The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 27, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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TCe Lvehing Herald
r1 J. MCBRAV..
riUJJ). 80ULE .
.City Editor
Published .tolly except Sunday, by
me Herald Publishing Company ot
Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Stroot.
ntered at tho postotflco nt Kla
math Falls, " Ore., for transmission
through, tho, quills as aocond-class
manor. ;. i
.TheAssociated Pro8 Is exclusively
atltlod to 'tho use for republication
of tall news dispatches credited to It,
or not othorwiso credited In this
per nnd, also tho local nowi pub
iSkoi) heroin.
TiJiisuAV, M:ptkmih:r 27
the threshing machine
4 ir
V PnvltljElHWorth
I thlriki thut I havo noTer seen,
ABvbungry a tiling as n threshing
It stands all day with open mouth,
Kaclng either north, east, west or
Its Iron Jaws aro neer still,
A'rid'lts hungry mouth no ono can fill.
Its 'forked tonguos reach out and
-feel. :
And Its teeth aro set In bands of steol.
li chows Its tqod'wlth a rattle and
-roar, '
And1 Is never' contont unless It has
The faster Jou feed It, tho softer Its
voice, v
Th'o'song It then sings makes Its own
er rejoice."
Ii fills out" fair land with music
And it grinds out tho food for Its
pcoplo''to eat.
Some call It dirty, but I call It clean,
For what would wo do, without tho
Threshing Machine.
WASHINGTON. .Sept. 27-VWhero
do-all the lead pencils come from
end where -do thoy go? Although
.almost everybody has one, many
folks never biy ono, but oven so,
more than 7CO.00O.000 aro manu
factured for uso In tho United
States every year, using up many
thousands ot cords of wood.
But woods suitable for lead pen
cils aro becoming scarcer and many
manufacturers aro turning to pap
er. Red Cedar and Red Juniper,
says tho American Forestry Asso
elation aro the 'woods chiefly used
in making lead pencils. A hunt Is
on for other kinds ot wood that
will take tho placo ot these. In
East Africa a kind ot cedar lias
been found y(lth which experiments
are being moue,. Tna prouueuon in
th'eVUnltedX States Is about 80,000
cases of pencil slats per year. From
each case 100 gross of pencils Is
made. This results in about ono
billion pencils ot Amorlcan grown
cedar. Since ono fourth of this
number Is sent to foreign countries
that leavos 750,000,000 pencils for
the home market, which means an
nverago of seven pencils per person
figuring on tho last census.
As far back- as history goes manl
has tried to tnako things to mark
with and to set down his thoughts.
Tho (Aztecs and tho Pharaohs had
crude marking devices. Aa flnrly na
17C0 Kalm, a Swodlsh naturalist,
mado oxporlmonts with American
eadnr'In 1S12. William Monroe
mado G00 pencils nt Concord and
sold thorn In uoston but tho war
stopped his plans. In 18G1 Eber
hard Fabcr "began making pencils
on A largo scnlo In this country.
Tho graphite which makes tho
mark Is ct courso tho Important
part In tho manufacture ot the pen'
ell. 'Ceylon has furnished much ot
tho graphlto used In this country,
Grapblto is also found in Madagas
car and in Mexico. Czechoslovakia
contains deposits ot both tho am
pliorotis and crystallno graphite. In
the unltod States the chief doposlts
are in Alabama, New York and
'Pennsylvania. I
2,500,000 TROUT KOCH
GOEUR D' ALENE, Idaho., Sopt,
27. Tho state fish hatchery hero
has sont out 2,600,000 trout fry this
year, 'according to an official an
nouncement made this week. The
hatchery is now empty and Manager
Clark is gathering spawn at Elk RIV
cr.'It Is believed here that this seas
on's record will stand as a high
mark for the hatchery for a long
time to com.
