The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 21, 1921, Image 1

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.y ' .m
, Hi
fflqv lEwnxng, Mttnth
Today's NevH
Member of the Associated Press.
i m-
The MeisM ' "' r"cc,pl of a ,nU
f fiilllnii of Mod.
ir from umiitii' -
&"" of lh0 Crat?r 'f"
v.tlonal J'"" row"' "1ncln
,,on. for Iho maintenance of a
..i.r iciicJulo to carry vlslton
the Pk Tlui latter follow.:
..t ti.n K.lltorI won Interested
.. ih artlcto In your Ismm of tho
'D ' " ... l-.l II... I.nnilllnn
111b. whl rarnwu ""
jllney Irlf ITotoul Rate to
fWr Lke'' n"d "' l,ie 'Uncl tnk
L. b the Jitney mon In this nrtlclo
Mil mo to bollcvo that they are
got fo poiKMlon of all of ho faota
Hut rater Into tho matter, 1 would
llki to X tow wor,1, on
Tie traniportatlon privileges
vlittlB tho Crater Lake National
pirk ire cxarlly tho anmo as thoy
M lo lay other National park. It
I, , pirt of tho concession iclTon by
lt loiernmont to tho concession
tire, nnder government regulations
Ui rNtrlctloni. Tho ratoa am
Hied by tho government, and moat
be paid by every penon entering
the Pfk 'n for-hlro conveyance,
Tt concessionaire U required to
milnUln a dally schodule. and has
(o triniport nnyono who presents
llnielf for transportation and pays
Ihtjcqalrfd fco whether tho num
Ut It ono or ono hundred or morel
lts isolng to tho park or from
tie pirk, Ho does not know from
Jiyto dy how many people wtlt
Tint torn. hut ho muit maintain
shipment at both ends to take cam
of the travel, whatever It la. On
'Bore than one occailon tho eoncea
toaalr hu had a fourteen-passee-(ir
bus miko tho ontlra trip with
oat a tingle faro, and on other oc
tutou dm hail to aond an extra
at to take rnrn of ono more pas
MBier than tho rcgulur stago could
accommodate It han been usees
eary at times to send equipment
clear to tho park durinic tho night
to profldo for iin oxtra load leaving
the like the next morning.
"It can bo readily seen from tho
tboTe that In order to provide a
Khedala of uninterrupted service It
li stcemry that tho traniportatlon
prlllea bo handled entirely by
the concosjlonalro, furthormoro, It
lin't rcaionablo to expect tho con
twiionalro to Invest 1100,000 or
more In a government national park
miking tho placa attractive for tho
People to go to, provide accommoda
tions for thorn, etc., In order that
the Jitney men may profit thereby:
or It It morn rcasonablo tn oxpoct
that whatoTor profit thoro la In tho
builneu should go to thoao who
bto loTcntcd tholr money In tho
htwdoui business of operating tho
eoncoMion to tho ahort season avail
"Tho Crater Lake National Park
company this season arranged for
the transportation from tho Klam
ath end to bo handled by a Klamath
Falli man, tho transportation from
Ihe Medford end la handled by tho
wmpany Itself In its own business.
"Uh tho oxcoptlon of occasional out
Mo help to tnko caro of overloads.
Tho Klamath Falls Jitney men are
'" no dlfforont position than ore
Jltnoy mon nt Medford, or, In
t, at any othor national park In
the country. Tho round trip faro
from Medford to Crator Lake la f 1,
noro than from Klamath Falls to
Crater lako.
"8coIoy v. Hall, transportation
iajor of tho Crator Lake Na
tions! rrk company, and tho wrlt-
(r CXPOCL to lin In Vl.m.ll. Tn.ll.
Wednesday nnd Thursday of thin
-, ana wo will bo glad to dls
JUM tho mnttor further with, tho
'ey mon. If thoy so doslro.
ewtarjr Crater Lake National
( park Company." I
carrylns out tho d0n of Btablll-
connnnllvoc"ted b" Mr. Collins In
7211 ," wUh '"""Porutlon, It Is
: u Kc tod tlmt ovory visitor to tho
nLrnrdu. C.r,a,nBUra..
" " i,,u "PKoop of tbo hotol.
COCd on W?l"d l "0m,n,,, UOt t0 "'
' v,,,ur por person, und upon
German Chemical
Plant Explosion
Kills 800 Persons
MAYICNCi:, (Inriiiaiiy, Hop! 21. .
