The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 21, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    r -J
WSDNBSDAY, SEPT., 91, 1021
) -J
K i
J Personal Mention
John Roopor ot Boston. J. C Smith
of New York, and John Sllrertooth
ot New Jorsoy aro tourists on their
war to Crater Lake ond other epoU
of beauty In Oregon,
Mlei L. A. Tuttlc, from Lorella, Is
In town on a shopping tour for a few
"HTskeon, o"t Yreka, 1b In town on
a combined business and plensuro
trip. '
Mrs. Dlrdlo Blair "niotorod hero
from Paisley for a few dn) s stay.
Ivan Houston left by auto with F
U. Patrick for Eugene to ontor tlio
0. of O. for tho year. Mr. Patrick Is
on business and'wlll return in a fovr
Chae. A. Kltrg, associated with the
Long-Ball company, droe to Lnko
Tlew on bulne for a couple ot days.
TAr. and Mrs. W. C. Van Emon and
children left on this morning's trnln
tor Portland torn few days. Mrs. Van
Emon and tho chtldron will visit
while Mr. Van Emon nttends to mat
tera of business. They expect to be
away ten days.
Bl'dney Smyth, with the W'arron
construction company, Is hero from
Portland in regard to the Barclay
Springs road thnt has been under
construction during tho summer.
M. A. Puckctt Is In town for tho 'day
from their camp on tho upper lako.
Mrs. E. B. Marletto of San Fran
cisco, returned this morning after a
two weeks' visit with her slstor, Mrs
F. L. Wright, ot this place
P. L. Burr loft on this morning's
train for San Francisco after at
tending to business matters In Chll
oquln. B. R. Cardwcll of Fort Klamath
waa Journeying to tho Bay City on
this morning's train for a combined
business and pleasure trip.
Mrs. Mlnnlo Royco spent yesterday
is town on business from her home
on the big marsh on upper lake.
J. A. Thompson, a valley farmer, is
In town purchasing supplies from
the local merchants.
M. S. Lester, accompanied by
friends from hero and Detroit, Michi
gan, west out In search of ducks
yesterday afternoon.
Joe Skelton, a nephew of Mrs.
Chaa. T. Stone, loft this morning by
train to enter tho U. ot O.
Loula Hoagland went out on his
Initial deck hunt last ovonlng, and
If that broad smile ot his and tho
duck tails ho Is amusing his friends
with aro any ovidenco, wo bollove
ha did get somo.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Ecclcston re
turned to Drain after a month's visit
with friends in Lnkevlew. They re
port a very enjoyable time and hope
to ifiturn hero again at somo future
time for their vacation.
Mrs. Hilda Murray returned to
Vallejo, Cal on this morning's train
after a month's visit at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. Davenport. Mrs. Daven
port returned home on last night's
train after being suddenly called to
Seattle on account ot her sister's
Mr. and Mrs. Edward OTcall mot
ored from San Francisco to visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Hoagland. They enjoyod tbo sights
about 'the county and also took ad
vantage, of tho duck -season whllo
Larry Wright, assistant manager
of the Standard Oil Co., motorod to
Fort Klamath today on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey J. Dutton ot
Denver, Colorado, who have been
spending tho summer with, friends
and relatives In Klamath Falls and
vicinity, will leave for homo October
Ed Rennlck, merchant, and th
Rev. Father Gels ot Lakcvlow were
visitors hero today.
Charles Wlthrow roturnod to his
summer homo at Rocky Point this
morning and will spend a couplo of
weeks hunting In tho Uppor Lake re
gion. W. J. Llndsey who has resided lu
Klamath Falls for tho past four
years left this morning to make his
home In Portland.
"Uncle" Nate Merrill of Merrill
pent tho day In Klamath Falls pr
terday on business'
Tbo opening number here October
4, will bo Uie La Sallo Malo Quar
tette four artists In this class of
music. Men's singing has always ap
pealed and the class of songs tor tho
opening date will be well rendered,
tho bureau manngor sa& Othor ma
torlal In the following weeks will bo
tho Lillian Rlngsdorf Opora com cem
pany: Earnest J. Powell, lecturer, Do
Wlllo Concert company, and Rthor
and Clayton, artists In chalk and
sand novoltles.
1 :
NEW YORK, Aug. 25. (By Mall)
Bluo laws aro having their power
ful exponent In Japan a well as In
tho United States, according to Idfor
matlon received by the Presbyterian
Board ot Foreign Missions nt the
Board's headquarters, 156 Fifth
Avenue, Mow York City. Advices re
ceived by tho Board aro that tho
Tokyo" Chamber of Commorco has
formally put ltsolt on record by the
adoption ot n resolution favoring the
closing ot nil shops on Sunday. Here
tofore Sunday has been, as a rule,
wldo open.
