Til THE EVENING HERALD KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAM FTVK MONDAV, BRITEMJIKll Wf, 1KU; A vr EWHS WIN FROM JEWELS by 17 TO I Tho Rwnuna bnsobnll team yes terday afternoon boforo a grandstand filled wlth'rootors defeated tho Jew el team by the dcclstvo score of 17, to a aided by tho Inspiring music of iho Klamath Falls band, under tho direction of Fred Sootuk, band mast- or. There was somothlngjlolng cvrry mrnuto of tho' gamo and when there wero no quips shot out Into tho flotd to teaso tho players, selection by tho Wad filled In tho void. Athlotla stunts wero Indulged In by tho Jowols and Dwnunas prior to , tho game, and a footrace between the team mombors from tho score bop.nl to thq grandstand wan a "sci'cam". Bach toam tried to "fudge" on the other In order to win tho $S worth 'of free harboring and, also a meal ticket good at tho Jowol Cafe. Tod , Montgomery won tho barberlnr, jirlzo and Tlodenhclmor tho "oats". Tho .rejuvenated Ewauna team yesterday afternoon played run I ball anil woro as different from tholr Inl- ' tlal appearance In Juno as daylight Is from darknoss. Ileal teamwork was shown whllo tho Jowol team was slightly off color. Fallc, tho now pit chcr for tho Jewels was hit freely at critical times and tho Kwaunas won by batting tho ball at such times. 8barkoy Hutchison was up to his us ual good standard and pitched n gamo which reflected upon his i list showing, this gamo bolng bottcr'than ,nny past oiporlcneo. Tlio EHrnuna team now hai a Kood , chance to win tho pennant nnd tho 'Jowols still havo a fighting shr.w. From tho conversation hoard by tho . Jlwauna mombors, tho next contest which their team flguros In will bo a rovolatlon ns Manngor DagKott lino ', boss "un played card8 up his sleeve." Following Is tho scoro-kccpcrs tally: Wwnnnn All II II 1"0 A K ' Ocrgcs, c 5 3 4 0 3 "0 (lay, 2 1) 3 3 2 4 0 1 ICsuston, S3 3 2 112 0 jjK llortenhclmor, 1114 1 13 0 0 JjJiCJorty, W 4 2 2 0 0 0 Carson, CF 3 2 2 10 0 Cerhlno, HK no 10 0 0 , , Wilson, 311 3 10 3 2 1 . Hutchison, I 4 3 4 9 2 0 ' Totnl 34 17 17 21 9 i AH It II 10 A K V.Sninar, LP 3 0 0 0 0 0 "Uunlap fli 3 1 1 C 0 0 T. MontKomnry, C 3 0 0 2 3 0 Cross,. UP 2 0 0 10 0 I.uo, 211 2 0 12 11 Norman, 311 3 0 0 10 2 Falk, I 2 0 1 6 2 Q Southwell. 83. 2 0 0 3 0 0 , J. Posplsll, HF 2 110 10 Total ,22 2 4 21 7 3 Hroro Ity InnUiKM II H K Hwaunas 0 S 1 1 6 4 0--17 17 2 Jowols 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 4 3 Ilattorlcfl Rwaunas, Ilutchlson & Gorges, Jowols, Falk & Montgomery. Kummnry Karned Runs, Hwaunas 6, Jowols 2, Home Runs, Cody, Bodonholmor. Two Diiso Hits, aorges 2, Hutchi son. Ilaso on Balls, Hutchison 1, Falk R. .Struck out, Hutchison 8, Falk 6. Hit by pitcher, CroBS, Houston. ' Umpires, Montgomery, Dr. Noel. Tlmo of gamo, 2 hours, 10 min utes. ,- 'Arcade Hotel Bus Now Runs Daily, Chris Dianas, proprlotor of tho Arcado hotol, has Instituted tho first froo bus sorvlco ovor tried out In Klamath FallB, starting tho handsomo new 20-passengor bus on Us work Friday. Passengers ar riving In tho city woro notified that no foo was chargod for taking thorn to tho Arcado hotol. Tho now bus Is a handsomo aft fair, noatly arranged and commo dious on the inside. A porter as sists the passengers with their bag gago, and access to the soaU Is mado easy by threo low steps at tho Tear. ' The Metropolitan garage was the builder, and except tor 'the motor It la a Klamath Falls product. COURT AMOWS SAM3 Sale of a loaso and potato crop, part of tho property of tho Dixon es tnto, is allowed Besslo M. Dixon In an order Issued by tho county court Saturday, setting aside the order of June 26. The property Involved to valued at f 6B0. HE'S NOT DOING SO BAD AFTER ALL 4- ' 3oN' IM WAV ahead I i vvS fillp) of T&e Procession l 1 LITTLE HOPE OF GETTING WELL OREGON MAN BUFFERED FOR FIVH YEARS NOW EATS, HLV.KVH AND WORKS FINE "I oat hotter, sloop bottor, and work bottor than I havo in years, and Tanlac dosorvos tho crodlt," said Thoodoro Dates , R. F. D. No. 3, box 113, Portland, Oregon. "I had stomach troublo In Its worst form for at least five yoars, and tor tho past two or. three years was In such bad shape that half the tlmo I wasn't ablo to do any work at nil and was scarcely ablo to drag mysolf around. I ato barely enough to sustain llfo, and oven then. I suf fered torturo at times from Indiges tion. I was so nervous I got very little rest olthor day or night, and In tho mornings I would got up