The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 30, 1921, Image 1

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Today skNews
iT J t Tf
? vl Cani W IViW
Do It
' ,
Member of the Associated Press,
.rifbimth Yrv Vo. OHM
gaietntui Herald'
' Fire Prevention Day has been
omciany sot by uorernor uon w.
wieott ior uoioner utnt ana ne sng-
( Koets that on or beforo that date,.
ovory person In the state of Oregon
glvo moat, serious attention to tho'
r;provcnuo ot careless- iiro- Dnr-
. ing tho interval between now nnd,wiinoci us pinco in mo crunibio.jfafmcril (i,Bt six or eight more- load
' October 9th, the flro marshal ' n'rid for tho American Loaguo pennant. 0f produce would' bo dollvered durln
tno ttoaoa ot the various flro fight-;
Ing units la the ntato are urged to
do overrtttai: possible to oducatV
', tho piibllo, lit, tho bit weans to pro -
jjvont fire.- r -..
Flro Chief Kleth 'Anibrosoistated,,
today that trio movement to prevent'
flro In thia eHy'nnd county was ono
which every person phould Intoro'st
.... !..- ..... i iu i
liiuiunuiiu Aiu, ud u-iiiu iiiikui iuni-fl
bly work a hardship on nny person
or croup , ot people nt any time;
throwing many out of employment,
mi eh as happenod when- tho LakoM
nlilo Lumber company- plant was
consumed by fire recently, nnd tho,
incident on Main ntrcot, when tho j
framo building occupied by tho
Oomot Klectrlo company and tho
Wars pool room woro destroyed,
causing both firms .unnecessary
,;r u..u .. .,. wi .u,ru.. vu-,n(i
Ing tho buitdlng up of tho lost bust
niuq bouses.
Chief Ambrose cltod the above'
lo"es nH the otfoc of a flro be
cause they wero recent events, but
on tho whole, urgod the people to
nbntuln from caroless bundling of
flro near combustible- substances.
More than $2,000,000 worth of fac
tories, stores, dwellings, buildings
T dnrlng tho yeaaof 1980, ami In
-addition many thoURandti of dollars
worth of merehantablo timber. Tho
'" tax for fire, tho chief said, amount
ed for iho year 1020 to the sum of
$3.79 per capita.
Tho property loss Is oven sur
passed In nwfulnOM by tho "wanton
loflH of life and Injury and suffer
ing. During tbo year; thirty-six
pooplo wero burned to death In Oro-
gen nnd hundrods wero Injured to
n greater or lees extent by firo,
'tho ehlof said. Nlnety-tlvo por cenM
of tho fires could bo nvoldod, be-
causo most ot them nre. of a pro
vontablo nature and a small amount
of common ( senso would havo elim
inated the losses.
Chlof Ambrose has nuggosted that
Inasmuch as Firo Provention Day
this year falls on Sunday, it is con
sidered indlsponsablo that tho
schools ot thq stato hold special ox
excises on tho' Friday procodlng
that day. Consult with tho mora
lwre of tho local flro department
for locnl instruction how boat to
prevent fires. llavo compositions
prnparod on such subjoctu as:
"What uso this sobool could
mako ot the monoy lost by flro In
this city."
"What I have learned about Flro
Prevention Day nnd why wo havo
"How can I holp In tho roductlon
of losi of life nnd. property?" '
Kspoclally In the high school de
partmental oxhlbltfl should bo pre
pared. Each conld show the special
hazards they provide. The manual
training departmont, domestic scl
rnco, chemistry nnd physic depart
ment all have their special hazardB,
whlchBhonld be -watched. Members
of tho fire departmont and flro In
suranco agents will be ablo to glvo
valuable aid In this work.
Abovo all, let the children nso
their Imagination and take as much
active part, in the. exercises as la
practical. It arouses Interest and
enthusiasm otherwise impossible.