Sheriff Whips Wife Beater
war woro undoubtedly a determin
ing factor In tho final rosult. Our
Curopoan allies concede that ,thoy
would havo failed to withstand tho
preparedness ot tho Gormnn nntlon
had It not been for tho assistance
ot tho munition makers ot tho
United States, Without theso auino
munition mnkors our own govern
ment would havo beon poworloss;
In fact. It would nover havo hud mi
opportunity to lorn rita asalstanco' to
tho allien, who carried the bunion
In tho early war J oars,
While tho government of tho
United States showod wisdom In
turning oor tho production of mil
Itnry explosives In 'small quantities
during times ot peace to (ho Indus'
The v hipping post lIo for nine years, has been restored to action
nt Baltimore Sheriff Thomas P McKulty Is sliown giving mo lasncs
ulth n "cnt-o nine-tails to Cornelius Smith who beat his wlfo with a
'rolllnj pin Smith Is also serving two months.
ors, but tho rosult ot proper pro-'lara in a single ncoldont. Witness
toctlvo tariffs has boon tho omploy-tho wnr-tlmo destruction of novoral
mont ot many mon and womon nt'powdor mnga7lnoB In flares that
good wngos and tho production ot lastod a frnctlon of a mlnuto, whoro
mnnufncttirod goods of quail. y mul tho vnluo of mntorlal lost nmount
prlco far moro Bntlrfnctory thnn tho od ns high as 250,000 In ono such.
Imported nrtlclo of rorllor jonrn. 1 accident.
In tlmo ot wnr It la not difficult' I hopo I linvo mndo It clear that
to enlist tho capltul ot tho n lvon- wo mnkors of munitions who aur
turor In wnr-tlmo pursuits Thoio vlvod tho rlflkfl to llfo and capital
adventurers nro roady to til. nd-'nro not among thooo anxious to ro
antngo ot nny situation. Their nont tho oxporlmont of war by pro
opportiinirlos ocn:- from tlmo lo ontlng tho establishment of pormn
tlmo, not through their own nmk- nont poaco. I conoldor President
lug, mid thoy uro disregarded by Harding's movo in calling tha dls
tho public ns promoters of war. On nrmamont conforonco a long stop
tho other hand, thoso Industrial In tho right direction, as It will ho
mnntifacturors who, through tho hold whllo pooplo ntlll havo In mind
production ot similar materials, tho physical horrors ot warfare, nnd
stand ready to help thu nntlon In whllo tho nations still nro nufforlng
No Munitions Concern Can Live by War Alone,
and When Conflicts Do Come They Are
Much More Likely to Bring Such a Corpora
tion Financial Ruin Than to Produce a Last
ing Profit for It
Chairman, E. I. du Pont do Nomours & Company
pursuit of agriculture, to which this
country Is well fitted, leaving Eu
ropo to manufacture from, tho raw
matorlals won from American
ground. Our government wlsoly
turned n deaf car to those propos
als, nnd, through tho levying of tar
iffs, gave to tho United States In
dustrles without which tho war
would not havo boon won. Tho
production ot steol, ot many chem
Icals and other products was. fos
tered' In tho early days ot protcc
tlon that mot such criticism, but
this protection was a small prlco to
pay tor tho ovolopmcnt ot manu
factures. '
Where Germany Outwitted Vs.
Tho popular conception ot a mu-.ln splto of, tho wars It has helped In ono industry Germany contrtv-
nltlons maker Is a slnlstor fight. Today wo nro sun Dusy " !""'"" ."..... ....-
ual with a deep hatred for poaco, unsnarling tho tangles that result- . -n iu r. ' . "
nnd a contempt for tho pursuits cd from our part In tho world war. the German government recognized
thereof. Ho Is pictured as doing nil, Wo aro by no moans alone In this," tho key to tho manufacture ot
in his power to fan tho flames of respect. I could name half a dozon.ccrtaln mil tary explosives not gen
distrust between nations, and to de-'great concerns that turned their on- "ally useful In other Industry,
light In tho conflicts that ensue,' orgies to war production that aro However, tho hand of fato delayed
since they create enormous and Im-. having serious difficulty In pulling the war sufficiently to enable tho
.. . y . ... i..- '.i.. 1. t. .,..... .imn t manufacturers of tho United States
meuiaio proms ior uw niiiniiauuu,, ,.uiuubu iuu ....v,.-..... -.-...,.. -( ..!., a,.i.
