The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 24, 1921, Image 1

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Member of. the Associated 'Press,
Klrovmii Vimr. Xo. lll!l
fr-y i ,. - - . rf, ""ifiWV) new' ,r v ,
I'M Jltlfcl" ... ,. -r - m 1 M A. I
:. T V
- - " n
l y
Alonzo Smith wus lakon Into cus
?tody last night about midnight by
I'ntrolmnn Ooorgo McDonald on an
alleged chdrgo of being tlio person
who hold up both Paul Robertson,
son of W. H. Robertson, nnd L. C.
Hhlrloy, a harbor, yesterday ovonlng.i
Paul Robertson, a driver for tho
KUmath Superior laundry, was de
livering bundles on South Sixth
street last night about l7 o'clock,
nnd as ho ncarcd Walnut strcot n
man standing near tho walk called
upon him to halt, nobortson, In
stead of halting, put on power In
tho 'car and shot forward. Tho car
at tho tlmo was In low gear, nnd It
was this factor which nobortson ro
lled upon to get him cloar of tho
hold-up artist. Tho mottor wns ro
ported at tho pollco Btatlon, nnd n
dragnot at onco put out by tho po
llco. " l
About 11 o'clock, when L. C.
Rblrley, n harbor living nt 1520
Johnson strcot, was going homo
from -work, Just boore ho crossed
the hrldgo over tho canal near tho
Modoc hnsobnll park, ho observed a
iiian about ten foot away on tho
' djlvoway of tho bridge K com
mand' to '.'stop" was not strong
enough to halt Sblrloy, nnd moro so
when tho stick-up nrtlst reached
for his hip pocket. A mad raco
aeroiH tho brldgo took placo bo
tween Shirley nnd tho hold-up man,
Shirley claiming that ho loft tho
hrldgo twenty feet ahead, Repeat
P( cries to halt only served1 to In
cfcano Shirley's- speed. This hold
up wns reported, and quick work
liyi Patrolman McDonald resulted In
tho Vnpturo of Smith near tho scono
of tho robbery. A Smith & Wosroii
revolver, also o Lugor revolver found on Smith nt tho pollco
station. ' '
' At tho pollco headquarter this
morning, Shirley Identified Smith
nii tho man who tried to bold him
up on thp brldgp last night. Smith
refuses itm talk,- and assorts, ho Is
not tho man wanted.
Hundred Odd Fellows
Honor State Head
Over 100 guests woro prosorit Inst
night at tho Odd Follows hnll h'eld
for tho Grandmaster of tho stato,
M. R. Illggs, of Prlnovlllo. AJargo
dolegatlon of Odd Folows wgra
prpsont from Merrill nnd Donnnza,
atW when tho banquet was called
tho tables woro taxed to caro for
tho crowd. A flna meal was served
and Tlurlng' (ho ovonlng, ,Jn a woll
prepared speech Or nnd Mnstor niggs
related tlio accomplishments of tho
Crdor In tho stato, nnd oxnrossed
his gratltudo for tho splendid rocop
tlon glvon him horo by the lodge.
Victim of Woman's
Rage Is Dying
' "'I u
F. Hanan, shot early
24. Mildred
yesterday by
Mrs. OracoIiilwes, her formor chunV,
In reported by surgoons to bo sinking
rapidly. Peritonitis has set In.
Tho Joalousy theory 1b re
putlated by relatlvos and friends of
Jlrji l4awos,,who expressed tho belief
' sksvEwas temporarily -uerangou oy
R. R. Publicity Man 1
Will Boost Klamath
fur rnl T.nn Itoa rnpnlvnil 11 lAtiAT
t, tivo 'sv.r"--t """'-'- -Hf": i
from Robert O. Woyh, lecturer ror
the Union Pacific railway systoin,
who wbb MM Leo's guustavhllo horo
during tho summor ona' ylslt to
Crator Iako nnd .oilier s.qela places.