Remembering, lastly that Firo
Provention Day. is not day to cole-
brato flro losses, but a day on
1 which intorest should be aroused In
the reduction ot fire losses.
Firo Prevention Day,
... .ii.'
concluded, was
not a local or a
stato movement-, but was one day
when the eaonlo of th whole Unit-
tA Rlntna vara ImnnrtuneA bv tha'tt(V1 well DISV join in tllO ObSOrV-
Eovornora of their states to oxerclso '
enutlon, and to sproad publicity
wtitMi -wnnlrt ntimniuta and encour-'
ago pooplo to bo caroful tn the uso
Giants Win National
Championship, Look
. Like Yankees', Cinch
NEW YOIIK, Bopt. 30. --Tho Now
(York (ilnntH n'm wlnnors o! Hie Na
tional League championship through
the douljlo defeat of 1'JttPburc nt fit.
Louis yostordny.
, Tlio only chance that the York
Yunkoos havo of losing tho. Amcrl-
can Unguo championship t, by their
nosing inoir remaining tnree names
""" mo wovoianci mumim winning
tholr romnlnlng three games f
l" - '
.CHICAGO, fiept. 30. Cleveland
"'"-" mcago j io b touay ana
dn"V New York-Philadelphia Amorl-
'can league game was railed off on
account of u rainstorm. The gnme Ih
L'U played. In a tiotiblohcadpr ut
New York tomorrow. Tho Yanks need
- ,o win hut one gamo to clinch the
. " .
CHICAOO, BoPt. 30. Singing
j popular coiigs, Carl Wandomr, who
ex-jnmrderod his wlfo, hur unborn babe,
a Taggou sirangor- wnom neror wholeKalo house la n thorough
hired to stago a fake holdup, wax
hanged nt tho county Jail hero at
7:1? o'clock this morning.
Wnndorcd marched to tho gallows
with a firm step, took hls'placo on
tho ccaffold nnd repeated u nhort
prayer" . "
Ho was asked If ho hud anything
to- esy and replied In tho affirmative
and, nH tho nhrouif was adjusted,
stnfted, singing In a clear voice. "Old
Pal, Why Don't Year. Answer .Jf'ej:,
Ho was singing as the trap was
Society t'onlcht will nssomble nt(
tio ElkB Club at 9 o'clock to parti-
cipato in tho oponlng dnnco of tho
pro-wintor dancing season, is tbo In
formation given out today by Iljron
Hnrdcnbrook, chairman of the en
tertainment committee. Tho ttoo- hai
bocn glazed to make th.3 dancing
plonsant and n number of novoltiea
In musical linos nro to bo Introduced 1 8troel8 nnvo boon turned Into pollco
by Cochran's orchestra. Tho dnnco headquarters this weok that nuto
tonlght Is for Klks only. Imohlllsls nro ononlnir tholr cutouts
President Proclaims
W) M m - W .
rayer, nrmtSUCe '.)'
' ,f I
WASHINGTON. Sept. '3D,--Presl-'
uent lianung today isiu.M a, prosiam-
atlon calling nil tho peopn of tho
nation to Join In two nlmiMi' slicnt
prnyor on Armlstico IMy, whin tho
body of nn unknown sollinr will ho
hurled In tho Arllgnton nathinnl
of Inflammable material. Tho do-
. , ,. . , .
partment of ngrlculturo at Wash-,
nelon. n. C. under thu direction of
." .' ,;ii.- 1... -
, . .. , ,, ,,
bullotln to tbo farmoro natton-wldo
l M. .J.,o. tf. !..
u uu vi.ut. iu mwitvu .ivi luoawj
which in brief saye: "'" " "-", "-" "T"" "t ' "
National Tiro Provention WeokUlco to c0 d0Wn 'nth !tr?. J'
Is to bo observed 'October 2-9. Its
object Is to call attention to tho
vast nnniinl loss by flroa which
might have boon provontod, and to
cmpnnBlzo tno necessity or saro-
guards against future fires. .The
. .. . .
nation's total nro loss is ostimatoa.
at 15,000'llves and $600,000,000 in
proporty each yoar.