with n splitting hoadacho. "I had very llttlo hopo of over being woll again when I started on Tanlac, nnd It cortnlnly Is romark- nblo tho way this modlclno has rid mo of nil my troubles and flxod me up so that I fool bottor tttan I have In many years. Tanlac nas.cortain- ly dono a good .Job for mo." Tanlac and Tanlac Vegetablo Pllts sold by Druggists ovorywhere. Adv. Airplanes to Take Census of Elk VISALIA, Cal., Sopt. 26. Alr plnnes will bo used to holp dotcrmlno how many oik roam the plains be twoon tho Tohachlpl Pass and Kings River and Elk Hill and Bnkersflold If tho govornmont authorities grant tho request of J. 8, Ifuntor, of tho stato fish and gamo commission, for tho machines. Preliminary flight's woro mado rocontly in a survoy of tho oik hords. No nccurnto count has ovor been mndo of theso, natlvo. California oik which havo boon Increasing qulto rapidly In rocont years. Tho wlld nees of tho country has procludcd ground oxpodltlons from bolng a sue cow and tho first air flight showed that this could succood If tlmo woro allowed for n numbor, of flights. Tho California oik onoo roamod tho ontlro stato but In tho early '70's had dwindled to about two pair whon tho slaughter woo stopped by order of tho Mlllor and Lux firm, which owned most of tho San Joaquin valloy. Slnco then the elk havo in creased nndor state protection and tho fish and' gamp commission Is now anxious to ascertain their approxi mate number. 23 New Members on University Faculty UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Bu geno, Sopt. 26. (Special) To fill tho places loft vacant by resignations and to provldo.for tho large growth that has come to cortatn departments, 23 newfaculty members of the Univ ersity of Oregon are heTe, ready to take up their work at the opening of the tan term today, REFORM HOHOOIi DOTS IlUUiDING OWN SCHOOL SOUTH PORTLAND, Me., Sopt. 26. Inmntos of tho Stato School for Doys, a reform Institution, afo build ing a school house for thomsolvos. Thoy dug the collar, built the forms, pourod concroto'for tho foun dation walls and placod heavy boams In position. Now, thoy aro doing tho moro ndvancod work on tholr brick building, using bluo prints undor tho supervision of artisans. ! General John J. Pershing, photo graphed as ho left Now York for Franco to ropresent America at th burial of Franco's "unknown sol- I fiVAK" 1 HMnSBBmsVBBsVBBBl mtrtttf SmlSESmmmM!iiiS . MsssKBBsrtsaiiBMkaMasjtxBMssltdnsBwsasaeii h tHBiiHa Klamath Falls , Mattile and Granite Works 1040 Main St STATU TO OWm LECTURES ON HONEY INDUSTRY. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 26. Lec tures on bee-keoptng methods are to be given at Berkeley and Los Ang eles noxt December by government and University of California authori ties under tho auspices of the Cali fornia Stato Bee-keepers' Association and tho Utalvorslty. , The lectures will be given at Berk eley from Docombec 6 to 17 and In Los Angeles from December 5 to 10. Make that Idle OoUku- work I Put It tm the bank. Eyes Made Equal It your eyes are not working together If one et them h unequal to Us tk you are under a great disadvantage. If your eyos are not serving you proporly, everything you do will be worse than It should be tboagh. seeming right to yon. Think what this means. How easily ai reputation lor skill, may slip away from you and your earn ing 'sapaclty lessened!' You 'ean only be at your best while both eyes are giving you tholr best service. It they aro, not, wasto no time In hesita tion, bnt sail and let us make a eareful examina tion. n H. J. WINTERS GRADUATE OPTICIAN Phono 149-W. 70S Main St. 1 i T LET tho departed enee be honor cd overn in the grave. 1. the sculptured marble sHrecS our foot stops to the scene et their long sleep; IVet the chiseled epiUpb re peat their Bumes atfd toll where re poso the nobly good and wise. i Longfellow., Klamath Fall Strand Program Pleases Patrons Tho Lowls family at tho Strand thoator, yostorday dftornoon and evening pleased their audiences, and with tho big featuro film "Tho Mask", mado a program that gave all patronc a plentiful entortaramont for their monoy. Mr. Lewis Is a clover magician and Introduced somo novo! tricks. His wifo Is rated as ono of tho best lady ventriloquists on tho American vaudovllto' stago and her work was appreciated by thoso of the audience who care for that form of entertain ment. Tho Lowls tots, boy and girl, are coratag artists. In fact, In some features of tholr