Klitht hundred pommm urn roporlud
to Imvn liuon kllli'il mill mnny Injtir
twl ut.Oipau In tlui Kliliiii 1'iiliitlnnti)
In llnllHclm Anllliifulirlk by tli ox
PIohIoii of n choiiilnil plant Tlui
town of Opium In rcporti'il coi'iplntn
ly wrockeil
Tlio iiliotk of Hut luplcmlon wiih
full for 15 inllim.
In .Miiiiiinlirliii nun pitrnon
kllloil mill f.O Injured
HAI.UM, HiipU 21. Tho nupremo
court ypstnnlsy iluiilcil n rvhnarliiR to
John I.. Ilnthlo nnd Ktvlo I). Klrby.
who nro roniloiniii'il to linnc In con
nortlon with thn murder of Hherlff
Til Tuylor nt Pendleton ll.nrt, thn
nrtual slayer of thn aherlff, win
IiuiikoiI lost N'ovnniltor.
Itathlo nnd Klrhy woru noiitoncod
to huna; last Fubruury tint an uppeul
stnyed tholr execution. It Is now noc
esnnry that thoy ln roiwntonrod nt
Asked whether thorn w.m any
IiusIn for upoculatlon that he mlKht
rommiilo thn srntencvi of tho con
demned men Governor Olrntt snld,
"I ttilriK thern Is nono."
Hpoclal offorts havo boon mmlo for
clemency lu behalf of Itathlo by tho
OrcRon War Mothnn.
No Case Against
Fisher Brothers
Tho hairing or Otto and Alfred
Fisher. Jointly charged with havlmt
In their iossnsslon devices for tho
manufacture of lluuorot thn homo of !
Otto Fisher nt Swan liko. resulted,
In tholr dlichnrgo by Hcrt Thomas,
United Htnlea commissioner ycatcr-'
dny nftornoon.
fllx witnesses summonod before tho
commlsaloncr stated that tho accused
mon hod alway borno tho boat of
reputations nud that at no tlmo had
thoy ever seen' any Intoxlcntod men
on tho promises of either.
Otto Flshor tostiricd that ho had
bought a copper still last year from a
Chicago houso to uso In distilling
peppermint grown on his place. This
spring a half ncro hud been planted
and his first dlatlllatlou was not a
success, Tho second trial nflor re
pairs had boon made waa without re
sult but with Itn further repair re
cently, ho expected lo obtain results.
Flshur donlod that ho over had mndn
liquor In tho apparatus. Commission
iir Thomon dismissed tho caso after
grilling every wltnosa from ovory
unfile possible,
OHKOON Tonight and Tliitwday,
Its collection at tho ontrnnco a re
ceipt would bo Issued iwhlch would
ontltlo tho holdor to nn equal amount
of monls or sorvlco or morchandlso
at tho hotol.
At prosont many peoplo ontor tho
park who carry tholr own camp out
fits. Thoy visit tho lodgo, uso tho
stationery, lavatory nnd towols, on-
Joy tho fire In tho lodgo room, tho
seats on tho vorandn and othor sor
vlco without paying a cent. Thoy tnko
a lunch from homo, It U'b nonr
onough, or from a dollcntceson In tho
noarost town.
Tho burdon of caring for all who
como rents on tho hotol managomont,
making it nocousary to maintain n
full lardor and oxponslvo staff nt all
times. Practically ovoryono who on
tors tho park bonoflts In somo way by
tho hotol bolng thoro nnd It seems
only fulr that all who ontor bear
somo part of Its upkeop.
Tho ontrnnco too Is now $2. CO
against JG.00 nt tho Yosomlto park
in California. Anothor dollar for tho
hotol would not ho oxorbltnnt but St
would monn flunnclnl stability Tor
tho hotol part of tho ontoVprlao. It
has boon tho olemont or uncertainty
that horetoforo tins mmlo tho oporu
tlon of tho hotol a difficult financial
'vonturo uud tho diminution of tho
uncertainty os ranna posalblo would
go fnrthor than anything to muko tlui
hotel concoH9lon u auccena.
enc for
WAHIIINaTON, Bopt. 21 All In
formation In tho bands of tho do-
WT,;I"irtmimt of Justice an to tho aetlv
jltlcn of tho Kn-Klux Klan was laid
tbeforo Prcsldont Harding today by
Attorney (lonerat Daughorty, after
i ho had conforrod with Director
jilurnH of tho dopartmont's bureau
of Investigation. Uurns baa boon
'conducting an Investigation into tho
organization and purposes of the
An Investigation of tho klan 1s
alio proposod by Representative
Taguo, domocrat, of MaaaaehosatU,
who In a resolution Introduced In
tho house assorts that tho organiza
tion la "antl-Amoflcan," and that
Its purpose Is tho "exile and sup
pression of certain races and re
ligious socts."