According to tho statistics of tho
national board of fire underwriters,
thoro woro 33,266 fires on farms in
a single year (19X8 and tho cbH-
hinted lose was $18,166,710. "That
means that'38,266 rural families in i
..n.r, ... , i i jn,nnn -..-.!
ing from Blight daraago to tho loss'oyo-openlng display nt tho fair, eald
bf home, livestock and, In -many Mr. Sexton. Ho promheil tho l.lg-
.. i...n,nn nfo. i i i
Henry 0. Wallace, BocTotary 'of
agriculture, suggests mat rarmers,
and nil Borsona In rural eomraunl-r
anco of flro provention feok, hoth
'individually and in public gather-
Inca. such na schools, churcheo nnd
farm organizations.
. .. .
Throo carloads of vogotablos
nmi fruit arrived last evening, and
ono rrlvod early this morning, for
tho 0ranU 'central public ' njarket
which. beginning today, oponod for
,fnJ. business. Market Master Crnm
bltt Balj tlmt ho had promlsoH of
tho day. ,;,-
"Decision to operate tho1 market
dally," nnld Mr.f OramblttC la In
answer to s. popular domand. For tho
past two weeks many persons have
vUlted tho market durlni; the week
nnd wont away disappointed JjociU'-o
,woi woro not rolling except on Sat
urday. Tho number of thoad vlsltt-rs
was nurprlilng. T qm conseryiitlyo
when I put tho averago number at
200 a, day.
"In conefquonco we nro golnij 'to
give the dally sale-i a tryout. If tho
plan works well, and I'm convinced
it will, tho dully mnrkot will bo per
manent. U'h a proposition of direct
selling from tho producor
to tho con-
nmr W., nuU no rimmlnlm
I churges. Any Idea that I amtrying
to start n commission 11011.10
nilitnko " '
The public market In loss 'than
thrco months has grown from n cou
plo of stalls In tho Arcado basis to
a polut jvhero tho big room In 'the
Central building Is no more than am
plo for tho needs of tho buyer and
sollers. Moro than $2,000 worth- ot
produco was Bold last Saturday. M.
Cramblltt estimated 4,000 nfronnsi
wero attendant Upon the murkct dur
ing. tho day.
An undeveloped possibility Is tho
rule of pottod plants It U auggeptod
that pert on a who are digging up
tholr cardon Plants now. brlnir them
to tho market. They will bo surprised
at tho demand for them.
n J a It a 4
KeSiaentS KJOjeCt tO
Speeding on Ninth,
Complain of Noise
Complaints from residents in tho
vlcinltr of Ninth and Lincoln
at night when en route to Bhip
plngton nnd Pelican city, much to
Slumbers aro dlsturbod when heavy
trucks"' in tho evonlng commit this
nnoyln"B practice, sny resldonte.
Too muci, Bpecd up Ninth Btreot
uy jtnoy drivers, prlvato drivora
and others is tnklng placo, say tno
complainants, nnd llvos nro Jeopar
dized by tho drivors In tho rush to
get homo nftor working hours.
Chlldron particularly, and oldeea
inlnn nA nnnvlv mn .inorn. Thrnn
,,,' , . . ,., . ,
collisions havo transpired In tho
. ... A. ..,
Pasl W00K " w. "X "-
donts.'but "no report was maao to.,.
., . ,. .nn..ina
tho pol co, as tho law roqulros,
1 ..... ,.. ., .v., ..
-""!-- " -- -.
nan nf Y.AAV IIaIO fTinlA 1 fl nPflPa
,aBl T0"' 4 D 3 I
"vea4 tiytag to oss Btreets
"""". " " ,., I
BMJUV """ "". " " ?, "-. !
nnnninff cuiodlh. iuh ihjiicq uu
' " " . . . . " 7V
"arlmcnt ha9 Wmi? stop the
FiNn EXinniT at fair.