Mr. Woyh was greatly impressod'.wltA
Klamath's sconlo grandeur.. Ho so-J
cured many pictures ana is now injur rocovary or si, auogou fp
York.Drenarlng a series otloc-
withbich'q oxp'oits tp odu-
cate-castern pepple in rcgarQ to mo
wonderdllltdan'oryithfttjln westorn
J ill irj swOsi fi iln tho'Crater-Lako park,"
can show them.
Severe Storm la
Headed for Oregon
Says Weather Man
. SAN FRANCISCO, Sopt. 21. A no
voro utorni to moving rapidly south
east from tho north Pacific oconn to
ward Orogtjn, tho we'athor bureau an
nounced today. Strong southeasterly
gnles, shifting to n southwesterly di
rection aro predicted for tonight and
probably Sunday. ,
Tho Portland bureau's prediction
for tonight Is rain for tho western
part of tho stnto and fair and warmer
for tho onslorn portion. For' Sunday
thora Is ujlkllhood of -rain, with frnsh
to strong southerly gules.
Tho campaign foMiUbscrlptlbnii
tho 150,000 fund for establishing
Klamnth nodoo, association Is
.1 . ..... i. . . .
ur. miy, uui owing to a lack or
. ...,
of tho project It so far
hns not dqvolopod a large amount
of enthusiasm.
Tho promoters of tho plan nro
socking In tho ofollmlnary, slnae to'
asccrtnln tho sontlmcnl of tho com-
munlty. Tlioy nssert that by sccur-
Ing permanent grounds and equip-
ment a placo for an uunual rodooj
that will attract thousands ofvlslt-
ors to Klamath Falls will bo pro-!
. .. -- --
vldcd; that a market placo for
livestock shows and sales will bo
established that will aid tho live
stock Industry; that n badly needed
automobile camp ground will bo so
cured and ,thnt facilities for staging
races, -baseball games and ,. other
sports will bo obtained,
"To bo successful and pcrma-
ncnt,-"j6nyB W. T. Leo, secretary of ('tcrrltory to see In Oregon that It
tho temporary organization, In n was decldod, ho said, at a recent
clrculnr loiter to porsons whoso sup-' meeting nt Mcdford, that Southern
port Is sought, "this Institution j Oregon would not ask them to
must bo self-supporting. To 'boomo horo, but would bo willing
self-supporting It must tako up ill- that they conflno tholr Invostlga
verslflod activities, and must ro- tlons to tho northern part or tho
colvo tho hearty .and unqualified state. Lator on thoro will bo an
sUpport of tho community nnd tholothor homoscoklng tour -which will
town. Tho program mapped out by visit Southorn Oregon. Oooreo
tho ossc-clatlon should provldo thoso
Interests nnd activities." '
Tho JGO.000 capitalization 1 dl-
vldcd Into G.000 shares, par valuo
$10 each. Thoso who'woult! rocolo
'direct benefit from tho trndo of
tourists or from thp visitors to tno
annual rodeo, aro expected to bo
thot hoavlcst subscribers, but( tho
plan In ono to appeal for financial
nnd moral support to every resl-j
dent of
tho county, assort Its
Bradley, president of tho
county fair association, said .today
that tha fair fconrd wns supporting
(ho projoct, and would do nil In its
powor to bring tho matter to tho ,
attention of tho public. ,
"K It IS going to result in mu
ben'oflt that Is claimed ror It, said
Mr. Rrodley, "wo want it
If Jthoro"
Is anything wrong with tho program
Wb want to know It, and wo can
plan a campaign or oducatlon, On
which tho pooplo can decide wheth
er or not thoy want to endorse tho
pVoJoct."J I
With tho $50,000, or such tan
amount as can bo guaranteed, bo it
moro or loss,' it' Is planned to pur
chase 40 acres nf woll located land,'
Tho ground would bo dovojoped
with the follcwing ends In view:
