The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 27, 1921, Image 1

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    Wcp ivmum 'Beralv
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Member ofjhe Associated Press
?AM v - i
Fifteenth Vonr. No. OUl
bAN I'KIMtO, t'fll., Hit. 87.
4 Two men, It. CSrlffcn and
Vincent PuubtlfcrK, wiuncii, lewt
their Hvth when tho IMI sank,
It Him officially luuiutiurod Into
4 today. Tho llilnl iuIhnIur mim
4 tviii HaUtl jw miim1 curlier In
tlic U)'.
BAN PEDRO, Cnl., Sopt. 27. Ear
ly today It wan linllovcd that tlirco
men loflt tliolr liven ns tho result of
tho sinking of tho United StntcA sub
marine R-6 In Loh Ango1o rarlior
last night.
An electrician naraod Snnulsborg
was killed whon ho was blown from
tho sinking craft by an explosion. J.
Droffon', gcamon, In roportoJ fo havo
boon Imprisoned In tlm n'liilccn :rafl
and anothar man In thought to havn
gono down with tho suliniuvlno.
Dlvors today nn vorklni; nlong
Ido tho Bubmarlno, undor -.r feet of
wator, Striving to fix hawser to
ralBO It.
It la posslblo that anyone who wan
lnBlffoWlKht"haVb roochod tho air
tight compartment. In which llfo
might bo Buntalnod for 48 Mourn.
Tlio craft Im thought to havo Ktart
d to nhlp wator through u to tudo
tube Most of tho crow had oacaped
through tho ronnng towor when tho
explosion rnnio.
.Gamblers Reported
to y Have Reaped a '
Harvest at Side Show
"auess which sholl tho little pea
Is undor, gents," tho old bait for
tho como-ons, was flung gaily to
tho night breezes again last night
beneath tho gaaollno torches and
tho -white top of tho Solls-Floto
sideshow tout, According to reports
mado to tho sheriff's offlco last
And tho como-ons responded as
nobly on ever they did In tho days
heforo tho nutomoblle, whon all tho
"hicks and haysoeds" woro sup
posed to llvo In tho agricultural dis
tricts. When Sheriff Low and ratrolman
McLaughlin showed up In response
to complaints of somo of tho vic
tims, tbo tables had boon foldod,
tho paraphornalla pockotod, and tho
gamblers had foldod their tonts llko
tho Arabs, and stolen as sllontly
away. '
Tho "skinning" Is said to havo
been complotod In leas than half nn
hour, but ono Indian Is sold to havo
lost $400 and another $250.
Another gomo In which a bot on
a enrd, If right, paid $10 to tho
wlnnor, had a big run. With a lit
tlo Judicious "copping," tho crowd
was started, and 16-yoar-old boys
took a lively part In tho gambling,
It Is said.
Ono Indian woman Is reported to
havo lost $180 at ono gamo, but tho
winner was forcod to rostoro $100.
Tho gamblors got out of town on
'the first section of tho circus train,
loavlng at, 10:30, tho otflcora said,
and no arrests woro mado.
Local Railroaders
At Sea on Strike
Local Tallroad men havo dlscussod
the recent slashing of tho engin
eers' extra board on tho Shasta dl
Tlslon of tho Southern Pacific rail
road, resulting In tho domotlon of
twenty englnoor, who were In
freight sorvlco, but duo to lack of
business, are now firing instead of
running engtnos, and the resultant
cutting of tho brakemen's extra
hoard. HnwfWPi
The reconsideration of the strike
vote takon last month by tho broth
erhoods also has come up in discus
sion, and much conjecture has been
, causod relatlvo to tho mooting at
'Cleveland In tho near 'future,
whether tho voto to strlko will bo
, carried out or whether rec'onsidera-
Ulon will take placo and the tbroat-
... V ... .. wnt. 1
.enea sime canea on. mo iwi
rxnen say they are at sea as to the
outcome. , ,
y, . -
Bank Near Salem
Robbed of $3340
By Lone Bandit
SALEM, Ore, Sopt. 27. Tho Oro
gon Htnto bank nt Jefferson, a fow
nilloa south of hero, vren robbed this
morning or $3,840. An unknown man
ontorod the bank at 9:05, shortly
nftnr It oponod, and, covering tho
lono bookkeeper with a revolver,
lockod him In tho vault and mado
nway with a drawer of cash nnd cur-
re ney.