Frank Goxton, county dnb lender,
'eft this morning for tho Merrill and
Ione Po dlstrlcU to collect cluh
eiiiblts lor tno county fair
The bors and clrls will hnvo nn
gest ana dost oxmoii ever sunwn
Mr. and Mrs. John Urott nro re-'
eolvlng congratulations upon the ni-,
rlv.M of a llttlo son,, Lorn,
Boptombcr 27th, nt tho Klamath Gen-
'ral bospltal.
V -
Pflamath county club workers, un
noted frceh honors lor tbomsolvey,
their clubloador and. tho county nt
tho ata'to fair, according to'a!t ilogram
from Mrs. C. J."KorKUson. county
Bcbpol suporlntondont, to, Frank Spx
ton, club loador. annonnelng that
Klamath bounty woa''all the nolnts in
tho dairy hord record Exhibit.
VThe exhibit constote'dvof. tho rc-
- - . . " . r.
coras Kept in testing dairy produc
tion. Tho Klamath county team was
scored as follews: Tholma Koenlg,
first, Charles Wilcox, Bccond, M.ry
Bhulmlre., third, rItlchard Robustcl-
llhl, fourth, and' Ouldo HdTju.itLlllnl,
Tho first prizo is free, hip to tho
ijumracr cpurse ,v& .tha JOreKOn Agrl
cultural college next June.-THe9-
coridpriio Is fifo doilarn''thTrdrirlre
t..srAt- '.i.'.v.-.. ,1.1.. .,.
lars andifthpr'Ue. two dillirs.
Quail Season' to '
Open Tomorrow
Quail arrf(moro plentiful Iii K'am
ath county this seaeon thnri for many
yearSj-sayB W. W McNeally, recro
tary of, tbo sportsmen's .asocl ttlon,
on the ovri ot tho oDenin'e. of tlin
shooting season , which bogin3 to
morrow morning and lasts for ten
(Tbojjrmtt is ton blrda a day nnd
not raoro than ton in ,any coniccu
tlvo d ya. Twonty is to Benson's' lim
it., Shooting la forbidden earlier than
half-ap hour before sunrlso fir lat'vr
than sunset. 1 '
. Tho jCeno section, Olene gap. Dairy
and In fact practically, 'every part of
tho county havo plentiful supi'lloi of
qunll this yoar, says Mr. MeNnally
and no quail hunter wll have trou
bio In bagging the limit.
If tho birds vwlntor well, ho said,
an attempt will be made to get thu
limit doubled next year.
The sunrise and sunset table for
tbo coming week are:
Stinrlse Suusot
Oct. 1.- 6:59 5:4?
Oct. 2. 0;01 C:40
Oct. 3. - 6:02 0:38
Oct. 4. 6:03 C:36
Oct. 5.. 6:05 5:34
Oct. 6 6:06 5:32
Oct. 7. 6:07 '5:31
Oct. 8. 6:00 5:29
Crowd Welcomes
Arbuckle to L. rA.
LOB V ANOKLHS, Sept. 30. A
crowd welcomed Iloscoo (Fatty) Ar
bncklo at tho railway station 2ndny.
Wonion embraced tho mavis uctor
nnd mon cheered him.
One woman mountod n suitcase
and denbunccd thoco who welcomed
tho comedian. .
Tomorrow In tho first of tho 4
4' month and It Li tho day your 4
carrier will call for your sub-
. ... .. .
wpuw y- yfi mw
rar ,,r" J,,st t,l Hixme lu ,,,oy
w ,nrt Jwu "nd ? '?
4 oro jnsft o s
whw ya wt younftstor.