A pormanent county fair ground,
Wtb a quarter muo iraciu; -gra m-
stand, pnddock, etc. j, r ,
County picnic .ground, with , run
ning., water and ' sanitary " convon-
. '. . . X' , ,1 '' ,AL ,J
lonccs, snauo irees;anu cuiuiiujk i-
.Standard basoball diamond, and
crandstand. . ci- n r. F, I
An l-aut6t 'camp-ground providing
all t,ho facilities- for tha tourlsts"that
VbllUI U4U)tVllD llUUtlHHHHHi u'
lora. (, . 3
iCA tcontlDUnco In the civil act
duo J. Wv Landruth from "Willi
qrjfflthsOt forstr!al In JudgoU)
nagenja court inisaijornopn wat(
mutual agroemonti of both, parties
tothe sultieet over until Fridayj'Sop-H
torabor 29 at 10 o'clock
PORTLAND, Sopt. 24.-- Eight
homescokers from Nebraska and
Kansas arrlvod Thursday In Ontario,
where they woro met by a delegation
from tho Oregon Stato Chamber of
Commorco und escorted on an auto
trip through tho farming districts of
tho stato,
Tho pnrty will urrlvo In Portland
noxt Tuesday, nVid Tuesday ovonlng
will bo tho guests at u dinner of tho
stato chamber. - f
Tho parly wns organized by J. n.
Hourlng, agent of tho stato chamber,
who ha been In tho Mlddla West
during tho last summer. It was ex-
i noctcd tho party would bo c'onslder-
ttuly Inrncr, but owing to Inability of
to! arolor'1 t0 '""kot their products,
anany who planned participating In
lin-H1'10 tT'f Oregon cancelled their ro
jlli.lltaltM. I
In ii letter received by tho' statu
chamber, Hourlng say8 .that during
tho summer ho hns personally Inter
vlowod 3000 Mlddla Western farmers
and has distributed 2G.000 nieces of
literature dcscrlptlvo of Oregon,
Many termors have been hard hit
during tho last two years, according
toIIourlng, nud with crop talluros
this year nnd their Inability to sell
tholr corn of last Tear, they aro fln-
anclally unablo to come to Oregon,
although mitny or them plan migrat
ing to this Btato within tho next year
or two.
homeseokers will probably
not visit Klamath on this trip, said
Secretary Stanley this mornlngTho
party is small, and thero Is so 'much
Quaylo, secretary or tho State
Ichambor or Commorco, was presont
nt tho Med ford mooting, and favor
c,j this plan, said -Mr. Stanley.
Many tiX-OerVtCe
Men Are Recording,
Discharge Papers
County .Clerk DeLap has been busy
(luring tno past week (lllng soldiers
and jailor's honorablo dlschargq pap
ers, preparatory to tho recording of
tho dlschargq .with tho loan board of
the stato soldier, bonus dopartmont.
Applications for loans aro botng made
by tho Oregon ox-sorvlco men nnd
tho local bankHxmve been assisting
iiiu upiuii-aaui mi uui innir uianns
Many ox-sorvlco men have their
lionoriible'dlscjiargo papers'coji dod
ip iiiu m caae-.oio8s,'ot ino original
by -fire or'; otherwise, Uhe'county re
cords will show all necessary data
should hejlnfutufp'years desire to
havo the record reproduced In home
steading,' loan application or forjotb.
or porsonal -reasonB.-yTho recording
fee Is'smnlPan'd the record is per
Stunts tot' Crowd '
.'at Game Tomorrow
i i
Tho .city Wseball league tomorrow
plan to put on a stunt" prdgram dl
the basoball game between tho Ewau-
na and Jewel teams consisting of ball
throwing, batting balls, a fooraco
between tha Jewel and Ewauna'tenms
foriUOO yards,' tug of war, I ball
thrown highest in air and a number
of othoj lncdontal4-toits wh'are'by
ball players 'are gaugod and should
the cornet playerKOt, tho Klamath
Falls band appear this afternoon! the
band will bo, on hand to serenade tho
game attendants.
