"ffrfW "Vewm THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, SKPTKMBKB SO, 1031 PAGE) TWO The Evening Herald T J. MTJIUtAY.. NUCI) BOUIiU - ..K(Utor -City Editor Publlihed Ually except Bandar, by ITka Herald Publishing Company of Baaath Falls, at 119 Eighth Street. . . , tared at the' postoff Ice at Kla IMth rails, Ore., for transmission through the malls aa socond-class attar. OF THb ASSOCIATED PRESS. .The Aaaoelated.Freia.la exclusively bstlMedno the use for republication t aH.nawa dispatcher credited to It, m, ,aot otherwise credited In this aiar, and also the local news pub Swar .herein. ,. . . , ifONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1021 in cm MWWWWWWVWVWWWWMAAMAAAAAAAAMVMMAAAAAAAMAAAAAA ID CELEBRATE NN B BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Sept 36. Birmingham will celebrato Its fiftieth "anniversary Oct. 24 to 29 with an "exposition and historical pageant de pleting the development of the ' Booth's leading industrial city from the building of Its first houso in 1871. Today the city haa almost reached a population of 200,000. 'President Harding has arranged to visit Birmingham on this occasion, pending tho entire day of Oct. 26 here. On his arrival he will ride at the' head of a parade in which ail the' military units of tho state will participate. His guard .will consist of 1000 members of the American Le gion In uniform. Later In tho daytho President will he the chief speaker at tho laying of tho cornorstono of the now Mas onle 'Temple hero, which has been under construction for nearly a year and will cost $1,000,000. Tho event 'Will bring togothor membors of tho fraternity from all over tho South, and a number of its dignitaries from beyond. President' Harding will also' mako an address' at Birmingham-Southern Coliego at, exsrlscs of welcome for the college's new head, Dr. Guy E. ftnavely. The pageant will bo a record of Birmingham's remarkable Industrial development. Its chief episode will show tho mining of coal, iron oro and limestone within sight of tho steel plants of tho city, fabrication of plates for shipbuilding, their transportation down tho river to a subsidiary of Birmingham's steel in dustry that builds great ocean liners, which in turn carry tho city's Iron and steel all ovor tho world. No oth er city, It Is said hero, equals this combination of favorablo circum stance. i Other episodes , will depict tho faith of tho pioneers In naming their vill age after tho great English manufac turing center, their unshaken confid ence after the crash of tho first great boom, tho acquisition of the Tenncssoo Coal Iron and Railroad Co. by the U. S. Steel Corporation at the tlmo of the 1907 panic through the assistance of President Roosovolt, tho ten? yoar period starting with 1900 in which .trie city grow from 38,000 to 132,000 and its transition since 1910 from a sourco of raw ma terials to a mnnufactury of all kinds of finished Iron and steel. 0'BIUE.V FUNERAL- HELD Tho fuueral of Frank O'Brien, who dlod last week at tho county hospital, was held this morning from tho Whltlock chapel, tho Iter. Father Molloy officiating. Santa Rosa Plana Pork for Burbank SANTA nOSA, Cal Sept. 26. Ground-broaklng exercises for San ta Rosa's now $3,000,000 Burbank Park will feature this city's Home kComlng Festival being held this week.. t Luther Burbank, plant wirard, who Is to lay out tho gardens In the park, wU movo tho first, shovel of dirt. Tho park will occupy a 40,-acro tract adjoining Santa Rosa, to the north. FINED 5 FOR ROW IN BHATTY POOL ROOM Johnnie Hutchison, proprietor of a poolroom at Beatty was fined 1 5 and costs In the Justice cout for using a