bo-j Tno county court, Saturday, offer
foro ncceptlng any bid proposed.! ca tD0 P0l,t a choloo .of either baso
Tho following firms presented bids B"'nt or uPPr "or. With the in
nnd certified checks last nleht; . "tallatlon of somo furniture nnd
Warren Construction company, LouisI "Knta tho post members bellero they aside, no Inspection being modo of
i. i-oner, racmc nridge company t '" '"" HiijrDMi winior quar- io conienis. -i-wo ion-carat gold
undor their window.
Tho thieves picked out tho Jowol
ry which was on display in tho
front window, and carried their
loot away In a small undorwoar
box. A sllrer watchcaso, contaln
Ink $10 worth of California gold
nuggota was picked up and laid
ot Portland and tho, 8 .8. Shell com
pany of 0 rants Pass. The certified
chocks and bids of tho Tactile
nridge company were returned to
the representative, as tb,elr prices
were very high and stood no show
ot being accepted on any contract.
The bills 'for the past month with
the exceptloa of that presented, by
the) Klaaath Heating comeMy. were
aimwsd. this bill being .referred to
th.faaneefaoaimUe. , " : k,
v. w. Boeriein appeared as
spokesman for resident of Mills
Addition and entored a vigorous
protest about the seepage which, he
claims, occurs rsgulsrly from the
Irrigation ditch put tbroukh the
addition, due to dynamite being
used to holp blast the chalk forma
tion, Instead of following the usual
scraping methods employed on ex
caratlon Jobs. Seams doveloped, he
alleged, which allowod the water to
saturate tho whole surface under
the district, and' now. no basement
can be p'laeed under "residences
deeper than three' feet 'Mr.. Bber
letn plead with the council to take
Immediate action to have the con
tract' made by j the United States
Reclamation Service to dToln this
aeetloa 'carried "out. Sanitary eon
oitlona demanded, action 'now. that
the sewerage 'lines were being placed
by the' Lorenx companyr he" said.
i. The Railroad Addition protest on
-paring was allowed and" tho peti
tion jnader for sewerage was grant
ed, the city engineer being Instruct
ed to. prepare estimates or tno cost.
ShlresN Addition' residents sent In a
petition relative to unsanitary eon
dltlons on the Bd Smith property.
which was referrod to the city
health officer. Resolutions were
passed for construction of sldowalks
between Eighth and Ninth streets
on Plum and Grant stroets, work to
he dono by November 1. '
The questionnaire sent out by tho
cemmlttoe to ascertain rolatlro costs
of municipal management In IE dif
ferent cities was reported on, nnd
the cost ot conducting city affairs
found to bo no greater hero than
Threo firemen and the chief.
likewise three patrolmen and the
police chief, woro suggested as But
flclent to both police and protect
the city ot Klamath Falls from tire,
except that ,an extra fireman at
nights be employed at a wage of
25 a month.
A. A. Bellman submitted a pro
test ngatnst tho paring pro
posed In the, district where tho
Strahbrn Interests'1 lay;,'1 as paving
would conflict .with .certain plans
for- toe terminal site, The pah
llshedi, notices, Bellman,, alleged,
were not accurate and would permit
certain lots, benefitted by the par
Besides this doelslon, other ques
tions ot moment will be discussed to
night, says J, ir. Carnahan, post
commander, who urges all members
to attend. The meeting starts at8
o'clock. ' .
band rings, worth 17, woro rocov-
eroa this morning on tho floor by
Good Ing. The loot consisted of 12
10-carat gold band rings, valued at
$50; 12 -assorted baby rings, $12; 2
, Special to tho Herald
MEDFORD. Oct. 4 The Medford
Clarion, the dally newspaper started
hero about., throe months ago by
William JS. Phlpps, suspended publi
cation hero today. The reason given
for the suspension was labor difficul
ties, but tho real cause was Insuffi
cient patronage, the business men of
the-clty refus!agto add to'thetr ad
vertising expense by building np an
other newspaper hero,' 'when their
purpose waa fully served by the pub
lication already la the field. Medford
baa had experience w'lth more than
one newspaper and the business men
took Uejsltlon.Wt'theyuanUd
ho, more she ft. "-T' ' -UAn
"' ,f iry
Wool Men to Meet
Forest Supervisor
,J. H. Carnahan, secretary of the
Klamath county 'Wool Qrowera' as
sociation; following Tecelpt today ot
a telegram from W. O. Durbln, for
est supervisor of tho Modoc national
forest, has called a meeting of tho
mombers, of the association tomorrow
night at 8 o'clock In the city hall
Mr., Durbln desired to meot the
local sheep men and talk over graz
ing matters. Mr. Carnahan said tho
mooting would be Important to wool
growers and that ho would urgo Ml
mombers who he could reach to bo
Masonic rings, 16fyono 17-Jewel
nammoa. watcn, yze; one 7-iewei
Ingersoll, one Elgin, 'and one Hamil
ton watch, valued .'.collectively at
$26: .two . 7-Jewel ")wlss wrist
watehes,.30;v oae OsJd'tellOws sig
net Ting, 7.eo, ana one nugget
stick pin, valued at IE! The police
j hold the theory that the work waa
dono by a professional, as It shows
skilled workmanship.