Tim clork released himself by his
own offorts and gave the alarm. At
though thnro woro many people on
tho streotR, nono roallzed that a rob
bery hnd been porpotrntod until tho
ro M)o r hnd mado good his I'Bcape.
Tho hank's loss la covorod by Insur
Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. Thomas
and daughtor, Mary Charllno, last
night woro accldently iccalded in
ono of tho hot springs which
abound in tbo Mills Addition, whllo
on their way to boo tho circus. Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas were scalded
about tho ankles, whllo tho little
girl was burnod on tho limbs and
hips. Treatment was given them
at their homo by Dr. Truaz.
' Tho Thomas car was parked near
the canal, and tbo party woro walk-
Ing across tho spaco to tho tent in
i lie darknosB, and woro unaware of
tlm' many springs in tho place. All
thrco were precipitated into ono of
tho holos. Mr. and Mrs. -Thomas
aro olilo to bo about, -whllo the little
girl Is conflnod to the house.
James Jackson, agod 13, son of
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Jackson, living
on Routo 1, was anotbor unfortun
ato person to fall into the springs,
and suffered burns on the hands,
hips and ono limb. Treatment was
glvon him at a local hospital, whore
ho Is still confined.
H. L. Cobb, an employo of tho
engineering department of tbo Cal
ifornia Oregon Porwor' company,
wbllo on tho road to tho circus, foil
Into tho same holo whero young
Jackson had rocelvod his burns a
llttlo whllo before Cobb's left
anklo was so badly burned that
whllo dressing was taking place by
Drs. Massoy and Hunt, a portion of
the flosh camo off. Tho left foot,
hnd particularly tho anklo, were
badly burnod.
A numbor of othor peoplo woro
burnod slightly, but did not roport
their Injuries. Somo of tbo springs,
according to Dr. A. A. Soulo, havo
a tomporaturo as high as 180 do
groos Fahrenheit. Ono child scald
ed last spring, Is Just now recover
ing from her burns. ,
Confirmation of sale, in tho suit
brought by F. K. Klnsol against Ora
Kelthloy and L. F. Bailey Wherein
tho proporty of tho defendants was
sold by Sheriff Low, September 10
for $2,182.60, was mado in an order
by Judge Kuykondall today
An ordor extondlng tho time limit
to file transcript in tbo supremo
court, appealing tho decision mado
by Judgo Kuykondall, June 23, In
tho suit brought by Emma Freden-
burg Martin against John S. and
Dewey D. Horn for recovery of $710,
was allowed by tho court to the ap
pellants owing to tho court steno
grapher being unable to prepare
samo within 30 days.
An order of non-suit was mado In
the case of Great, Western Securities
company against Fred Duke and
John Flodln.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27. Tho
killing, of two American mining men,
H. C. Smith, of Vinita, Oklahoma,
and E. B. Kllslngbury of Los Angeles,
California, by Mexicans at Dolores,
Mexico, is reported to the state de
partment by the, vice consul at Chi
huahtta, ,
n h
Tbo county court this forenoon
held a consultation with Jack' Kim
ball, representative of the Weyor
hausor timber Interests, relative to
the preservation of certain strips of
timber along the proposed Jenny
Hayden Crcok, 14 mites strip of
roadwny on tho old Green Mountain
road which soon will be In course of
construction. Both tbo county courts
of Klamath and Jackson county havo
been conducting correspondence
boarlng on this highway for somo
tlmo and Jackson county has reported
that tbolr roadway has been undor
construction upon a 60 foot basis to
tho edgo of Klamath. ,
Tho county court hero takes' the
position In the construction program
that hoforo any work is done in the
way of cutting flno trees from tho
routo, as a matter of beautlflcntlon,
also for shade, bb many trees .ibould
bo left bordering tho right of way
as possible, also on tho outside
strips of the road. Permanency of tbo
standing timber Is rendered possible
by securing assurances from timber
interests who own holdings on both
sides of tbo road to leavo a protecting
rnngo, so that high winds will not
uproot tbo tlmbor In tho road. Tho
Woyorbausor representative stated
that within a month word could bo
had from the company, which would
very likely promise to assist in beau
tifying of the road as much as pos-
Jackson county urged tho court to
consldor a 60 foot highway all tho
way to confo'rra to their plan, but In
Klamath county, in most placet 40
feot is about the limit, but tho coun
ty court will take a 60 foot' basis to
act on, allowing 20 feet for future
construction. Action will take placo
on tho road as a result of tho confer
onco today.