WASHINGTON, Sopt. 21. Con
grms re-assemblod at noon today
after a 30-day recess, with pros
pects that tho oxtra session would
lapso Into tho regular session,
which btglnn In Docomber.
Tho houso expected to tako a
sorlos of throe-day recesses until
Octobor 4, whllo tho senate goes
ahead with tax revision, ratifies-
t Ion of treaties and with the antl-
beer, rallwoy debt funding, allied
debt refunding and Panama tolls
Accompanlod by a brief and for-,
mal no, lno ireaiics Doiwocn ino
United Btatos ana uormany, Austria
and Hungary -were sent to tne sen- (
.ate today by President Harding ror
22 Medford' Men
in Visiting Party
Hocrotary Stanloy.thls forenoon ro
colvod n tolophono nmRaagn from tho
Bedford chamber or commerca ad
vising him thot a party or 22 mor
chants nnd boosters from that city
dopnrted thin morning ror Klamath
Falls to partlclpatn in tho first offi
cial visit In Modford'a history. lion
Shotdon, presldont, nnd H. O. Froh
bnch, secretary or tho Modrord
charabor wore conducting tho party
hero and acting as both pacomakors
pathrindora ror tho dologatlon.
Thn rorunt tomorrow will bo In
chargo or tho entertainment commit
too and a strong musical program
and "boostor" program hnH boon nr
rnngod ror tho henorit or tbo vls
TACOMA, 8opt. 21. Tho possi
bility that Roy Oardnor took ad
vnntago of tho termination of the
search for him to oscapo from Mo
Noll's Island Is Indlcatod in tho re
port of J. O. Evans, residing noar
Gortrudo, who missed .his rowboat
this morning Thoro Is no trace ot
tho boat.
Bt. Pnul'fl Eplcsopal guild will
moot nt tho homo of Mrs. J. C.
nrockonbrough, BID N. Twelfth
Htroot, tomorrow nftornoon nt 2:30
o'clock and a largo attondanco Is ox
Friday afternoon, the dlvorco
cases ot Poarl Storos against Simon
O. Stores, alleging cruelty, also the
suit tiled by Mary Jane Eggsman
against Wilbur Eggsman, on the
Bamo grounds, will bo tried In cir
cuit court'. Both cases are contost
eiir'aiut in ouch ault counter claims
huvoj boon filed by. tho defendants.
Judgo Kuykondall set tho dates for
tho trial tills forenoon,
TO Hm FRtf
HjmmJiiI to tho Herald
MBUFOKI), Sopt. 21. Wilbur
Jacks, ago 35, la dead and Italph
Muttlinws, 23, ln In Jail bore chargod
with his piiirder, us tho result of a
qunrrol which la null! to havo grown
out of Mntthow'a attcntlorm to Jacks'
wlfo from whom ho wuh soparated.
Tho shooting took plncn yestordny
at Kaglo I'olnt. Jacks died at 10:20
thin morning In thn Hacrod Hcr.r:
honpltnl liorc. IIo wan woundod in
tho hack nnd slilo. Mntthown claims
Uuit ho shot In solf dofonwi.
Had fooling la Bald to havo existed
botwoon tho two men, culminating
yestordny In Mntthown' nlloged chat
lengo to Jackn to "como out In tht
ilenort with mo nnd wo'll scttlo It
onco for nil." When Jacks rnfusod lo
K with hint his foo la alleged to
havo Jerked forth u revolver nnd
shot him.
Tho Sportsmen's Association will
hold Its rirnt mooting on Roptombor
30 at tho chamber of commorco
roouin aftor Its summer vacation. A
brlof outline or tho work accomplish
ed during tbo past summor by mom
born and by tho association Itsolf In
tho way or promoting sporting Inter
cut ban boon mado by Secretary Mc
Noalty. it reads:
During tho row months that
wo havo boon organized wo bo
llovo that much has been accom
plished ror your benefit. Wo
havo secured from tho Stato and
planted some 200 pheasants, no
cured a mooting of tho Stato '
(nine commission held In our
city, hatched nud planted under
our supervision In local wntors
somo 2,260,000 Rainbow trout
fry, secured tbo Incrcaoo or thn
capacity or tho Crooked Crock
hatchery, and tho changing or
tho location or tbo egg taking
station at Diamond Lnko.
