T7V TUMDAY, IEFTKMBBR. 37, IDA I THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i Personal Mention IH N. 3. Chapman via a passenger t ' on the train for Dorrls. Ho will ,!" return tonight. ' W. B. Van Horn, an engineer tor the Southern Pacific, loft for San Francisco for a week's stay. Sheriff Lloyd Low was called to .Portland on official business for ft ..the government. He expects to bo f fone about a wookr- Dr. Warren Gould and Roy Tabor and two children woro paseengors for Dorrls this morning. Mrs. Otto Deck and children ac- companled by Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Dolle of Mt. Hebron, returned this morning, after Tisltlng tor two days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Leach. 1 C. V. Fell, associated with tho California Oregon Powor Company, left today for San Francisco, and expects to Tomnln there until nbout the tint of tho year, on business for the company. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Templar and daughter motored to California for a month's visit with friends and relatives. Mr. M. McDonald of Spokane returned this morning, after spend Ins the aummor vlsltlntf her daugh ter, Mrs. J. R. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Williamson of San Francisco, haro returned home after spending a ten-day vaca tion here. I Clinton Jonea was a passenger to San Francisco this morning after spending ten days hero on business. Al D. Short, general manager of the White Pelican hotel, left tor 'San Francisco after spending a week here on business. Mrs. C. C. Low, accompanlod by her grandson, Jack Siemens, left to- Another parly of tourists going to Crater Lake was Poggy Lifer of Macon, Georgia, and Mrs. J. Lance of Kansas .City, tended visit in tho cast and south J. A. Edwards, manager for the Doak ranch on the Upper lake, is In town for the day, on business In connection with tho ranch. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. Jenkins and family, accompanied by Marie Obon chain, motored to Miss Obonchntn'a homo at Uly Sunday. Mrs. A. J. Lyle and daughtor aro expected home Friday, after spend ing six weeks visiting Mrs. Lyle's cousin In San Francisco. QoorRO G. Hewitt is a business visitor from Mrdford for the day. -O TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 0 o FOIl RENT Completely furnlshod 3 room apartment with private bath. 54 Main St. Phono 109R. 27 - Mr. and Mrs. "J. R. KUIott ot Mil Lakl wero business visitors here ycetorday. ' .Chns. Walker of Lokevlew la In I town on business. ' A. A. Cottle, J. E. Dennett and Edwin tllbeon are here on a com bined business and pleasure trip from San Jose, California. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mitchell are in town on business. Miss Torry I. Deal Is visiting In this city with friends. WANTED Women for general housework. Apply 415 Washington St. 27-1- LOST Half grown yellow Persian kitten. Liberal roward for Its re turn or Information as to ltd whore nbouts. C. H. Daggett, Phone 96. 27 THE AUTOMATIC KLECTIUO DRAKE Tho Automatic Electric Drake Co.. of Portland has sent 0. S. Marsh and D. J. Jarvls to Klamath Falls for the purposo of selling stock in tholr com pany. They haro Just a little bit tho best stock to offer you whiter hero that lg bolng offered on the markot any place. You can seo Just what you are placing your inonoy In and they will gladly explain tho wholo thing to you and will tako you for a ride In a. car equipped with ono of tho brakes. Do suro to see It, no matter it you partnko of the fruits ot the company or not. but wo feol sure after you seo it perform you will The Strand - THEATRE Finest Picture Projection In Booth- - rn Orefoa TONIGHT. Entire Change of Vaudeville aad Picture want somo of the stock, which Is go. dav for Wend for n tn , -,.i Ung fast at par value. 