Personal Mention
Jim O'Keofe, a sheepman of
Lakovlew, Is in town on business.
Earl Matthews of Medford Is In
town tor a short stay.
Mrs. F. B. Clark of Medford is
hero for a day or two.
L. Bernhardt of Malta was in
town yesterday receiving medical
attention for his hand, that was ac
cidentally shot about a week ago.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Everett' of Fort
Klamath are In town on a combined
uslness and pleasure trip.
R. G. Spink, owner of Idlercst, Is
spending tho day in town on busi
ness. .
Wm. B. Chase of Bonanza Is a
buslnoss visitor hero for a day or
Frank McCornack Is In town on
huslnoss from bis homo on tho big
marsh on Upper lake. '
George and Robert Fischer, who
spent tbo summer vacation hero, re
turned this morning to Oakland. Cat.,
to resume engineering studta In the
Oakland Polytocbnlc school.
W. C. Van Emon and Robert Davis
left this forenoon for an extended
duck and deer hunt. They refused to
tell where they would hunt as they
wish It known that thoy are not In
tbo class of hunters with W. W. Mc
Neally and others who hire deer
stakers to tlo up the animals for
John Canbope, representing tho
Ban Jose Meat Co., is in the city on
business connected with his firm
William, Hagelsteln, cashier .)t the
bank at Dorrls, is In the city today on
Mrs. James Blair has resumed tier
work at Underwood's pharmacy after;;
a two weeks' vacation with her tooth
er who resides in Alameda, Calif.
Miss Ruth Lindsay, who has been
ill tor the past few days is able to he
at her work again at the First Na
tional bank.
Dancing Is the latest necessity to
hit the toboggan and Join in a move
ment for a lower cost of llvjng. Rex
Ronner Is the responsible party ,or
the come down, having announced
that titty coat dances aiv to be the.
Vogue at the Moow -Hal). The now
... ' . .J
Considerable activity Is now taking
placo in tho county relatlvo to the
selection of the1 quoen of tho county
fair for the throe day pdrtod, October
C, 6, and 7, and candidates are be
ing put forth by friends in tho many
school districts. Ten candl&iUs havo
been nominated in tho raco and tho
standing at present Is as follews:
Dorothy Short, Ilonloy, 125 votes;
Vesta Buoslng, Lono Pine, 50; Etta
Hunt;, Orlndalo, 3G; Graco Cunning
ham, PIne.Grovo, 25; Cassandra Ben
singer, Swan Lake, 25; Opal Cald
iwelt, Ft. Klamath, 25; Laura Him
molwrlght, Round Lake, 25; Fern
Kooning, Miller mil, 25; Myrtle But
ler, Falrvlow, 25; Miss Bradbury,
Henley 25.
Tho campaign has Just started in
ojrnest to place tho crown upon the
brow of ono of Klamath county's fall
maidens and as tbo dato approuchel
for the event to close, the voting wfll
incrcaso at a fast pace. Practically
every school district haa within Its
confines ono or moro fair candidates
who aro worthy of bolng tho queen
but peoplo In that district must sup
port their choice by heavy voting.
Henley district now has two candi
dates entered and as both young lud
los havo many frlonds In that section,
It Is probablo that much frlondly
rivalry will sprtag up thore. Ft. Kla
math Is ono placo whero Miss Opal
Caldwell should havo undivided
strength in hor candidacy and It has
been' said that peoplo there will rally
to her support. It is true, also, say
friends of Fern 'Koenlng of the Mil
ler 'Hill district, support will "tome.
to hor from many sources, now' that
hor candidacy has been announced.
Secretary Hague of tho fair board
has been very III for two wooks but
Is reported better and vory likely
will bo ablo to take up tho contest
for the queen solution as soon as sho
takes up her duties again.