Wo havo boon promised and
expect to rocolvo during tho
next 30 days 1,000,000 Eastern
Brook trout eggs that will bo
hatched at Crookod Creek nnd
planted In Lost River and other
streams In this county.
"Wo are working on a plan lor
the adjustment ot our troublo
-with tho state .of California In
regards to bringing bomo gnmo
killed In that stato.
Show your Intorcst In tho
problems of tho local sportsmon
by giving us your advlco and
your nttendnnco at tho meetings.
Tho Merchant's Bureau will moot
tonight In tho chnmbor of commerce
rooms at 8 o'clock to talk over mat
tors afrc-ctlng tho movomont ot mer-
cbandlBo and local trado Issues. The
decision to hold this mpotlng tonight
was duo to tho nnuouncomont that
tho Modrord group or merchants
would arrlvo this afternoon late to
nartleinnt In tho comnllinontarv f-
fair to Mcdfordltos tomorrow nt tbo
J. J, Miller, local agent or tho
Southorn Pacific railroad will dollv
or a talk on "Over, Short and Dam
ago In Transit' tonight followed by a
responso from one ot tho visiting
Modrord morchnnts on tho subjoct,
"Modern Merchandising." A number
or muslcul roaturos havo boon arrang
ed for tonight,
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. Colonel
Mason MathowB Patrick, ot tho corps
of engineers, was nominated by tho
Presldont to bo chief of tho air sor
vlco vtth tho rank or major gonornl.
Millard T. Hnrbon or Soattlo was
nominated colloctor or customs tor
district numbor 30;
Burng Poe of
Tacomn, colloctor or customs ror tho
Intornal rovonuo district or Wash
ington; Joseph C. Grow, or Massa
chusetts, now mlnl8torc tp, ponniark,
minister to Switzerland; John Dyne -
ley Prince, professor of Columbia
lliuveralty, minister to Denmurk,
WASHINGTON, Sept 21 "The
Amorlcan people want more work
and less play," Senator Harrison,
Mississippi domocrat, doclared in
tbo senato today, describing Presl
dont Harding's recent trip to New
York on tho yacht, Mayflower. ,
Tho trip waff takon, said Senator
Harrison, "while millions of Amer
icans were hanging their heads in
Bbamo" bocauoo the men who "help-
ed win the war" were being offered
on the auction block in Boston.
Culmination of a quint romance.
wo marked this morning by a wed
ding that will como as a surprise to
many frionda or tho contracting par
tics, when H. M. Manning, woll
known local attorney, and Miss Mary
I'fluegor, popular high school teach
er, ware united in marriage at tho
homo ot Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Word en,
404 Washington street.
Tho marrlago took place at 8
o'clock, tho Itev. Arthur Rice offi
ciating with tho Episcopal ring- ser
vice Tbo dato of tho wedding was slg
niricant, Soptombor 21st bolng tbo
anniversary or tho marrlago or tho
brido's parents.
Tho guests inrosont wore Mr. and
Mrs. X. M. Word on and daugbtor,
Margaret: Mrs. Luolla H. Sargent,
or Topeka, Kansas, sister of Mrs.
Wordcn; Jnme-i and Elizabeth Man
ning, son nnd daughter of tho bride
groom, Miss Florence' Pflueger,
sister or tbo bride, who Is visiting
here from Minneapolis, and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Osnong.
Mr. und Mrs. Manning left on a
short bridal Journey and on their
return will be at home to their
friends at 307 Conger avoauo.
Tho brldo has been a resident ot
tho city for a comparatively abort
tlmo, coming hero to tako a position
in tho high school a year ago, but in
that time her charming personality
hog won for hor tho friendship of a
wide circle.
Tho bridegroom through lifelong
residence In Klamath county is
known to practically overy rcsldont
ot the county. He is ono of the lead
ors of tho local bar and oujoys tho
friendship and respect of all bis as-
Says Arbuckle
Admitted Guilt
Semmacher, manager of Virginia
Rappo, told tho grand Jury hero
that Arbuckle admitted to him and
other mon at tho San Francisco
party that bo bad taken Miss Rappo
Into an innor room and thore had
committed certain acts in connec
tion with tho crime ot which ho is
Sept. 21.
.The election ot Holm O
Irepubllcan, yesterday, as United
States senator, over
,Hanna, democrat, is conceded today
by tho Hanna headquarters.