t miiort thi the nopular conccp- could mention a famous automobile prepa. .uu lu ...
tlon of tho munitions makorj In company that turned to tho pro
reality, It Is tho popular mlsconcop- duction ot airplane motors. They
tlon, icamo out ot tho tight without even
Consider tho E. I. du Pont do Ne-'a factory, and since then they havo
mours & Co., Vwlidfe history Is coin- not built a single car. Thoro Is a
.i.i.H, n,lnt nt Mmn llflth thflt of liniv iat nt Inrtllfltrllll rnnttnl
.... tr-i.-j H.nt. w havo fur- ti. if in hi. rnimrV h th Mt 'United Stoton the foundation that
nlshed a groat part of the cxplo-'War. now oxlaU for tho establishment of
. .. in u ihn witra in which. , .. ... the manufacture of dyes. In raw
!! 11 uJ States has engaged. . I"1War tlmC8' prlCe? ?T mn'' materials, tho United States Is not
tho UnltOd Stales Uas onguguu. Pll- mnlint bwnri Tlila I. Irnn ' ...
1 lnt Mnmif.nlii.Aiia still rrrnntnl
llllll imiiiu. ..v.....,...,, ,.... ,!.. ,, . , ,
.. 1..1 I... I,,,, u,-n I,, tlin t,rn. l"u "ullr "l "u"u ",u """""J tuu inim UtunollHU 11I1IIUB
niDUUlll iio .v-u.. o..w,. ,...- . . , ,
iiirKuiH ui mutu iui nun iu jiiu- againsi wur nnn iiiwnjra uuuu oiruiiKi
moto discord. 'added to thin auutlmont now Is tho
Could anything bo moro unlikely crushing burden ot taxation, ( and a
than thnt old and woll-ostabllshod disarrangement of all tho 'orderly
Industrial corporations should on- channels ot domostlo nnd Intorna-
...... MnH.llilH f .M.I.. Mull- .1 mk. AMM....M&
our European frlonds ndvlsod thnti. ... ... , , , , , ....
.1 i Mm iTnitni qinina '"? for ",a Bvest flnanclnt risk In has nn oxcollont chanco to achlora
should restrict themselves to tho l,' Preparation of Hugo quantities tho high nlnv for which It has bee.
UL H'L'1.I1I1 JllUlllIClff 111 llllll'O DU uii- l.'lllt.'U.
certain as n porlod of war? Again
tho enso ot tho E. I. du Pont do
Nemours & Co. may bo cited. At
motion ot genornl Industrial cntor
prlso, so that tho Unltod Statos was
prepared In many lines of manu
facture necessary for war purpooes.
It has not boon many years slnco
"Hack of the Man," tho Kay lleo
tho outbreak ot tho war wo had 'i"1. ZhJch w" bo. B"0H.n nt ,h"
capltnl nasols of about $80,000,000,
and omployodl nbout 6,000 men,
tfltlt ltltalnnaid nmnnriiAil n limit
26,000.000 per annum. Demands "n tho Tr,nnRl ,,r0Brnm
ot warroqnlred the Increase ot this
buslnoss to "over 1300,000)000 per
annum, tho employment ot 68,000
men, nnd tho Investment In factor
ies for tho production of spoclal
mllltnv nr,t.aLAti nt lHfl tht hfM '
...1, ,!..,., uiNusnvo '"'' " .1 .!, nt .. ....... 1. . 1..1III....