27-lt 'with her daughter, Mrs. Rex Mc-I RUMMAGE SALE Mlllan. . The ladles ot St Paul's Episcopal Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hazel and guild will bold a rummage sale at son Jack returned to San Francisco 'no . Grand cntral JS,ork?.t 8,tart'n,? -hi. m-T,i .. ..i.,., . .-FrldaJ' morning and continuing all 'this morning, after spending a few dfty FrIdaJ. nnd Saturday. 27.30 days here on a combined business - and pleasure trip. I I Mrs. Ida Ounthcr ! Journeying to Carthage, Mo., to visit her son whom she has not seen for nearly year. Mrs. Guntbcr expects to spend most of the winter In Mis- soar!. Mrs. Joe Moore, Mrs. H. S. Pat rick, John Patrick, a nephew ot Sirs. J. Moore, and F. U. Patrick composed a motoring party to Cra ter Lake today. T. Q. Bradley, an official of the California' 'Oregon Power company. Is In town on business for the com pany. 7r. and Mrs. M. Whitney and Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Humphrey ot Al bany, N. Y., are a party of tourists on their way to Crater Lake for an 'eating. Day Merrill left on this morn ing's train 'for Weed, to meet Mrs. Merrill, who has been on an ex- Here's a Business i FOR KLAMATH FALLS GOOD FOR 94,000 to $18,000 YEARLY Two railroad men put an Else-trick-Maid Bake Shop equipment In a email town in Wisconsin. Today they are making real mon ey, without having known a thing about tho bakery business I Others aro doing it in other cities. You have the .same chance Tight here. A cash busi ness; no charges; no deliveries; your profits in the till every night. Everyone who eats la your customer. We supply nil equipment and full information. WRITE OR WIRE TODAY for full particulars on ELEC-TRIK-MAID BAKE SHOPS. Act now to obtain exclusive territory for Klamath Falls. ELECTRIK-MAID BAKE SHOPS 3S1 Cedar Sc St. Paul, Minn. VAUDEVILLE LEWIS FAMILY la new Songa, Dances and Comedy And a Wonderful Flctare, CHAS. RAY and DOROTHY DALTON U "Back of the Man" This picturo will appeal to tho most critical. Coming Sunday ZANE GREY'S "Man of the Forest" WOOD! Pricea may advance any day, this Is your notice, no further guarantoo on prices. Buy your GREEN BLAB or BLOCK-WOOD now and avoid advances that are aura to come. Ask about our UltY.TAMAKAUK For Your Heater 0. Peyton & Co. "Wood to Barn 419 Mala fit. Phone 095 HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE Automatic Electric Brake ? OF COURSE YOU HAVE IF NOT, WE WANT YOU TO SEE IT AND KNOW ALL ABOUT IT --5IT HAS MERITc- Automatic Electric Brake Go. D. J. JARVIS and G. S. MARSH STOCK AGENTS BUICK AGENCY Corner Seventh and Klamath 50c DANCE MOOSE HALL, (EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT Admission includes war tax and .the evening's , dancing. Ladies free, war tax 5c. Best Music in town. Houston-Filz Syncopated Orchestra KLAMATH COUNTY FAIR THREE BIG DAYS OCTOBER 5-6-7 ivnnnrVivrirniVivnfyiVirrrvnfY' EACH DAY A SPECIAL DAY, WITH A PROGRAM OF INTEREST TO ALL THE LARGEST EXHIBIT OF LIVESTOCK EVER SHOWN IN KLAMATH COUNTY Wed., October 5th, Chamber of Commerce Day Thurs., " 6th, Farm Bureau Day Friday, " 7th, Boys and Girls, Club Day lM;i,"l""i'llilin"im"m"""1!i:"m:"i-:"M'"m"iHMn-"nM"""" nniniMH.n.uuunnii.nit n nnMininillllMimni It took yEARSYEARS to develop CAMEL QUALITY We worked on Camels for years before we put them on the market. Years of testing blending experi menting with the world's choicest tobaccos. And now, EVERY DAY, all our skill, manufactur ing experience and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos are concentrated on making Camel the best cigarette that can be produced. , There's nothing else like Camel QUALITY. And there's nothing else like Camels wonderful smoothness, fine tobacco flavor and FREEDOM FROM CIGA RETTY AFTERTASTE. That's why Camel popularity is growing faster than ever. A better cigarette cannot be made. We put the utmost quality into THIS ONE BRAND. vac; Jfio Tvx5g&m DOMESTIC! amel I V I M. t, UTROIM T0IACC0.CO., '-fl fi'r.lt.C.- It 'it