The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 20, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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evening nrnftiir r A"A ""A QREffSi
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T Personal Mention
Mr. and Mrs W. L. Frain wore In
(own yesterday from their homo at
Topsy Grade.
"r. W. Tower was a business vis
itor from Worden yosterday.
Captain and Mra. J. W. Slomons
spent tho week end In Fort Klam
ath and brought back a supply of
duck. '
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Qara of
Bait Lake City, Utah, aro horo
spondlng an outing nt tholr sum
mor home at Rocky Point, and In
Idontally trying tholr luck for
ducks. Thoy possess ono of tho
moat modern houso beats In this
part of tho state, and return horo
ovory soason to onjoy thomsolros
during the duck season. Mr. O'Qara
Is with tho Amerioan Mining and
Smelting company.
v H. M. Manning and associates
are noting their offices to tho
rooms OTsr tho Amorlcan National
bank building. Thoy will bo sot
.Ued In a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Jones aro
IwxTlng for Chtco for tho vrlntor.
Mr. Jones was with tho Algoraa
Lumber company.
J. J. Stelgsr, lumberman of
Chlloqutn, is In town attending to
matters of business.
! Y. M. Jensen and family of Den
mark have arrived horo to visit
Mr. Jensen's brother, who was em
ployed by J. Frank Adams on hlsi
ranch at Merrill. Since loavlng
Denmark Mr. Jensen's brother has
moved, and ho Is experiencing some
difficulty In locating him.
Ray Merrill of Merrill Is In town
for the day, attending to matters of
Walter G. West camo down yos
terday from Klamath Agency, re
turning this morning.
Dr. Massoy and party left town(
this morning in nigh glee, expect
ing to get,the limit of deor.
Kip Van Rlpor, W. O. Smith,
Gerry Cozad. Fred Soulo and J. II.
YtTatlrtnM ( aynfnsv rn mftlnn 4 ttlA
tt(iusj tv DWIU5 v wa w j
mint fields tomorrow for Inspection
of the crops, and possibly try their
luck for a few ducks.
B. A. Blockllnger, a membor of
the Dorrls Lumber and Box com
pany, also of the Chlloqutn Lumber
jompany. Is In town on business.'
W. A. Dwlght, a Ban Francisco
lumberman, who is Interested in the
Big Lakes Box company, Is a guest
at the White Pelican.
A. F. Snider of the Southern Pa-,
cltle company, is here on official'
business for the company.
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Alexandra of
Ban Francisco are tourists who left
this morning for Crater Lake.
L. O. Arens and family, accom
panied by Mrs. Arens' mothor from
Mayfield, Calif., arrived here last
night The Arens family has been
away on a visit of several weeks' I
J. It. Bnldor, Frank Nixon, 8. F.
Bell and- C. L. SwiUer, all well
known operaters In tho lumber in
dustry of Raymond, Wash., aro vis
iting the local lumbermen.
Mr. Frank S. Jester of La Grande
Is returning today after spending a
couple of weeks visiting his son,
Glenn, and family. Mr. Jester made
the statement that he thought be
had the finest grandson In the
Arthur M. Geary, Portland attor
ney, and Dr. J. C. Elliott King of
Portland aro hero looking aftor their
Wocus marsh Intorosts. Thoy expect
to remain four or five days.
Mrs. Andross, ono of tho owners
of the Style Shop, has gono to San
Francisco to spend Buyers Week.
Frank Sexton, county club leader,
Is spending the day In the Lono Pine
district. Mr. Bexton Is now making
trips over tho county collecting ma
terial for exhibits at tho coming
state fair.
Judge N. C. Chapman left this
morning for Dorris on business for
the day.
Frank Ira White, an old-timo
resident bore, but now residing in
Portland, was In town attending to
matters of business. Mr. Whlto is
manager for tho foreign trade de
partment of the Portland Chamber
of Commerce
Oeorgo Rlggs, a student of the V.
of O., left this morning for Eugene
to enter the univorsity for the com
ing term. '
Mr. Brldgford of the Pelican Bay
Lumber company, left this morning
for Ban Francisco on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Edmond Rouse
of Sacramento woro hero visiting
lloraco Wilson for a fow days and
taking In tho sights of this county.
They woro vory much impressed
with tho country, and want to re
turn hero again next summer.
Mrs. Graves Robinson, from Cor
vallls, returned this morning after
spending a fow days visiting her
cousin, Mrs. A. E. Bcott.
G. L. Chaataln of Chlloquln U tn
town on business.