Air. and Mrs. Lawrenco Arnott of
this city are the pironts or a baby
daughtor, born Soptombor 19. The
child wolghod nine pounds nt birth.
First Prosecution
Under New Code
Tho first prosecution to follow in
tho wnko ot passing by tho council
ot tho recent public health and sani
tary code took placo this morning at
10 o'clock In the police court when
Oeorgo J, Nichols, living at Fourth
and Oak' streets, was arraigned' on
! two complaints tiled by Sanitary of-
ricor'C. Braudehburg.
Nichols was chargod with neglect
or sanitation and with failure to con-
' nect with tho sewer,
'took tho case' under
Judgo Leavltt
advisement and
expects to reach a decision this nfter-
H III fflf
Tho sheriff's office Is making pre
parations to tako care of the usual
last mlnuto rush of taxpayers on
fhn flnbl fAHP il.v. nt ttim fatl wa
, whIch tho , (UH 0 ue Md
payable prior to tho beginning of the
ono per cent Interest date, October S.
Up to tho present dato, about SO per
cent of tho taxes have been paid tor
fbo year 1920.
Bort Hawkins, deputy tax collec
tor, stated that the second half of
tho 1920 taxes were payable and ex
perience In the past has been that
many farmora delayed paying taxes
nntll money bad been derived from
raIo of farm products and the office
was usually taxed to take care of
the rush on tho four grace days prior
to tho beginning or tho Interest rato.
Ha said that If alt who can will
mako their payments prior to the
last days or graco many people
could be served and clear the or
flco for tbo benefit of taxpayer who
wore forced to wait until the last
minute. Tbo law governing taxes
Interest shall be charged and
collected on any tax or half of a
tax not so paid, at tho rate of
ono per cent per month or frao
tlon of a month, until paid. (In
terest at said rate applies to the
first half if not paid by April
' Cth. to tho second half if not
paid by October 5th.)
All taxes remaining unpaid on
tho firth day of October next
following shall become delin
quent, and on the fifth day of
November, next following, the
penalty of five per cent shall
be charged and collected there
on, in addition to the Interest
provided herein.
Any day after the expiration
of six months after the taxes
charged against real property
are delinquent the sheriff shall
havo tho right, and it shall be
his duty, upon demand and pay
ment ot tho taxes, penalty and
Interest, to make out and issue
3 certificate or certificates ot de
linquency against such property.
Certificates ot delinquency
shall bear interest at the rate of
12 per cent per annum, and shall
be sold and Issued to any per
son in the order of priority In
applying therefor upon the pay
roont of the value In principal
and Interest thereof.
Sheriff's Sale of
Shanahan Property
Sheriff Low will conduct a sker
Ifr's sale o the personal property
or Ben D., Mary and John Snaaa
han at tbe Shanahaa ranch om Vrt-
day atternoon at 2 o'clock, to sat
isfy a judgment Issued at tae in
stance ot John P. MoAnllfXa la cir
cuit court, September 13, amount
ing to $17,666.69, $1,800 attorney
fees and $46.40 costs.
Tbo Shanahan ranch' to located
noar BIy, and during the past Bum
mer financial difficulties have be
sot tbe Shanahans in lta conduct,
culminating In a suit tiled la circuit
court by McAnllffo during the June
tnrm. Resistance was offered by
th 8hnahan people to a court or-
dor plactng B receiver on the place.
and contempt proceedings were it
sued against the Bhanabaas and
hoard before Judgo Kuykondall July
22, which resulted In tbe naming
of W. W. Flnley as receiver.
Tho salo Friday atternoon wtU
dispose ot 1,967 ewes, 1,588 lambs,
54 bucks, one blooded stallion.
work horses, and other range and
farm stock.
Judgo Kuykoudall signed an order
yesterday dismissing the foreclosure
suit tiled by Mary B. Orr against A.
W. and Sarah J. Bradshaw, as tho
suit was settled out of court to the
satisfaction ot both parties.
A docreo ot divorce- granted by
Judgo. Kuykondall tu the cose of Roy
H. Cook against Nellie Jeanne Cook,
with the detondant to have custody
ot tho minor child, Craig C. Cook nn
tll turthor court order; and a decree
ot ubsoluto divorce In the cose ot
Moses Hart ugulnBt Pansy Hart.
PORTLAND, Sept. : 21. Wheat,
$1.07 to $1.12.
A sm
f Isbbbb!
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