Tiiey.'rt eooner play man coucct
Uin money nnd. they am mighty 4
glud uhen tho Job is done. Unt
4 tlioy mm extra pay by making 4
4 UtOse oolIoctlonA nnd this Is of
frarflclcat attraction to them to
onriso thesn to dig tn nnd do tho 4
Job. Tlie eooncr It I dono tlio
bottler the- like It nnd tho soon-
or the etui play.. Yon can help
them mightily if yon will Just 4
4 placo your 05 cent on the shelf 4
rlKht now no tt will bo there
4 when the boy lis In the morn- 4
tng. If yon do, that boy will
thhik you nro tbo cult of tho
twrth.iir yon don't yon would
i blush if yon could hear the
trinoninf; they liand out whnrt
they! gntlur et-nlii(M wnttinK
for ilioir Mipers nnd tdl of their
experiences lut Umt B cent
on tho nheif rlBlit now,
Imprisonment of
Leaders Cause of
Coal Miners' Strike
PITTSBUIta, Kansas., Sept. 30
All tho coal mines in 'tho Kansas
field woro Idlo today when Alexander
Ilowatt and Aucust Derchv: nreal-
. dent and vlco-presldont of tlo Kan-
bus miners union, oegan serving a six
months' Jail sentence for calling a
strike lait, Fobruary. '
JIowatt-and Dorchy had tho cholco
of going to Jail or glvlng'bond that
Vxcjr wodld pall no more strikes fa
Tho contest for quopn of tho fair
scorns to bo gaining strength and the
only report Which could be'tobtninod
from any district camo from Henley
fr0n any li
- J.w,19"lJv,,'3 uprotny Bhortihaa sccur-
od C320 votes. The request sent to
tho school 'districts to report tho
'standing each week has' hot bean
compiled with so tho standing connot
be given out excopt In piecemeal
quantities. f
Numerous districts have candi
dates In iho flold but tho present re
port shows that the friends, of Miss
Short aro striving hard to boo hor
Tho con tost will closo Monday and
ovory district whore votes have boon
sold is requested to send In the re
sult or telephone 227 the exact vote
cait In tho district, and how many
votes each candldato secured. The
result will be tabulated and tho
guoen-announced Tuesday evening.
Tolophono In, tho votes.todayBo that
n table- can bo,prlntod-Mondny tho
fair secretary requests. v , .
LONDON, Sopt., 30. Kammim Do
ynlora has. accoptcd Llod Uyorge's
Invitation to -a. conference, says tho
Kxchango Telegraph stitemant. - '
Tho Irish conference is to bo held
hero October 7. Do Valera's noto
concluded; "We accept the Invita
tion. Our dolegatcs will moot you In
London on tho date montlonod and
oxploro every possibility of settle
ment by porsonal, discussion."
FOKMKK HESrDKXTS ANNOUNCE ', 1,c,.a,B uls,rBa. "ccorarag to a report
DIRTII OF IU11YJDAUGUTKU elvon out today J- J- Miller, local
Announcements hnvo been rccoiv- Dur'ng the brief time tho dlvlslon
cd in this city by frlonds of Mr. and aI conte8t ha boon oh' Mr. Ml'li
Mrs. George Mesorvo of the arrival Bay8' the ippors have boon much,
of A llttlo daughter, Jean Virginia. I benefitted and tho company officials
born tp thorn Soptorabor 21st at tholr I declare that It the samo.courso wilt
homo In La Grando. Both Mr. nnd" coatlnu indefinitely as it hiu during
Mrs. Mesorvo havn inanv friends In ' tho campaign, before long tho great
this city, Mrs. Mesorvo bolng Miss
Mlnnlo Schubert, daughtor of Mr,
nnd Mrs.. Carl Schubert of this city.
Suit has boen filed for divorce in
tho circuit court by Jam cm M. Mllno
'against Elizabeth W. Milne, alleging
desertion, Tbo plaintiff has been
manager of tho White Pollcnn hotol
for tho past yoarf ,
Tho MorrU Morcantllo company of
Merrill has filed a comnlalnt ncnlnst
John T. Drosnon alloging that a noto
amounting to $370,62 remains un
paid and asks that attorney tees
amounting to $50 bo Included In th?