billiard cuo on the porsons of Oscar Barkley and Floyd Brown on August 20, 3, ; , , A fly walks, In proportion to its size, thirteen times aa fast as a man can run! THE NEWSPAPER MAN By EDGAIX A. OUKST (Dedicated to my friends, tho nowspapor mon.) Bit of priest and' bit of sailor, Bit of doctor and bit of tailor, ' Bit of n lawyer. And bit or detoctlro, Bit of a Judge, for tils work is corrccUvoj Cheering tho living and soothing tho 'dying, Risking all tilings, even daro-dovll flying, Truo to, his paper and truo to his clan Just look Iilm over, Uio nowspapcr man. ' Sleep! There awcn'tlnW that ho'U do with aillUIe, ,Work till his nerves and his temper are brltUo Fire, cannot daunt alni, nor long hours i disturb him, Gold cannot buy him and threats cannot curb bimj Highbrow on lowbrow, yoar own speech ho'U' hand yon, Talk as yon will to him, ho'U understand yon; He'll go wherever another man can That Is tho way of tho nowspapcr man, ' Surgeon, 'if urgent tho need be, you'll find him, Ready to help, nor will ditstneaa Mind hunt He'll give tho ether and never one falter, Say the last rites llko a priest at ,tbo altarj Gentle and kind with tho wek and the weary, Which is proved now and then wh his keen eye grows teary, Facing all things in life's curioas plan That is tho way of Uio newspaper man. i - -. , - ,'.'! One night a week may ho rest from his labor, One night at homo to bo father' and neighbor, Just a few hours for Ids own bit i of leisure, All tho rest's gazing at other men's i pleasure, All tho rest's tolling, and yet ho. rejoices. All. tho world is, and that men ct bo voices Who knows a calling more glorious than The day-by-day work "of 'taoj newspaper .man? (Copyright, 1921, by' Edgar A. Quest.) J.Mmjii'nitf.'iivriTf i'i' i" - -r ' " " r "i--i rriir,innnrwvw nan.iuuLiiJui.il i- NEW TODAY LOST At Huckloberry patch. Ronn horse branded with halt moon on left hip, and bay horse, diamond "C on loft shoulder. Send information to (loo. Wright, Chlloquln, Oro. Reward, 26-1 WANTED Woman for gonoral housework", Call at Clerk's offlco court houso botweon 8:00 and B:00 o'clock. 26-28 LOST Between Klamath Falls and Long. Lake, package, containing dry goods from Mob's, Storo. 'Finder loavo at 'Apt. 206 Winter's Bid. 26-28 WANTED aralnthaullog with B ton track- van aaK. ;i 20-1 Soldier Grandson of Klamath Chief h Buried With Honors SILE7TZ, Or., Sept. 26. The body of Private Paul Washington arrived hero lost Saturday and Sunday at tho Methodist Episcopal church a short address was mado by Rov. Wal ter Ross, pastor. The funeral was a military one, conducted by, tho Aldon Abhoy post of tho American Legion At T Vrio chargo of th. firing squad and Kit wood Towner sounded taps, Tho ser vices were hrgely attended by the pcopta and ox-sorvico men. Paul was the son of Isaac end Emjiy Washington. Ha was tho grandson of Eubchlof Pushwiab, ono of tho bravest of tho Klamath wur-riors. Llouteaant C. F. -Lock-rood had 'year. At tho beginning of this year Can ada had a total trades union' mem bership of 373,842, a Blight decreases from tho figures of the preceding FOR SALE OR TRADB Ono A No. 1 Bicycle, wilt trado for a hoy's slxe or sell for cash. Address Kilo Cook., Nowa boy, 429' Commercial. ;36-28 A good bed and a good bath at Colonial rooms, 11th near Main St., and 741 Walnut Ave. 96 FOR SALE 9 m. 12 Hartford Saxony velvet tug, A fumed oak -Library table, 1 two burner Florence oil stovo, 1 child's whlto enamel bod, 221 Washington St. Tel. 832. 26-1 WANTED FEMALE irELP Refined educated Cathollo woman, interested In church extension, to do several months work along this lino. Salary 21 per week Olvo phono and ad dress. Address X, Herald office. 