)'On Supday, Ootobar. ,2, tho jiand
win givo a concert in tno niternor-u
at thoball grounds and tho music
loving- public Who aro fdnd of mart
ial band music will be given a tivn't.4
Tho publlo will' know , tomorrow U
IHU vuiuob yiajui urrivos IU llUlt U!
u Hiiuui tuueen win iuko place, pn
again at the ball grounds, i
Tho Grand Central Public Mar-
kot prcscntod the usual scene or
whirlwind buying and selling this
morning, nnd tho forenoon's busl
ness gavo promise tbat last Satur
day's record when 3,500 persona
attended the market and spent
$1,800 would bo broken. ,
Market Mastor Cramblltt said he
estimated j there wero 30 stalls in
operation today, against 25 last
Saturday. '
Twolvo-pound cabbages from
Klamath county soil wero a, feature
of tho vegetable display. Mammoth
yellow squasiies .closoly rivalled the
cabbages, as on Indication of Klarrt
ath fertility. ' "
Fino, crisp celory from local gar-
demi was another product that took
woll ,,wlth tho buyers. Fruit was
offered in wide variety.
E. N. Woodhouso, Merrill apiar
ist, reported a heavy trado In honey.
Purchasers of samplo cans last Sat
urday woro back this morning for
larger lots. Mr, Woodhouso stated
that ho was having: no trouble In
marketing bis, product,-and that the
homo market was mora convenient
and moro profitable than shipping.
Working peoplo took advantage
bf tho 7 o'clock opening, Land did
brisk buying before going r to work.
Mr. Cramblltt said $150 Was left
at the market, by men and women
on. tho way to work, who would
take tholr purchases
thorn this evening.
homo -j with
Last Saturday four .squashes and
a bag or potatoes -lirore loft over at
tho end ot the day's business, al
though an enormous supply of pro-
duco woe on hand In tho morning.
Mr. Cramblltt mentioned this to
tho reporter, who asked If ho hoped
to dispose ot all the stuff In' the
market today, and said ho had no
doubt tho stalls would bo bare by
night. "J
Apparently the market Is estab
lished. Buyers seem well satisfied
with pricos and tilghly approclato
tho opportunity to get fresh, homo
grown vegetables and fruit 'and dl-rect-from-tho-farm
eggs, chlckons
nnd other products, arid the sellers
aro gtnd or a chance to ' transform
produce' thnf'in some instances
would bo red to stock, or perhaps
totally wasted, Into ready spending
Salvation Army to
Open Headquarters
Tho building at 123 South Fourth
strcot Is being, romodolod this weok
to Borvo as Klamath county hoad-
quarters: or tho branch or the Sal
vatlomArmyidurlng the comings win
tcr..Tho Oregon staff ot tho army de
cided to establish a branch horo two
monthB ago.- Occupancy will, be giv
en, during tho fqropart of thq coming
week. Painters aro freshontngup the
interior today, u j , '
Tbei opening, meeting will bo held
tonight-at 6 o'clock nnd-the officers
extendi a special,, invitation ,to itho
public to attonda Captain i Briggs, In
charge ot. tho Salvation jArmy poet
at Mcdford, wllhasstst at this meet
ing. -There .-will also be services on
Sunday as follows, holiness, meeting
at li;a.J'm.; Sunday Reboot, at 2:30
p'. m.',nnd-'salvation1 meeting at 8
Husband Denies'''""
.T ,., Wuijlty Charge
The of Mary. Jano Eggaman
apalnst Wilbur Eggsman wiis start
ed' yesterday tftornoon before Ju,dgo
ii. 'V., Kuykenda,ll in flr'cul court.
The' plaintiff , Is suing for divorce on
vtho grounds of cruelty, Chorges wero
aiioeu. mat ino ,uaiepaani .noa oat
and abused' her at various tlmos.