Tho argumonts In tho divorce iqlts
of Simon O. Storos against Pearl
fstoroa and Mary Jane .Eggsman
agatnBt Wilbur Eggsman wero heard
this afternoon In' circuit court boture
Judgo Kuykondall,
DERLIN, Sept. 30. Ratification
of tho peace trenty with tho United
States was completed by the Oertnan
rolchatag todays
PORTLAND, Sept. 30. Cattli and
hoga oteady; eheop slow; eggs and
butter firm. ,; .
PORTIiAND, Sept. 30. Wheat
prices today ran go from $1,06 to
WASHINGTON Sept. 30. Recom
mendatlods for providing work, tot
tho Nation's Jobless, estimate"d,vat 4,
000,000, were completed today fcgr
tho 8t.eoring ccwmittco ot tho Natlo
al Conference on unemployment.
They wero based on tho principle
that unemploymont In ihe siatnt'ls sl
problem-for-solution by lndlvidoa
communities the feateril'and arUt '
governmenti aliUn'ff'as mu'etias pasw
slblor - - v- - -s
The1 rocommcnd'at'lons Included: -
Kstabllshmont of .omorgency commit
toca in communities' to cc-ordlnsta-'
tho work of finding Jobs" for InvrJ
untary ldlomea and for rcglstrntlom
ot tho unemployed.
Inblicatlon at the number of un
employed and tho establishment ef
part tinio work by raanufattuAra,
through operation of factories juie
mills in njfahnng stock whore positble.
Continuation of repair and Bfmt!ar
work on a normal tjcalo;
tDoIng nepalr work and altera
tloas by office building, hotel an
homo ownors during the winter in
stead of welting until spring'
Expansion of municipal worki;
Establishment or part .time -work
by municipalities and conatructioa
'of federal government' of buildings
and other werk: for which appropria
tions are 'available;
aiast,cnlng ot road 'building nne
othor work by state andjoeal nnth-"orHfes;-
"" 'm
Action o?,(ceagress onl road 'con
struction liglslatlea: j? .'l;
itoacdnenthyjeopgrees of therafl-
way-iBoig,pni, witn-Mfapeajii
coUatWrted olAjfriiv.qf
piyiiuoqi, ,
Campaign to Lower
Freight Losses Is
Obtaining Results
Tho campaign Instituted by the
Southern Pacific railway system re
cently to check "over, ehort and dam
ago to freight shipments Is making
gigantic strides towards accomplish
ing the object which the company of-
loss oxrorlonced by the triniporta
tlon company will be reduced to a
point whoro tho rates will" conio
down, ono of tho purposes for which
tho competitive prize was announced
to tho divisional chiefs.
Tbo Shasta division, In which Kin
math Falls U listed, will 'int bo tho
winner of tho trophy. Somo division,
which docs' not handle the tnnn.iga
this division does will retire tho
prize, Mr. Miller believes. The Tuscan
division for Instnnco does not carry
f tho volume ot business that t!i? Shas
ta does, nnd" would bo lew Uely to
tnnko 0rror8 thaa a b,& o- like tl
Shastn. Hut tho h'opo Is not gone
that when the meeting of the agent
takes placo In tbo general offices In
San Francisco on October 9, and the
gross tonnage hanlad and 'he divi
sional record mado, Shasta may )ct
bo a winner. Mr. Miller says that
tho officials who dally soo tho won
derful improvement and lc lessened
losses declaro .the present showing
suit over rill for
posts, to rb;tiued.
Tomorrow morning in Justice Oag
hagon's court, tbo suit ot W, J, L'and
ruth against William Griffith will b
trlod in which tbo plaintiff alleges
that In March, 1921, the defendant
purchased from him 1800 posts at
ton cents a piece, paying $100 on the
account on April 1, and leaving an
account ot $80 unpaid. Interest at 6
por cont togothor with attorney fee
are asked, Tho trial is set for ton.
o'clock In the morning.