PAGE TJDUBB TUESDAY BETTEMBKH SO, 105tt THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i The Office Cat ur JUNIUS DoaV Fori WoaM-Ro Tcackara 1 No llpntloka a No painted eye-brow, a. No rolled-down hosiery 4 No Jot ear-rings 6 No wmp waist 6 No ikort skirts 7No bobbed hair. All of which U (or tboso desiring to teach In the public school of Ban Fraaelico. Right the tint tlrao. It's tcwoman who made the rules, Mr. Helen V, Canhorn, prealdont of tun board of education. Neit question, pl Tenderfoot "Why li jour little brother MMd BUI?" First Clas Scout "BecuM ha was bora on the first of the month." A spiritualist (or "spiritist" m Mm people call 'em) report! that ha baa already been In communlca Hon (with the shade- of Enrico Caruso, and that Enrico says that tho music where be la la beautiful beyond de scription or human comprehension. Oar own control, Princess Wahoo, aye that where abo la all aba hear to Jan. Wo Uon'tTollevo that ah and Rarlco hare gone to the wm place. Tint Flea: "Been on a vacation?" Second Flea) "No, on a tramp." Bart McDonald ays an ounce of aata la nrorth a pound of menus. Safety Pint "Before I buy I'll bate to gat mr friend to pee on thla bathing suit." "la aha a designer!" "No, She's a policewoman." 1' The old complaint resounds anew Our sympathise to touch When clothes appear to bo so few,' Why should thoy cost so much. W&en the aavago red man lived In a wigwam he paid no rant. What waa It, then, mado blm savageT Provld aaca Tribune. When ye ed waa a boy, If a boy went to the woods on a hike, and want swimming, and fishing and cooked hi roe-ala over his own camp fire, and all such ho had a wonderful time, aad ha got a wonderful wallop ing .when ha got home, Now they call him a boy scout, aad hang a medal on htm. Protty soft, pretty aoft. Correct School Teacher (to little boy) "If a farmer ralaoa 700 bushel of wheat and sells It for I3.G0 per boshel, what will ho got?" Llttlo Boy "An automobile.' Thirst la war; thirst In peaoe; thirst la tho throats of our country men. What has become of tho old-fash lord girl who used to clutch at her skirts when sbo rounded a windy corner? asks BUI MoNealy. .If thla bare-knee style kaapa,up until winter, there'a a fortune await ing tha manufacturers of chapped skla remedies. A fellow Is glad he Is a man when - ever he aeos a girl's skirt Happing In tthe aold drtixllng rain around the knee caps. --Temptation is the balance '1 which character la weighed1. ta i , copper in BiusriiAHu I LONDON. Sept. 80. An litiportdnf aad rich dlacovory of .copper has been made In Shetland. Tho lodos thua far pjoved give1 a high percentage aa'd "already halt a million ton of oo'ppor ;6ro are In sight. jpe'rt and onglnoor .are toying i down a mining plant and. Its expected taperatlea will commence noxt mown. !,VniioTllto a,t Strand Sunday. J9-U Outbursts of Everett True By ComIh VV0l0AAAAAmAAAAAA0A0AAi WZ3 I urZS ',-vS3aW. vmkw&7m LLLLLLLLLLHEnTiiyHaVH cVwHajHEKK$iH' ffiX..aL?tet. IS5- IU4.MT to 1ALK wnn in Ml Hi IRE DET WENT What are they saying about Klam ath county roada out on tho high ways, In tho auto camps, around aor- vice stations and In other pianos whore tho tourist foregather and swap tales of tho road? A slight reflection of what thoy tra saying is contained In a lottor to n member of the Herald ataff from N. U. Brlggs, of Itotllitcr, California, aoti-ln-law of Judge Benaon and at one time a resident of Klamath while secretary of tho original canal com pany before tho govornmont took tbe protect oror. Mr. Brlgga says: Mach to my regret I did not get