equal to 270 per cent of tho total' ' "V 'r. ..V .T . .. ,
assots ot tho company prior to the
war. '
7 1
,Tlio building of theso factories
been driven to -war a row years
earlier, thoro would havo been total
lack of preparation In a mast nccos-
sary lino of explosives and chem
icals. No moro cunning plan could
bo devised than to wrest frc.m llu
cessation of hostilities at any mo
ment. Falluro to produce on speci
fied tlmo would havo entailed most
sorlous consequences. Presenco ot
explosives mado the factories par
ticularly llablo to successful attack
by tho cnomy, requiring constant
guarding nt all points. Tho Intro
duction of thousands of untrained
men not only caused gravo risk
with rcspoct to tho quality of pro-
duct, but through possible careless
ness or lack ot Information, Intro
duced hazards whoso consoquonco
Thoroforo wo feel thnt our records
should show conclusively what war
will do for and to a maker of
No munitions concern can llvo by
war alone. During tho 130 years ot
tho exlstenco of tho United States
as a nation thoro woro four major
conflicts boforo tho world war.
They lasted about ton oars In all,
nr nhout 7 nor cent cf tho tlmo.
How could nny Independent corpor
ation keep Itself alive for 139 years
by turning out a product that was
only wanted ten years 01 inai mui
Tho manufacturer ot war ma
terials who was prepared to meet
tho emergencies of these years was
not supported during tho Intorven-
ir, timn hv nronaratlons lor tno
conflicts. Such manufacturers oi'
isted through tho ownership of fac
tories occupied In making peace
time products. In that way alono
thoy could stabilize tholr business
Most people buslnoss men In
cludedprobably think that war
has no dangors tor tho makers or
munitions. Tho truth Is that no
. t.. J. ...A
ono realizes ns cicariy u u n
makers ot war necessities tho gravo
finnnclnl dnncors of modern con
flicts. Even for a company ns
strong and firmly ostanusnoa as
our own, It Is a garablo whothor It
can successfully weather tho storm
Thoro Is tho need for Immediate
and tremendous expansion; mo
steady, oven flow of poace-tlmo
buslnoss gives way to a fovorlsh
rush for matorlals and labor. This
oxpanslon must bo accomplished
when thero Is a domand for monoy
from a thousand sources'. You
might assumo that our factories can
turn to tho making ot war materials
without changing their equipment,
As a matter of fact, our plants that
made powder for commercial pur
poses -could not turn out the ex
plosives used In modern warfare
Now plants, then, must bo erectod,
now organizations created when
labor is hard to find and not ovor-
Wars stop suddenly. The muni
tlons maker finds that bis market
has vanished overnight. Ho is left
with plants and organizations on hla
hands that are ot little value during
peace and these difficulties aro
enhanced by the depression that
follows conflict.
Our company has attained Its
present position not because of, but
Inflrlni- ThA bVIII nt Ita Intwtt- nnfl
Ma., ftf fnaJslHtfa . . , 1. I
Va...u.a..Jr . .uuuo.uwn. . tcchnlcnl men lg sufficient, but to
and many articles that go Into tho.c8tabll8h tho d Im, ... Cflm.
equipment, ot the fighting man. , . tfc Qormany cnougn Umo
Msuiuiunri ui Bu:.. ..rouut.B arc mugt bo permUed to work out
given an immonso and Immedlato
market at soaring prices. Yet man-
economically tho Intrlcato processes
that aro required for the successful
ufacturers ot theso commodities nro product,0n of dycs. ,atlor
not accused of promoting war for
can bo made, In fact, havo boon
tho selfish purpose of increasing mad0( n uMy c(Jua, t0 and rfon
prices, notwithstanding tho fact
excelling tho German dyes. Dut to
Your Hotel
that tho Increased demands of war dato conomicai Dr0ductlon throuch
do not rcqulro tho Investment' of lmprovemont of y,eld and oconom
tholr capital In spoclal machinery lca, dtapM,t,01l of by-products has
and suppllos usoless for peaceful not dovoiopod sufficiently to onablo
pursuits. tho ndUgtry to withstand unaided
Smokeloss powder, tha chief pro- tho competition ot Germany, whoso
duct ot tho du Pont company dur-, years at unopposed dovolopraont
Ing tho war, was tho only essontlal work give hor temporary advantago.