Following this action a commis
sion began study not only of the
Sunday problem, but also of plans
for Improving tho hours of labor
through tho week. The project calls
for a weekly rest .day, shorter hours
and more considerate troatment of
employees. This commission designs
to provldo a weekly rest day for all
employees except In hotols, eating
houses and public baths and also that
working hours shall bo restricted to
9 per day,' with 8 hours only for
young persons employed.
Another Important piece of nows
reported from 5npan to tho Presby
terian Board Is the tendency of the
priests ot every denomination of
Buddhism to popularize the
Buddhist bollcf ot partlclpotlon
every sort of social servlco, which
up to this tlmo has been neglected
by them-. As a result a Chair of Soc
iology has been established at the
Jodo Sect Collego at Sugamo, at Set-
agaya and at Osaka, whore every
schemo and measure of social service
la to bo Investigated. A Social Servlco
Bucrau has also been established
whero relief work, special missionary
work and other forms will be under
taken. The now templo of Zojojl,
now under construction, will bo tho
headquarters on Its completion -In
1924 and a special organization for
social sen-Ices will be formed by tho
priests of the Jodo sect, whore fun
orals will bo conductod for tho poor
families free ot charge.
Prayers for tho peace of tho spirits
of tho fowls Wiled for the tables of
Tokyo residents will be offerod by
300 Doultrr dealers of Tokyo at the
'Hacniman shrlno In Tomlkawa-sho,
Fukagawaku, twice a year horoaftor.
Hcreto(oro thla ceremony has taken
place annually on September 20.
PORTLAND, Sept. 21, Cattle
slow; hogs 26c higher, prime light.
111.25 to $11.75; sheep strong;
butter firm; eggs steady.
Herald classified afia pay yon
No. 407
The Midland Lyceum Bureau
Ernest J. Powell, Lecturer.
De Wills Concert Company.
The La Salle Male Quartette, one
of the beat male quartette! be
fore the public.
Lillian Ringsdorf Opera Company.
i i
. --..-.. !--.- MWWWWWWWWI,I...J
Esther & Clayton, artists in crayon
and sand.
Season Tickets, Adults, $2.75; Children, $1.10
Single Admission, 85c.
Above prices include War Tax
At Klamath Falls Music Co., or from members of the-
' llll
i in
lull "
Women of Mooseheart Legion
No. 407
Call by Phene:
Mr. C. L. Fox, 445.
Mrs. Bustamrnte, B09-J
Another Big BUI
at Strand Sunday
The management of tho Strand
Theatre announces that tho Lewis
Family Lyceum Players havo been
ongaged, starting Sunday, Soptcmbcr
25, to entertain the Klamath Falls
public with musical novelties, com
edy shows, magic, featuro acts, fancy
dancing and clever songs. Tho most
p'romlnent featuro In the Lewis ro
portolro will bo tho ventriloquist
feature). Birdie Lewis, In charge ot
thb act, is said to be a high class
artist In this difficult accomplish
ment. Managor White announces that tho
Lewis family has each season pre
sented a now lino of novelties and
that no duplication ot tho samo acta
or teaturos occurs In any season,
bill wilt bo unnounccd later
Another Colonist
Says Peru Project
Is Not Practical
Tho Herald Is In receipt of anoth
er Jotter from Peru, condemning thu
Sacramento lkl Pampa colonization
echunio and endornlng thu lotter of
Dennis McMnhon, previously pub-
PORTLAND. Sept., 21. Tho high
way commission tins boon asked to
sanction tho naming of a mountain
nt the ontranco to tho Mitchell Point jllshod, which declurod the
tunnel, on tho Columbia highway,
"MoAlezandor Mountain," In honor
of Brigadier General McAlozandur.
known an tho "Hock ot the Mamo
Tbo request, which came from tho
Progresslvo Business .Mcn'x club of
Portland, will bo consldorod.
' Somo men who don't eoom to
know when thoy aro whlppod,
doubtless havo suspicions.
The Strand
mutNn flflKDAT
Tbo Bicgesi Show of Ike I
Foaturlng '
Big Picture
And Poar Act of Vaa4trw
III. flMUtlAHll TTllHl MtfcR)
"Old Loves for 1W
was Impractical. FEATURINQ
The writer of the prosont letter1 Marinrif WilftOO
signs himself Samuel U diionther A WcBtc plclaro f0u ot C W, I
ana gives wio auurowios 01 ruraaiso, nctlon and thrills.