a chance to visit beautiful Klamath thla year notwithstand ing tha wonderful propaganda which you so kindly sent rae. Instead wa Jonrneyod to Oregon to Ttslt the family or Judgo Ben aon and apent two delightful week at Salem and other points of Interest. By tho way, when will Ktocaath Falls and Klamath County reallto that wonderful Crater Lake 1 their attraction? Everywhere wo went In your atate wa ware advised to see It aad In asking aboat tha roada ware advtoed that wo could not go via Klamath Falls as tbero were no roada from that point. Thaaa wa aaw Who went In by Montagae reported the road between Boswlck and Topsy grade aa miserable, and tho road from Klamath Falls to Peli can Bay aa quite poor. Home ad vised u to go by Medford and come out through Bend as a good trip. Wo were, not Intend ing to visit the Lake but I mado the Inquiries to find what other people were saying about it. It la botng boosted everywhere but tho old town Is not getting the proper publicity from tholr own attraction. On our trip wa were com pelled to make many detour on account of building of highway not only In Oregon but also In California. When the road Is fin ally eomplotod yon will not be ablo to toll what atate you are In from the llconso plates. Orogon'a commission Is doing flno work , and It la a pleasure to drlvo on their completed highway. i a PETITION DENIKD Saturday afternoon, Judge Bunnoll after reviewing tho motion to squash tbo writ of rovlow filed In tho caso of T. L. Cleveland, sometimes known as Tom L. Clovelnud, doing business under tho namo of Jnmos Sumpter, denied the motion and tho caso will be set for henrlng boforo tho county court some time this iwcek. GAMBLERS REFUSED PERMIT MEXICO CITY, Sept. 20. Re quests by American capitalist! for gambling concessions on Coronado ItlatdB,' off the the coast of Lower California, have been denied by tho department of agriculture which stated its policy Is against permits qt such nature. m MAN BCCAWSK ' OVTfA4kUi IT'S A COHTAH ieMT Of My Make The OREGON Your Hotel WHEN IN PORTLAND POPULAR SPACIOUS LOBBY At the Center of Everything BROADWAY at STARK ST. We auggest yov write, phone or wire for reservations Arthur H. Meyers, Manager rtjXfxrA) '''I -!"' ssi aaaaaai MADK IN KLAMATH Alfalfa Meal !X)Il BALK MURPHY'S FEED BTORE ANDERHON'H OROC7rKRIA BUNBET GROCERY Mfir. hv IIAimV TELFORD unAirinnrvriV i 1 - "-"". Tr.r. . DR. T. C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND 8CRGB01I I.O.O.r.3aUdlas PktoaaBM Residence Ha Pine St. Phono OTO-It. DR. a A. MASSEY roarth aad PUe BU. In Warren Hunt Hospital Off. Phone 417 Raa. Phone IIM J. O. CLEGnORN CIVIL ENOINEErt AND 8imVEYOR Phono 192J 133 8. Riverside .V ' Holliday Dairy Wholesale and Retail ..Pusturlscd Milk aad Cream.. Phone 501-J. fcs&gJMSZL r- tP35igjigpSnWj2g, IH'l&PliH-aHH JiajWAWVWMWMWrVVMVAAAAt Ollce Phone 177W Res 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physfetoa and Bergeoa White Building Klamath rails . Oregon fwwwwwdwfmJwww1 Portraits and Enlargements X Art frame and framing. I KENUNE PHOTO SHOP Opposite Courthouse Phono 00 87 Main FRED WESTERFELD DRNTMT Phone 43 4W. X-IUy Laborator Locssl Bid, Klama' Vails Premium, Dairy Oldest Retail Dairy in Town Phone 22-F-2 Klamath Falls Plumb ing & Heating Co. 1178 MAIM ST. PHONE (Mg-W AnMiaAVSaiWVMAAAMAMAAAM Coes Auto Service Hudson, Buick, and Dodge Cars Country Trips a Specialty PHONE 1M United Cigar Store 020 MAIN BTRKKT sJeJYV'nrrJlV'V' EX-SERVICE MKK, ATTENTION' gw Klasnatn Post No. I, -fJjHpk Amorlcan Legion meeta Wat the City Hall