BATUIIDAY, BKTTKMBKn M,W PADK NVH THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ELEPHHITSSH-. STYLE FOR HERD Kns'nnd Mo and Kioto and Mamn aro performing elephants, and thoy h.vo conntltutod thomBolvcn a board of censorship over nil tho othor ele phants' with tho Soils-Kioto circus, earning on M on tiny, Haptnmbor EG, to Klamath 1'ulln. llocnUBO of tholr su- lorlor"oducatlon thoy aro Tory "np UUtRO Wliu inn pucuyuorui ucium ran clover .'than thoy. and. nil for thn olophanta which can not porform woll, ono Hhoald aco Kob and com pAny Blip thorn tho scornful raze. Kna It wan, who found a narao for the quarter. Being a woll trnvol t olopKnnt, ho ban plckod tip a fnd ot rending bIriih on box cars. "Wo nunll bo 'Tho Dig 4V ho whJsporod behind his trunk to Mo, nnd Mo IMAflod tho word to Floto and Mama. Hint lfed to othor thlngfl. Soon, "Tho Itlg 4" bogau to toll tho othor 'bulls' how. to carry tholr trunks In parade Tho putlont, kindly momboni of tho (Ito Bolls-Flolo hordn havo ftllowvd thomsolvos to bo Imposed mon to tho oitont that now thoy ylold tho centers of tho thrco rings to Kns and his pats In tbo performances nnd copy tholr tablo wonnors. Bo, If In tho big monngorlo tont of tho circus, you find mook olophanta that aro alow tb reach out for peanuts, do not pans thorn by, but pfor tho Rooborn to them twico, Tou won't hayo to wait long, for Kab and Mo haro a toughltlmo restraining tholr humblo undorMudlos' weorncss 'Jor poanuta. Of course It Ib hard for tho trainers in iiuL"Tho UlK Four1' In tholr piacoa for thpy roally aro chnor uctore. Most circus men concodo that Kioto wia Uama! nro tho clororwit pnchydormH that o'vor porformod. Thoy aro all of them groat lorors of tho emiaron, and It Ih alnioot Imposslblo to bo harsh" ftlth olophnnts that euro for rhllilrun ns do tho 8olbFloto hordB. In tho opening opectado "Tho Mrth of tho nalnbow," Mama. Kioto and twolvo othor olophanta carry May poles nrnl ballet glrla danco at tho rndB of ilowins ot rainbow streamers which radlato from tho poakH. All of tho Bolls-Kioto porformlng horila aro prcflontnd In tho rings and on tho track of girl tnilnora lllnncho Woll, Stella Howland, Uthol Hamilton, Idah Dolno and Marcla Kalclgh. . m will. vnitCK AWAIU) OK WEST HUNGARY TO AUOTMAN OOVT. PARIS, Sept. 24. Hungary must i. thn noar futuro ovneunto Bur- .nii,n.i n,- Wnt Hungary, which i.t A.Biln liv trAalY. , or was uwurumi """' - .'.; to forcibly oxpollod by aiiiM. tho council of ambaBsadora na,"" ,..' ' . ,. . , 12 notified Hungary Vaudovlllo nt Strand Sunday. 11-24 WEATHER RECORD tlereattor Tho noraia will publish tho moan and maximum tempera ures and precipitation record an tak en by .tbo U. 8. Reclamation service tatlon. Publication, will covor tho day provlouB to the paper' Issue, up to 6 o'clock of tho day. Pre- Max Mln. olplUtlon 1 81 38 3 71 ' "31' " 4 76 38 Sopt. Sopt. Sopt. Sept. E 80 6 ... ..o 4G ' 48 40 AS i: 43v 14 " - 16 8 Sopt. Sopt? 7 .-..-.TB. Sopt. 8 UoptV 2 flODt. 9 78 71 ..7 gopt? 10 78 Sepfll T Sept.' 12 8 fleptr 13:.......71" Sept 14 16 17 18 if 20 21 22 23 ..TO Bop Bop Sop 77 ........ii ::.,,.6ivr ..G8 '...60 " ....73 --.77 ....74 77 48 4G 44 29 SC 33 38 s- Bopt Sopt Sopt SoDt Bop. ! DANCE at U u : MALIN jSatarday Eve., Sep-, tember 24Ui Fo-' peeds to be ued for t Union High School. Music by Jazz orchestra. H 1 Med ford Sportsmen ""Get .Good Bags pfff thxeks in Klamath MEDFOKD, Hept, 24. Bprago Holgol utiil Jflck Merrill, two wolf known iiportB'nonlof Qold Hill, hiivo Just rouruod) from Klamath county With Ian .first lurco bag ot diiclu of tho uoaiiiin Dudcti nrj very plotillftil In tho xot'in of Tulo taiko Bay the mortsman, itntl bolwcu.x thorn thuy baggud forty ducks In nbout an hour'n.Bhoqtlng. Tho sportsmen uro Just aKitatanitastlc ob.iut thn nou llulck "4" that took t-om to the huptlng i;roUJriri and back on four KnlloijB of gr, a