California, Tonasket, Washington,
and Lima, Peru,
Tho colonization project must
prove a falluro nays (luimther be
cause of "this section being a low
Jungle swamp and tovnr country, In
habited by favor mosquitoes, also tho
vicious and most deadly cut fly,
whom knlfo cut 1s certain donth
and beyond all medical remedy. If
th l country max not seen by Khotelt,
and evidence goes to show ho did not
eo It bnforo loading In settlers on
mlsroproiiontatlon, then Bhofolt must
bo a fraud and fraudulently rocolvlng
monoy by misrepresenting a country
which contains nothing. I). McMnhon
was wlso nnough to seo beyond his
noso of tor hn wan caught."
j, .' w" i
Tho meeting of tho Pant Matron's
club, It Ih unnouncod, has been post
poned from Friday of this wook un
til next week.
A clrl'u frame ot mind has loss
to do with hnr reflections than tho
framo thut holds tho mirror.
-'J L 1
ii n r., unci nnr, hi "
ipuv xswiTor, vutuiauu, wuu uuvu uvvu
Elfl spending tho suramor with, friends
Sand relatives In Klamath Falls and S sE" &
s vicinity, will leave for homo October jr Sf T L
Ed Rennlck, merchant, and th ) r J T P IVy
Rev. Father Gels of Lakovlow were a To 1 C5 AT J lW-a
'ilfj visitors hero today. IcrANWAvl v lC V l3fr -- dKfvTl
Hit Charles Wlthrow roturnod to his BtwrwPM I n Sar r tTf ..N aiiY T
.': t. -. r... ,... r,-i. .u. b i ii Jrv x vm At'MKy t 1 r
Bg morning and will spend a couplo of 77 p . W WviyyB IS
' SI weeks hunting In tho Uppor Lake re- r"5& , v rTJvH f
'm g,on- I CS w Ysflv mtrM r
1 at W. J. Llndsey who has resided In ,l Q3)tnii!B 5i. M if I saS . "" JBJs?5
.fi Klamath Falls for tho past four r ''"'- -PT ' jtyzMr W'srA
fh years left this morning to make his I s V v S M9JC?T l
ffii home in Portland. . ViAI . &Z?zZy SsmXJtA r
m "Uncle" Nate Merrill of Merrill Xl'Li cVV, " s WiM$$&&rS s('K N
ii 'Pent the day in Klamath Falls pk- "vvIl V A flA MK. IliS V "kS
Vll terday on business' L f mWT "7x a VK $Ys$Q JsMBi
if Mooseheart Legion lTfyGss jiNso
m Lyceum Course to IJt myrAr-
11 Starr in October 0g( Y.l VsSnBlJfasiW
Ml Hll mtel isiBiBiBiV jBy pPT E55 (
ml ' The Ladles of tho Mooseheart Le- 1 shb V 4bibibibiP toSBSJSsg) js. 2-
IS on haVo 8ecurod tno Midland Ly- xyjU jVa) A oCMbibibiS ShFW'
frl ceum bureau entertainers for a noas- j rj8& S UrJfakKvkkr jSgJJjPg "
WjJI on in this city to begin October 4, nt fla TV jf&SwBkM "
Nt the Moose hall and the class of talent -"Avy wv'X z&SzSsa&SaiB!'
HH secured for tho period horo Is said s Svwflftw' 5sfi& ZSSfifr
H to be exceptionally good. Tho Mid- ' '-' aV' JL $ I tkXi'
Mr land company aro well known In Sg ?jr' " v
j( their home city, Des Moines, Iowa, "" sf22& J'-?' " "" Ji(r )
H and all throughout tho state a8 thoy - ' C & 3 vc
wSk have yearly appeared on all tho Iowa 'LESslllllfllill?"''' '-1--'
MB fall circuits and havo elven a Reed .i" v - i
HPM 'rrrZrFZS5rZjZ&''5T " "-" I It 1 1
W account ot themselves, according to WzZWiez&sZP'Z .
Till tho press dispatches. vzzzk22f&irf ,..' . . . ' Jupm-p,
Saturday Eve., Sep 24th. Pro
ceeds to be used far
Union High School.
...: u .Tazz Of
Victory Club Dance
Those, who have heard our Orchestra
claim it to be the best Jazz
Music in Town
HniKtnn.Fil? Svitmnatoil Orchestra
"V""U".""' Jvwr.v- . ,