on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Ex-servlca men ara Invited to at tend the meeting. For membership cards or Informa tion ex-service men ara requested to sea or write tha following efficers: J. II. Carnaban, Commander. Roy N..Fouch, Post Adjutant For relief of employment see or write the Chairman of Tbe Relief and Employment Committee, Francis Olds, care Lakeside Lumber com pany. PELICAN BAT BUB Fare SBe each way Laavaa Rax Cafe Leaves Palleaa City 7:48 a, m. :00 a. xa. 11:41 v. m. Vil'- 5:00 p. m. 5:10 p. a. Rackard Rasrt Pboae 77 16-tt L. D. Gass, M. D. EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT GLA88ES FURNISHED I. 00. F. Bldg. Phono 99-W Rooms 202, 203, 204 Rm. White Pelican Horl, Pboae B )i Klantath Lodga No, 137 I. o. o. r. Meets Friday night of each week at I. a. O. F. hall. 6th and Main streeU Chan. Newman ............-.N. O. W. C. Wells v. u. O. B. Manguo - Secy. W. D. Coter Treas. ENCAMPMENT II. V. Brown ....................C. P. J. V. Brewbaker .... .... B. W. L. J. "MeClara Scriba Nato Ottorbeln ...., Treasurer Ghiropractors Dr. .Herbert B. Mallett Dr. qep. ,fc, Mallett Office.' over Underwood's 7th, A Mala Phona 539-J FIXZ SCHOOL OF POPULAR MUSIC j I have conitrncted thru years of experience the only course that teaches play the piano by NOTBrand by EAR In 10 to 20 les sons. Write-tor particulars, 701 11th 8t., Ktomath.FalU.-Oro. Phona M7R. - DR. F. It GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 821 I. 0. 0. F., Temple WILL Take oat Cellars or rill la Lota CON MURPHY BIT Mortimer St. Phone S41W GLOVER MAKES Your Watch Keep Time. 511 Main St. Klamath Falls RAW MILL EiraiNEERINO A CONSTRUCTION CO. DesJgaers aad batldera of aaodV era aaw mills, atoalag satll aad box Blaata. Dredging. PUe drlvtog. Fkoaa46-W Of flee Coraee Bswfata; aad Oak Near B. P. Deyot DR. L. L. TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Pkoaa, 07 Night Pboae, a E. D.LAMB PHYSICIAN AND BCRGBOE, Phi 17W 17B 1 as I White Balldtog i.ULri-n-UU'-r-r.nrin.r nn ' ' " ' --"" - DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisacarvt Dr. P. M. NoaJ PHOfTB 4 QGAR o p E N A L L N I G H T CENTRAL HOTEL OUT OAWOTT, Mg. RATESi Transient 75 cents up By Week $4.00 NEWSSTAND cfl fk Excavating Teaming Let as make yon a prlca on dig ging that basement, or other ax cavatlng you contemplate. Wa aUo do team work of avary description. Phone 426-J NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK .ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duda la Our Suds" PHONE 154 Corner Main and Confer Klamath Falls Cyclery WA mrm fc. fn flikrvA .nn. an A aim to serve yoa right. Motorcyclea ana iiicycie. ran ana Acewuries, Tires ana Tanee, inai win nana , Immntutttam. U Wl ttlT thfl beat ta our Una. Repair eaop in eonaecuon wiia uanay-uaviasoD Service. Thome 97B a 1018 Mala Bt. Klaaaaaai Fall C. B. BWaUM I Klamath Dye Works -Won 40ft OUR CLEANING, nUMfllNQ ANO REPAIRING WILL MAKE XOUB CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW HATS REBLOCKED Goods Caned for aad DeUvered 181 Mala Street KUmatk Falls DR. J. G. GOBLE The wall-known Optician now located la K. D. Block, 1313 Main. Phono llt-M. ij1jijijuuvTaTnraranrair'rir T" - - DR. O. A. RAMBO L O. O. F. PHONB81 KiUWWWWWMWMAM CHIROPRACTOR Dr. LoU O. Bridgv Over First SUta and Saving Bank Suite 105 Phone 102-J r Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C. E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine STAND ' , t o p E N A L L If I G btest mm O. K. TRANSFER GO. 124 S. Sixth St. Phone 37 Jflfo Loose , IV We Will Mve ft ., '