Tbo fair board has rocolvcd an
offer from a carnival troupe at Yroka
to appear hero during tho fair and
a tologram as sent yestorday to
send a list of attractions also tholr
price to appear horo. No deal has
been closod for tholr appearance. An
nouncement was also mado that over
20P head of livestock had boon listed
up to, date and that ontrles were still
coming in. October C will be cham
ber of commerco day and tbo pro
gram will be In chargo of tho cham
ber representatives. Speakers an
nounced for that day Include, George
R. Mansflold, president of tho state
farm bureau, and A. E. Lawson, of
Spokane,' field representative of tho
American Shorthorn Breeders' asso
ciation. L. J. Allen, stato livestock
club leader, will assist In stock Judg
ing during the threo days.
Two Arrested for
Alleged Aisault
Port Summers, Indian policeman,
brought Jesso Klrk and Louie Knlto,
of Chlloqutn to this city Sunday to ar
raign them before Bert Thomas,
United States commissioner on a
complaint alleging that on tho re
servation, somewhore In tho woods
between Williamson river uud Oillo
quln, tho two men waylaid Venison
John Saturday afternoon and pulled
him from a horse. After doing bo,
ono of tho pair was alleged to have
struck Venison John with a board,
also to have uttered throats of vio
lence. .
Port Summers says that 111 feeling
has existed between the throe men
for somo tlmo. Monday evening, a
message camo from tho reservation
officials ordering tholr releaso. Sum
mers'tays that new evidence in the
case is being prepared as Venison
John is a son-in-law- of Abraham
Charlie and the latter plans to bring
new information against the pair..
OREQON Tonight and Wodnos
day fair, except In tbo northeast por
PTiee is to he inaugurated tomorrow
evening and it Is expected that the
announcement will prove very pepu
lar, - '
Alleged Rustlers
to Be Tried in U. 5.
Court at Portland
Fred and Charles Hood, Indians
from tho reservation will bo tried
Thursday In tho federal court at
Portland on charges proforru 1 by the
United States government In which
tho two men are alleged to havo stol
en threo stcors last Thanksgiving
from tho reservation, They are alleg
ed to havo sold tho stolen property
to Pote 0 roves at Chlloquln for $1 CO.
Port Summers, Indian policeman,
tracod tho cattlo to Chlloquln and
later arrosted tho Hoods. Kuhpoi-nas
wore Issued by tho court for Mr. Hut
to of Yalnax, Josh Williams. Wilbur
Eggsman and Port S,ummors. Tho
four iwltnosses loft this morning for
Tho forum of tho chamber of com
merce' tomorrow will deal in sinl
tary condition prevailing In tho Rail
road addition and will be In chargo of
the chairman of tho sanitary program
committee of tbo cbaii'bor, J J; FUr
ber, Mayor W. S. Wiley and Dr. H.
D. L. Stewart, city health officer will
dollvor tho addresses on this sub
ject. Tho directors of the crambor met
today at which time all this chairmen
of all 'tbo coramltteos were present:
Roports wore mado on. tan work done
by the committeo on Parks and
Camping ground by Chalrma'n'Delzelt
and the committee on AgrleuIUral
Develepment: J.'M VimiinA C T.
Darley, in charge'ot the two divisions
on this work each mado roports.
Tho question of the city Indebted
ness which Is a vital problem facing
tho community was laid over at tho
request of tho members of tho city
council who tonight will suggest a
solution of tho matter pertaining to
tbo $55,000 Indebtedness duo nn pav
ing bonds. A meeting on this problem
will follow Tuosday ovenlug. October
4, In the, chamber whan Chairman
Itoopor of tho special csmmlttoo ap
pointed to doal with thl matter will
report what action to take to assist
In raising tho indebtedness
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 27. Zeh
Provost, show girl at the Arbuckle
party, testified today that Arbucklo
followed Virginia Rappo lnto-n room
adjoining tho ono whero the party
gathered, and'thrce-riuarters of an
hour later whon tbo door was opened
the women found hor fully dressed,
her hair down, moaning "I am dy
Later Arbuckle said "It jou don't
stop yelling I will throw you out the
"Wo were having too good a tlmo
to notice what time Miss Rappo and
Arbucklo lott the party in hir suite,"
replied Miss Prevost to a question f
the defense. "Miss Rappo sort of step
ped into room 1219", sho exclaimed,
"and at tho same tlmo Lowell Shor-
man and Alice Blake went Into room
1221, another room opening off
1220. She said when Arbucklo fol
lowed Miss Rappo sho did ne: hear
any bolt turn. She said sho followed
Sherman and Miss Blakp Into room
to room 1220 she found tho place
to room 1220 she found ten placo
empty but Mrs. Delroont and Ira
Fortlouls appeared on the serine ho
fore long. Mrs. Delmont was then
dressed In pajamas said witness;
MANILA, Sept. 27. A fight be
tweon a detachment of the Philip
pine constabulary and a' band of Mor
oa at Parang, on the island of Jolo,
resulted In the death of a Filipino
lieutenant of constabulary and two
members of tho Moro band. 8overal
wore wounded on both sldvs. ,
'J , . f
Sheriff's asrf-veHee etfteen
busy today raaataf 4ewa retort at
burglaries aad ether cites IbWw
Ing in the wake et jislTsTi
The ost mHobs loss wm i
ported by, B. S. aricsbr.