, Testimony wasr taken, again,, this
morning, tho doten'dani ben,callod
io thVstand. Eggsman, flatly, denied
abusing tho, plaintiff at" any tlmo nnd
alleged tFiat, hja 'mptneivjn-ja was
at 'the bottom, of his .domestic, trou
ble's. Both .parties In sthe suli'iare
Klamath' Indians' residing near'bh'ii-
oquln. I
British Gov't Has
Nothing' More to
Offer Churchill
LONDON, Sept. 24. British re
cognition of Irish claims of Indepen
dence as n condition to a conference
were novor askod by Sinn Fein, de
clared Arthur Griffith, a member or
the delegation chosen at Dublin to
confer with Lloyd Qoorge, In an In
terview .with the Dally Main's corre
spondent ot Dublin. '
"The only thing that -mattered
would bo tho final agreement!' ho
said. , ,,
DUNDEE, Scotland, Sept, 24.
Winston Spencer Churchill, minister
that It this offer is rejected, the gov
for tho colonies, speaking hero.jsald
the Urltish government had gone .to
the utmost limit posslblo In Its offer
to tho Sinn Fein and that If this ti
ter Is rejectedj the government) had
nothing else to give.
Warning has been, Issued by Game
Warden Stout about shooting both
before sunrfso and after sunset and
tho gamo warden has not made this
warning as a mattor to be considered
lightly by tho sportsman. Evory word
Is meant and there trill be no sparing
of persona in the enforcement.
Instructions twero sent broadcast
to, tho deputies that they are to tako
up any ono who .shoots migratory
birds before or after tho hours ap
pointed by law. To some of the hunt
ers this law appear to bo one qralch
works ahardshlp as sbme." migratory1.!
birds often delay picking tneir reed
ing and roostlngi places Just before
dusk, such n8 tho green wing teal,
blue bill, black Jack and several oth
or arletles or small duck. It has been
tho experience or any hunter who has
over sat In a blind that after sunset,
tho toal will perform this above given
practlco and tho hunter is, under this
law, prohibited from shooting one ot
the wily typo of fowl which tests tho
skill nnd eye the most.
On tho other hand, the warden ex
plains, tho larger type ot ducks such
... . ... .. .
as the mallard, spoonbill, redhead,
sprig, canvass back, and a score- of
othor varieties, about one hour bo-
tore dark'lndulgo in a flight in which
thoy observe and pick. out. the very
spot they Intend tosottlo in. During
this survey, thoy willy afford a shot,
and after n scare still como back aft
er dusk and allght, providing no shot
Is tired at them. iBut let a lash of
tho hunter's gun bo eeen and at onco
tho fowl takes toitho sky, reaches his
altitudo and tlles for two or threo
hours until a likely spot 200 miles
away looms up down below.' Then
he sottles downward and perhaps
this location i Is in another state.
Thero Js no return to' the place, on
the 'southorn migratory flight,! where
the first shot was flred'at him; An-.
other disturbance of his "nlghttcap"
only send him further southward.
, In regard to-'the settlement of tho
dispute which la now under wayiwlth
the California authorities regarding
the Oregon -hunters bringing back
theltr kills of large-vandsmallrgamel
should 'the southern state authorities
hretusB1 toTeffeel a 'compromise th'ore
can be no "hunting in .California or
either 'ducks and geese "with the ex
pectation to cross tho' state lino 'with
tho bag. 'Enforcement of' tho hours
governing shooting" will keep many
gamo fowls In this state nnd'glyo
the sportsmen here a hotter oppor
tunity to 'get good' bags and' at (tho
same 'time be kept" out1 ot trouble
with California game wardens
'The following table will assfsl'tbe
hunter to'kn'owrthe rise' nnd setting
'of the Bun. Cut out the Blip and car
ry It 'with yotf, says 'Qamo 'Warden
Steut: , '
Following Is the sunrise and sun
set table tor tho coming week:
J,t Sunrise
Sept. 25
Sept. 26
f" 6f62
'" '5:53
" 'VI 'Or ,io
Sept: 27
28 "l 6'.'56 1" Ui:Ui
29" " iVf 5:45
- i I '
4 1 i 1 (
" '5:44
M j"
Make that Idle dollar work I
it la the bank.