Mrs. O. Martin from Malln is tn
town purchasing supplies.
Misses Jean Perry and Eleanor
Torroy left this morning for tho
Univorsity of Oregon. They will
enroll as freshmen for the coming
year. Miss Perry was with the Wil
son Abstract company and Miss
Torrey was with the Klamath De
velopment company. '
Mrs. F. J. Schmltx of Beatty ac
companied her mother to Orland,
Calif., this morning.
Mrs. B. H. King of Fort Klamath
loft today for Ban DIogo, Calif., to
visit her daughter, Mrs. McKle, for
the wlntor. Mrs. McKle was hurt
In an auto wreck rocently, but Is re
covering? nicely.
"Tex" Wcatherby Is Journeying
to San Francisco thence on to Hon
olulu for an extended stay.
Mrs. E. W. Varnum from Chlto
qola wns in town for the day.
Mra. W. S. Worden of Portland Is
horo to visit her brothor, Harry Mess
ncr. C. S. Frank of Eugene Is coming
to this city tonlEht to visit with bis
grandson, Lybort Frank, and expects
to do somo hunting In this section
tho forepart of tho week,
grade stock beam so tho high freight
makes it prohlbltlvo in consuming
S j- - - -ir i "i"i-,-,'rMwM iii..i.ri--. H
What will you
take to the Fair
Oct 5-6-7?
jTjxnj-u-AriM-r ---- m
Mail Orders
Filled the
Day Received
The Strand
Big Sensational Western .Plctare
"Old Love, for New"
Marjorie Wilson
A Western plcturo full of fights,
action and tnrllis.
The Biggest Show of the Year
. Featuring
Big Plcturo
And Four Arte of Vaudeville
SAN FRANCISCO, 8cpt. 20.
Steady Improvement continues to be
tho order of events in the lumber In
This Improvement Is particularly
discernible In the Southern plno field,
but other manufacturers of lumber
aro beginning to feel the influence of
the buyer and consequently business
may be stated as better in all divi
sions of tho trade, according to the
American Lumberman," It says:
Hero and tbero somo advances
have been mado on such Items as car
siding and tho better grades of floor
ing, though as yet tbero has been no
general advance in lumber prices.
Experienced observers, however,
aro united In the opinion that should
business continue its present trend
price advances aro certain to occur
within a short time.
Until the lattor part of August
pricos showed a steady docllne, this
decline being slighter and slighter as
tho months passed.
Tho law of supply and domand
governs lumbor prices, and conse
quently up until August lack of do
mand I?o ro pricos downward, but
now, If the present tendency to pur
chase heavily and to rush building
continues, tbo samo law is going to
send pricos upward unless this ten
dency Is equalized by a substantial
reduction in freight rates, which, al
though believed ubsolutely necessary
in tho lumbor trade, are not an Im
mediate prospect.
Modes of Distinction
Not only exceptional in their unusualness, but so extensive in
variety of models and types that every woman will find just the
particular garment she wishes for just the
particular wear she wishes to give it.
Made as Perfectly as They are Styled
New Fall Dresses, Suits and Coats $19.50 to $95
JUNEAU, Alaska, Sept. 20. Mill
ing machinery formerly used at
Thane, near here, is to be shipped to
the old Comatock Mine at Virginia
City, California, according to Califor
nia mining engineers who were here
recently. The machinery will be used
in a new mine mill on the Comstock
Dozans of new styles of Leather
Vesta Just received at
K. K. K. Btoro. 20-21
FOR BALE 6 passenger Ford tour
ing car. Good condition. Price
$276.00. Call 813 Lincoln. 20
WANTED Chickens at Independent
Market. 1136 Main St. Phone C43J.
jwwwwvw ww.wwwww''.
Now Kail styles rn Dutchess Trous-
ors aro here. 10c a button 11.00 a rip.
K. K. K. Store 20-22
Saturday Eve., Sep
tember 24th. Pro
ceeds to be used for
Union High School.
Music by Jazz orchestra.
Victory Club Dance
Those who have heard our Orchestra
claim it to be the best Jazz
Music in Town
Houston-Filz Syncopated Orchestra
"Serves You Right"
Owing to the fact that Swift Premium
Ham hag dropped 4 cent per pound,
we will serve Ham and Eggs for 40
cent per portion.
Try Breakfast here once and you'll
come again. We serve Maple Syrup
with Hot Cake and Waffles.
We employ expert help, thu elimi
noting all waste
When you compare our prices, com
pare our service and quality of food,
then you'll find why so many people
eat at
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