The fact that this nonoy dlaap-
peared gave Flro Chief Amoroso hit
first duo to the fact that thj flro
wss or Inclndiary origin, thi blaze
evidently being started to cuvor up
tho theft. Acting upon (his lead, after
tho fire was out, Ambrose ma'ilo an
Investigation of tho house tad f.iiind
that the blaze-originated in thi bath
room on the first floor on the Mf
side 6f tho building directly tinder
the room occupied . by Mw Davis.
While searching 'about, smoke was
found to. be costing from soma place
and'upon ripening a door leading to
a, closet, the chief waa nearly over-
it i
plain signet Tings, $7; 2 ruby setl come by smoke andMre which puff 4 drilling will ha carried oa.all
HumiIii rlnn ttK. L. lljuullml Mt mi din ". A.., J. J.. 1 wlntkp .mad frn.i k il.
"Dry3 Officers Will
Arrest Arbuckle
(Report that the Interior depart
ment had authorised the 'opening of
the reclaimed land east of Tule Lake,'
somo 30,000 acres, to homestead en
try, which has caused considerable
excitement. In Klamath' county and
northern California counties fir sev
eral dirs, la autboratatlvely denied In
a telegram received today by J. H.
Carnahan, commandor ot tho local
American Legion post from Congress
man John E. Raker of California, ,
Mr. Rakor said, lie had Interviewed
the heads ot, the" United States Rec
lamation, service, , who denied that
any of the land would be open to
entry before next year, it then.
Mr. Carnahan was Informed that
notices were posted at Alturas, Cali
fornia, purporting to be from tho
Unltod Btates land office at Susan
vlllo, that the land would be oponod
today,' October 4.
Excltembnt waved high In the Mai-
In section, it is said. At lonst one
carload of ex-service men, who will
got preferential rights In tho open
ing, went to Alturas to Invcstlgato
Quail Hunter Is -
Peppered by Shot
Body of Unknown
, Hero to Be Chosen
for National Honors
PARIS, Oct. 4. America's un
known soldier who will find hon
ored sepulchre In Arlington national
cemetery, Virginia, will be selected
by a non-commissioned officer fros.
American forces on the . Rhine at
Chalonssurmarne, October 24. The
body will leave Havre October 6,
on tho cruiser Olympla.
Thar IwmtlM nt fan 'HnMntitlrf4
rof the pellets.' struck hie.'shoulderfaoldlers who fell la acttal flghttaur.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 4. Fatty -. O. B. Jay, local agent for the
Arbucklo and two others will be or- Wood-Curtis company, received
derod arrested tomorrow for alleged three pellets of shot In the cheek
violation of. the prohibition law. and neck Sunday while quail hunt
, king. The shot, waa fired by Oscar
makkkt retort Peyton, local fnel dealer. Jay was
PORTLAND. Oct. 4. Cattle nai-H vu,m.i,i' k. . . v.. i.t
,- - - -- rj -.- -, m un, uui. mi
sieaay, nogs so cenu lower, prime 'the line of fire when Peyton fired
light 19.60 anj 10.00t sheep '.t a bird. Tho distance, was 100
steady; storage eggs fonresnts high-fyajsls', and tho charge was nearly
or, ire-n orb-, ieoy, ouwer, sieasy; spent when It reached .him. Some
wneai i.v- to x.oi, ,
ed oat on him. Theeloset was packed
with loose papers '"and Inflammable
material. The chief better' that
this' fire" was started W ntter the
flreawa had wtthdrawa troaVVthe
buildiaxr-Twa ui'Mn ".'li'
snoeping: around Inside iWnll'dirig
I... - ... !-- .t .
ji ii'oiuiiiiuiRi Dmorr ine inspec
tion was made. 4 '
A few minutes after emerging
from the building Bert Wymra at
tracted much attention by loud talk
and an attempt to reenter the place.