(W1A8HINOTON, Sept. 4. The tax
revision bill, reported by the senate
finance committee today, .will yield
n total revenue of $3,324,000,000
this year, It Is 'estimated, or $'84,
000,000 moro tban the measure paw
od by (ho house. -.
Next year tho measuroi would yield
a- revenue ot $2,735,700,000; and In-'
crease, of $75,000,000- oyer the honse
total. -,i
Jlardlng Ursn, Trcatlm'
,In n letter to Senator Lodge, read
In the senate at, this morning's bcs-
slon when tho consideration ot. the
peace treaties with Germany, Austria,'
and Hungary was begun, said that
pacts' would TerooTO the last vestlgem
of war relationships and bring about
the complete return ot peace.
Wriinf IH-r&r h0&
- Justice Court Cos
- - "-y t .,s? ..
A new PetltloW 'and 'undeHaklnr
wan ilfcc? Inth circuit court ye
tcrday Id the case of Cleveland
ngalnst Irwin, and ClevSfand" against
J tho Ruslnesa "Service 'Bureau, id
which tho wrlf ot roVlowr fifed t
tho county courtly1 Attorney WII
11am Marx was dismissed and notice
of new filing dlree'tW W bustle
Orfghagetf, wheW- thBcM originat
ed. Judre'Kuyke4tlall(airected the
clerk of the dreHlt'teourt'to Issue
writ of Yevleir W'astlCer Ohaiea.
iaihtlmti kmtwit IfiSMf d
Inn. unit riolnr. WWfilfiAMl nnAr th. I
home ot James Bumpier, 'has had a
(varied legal course, and has beea
a mattor which has caused much
comment among the logal fraternity
of the city overth'o many technical,
dodges used by attorneys tor tha
two parties to the suit.
Fined for Driving
Fast Past School
Yestorday afternoon In pollco
court, F, A. Fisher, of Portland plead
ed guiltyl'to' speeding past thd 'Cen
tral. school located at Ninth nnd Main
street and was fined" $10 and Costa.
Fisher alleged that his rate was not
excosslve but the Btop watch held on
film by Traffio Officer McLaughlin
showed that his speed wns greater
than 10 miles an hour.
This ''arrest was tho first In tha
crusado which was ordered started
this .week by the police department
and arrests will be mado until auto
IstB pass school property7 at safo and
sane speeds, whethor children nro
present or not. Records have boon
taken ot local autolsts who have un
consciously exceeded thd. limit and
they, have been wnrned'not to repeat.
Signs ' bearing the' warning,
".School do Slow" t were attached
today, to the,.deadmen in the center
of the streets ont Main from Eighth
to Tenth as a .warning to automobll
ists not to drive fast in those blocks.
Mayor Wiley authorized the police
-department to move the signs from,
telephone posts to the deadmen Tues
day to assist them In enforcing the
drlvo slow orders near school prop
ertyi . f , . -
Klamath Co, Girl' y
r Shot By Jealous
r Suitdr at Denver:
i t i
VDENVER.'Colo. Sept. 24. J A.
Reynoldsrbellevod to bo nri oil iper
a(6r from 'Dallas', or -Fort Worth.
Tox.,vBhot.'n'nrt geriiuuly wounded
Mrs. Hazel Barnett, J ill). "ft "waitress,
amT then killed himself.' Tho shoot
ing' tobk place In 'front of the Den
ver cdunty rourth'oUBi while 'scores
of" poiIestrlanB'.'wbro-Vasslutr,
' Reynolds Svas 5G yebr'A old. Mrs.
Barnett told the police tbat Reynolds
bad(been follb'wlifg her lu an effort
to'forco her to marf him'.
, fMrs. Bnrnctts parents 'Vsro said to
resldd 1A Mldlind, county.
Oregon, ' 1
.,1 m. , ' , ,
tMore1inanogqny is used, in the un
ited States than in all other countries
of the" world combined.