dlsUnco of clghty nlx trilloH HoVornl other partk'B of local HDortHmon aro planning to mako trips to IClnmath' county during tbo next fpw dars, Including ono led by Mr. Dcnnlson, 'ot tho Modfonl Auto Company. Mr. Drmnlson In one ot tho boat known, Sportsmen In this coun ty and.frlonda aro gottlng their uppe tlto ready for' a big duck dlnnor when ho roturna. Western Mills' Are Now Cuttina 80 Per Cent Normal Tho-Wookly Lumber lloylow of the West Coant Iumborinon's Association nays that for tho woek ondlng Sop tombor 17th, nlnotynlno mllln In WVfltorn, Oregon, and Western Wash ington report production at 58,270, 239 foot, which Is twonty por cont bolow normal. Now business totaled 63,683,1G8 foot. Shipment totaled 49.343.74C IWrt. Kor dollvory by rail now business Included 1,334 ears; rail ahlpmonts 1,204 cam. Unshipped balance In tho rail trado wan 2,963 cars. In tho cargo trade, domestic ordors totaled 13,187,038 foot; export 10, 376,120 foot. Coastwise and intor coastal cargo shipments tolalud 8, 176,020 foot; oxport shlpmonts C,- 047,120 foot. ytwl disouhs katino LOS ANOELlfS, Cal.. Sopt. 24. UnBtronomy will bo dlssoctod, care fully oxaralnod and probed In ordor to lnqulro further Into tbo wnyn nnu whorofonia of tbo eating bnbt, that incaiiB may bo found to propagate It and oxtond It. ln.a natlonaj mooting hero Octobor 3, It will bo a national Ileatnurant ConTontlon and mnn montnl tidbits aro bolng proparod by national londew to expound to tho dologatou. ULAIMH IU: CAS TKAUH PLANO PKAVINO TO A.W'OXi: K. It. Clark Is horo to Introduce 'thn WJUorman Bystum of piano In lin Wjitorman BTstuni of piano In ... . h, h h nMyon0 can iwiiii iu y" M ,.... ... wookii. oractlclng ono hour dnlly. Mr Clark, haa Just coraplotod Instructing u, largo cias.H in Moaioni. no bjiohi sovon moatbfl thoro. Mako that Idle dollar work! Put It la Uw bank. Tho English cotton Industry em ploy 600,000 "worker. Kodak TL4j J I i I Leave Your Filttvs V V fietore 9 OclocK-Your sSii51f!ictes, atia rC MJttxATO'FAlXS OKEGOriTFrij .VT7 WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE Li BUY THCIR.DRUU9- f i ' rlM4MMMWWHWt4H44TH44W44W PA IN li-E? t 5 trt ) Tonight . SCANDINAVIAN HALL , Excellent Music by ' . Robertson's! Orchestra' 'Admisionft85c -' Extra Ladies ,8 -WfAid'Wbbfckl& I ' iifliiiiK- kb m4 IHHKI' tiiitixi, y4wii'3f' w ' wmnmmMmiF mmmmmmAi wmim '".r.'IT.V.T' .yfliH JR T fH ms&m xtm Mlnta Durfcc Koscoc (I'attj) Arbucklo. movlo comedian, snapped ns nho left Now York for Ban I'rancUco to aid her hunbnnil, utin f liplil In connoctlon With Utlio death of Vlrclnlu Ilappo, fllm builtlo and his wlfo liava bc.n bcu onitcd for Bomo time. MAltKKT ltm'OHT POJlTIAND, Sept. 24. Cattlo and sheep stoadyj hogs slow; eggs two to four cenU higher, guying prjco 3C to 38 contfl, whites 40, scllng, cand led 44 ccuts, soloctH 60; butter firm, nn Ki:LliOWB OONSIDEIUNq EXTENDING VOlKiE OVEK8EAB TORONTO, Cnuada, Sopt. 24. Tho sovereign grand lodgo of tho . wlfn ol Independent Order of Odd Fellows i . In session hero Is considering ox"poR SALE Smnll houso and two tondhig itho activities ot tho order jots GO by 140 oach adjoining. - ri..AA nn.1 nthnr nnrtn or inn IU UUIUfW - . -.- -- - world. TRENCH FLYER KILLED ETAMl'ES. Franco. Sopt. 24. nantntn nnmmnnnf Frnnch aviator. holder or tho world's spoed rocord, for ono Kilometer, was khico i . raco horo today. ' Shelby H. Carter, a rcsldont of, Texas, but 'who has boon spondlng .... . tin iiimmni liArA. left On mis marnius a im uuo.w, .