26-27 FOR 'RENT Heated sleeping room, bath adjoining. Rent Reasonable. 522 Klamath Ave. Call after 6. 26 FOR RENT New 4 room Call 441 Michigan Ave. house, 36 FOR SALE OR TRADB 100 acres of well Improved Willamette val ley land for Klamath Falls farm. A. Wclnorf, 930 9th St. 26 FOR RENT Oct. 1st, Two family furnished house, close in. Phono 276W. 26-30 WANTED Good reliable lady to stay with, children for ono wcok. Stln son Photo Shop. 26-27 NOteOH FOR SALE) Choap Tho army storo .building; to bo moved. Oct.. let. Prlco 11260, S2G0 cash, bal $50 per month, Intoroet 6 por" cont. You poo plo with vacant lots, horo is a ehancn to got $50 to $75 por month rent, Tho Klamath, Oarage on 6th street, brick building, 60 by 104, stool root, cornor on alloy, lot CO by 104, 6th street paving all paid in full, $2500 worth of machinery and tools in cluded, everything, for $12,500; $1000 'cash, bal. $200 por month, int. 6 per eent. Buy this and pay rest to yodraolf .and have something to show for your money. You can't dup licate thla lot and building for the prlco ankod nnd (ha 'tools and nines Inorr thrown in, I wllUbo In Klam ath Falls Friday, or boo It. 13. Smith, roal ostato dealer, ho has authority to mako tho papers for you, W. W. Fordnoy, 26-28 O. K. H. NOTICE Rogujar mooting of Aloha Chapter No 67 O. E. 8. Tuesday, Hopt. 37, Mason lo Hall Visitors welcome, KATB D. 'PEYTON, W. M. 2$ MASONS ATTENTION. Stated communication of Klamath lodgo No. 77-A.F. ft A. M; will b hold this ejenlng-at 7:30. 406 Main St, Oood attendance la expected, L. L. Oaghagon. Secretary. ' 86 Mako that kBo dollar work I it in tho bank. Pat Kodak Work LeaY Your Filttvs 'Before 9 OcIocK-Ybur 4xi Pictufas am ready at 5 DUU aa a - T V laJLATlAl n TALilXk UR&UUn TfTrrf V WHBRK PArtTrCULA KOPLK tftf JffTvl - BUY TMeiR DRUGS lARjgA ifUto- 1 Jf c&fi pfl OEu lACrUfiAfrrl THE KLAMATH GRAIN EXCHANGE Sole , ( affency fo r the largest Western Millmg conceirxi. f Will buy your grain at top market prices for cash. See or phone BOLDISCHAR AND VOCHATZERj Malin, Ore. and Klamath Falls, Ore. VWWWMMMWWWWWWAAisV'WNAM1SAAAAA BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsVS3BpksBEsB?IMH-" IT BBBsl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'BBBBBBBBBBB mt 1 iVll m ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT 9B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBIBBBI BBBBr aBBBBBBBBBBBBBk. ft BBBBBBbI A ffc rnr--UKjBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBr '.- " 4 1 J H SSTI 1 nfPuTVVaaaBBBBBBBBBBBSI i bbbbbI SIbbbbbbbbIII II ' w igH M Mi i -j ' I liaiWML BBBBsE!!ZZS3BGaWIBafc BBBBBBBBBsSKt'!' Why Rob Your Home? By doing without a VicitroTa,' Piano or Playerpiano you are robbing' your home of Musicone of the most en joyable of home' pleasures. . Many people carelessly say, "I can't afford a mu sical instrument," while in fact they can easily pur chase one with the money they are practically throw ing away. , When you know that nearly three years' time is 4 given in, which to complete the purchase of a piano or playerpiano, and as small an amount as three dollars a month for a good Victrola, you can readily figure the covnenience of our purchase plan. We get in this world, just 'about what we plan, work and save for so there is no better time to look over our stock than "right now" The' many sales being made each week is the best evidence to us that Quality, Low Prices' and Terms do get the business. Again we say: "WHY ROB YOUR HOME?" JEARL SHEPHERD GO. Only Exclusive Music House. .. 507 Main, Phone 282-J VWrWrMAMaVvVWV rr T " " irivrrVVVVVVrinJVXrvVXrVAAAAAAnjAJ Iv .bVIbbbbbbbbbbbbJ f' f J I l,r M