Officers Brandenburg and McLaugh
lin arrested him and at the station,
search revealed a loaded .'32 Col's
pollco pistol, 17.23. In cosh and an
I. W. W. card, with 'dues paid up to
December 31, 1920.,Wyman is "book
ed for Investigation ay.FIre Marsha!
A', d. Barber, who was wired to ccmo
here by Chief Ambrose..
The building-was owasd by Joe
Wardtaad John BtStt. Thjj-optjind
shinglea were burned oft butthe ratt
ers are fatlair. condition. Most of the
damaga.done was by water.
Tho forenoon waa given, over-to
search at thn vtclnfor. of th blaaa
last night. for,r posplbll hiding
place .of. the missing 1760 which
Mrs. Davis lost -The ams)l, head
painted vase which .contained the
money wa.-.,mleslng, this morning
when search I wa ade for It. At
the time the fire was put out last
night the vase was. on a table down
stairs, bnt someone had removed It
this morning when it waa sought
for by the police. '
Examination of the1 rains show
that three distinct spots were
touched off, the last blase being
fctnrtod after the flames upstairs
had boon pnt out, showing con
clusively that a fire-bug Is at large,
In this city. Tho , owners ot the
"building stated, that Insurance was
carried on tho structure.
The Yotma Valley Oil 'comnaav
held1 a meeting In the office of Sec-
rotary w. B. Wiley Saturday after.
noon, which, was atteaded-hy alt the
officers, stockholders and .directors
. il. t r
ui io coespaay. TRe, secretary read
reports o the flaaadal altnatloo
and the progress of the. work. The
news that- a .standard rig, 84. feet
high, .waa,-lB; place- and woU be
used from bow , waa reeelred
with approral from everyone 'pres
Miss Dorothy Short, daughter "ot
Mr. and Mrs. W. JB. Short, and a
resident of the 'Henley district waa
chosea queen of the county fair,
which begins tomorrow and taste un
til Friday night of this, week, Mlem
Short outstripped her nearest eesV
petltor.;Mse Vesta Baesmg. of Levi
Ptae la the Oaal eeui yesterday at,
the office of tho fair .hoard. The rate
for the fire highest candidates rait.
Mlso Short, Henley, 1,611 Votes; Teav
U Baeslng, Lone Plae, 1,646; Myrth)
Butler, Falrvlew, 416; Thelma Trlf
lett, Summers, 340; and Miss Fera
Koenlg, Miller Mil district, 316.
Tomorrow at the fair grounds, the
falr board will tender Miss Short
the scepter aad crown with Instruc
tions to rule' well and wisely over
the destinies ot her subjects. Crown
ing will takesplace at noon lust nr.
vlous to the Chamber of oommorea
Tomorrow Is chamber of commerr
day and the entertainment has hewn
turned over to, the chamber renrossav
tatlres entirely. 'The foilowlor ofat
clal program Is, scheduled to start ad
Elersa .'clack a. m.: ,
:wu raraae aeaoea by Basel
will fom at Elks Teaiple la chart
of B.'1 W.' Vaaalce, chalraaa, Fred!
Hoastoa, T?. W. McNeallr.
13s-Fo?sm''luachi;. at ,
rreaada. tevsrybody fcsrlUd Maate.
stftvaadrfaa; w:S.:Watr7halr.
kaaa aV, Chty O.-BsBery.e Psrtlsalt
winter ad fross the report of the
drillers, the'awat faverabU fensa
Uoao are aow betag eaeeaataraa.
wew eathMr wW saws ha sn-as wHtwsMiir'asl'iiiai ii dvm'm-
sttd aha war -wtsfbe asttva. at a-Ossaesaulty.'' a)saV1kssi aU .
ft TWh wfA the swfMrcM HWf saafc'.a4fVlU1'atai aa v
awterlal-aUhaadV Wytdeaeee e an, Martt v' v -r.
sun -snow oa tha water, bat It The field "Nut" rttarshsH will
comostfroat tha4 spall ' vela opened
earlier In tha drilling.
jharethe best collection of "Bata,.
yet seen ana everyone whi have a'
good iime. ' "
'' 2100 p. m. tdg of war, nierchaata
vs farmers; Horseshoe pitching.
President Cssoof the Farm Bureaa
against' Preeldetit Hall of the chant-
tber of Commerce. Several other la
teresttng events will make thlaga.
. The committee of the womea' tt
the chamber of commerce waatalt
LOB ANOKLH; Oct, 4. "Thara flower hrsaaht to tfc aimW m tha domestic or later-, later thaa.'i:30 for eatrr at the Fair.