- enter tho U. ot O, for tho coming year. i. . ,l AMnln AM VllVAIIA in' Work readr afct5'M- iaccvracy! V --nSr I , TAKRB -PAUPMl'S .OATtt , ''Txl Therr bf'KUfaattt FallsJ toik YfIo'pau'por''Bbalh In" tho fodoral court of Portland this wook. .ho jube com pleted Borvlng a 30 day's sentonco In jail on a liquor chargo. Thorry was flnod 10p by United States District Court Uean, but not having funds Horvcd It ont In Jail. i m Cypress has me reputation of be ing he most durablo of woods. It was much used by tho anclontB, and was omployod In tho original doors of St. Poler's, at Home, which, on bolng romovod after 660 yoaro, woro found to bo porfoctly froo from docay. NEW TODAY 6 o L08T Will GTory lady who was a membor of tho study ciud lasi year try to locate tho Stato Book Olbbs "Now It Can bo Told" and vory much obllgo, tho City Mbrarlan. 24 POR BALE 1919 Ford touring car. Call GROW. calKins-uonoison in- suranco Co. 24-27 WANTED Oood net second hand harness. Call Sutton's Storo, mo doe Point. 24-26 POIl IlENT Hoatod Blooplng room, hath adlolnlncr. Itcnt rensonablo 022 Klamath ave. Call aftor 0. 24 Tnlnnlnl onn room cabins for housekeeping, 11th noar Main St. Ono cabin vacant. z 1 vn.t rAtt In Vnnur wtlftf niltfl vertobruo out of vlaco drive up tlio cast Bldo of tho lako to ,Fort Klam ath. r. 1,018 u. unagos, v;niroprac tor. Over First Stato and Savings Bank. 24 WANTED Qlrl for goneral house work. Phono 177P.., 447 Alameda, 24-26 crm 1 1019 Font tnuHnc. feood condition. 1-1920 Kord tour ing 1 used uoago touring n. a. Wskofleld, Contral Qarago. 24-20 Ono and two room apartments to lot. two room ytv.vv, singio m.uv 812 Oak St. 24-30 FOR RENT Throo room furnished apartment 444 So. Rlvorsldo. 24 FOR SALE Good sowing machine. Cheap. 1206 Pine St. 24 WlANTED Clean cotton rags. W. O. Bralth Printing Co. 24-26 FOR SALE Cood used piano in f Ino condition. Inqulro at No. 7. Com-1 morclal St. near 6th. 24 VBin CARS Prices cut this wook from $C0.00 o $200.00 each. Your torms. Havo a look. Klamath Qarago, Phono 140. 24-20 MinflO lo Duvuiutiu. . Tvrw.v- . ---- . -,, S300.00 cash. Dal terms. Phono D49W. 24 KLAMATH FALliS m Xy- liJV Lj HI VB llflluH m JTJIM I" i "pi. m t u ; J 3 V'J 3KT To-WHomlt May Cencern: ''Wl'ii -a M UK uiiueraiKiicu . . copyrtgnt privileges, in - tne angina v , sizes, of a number of pictures heretofore made by C. ?., Miller and the Miller Photo Company, having purchased dame from C. R. Miller on the27th day of February, 1917. L , All parties are therefore warned hot to reproduce any of said pictures (par ticularly in the form of post cards) nor to sell,, or offer them for sale, if made by any other person or firm than Under wood's Pharmacy,. No restrictions are claimed as to the right to make enlarge meats from said negatives, nor as to sale of dame, nor is any ownership claimed in what are known as "pano ram" pictures , Anyone making copies of said nega tives without license to dd so will be held to strict accountability for penal ties and damages; ' C. H. UNDERWOOD. Klamath Falls, Oregon.1 September 24, 1921. t,4l"HiH Utlllllllll'l WANTED Two Good Newsboys To Deliver Papers After School Must be over 1 1 years old Apply HERALD T . . . . A-.AAJ. aa4.4.4.'2: lt4Mll j ' -a' A good bod and a good bath at Colonial rooms, 11th near Main St., nnd nt Colonial nnnox, 741 Walnut Avo. All outs'ldo airy rooms. 24 port BALE Tenthouso, 10 x 30, ooulty In tot. Will soil or trado on- car. Excollent Oarland rnngo J2G. Kltchoa cablnot J8. 1404 Pleasant lAvo. "' Moil Sep. 26 iRCUSi MENAGBFffl? bimmmiNBot 3 RINOS STREET RMWPi 'jqWNORSHm lEDmUMANLEO riT. DOOBS OPKN -liFiRM Wntiil Riorcrpct rirrii vvVWHU rfcvvfc wwvw A In the World : One Day Only r ,r J- .-m -s i ii yl,Ti' :.V is the? owner ''of . . i f & - I 1 1 M OFFICE A stiff mlnn Is rood for a dummy- In other .' people every 'vertebraa should bd movable. Dr. Loll O. Bridges, Chiropractor. Over . First Stato and Savings Dank. 2 BOYS WANTED Tho Herald cao uso two good boya as carrlors to dollvor papora nftor school. Must bo ovor 11 years. Apply at Herald Of fice. i i " . t;' , i ft i . '4i ' i -JV fS, .. , i fytXJUL-, l l'? I riK JnPA'l i4Uiir- r,r K 4fTf - M '- K "?' 'I. , '-- , ; i 'm i V - V. I 44444444444"lWM4i ) Uw..'ii ..ww""