part of the program they may be said to havo arrived. The boy was especially clever with the drum and their singing and danc ing specialties made a big hit with the crowd. Jack Holt, one of tho actors In "The Mask", was formerly a Klam ath county cowboy, It Is said, and recognised on the screen by friends In the audience. Tho picture has a gripping plot and contains thrills In every Inch of the film. The same picture will .be shown tonight, with a change In the vaude ville bill. Tomorrow night there will be another change qf program. , DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Untied Stittw Xb1 OftVe, Lakovlew, Oregon, Sept; 16; 1011. Notice la hereby given that John T. Cotman, A. F. Walter Krosso, and August L. Andrleu, alt of Merrill, Oregon,' has applied for an oil and gae permit, undor Section 13 of the act of February 26, 1920 (Public, No. 146), for, First: ' Beginning with tho north wost cornor, of. tho SWitt -of tho NWU of Section 15( In Township 41 South, Range 10 East, W. M.; thence ono mllo'E.; -thence; 140 rods south, to tho California line; thence west to Intersection of the Klamath Lake moandor lino and tho Oregon-California line; thenco in a northwesterly direction to tho intersection of tho Klamath' Lake moandor lino with tho wost line of Section 16; thence north to point of beginning, containing 164 acres, moro or less. Second; Lots 3-4-5, Section 12. and Lots 3-4, Section 1, Township 41 South, Range 9 East, Willamette Meridian, containing 82.66 acres, more or low. Third: Lota '5-6-7-8. Section 2, Township 41 South, Range .9 Ernst, 1 -, X HEALTH IS JOY AFTER A LINGERING ILLNESS MONDAY HEALTH TALK (BY DR. MAIiUrTT) There aro many forms of lingering lllnoes from which women suffer that make constant Invalids ot them. Ono of tho most hopeless ot these. Is what is known as "bone consumption." It Is a alow disease usually,- and unless chocked, may keep its victim an inva lid for years. Whether chlropractlo to beneficial or not will depend, on conditions, the pgo ot tho patient, tho duration of tho dlseoso and tho stago at which it has arrived. But undor ordinary circum stances thoro la good hope ot success ful correction. HEALTH FOLLOWS CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS PRESSURE ON SPINAL NERVES IN DISEASES OF THE FOLLOWING ORGAHS: ,HEAD EYES ,EARS 'NOSE THROAT -ARMS ky-nuwi tv-inur.c OLIVER STOMACH 1 PANCREAS ' SPLEEN .KIDNEYS J BOWELS 'APPENDIX. ALADDFB ISpiiui wslowu urns The lower nerve UNDERTHE MAGNIFY ING OLASS IS PINCHED BYAMBAIIGNED JOINT. PINCHED NERVES CANNOT TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL IMPULSES; CHIR0PRAC TICADJUSTINO RE HOVESTHE PRESSURE. THE UPPER NERVE IS FREEAS NATURE INTENDS. DRS. MALLETT & liiALLETt Office, Over Underwood Dry? &iori Phone 539-J for Appointment W. M containing 49.90 acres, more, or loss. Feurth: NEV4 NB4 Section . Township .41 South, Range 10 Bast, W. M containing 40 acres, moro or loss, all In Klamath' County, Stato ot Oregon. 'Any and all persons having ad vorso or conflicting claims to said! land 'aro hereby notified that ei full statement, under oath, of such claim should be filed In this office together with an application showing a super lor right to a permit 'or loaso under said act or- in Hon of such applica tion, b showing of a valid existing? advorae or conflicting claim to the, land or tho minerals therein under tho public land laws, on or before the 27th-day of October. 1921: oth erwise such claim may bo disregard. ed in granting the permit or leas applied for. JAB. T. BUKUEHB, S-19-26-O.3-10-17 Register. --i i ii xtBaam. Baked 3ms & Limeh! - baked ki Just-fh YouWl,e JheWay, ' rmyrv 73keh6m&9 i . i. ,r. 50 NO. 8 rfWMMVWAf Uncle Dea Says: "Health has tho right- ot way on tho Road, to Suc cess, Newy, but you'll find sick ness runs a lot of sidetracks." WMAVWirWwV UFFERED FOR YEARS AND I NOW IS WELIj "I was taken sick at 'ago 16, with a sorero white swelling." I was under tho care of sovoral physicians and finally In consul (atlon they pronounced It "bone ponsumptlon," 'and incurable. I pas In bed three years' and sut erod altogether fourteen, years ., before I turned to chiropractic. I am woll now and feeling fine." Statoment ot Pearl, Wright, signed jointly by G rover 'Wright, .Pearl Wright and Mary Wright, i '.j ' i Chlropractlo Research Bureau, No. I1277W. WHEN HEAITH BBGINS de pends on when' you telephone' 539-J tor an appointment. Con ' sulfation is without eharge, t