material whoso prlco declined dur- This samo queeilon has orison
Ing that period. Wo belloro that Is many times beforo in tho Unltod
a rocord. Now, what happonod to State?, and temporary Increase In
some 'of tho othor necessities? Tho 'tho prices ot productive materials
prlco of cotton on tho. farm soared has boen opposed by shallqw think
from 6 cents In October, 1914, to
approximately 42 cents In July,
1920; tho prlco ot whoat on tho
farm wont from 76 conts In Juno,
1914, to 2.G8 In Juno, 1920.
Our prlco on smokeless powdor was
roduccd from C3 conts to 44 cents
during tho war porlod.
It Is probablo that tow munitions
makers gained much financially
from tholr oporatlons. In tho caso
ot tho du Pont company, taxes paid
to tho United States government
during tho recent war not only ab
sorbed tho ontlro profit of tho com-.
pany on powdor Bold to our govern
ment, but, In addition, thoy wlpod
out all tho profit mado on those
powdors during tho preceding twen
ty years.
War Pnctorien Abandoned
Tho groat factories of our com
pany that produced powder during
tho world war wore created for
their purpose, and wero abandoned
completely when tho war ceased. It
is truo that the United States gov
ornment at all times maintained ex
periments, requiring tho produc
tlon of military explosives, but com
pared to tho Industrial business ot
tho du Pont company tho quantities
wero small not moro than 5 per
cent ot total production during re
cent years.
It is fortunate, indeed, that tho
United States encouraged the de
velopment ot munitions through,
private enterprise in preference to
government control. The nuclei' ot
manufacturing organizations avalla-
9 to the government in the late J
At the Center of
We suggest yov write, phone
or wire for reservations
Arthur H. Meyers, Managor
8trnnd Thcntor tonight tolln om of
tho strongest stories of business llfo
thnt Thomns II, Inco has presented
In some
Dorothy Dalton Is starred at tho
head of a cast thnt Incluilei Ch.irles
Hay, Margaret Thompson, Jack Liv
ingston and J. Ilarnoy Sherry
"Hack of tho Man" recounts tha
poctg who lctn ambition lead hli
heart astray from tho ono woman
able to guide him to the holghts of
Itffk Hilt lllut urtinn fill Hint tin lina
and tho production of 1.466,000.000 80UKnl n , wfly of malorn, pn)8.
H.n.t- A.Hn.lH. mnmA t ti n
yuuiiua ui ,..., ..,.. w.. porUy geong wUhn
purcnaso or an enormous uuauiii
ot materials In widely fluctuating
his grasp tho
young rami becomes entangled In u
imirilnr mvntnrv. Thn lutitinnf In
markets, and In face of POMlMehIph ho denreiI of ,,,,,,, ,,
at tha samo tlmo has bin ejes oponed
to tho real worth ot tho woman ha
had neglected mnko tho big thrllll
In n clcvorly constructed plot.
The Lewis family will havn nn on
1 1 rely changed program tonight
NEW YORK, Sopt. 27. A docldod
advantngo was gained by tho Yankees
In tho rnco tor tho Amorlcan lcagn
championship jestcrday when they
defeated tho Cleveland ball team bv
might amount to thousands of dol- an 8 to 7 ttcore.
ILeayeYour Films
Before 9 O'ciocK-Your
A.M Picturas am ready a1" 3 p;r
w S I . X
yngerwooas HwriWY
l pur'tv )
Sole agency fo r the largest Western
Milling concern.
Will buy your grain at top market prices
for cash. See or phone
Malin, Ore. and Klamath Falls, Ore.
You will be if you have that Watch
repaired by t
GEO.: L; METZ, Jeweler
622 Main St. Phone 72