the Orlgshy family wm
terday, between 1 aad 5 o'clMk,
their home at 7,21 North Matk
street was entered aad
from roof to baeecseat.
articles' takea. ,
Entrance wn effected tfctwtk
the rear' door, which wm ImmmC
with .'a .hook. The tktorw mlatf
the hook from -the oataMe.
In their raasaeklas; taey rr
looked nothing, even taklac tka
key to the car aad 14.17, wUea
was Baptist Sunday ecMoi ateae?.
Mr. Orlgiby today aaMtied ta
following list of nlMlag yroaerty.
besides the key aad Sunday aeaael
meney: Three gold' wauaes, nn
rings, oae man's sew emit, five eet-
ton shirts, three silk shirts, aew $10
traveling bag filled with a!a daaca
tor's clothes, several Mir of gtarM.
underwear, $15 carving eet, tw;
fountain pent, oae silver aeaetl, Sol
lies, preserve, 'caaaed atMk aad
miscellaneous elbtalar. '
One pair otjglovee wm restored
from the poeketa of a 14,5 ovoreset.
showing the taoTOugaaaM af "aao
ransacking. - Tae coat fii aat
takea. '
Oeaor Ylaeao aaaafoal
The officers eaid today ttet xaere
....,. A.mM tiua tmrmmi Im to mm
teft4leiaaWfa;VaaBa aa
not '.ppeartVake fera'eee
plaint, they were rather say eat
exact data.
The home of F. C. Bamber, S14
Washington street, .wm reported to
have been entered. A home aoita
of the railway, track wm also aar
glarlzed and halt a dozen shlrta ar
reported to have been taken.
The police are not inclined to be-
llevo that the burglaries were coav
mlttod by followers of the clroaa,
but by local talent which took ad
vantage of the ahsenco of aaaaa
holders during tho afternoon aad
evening performances to loot thtr
home. '
Capener Bound Over
to the Grand Jury
Tom M. Capener, charge with man
ufacture of liquor In a house at Elev
enth and Wordaa. avenues last (week
was bound over to the araajtJatr:
yesterday afteraoon by'Jadae
hagen after a hearing. Ball waa Ue
ed at $500 and. after aa.i
ful attempt to raise It, Capeee
confined In tho county JsIL
Alonzo Smith, charged with carry
ing concealed weapons, will come up
this evening in Justice Gsghagea'a
court at 6:30 o'clock for a hearing:
Portland Lawyer Is
Apoplexy Victim
PORTLAND, Sept. 27. Wirt Mln
or, prominent attorney of the firm
of Teal, Minor and Wlnfree, dropped
dead in his office today of apoplexy.
Teal, Minor and Wlnfree are well
known rate attorneys and conducted
the case for 'Klamath Falls in the re
cent freight rate hearing at 8aa
Suit has been filed i& the circuit
court by the Butte Valley State Bask
of Dorrls, California, against R. A.
Mitchell of this -county for the opllec-.
tlon of $1028.78, alleged to be-due
on a contract for A building la se
cond Falrview Addition; A raeenaa-
Lies lien has been filed i: the same
application byrjobn Thorson for the
sum of $519.60 forwork on tho pre
mises of the building. ,j-
Attorney fees of $1(0 ar Mked
on the first complaint, and $100 oa
the" second, t ,v-