The eossjait'tee oh parade1 wishes alt
merchaaU aad others of tha O. of 0.
to have their cars ready aad fills
with members for the parade to man
C. of C. day a good.oae. t
naUaaaL sttaaataa that can- aetata
a pessimistic... oatlook or despondent
new.that.tharwatM lu saak'tato
permaasat , daaraasloa." asM John
S. Drumr ot Saa ' Francisco, In a
aeash'ai tha oaoalng ot "tha 'Amer-
caa. baakera-asaaclatlOB coareatloa
"OraduaUy taftaeaoea which are
preventing tha restoration of stable
conditions are disappearing," he
said. "Manr, problems are la the
way of restoration, for the forces
working-to solve these problems are
Irresistible." "
Msdford Apartment:
House' Is in Flame
Heirloom Booth '
at .County Fair
Promises Interest
ii i .ii
Since lost night, when the story of
tho Hawkins quilt, which boasts a
useful Ufo of near 100 years, was
published In the Herald, three or
four more "ago-old" patch-work
a Special to TJKeraid
I- MKDTOXD, Occ.4,-4aa
story brick' Baraaas spaitiauat
aoar the goathora Paatfle deaot a
oa fire this afieraooa, I1m tlaasai
vrera aot wader coacrol at 1 oVleek.
Former Resident Is
Wedded, Aged 7
The Redding Searchlight, In Its Is
sue ot October 2, contains the an
nouncement of the" marriage of a
former Klamath Falls man, CKude
L. Kelsey, aged 70 years, to Reba W.
comforts have been' unearthed fromjpyje, aged 48, ot Delta, California.
V a ' . ik..l. Aa .? v.
i rJLilH?" V.mawra fe .Byaa.r-A Tortlaad.-hla faceaad'aael
tl. tha cost,' The Mills AddRkm aawar law flrHwlil'lavaatlaata ta WtaVJi A-x
?. "haada, forMW.OM.' ii, of ttu,;at4aa,aVaw,LaTaWwlSeiaMwli MdiJavttMk'aViaaasatta
talaratUMaa attarapa.fsa amoaat- aaaaat thaaiaad'a arav4aaa-aals ,Ureha- . -rw-w, .
tholr mothball, atmospheres nnd
brought to the light of day fo In
spection, Thoy, with hand woven lin
ens, will be turned In for exhibit at
tho county fair. In the family h ilr-
loom booth. Old sliver and brass ar
tides, too, are numerous ,ln Klam
ath Falls It seems and the- owners
are more than willing to mako the
fair attractive, and interesting ' by
turning them In for exhibit.
All exhibits should be In by 10;00
o'clock tomorrow morning In order
tbatttaey may bo arranged while tho
committees are not too rushed to
The marriage was performed by the
Rov. O, O. Lucas. The coupli plan
on making their home in Oakland,
California. Tho groom was well
known here and was onco owner ot
the Kelsey block between Sixth and
Serenth street on Main xtrest
JSnd fall Off without. penetrating the! one train each at tha fmr hmI.
I wrens company at par, xaa ooawcioth of his coat. Tha wounds on'nent Amarkaa cemeteries-la Fraaaa.
iTrere-alight. Tha' will beeseemble4 aaar thV,rawaa
tafeM. W M..,-A-A. -tlM-- . M ..' 1 .. u.
;nauoat imi Doa-eemaiieBiaaeafiaiait" aarsaasasssee
?eer oeteetedhy Oeaaral -AHaa. iHar.-ttsa' W4H1U hatMtag Or tahaa dlreetry
Vaa 4a as AAA ,, aia a m '--- . . . 7T J ...7 "" mwfwm uiausrav v.a-aaar mmwmw awaaas. luatsiiun asara-
v ,.,..., - - -. . r..p w imwwm mmm siav, smaa "j aa aaaa. m mm m aau
W. B. and J. B. Patterson who
have been, conducting a paper, aad
paint store on Fourth street ,have
moved to .their new I home at 630
South Sixth street. Just below tha
Garrstt.'nraj-e.'It la thalrlntaatUs
give them careful attention. Oreatlto add materially to their 'stack ar
van, win oa nnn 01 me articles ana paints ana paper so asjtQ as la a
a reUabla- person will he ta tharge:posltloa to meet the demand, e tha
ot the booth, whloh will he Indoors a future.-J additloa U:,aperaUg tha
to nerd-agalast weather and ttt.tatorai..,tha'flrawlll,atlll eoatlaae ft
Artlcleafer his axhlhtt eaabe4lett paper .hanging and aalalamg.wark. ,
atsaaieaMee of Mrs,- U 9. Hagae'ln , ' a
ORaVJON Toalgtrt aid
X t !l
' w 'VI
VO' 1
' I.
i - - " "" , " " "
day, fair.
' v