tV0iMiVy-m .RtSr JACIXA U,w Vi. V-F vi,i -j fW kAM fct- THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON .FA01 TWO TUESDAY SEPTEMBER SO, 1021 The Evening Herald t. MURRAY. K8S BOULB ....EUtor ..City Editor Published fally except Bandar, by !" Herald Publishing Company ot Klaaath rails, at 119 Eighth Btreot. stared at the postottlce at Kla aath Falls, Ore., for transmission through the malU aa soeond-class natter. KEkfBEk OF THVf ASSOCIATED lIti:tiS. The Associated Pro -a ti exclusively ntltlod to the use tor republication of all aaws dlapatches credited to It, r cot otberwlio crodlted In this aaper, and also the local news pub- liner herein TUESDAY SEPTEMBER SO, 10S1 SUM,up """ " t NEW MODELS IN SPORTS MATS TOR i I FALL AND WINTER .Party Victim a gaVsBr?"BKBBVBMl mk228Mm BBBBBBBBBBBBnapHgn .AgBBBBBtSSBBBBL'' v' SJjiJgMlgHBgljaaNr222; JbbbbbbbHMII lBBTaTaTaTsTaaBTar'jl vBBBaBMgBY ttsM j-i. ,. BBBBBBW '..'jmir 71 XZtKiUrmsmm8G3m g fVfr.t,MmimMVvmmr w iMBli WMSBm BBBBWsM"t-BBBE5fBl BBLK--g5sp!J5rKiai wmsjLHm Hk - vY asm wffmrWt. 3ttsmmmmmMkmm IVA 4Ea BBHBBBBBBBBW r.BSBBBggggl NillESfli iBllXBw'BBBKEBBCBVJl MbbHLvI HMBaMHavMeMMitMK!' N I COM SEEKS TO SEHLE SUIT Herald Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Sept 20. In ex- planatlon of the request of the de partment ot Justice to the federal district attorney In Portland that the caso of the United States against tho Oregon Lumber com- pany, which Is set tor ttlal in Oc tober bo postponed, officials ot the attorney general's department said today that an offer was to bo sub mitted to tho government In com promise. ' It Is understood hero that when T. B. Ncuhausen of Portland was here homo tlmoTiBo, bo broached the matter ot a compromise with tho department and engaged a lo cal counsel to handle the matter for the company In his absence. At any rate. Attorney Charles R. Pearco ot this city has advised tho department officials that In a few days he will submit an offer for the company to compromise the suit now set for trial, asking $53,- 000 In damages for timber cut from lands, the entries for which were subsequently cancelled. This ault is one ot two pending against the company. The other one Is now on appeal to tho'supreme court of '-the United States. In this caso the government Is suing for the recovery of the value of lands taken under rock and timber entries. Originally the government sued to recover the lands, alleging that tho government lost these valuable holdings because the entries were secured through fraudulent means and patents Issued. ' The lower court stopped the gov ernment from recovery on the grounds that tbo statute of limi tations Intervened. Then the government sued the, lumber company for the value of the lands and in this action no statute of limitations prevails. The company in answor claimed that a the government had 1U choice ot remedies and chose at first to recover the land It had ex hausted Its remedies and therefore the second suit should be dismissed. On this question tho appeal Is pending. Tho attorney general's office denies that political influence haa been used to have these suits dropped. Fiance 'BBBBBBBSMBBMBBIBBBBByBJMaBBMMBBlM JbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV .BBBBISSBSBH ' JBBBBBbI An unconventional plcturo of ilica Virginia Rappc. Mm actress, who Jdled following a boozo party in th ulto of riojcoo Axbucklo In a Ban Francisco hotel. Survev of Klamath Flow Progressing YRFKA. Cal., Sept., 20. Tho ty pographical and geological surveyors of the Government, who havo been on the 'Klamath River for two months, defining and ascertaining boundaries and locating dam sites for power and other purposes, oro slowly moving down stream. Beginning at Ian I Plslil Falls, they have been slowly getting down stream until last week tboy made camp at tho mouth ot Trinity River, near Weltchpec. There results of their work will furnish data regarding tbo fall and flow of the Klamath. It appears that from Keno, Ore., tho drop of tbo river to Fall Creek, near Hornbrook, Is forty-five feet to tho mllo. From this point on down as far as Tuly Creek Falls, tbo head ot light navi gation, thirty-five miles from the mouth, the fall is very steady at about thirteen and ono-half feet to the mile. The only break in this 230 miles of steady fall is at Ishl Plshl Falls, a few miles above Orleans, where there 7s a sharp drop of twenty-five feet In about 160 yards. Fifteon million dollars Is to bo spent in the electrification of tbo Central of Brazil railway, which is owned and operated by the Brazil ian government. Acquitted of Murder Chinese Consul is Seeking Redress APIA, British Samoa, Aug. 6. (By Mall). Dr. Leo Fong Ablo, Chinese consul at Apia, who wns arrested boro July n, charged iwith attempt ed murder and conspiracy to murder, and who subsequently was acquitted has protested to tho Now Zealand government, controlling British Sam oa, against the lntorfcrenco with his liberty. Dr. Ahlo's protest Is endorsed by Qulncy F. Roberts, American con sul hero. Tho Chlncso consul was born In Hawaii, tho son of a native of Chins and a Hawaiian woman, and was" edu cated In Hawaii and at Cambridge Untvorslty, England. Ho was taken Into custody during tho hearing ot charges against Chlncso laborers ac cused of having attacked a Chinese Interpreter for tho British Samoan government. Dr. Ablo had been summoned as & witness In tho trial of the laborers, and, while, waiting in tbo court, was arrested and placed In the dock .with tho defendants. When tho court rose tbo afternoon of July 14, the Chinese consul was denied ball, but ho was acquitted tho next day. The protest mado by tho Chinese consul and endorsed by his American colleague, was, not that tho consul is Immune from arrest, but that tbo In carceration of Dr. Ahlo was a depar ture from the long obsoved custom among nations to treat tho represen tatives of other countries with a greater nieasuro of courtesy than that accorded Dr. Ahlo. Dr. Ahlo left July 16 for American Samoa nboard the1 United States gun boat Fortuno en route to Borneo, whero he had been assigned as Chin ese consul prior to his arrest hero. It's a poor writer that escapes criticism, Henry Lebrman. movU producr and fiance ot VlrainU Raopo, ac tress who dlad In a San Franclrco hospital follewing: boose' party to tho rooms of Roscoe (Fftty) At buck! at a San Fmnoaco lcll Lthrman demand U.t Arb.-k'. be punished Many Sites for the 192S Fair Proposed PORTLAND, Ore., 8ept. 20. Just now Portland Is a big debating socie ty, free for all, and the various sec tions of the city are loud In their boosting tor proposed site for the worlds fair to be held here In 19JS the Atlantic-Pacific Highways and Electrical Exposition. There are doten or more sites available, and the communities ad joining each have been so clamorous in advocating advantages that the committee In charge of the prelimin ary arrangements decided to put 'a questionnaire through which propon ents of each site can set forth In do tall tho reasons they have to offer for Its acceptance. These question naires are to be submitted before November 1. In the meantime the entire stato la rallying behind Portland, and a rep resentative gathering from all coun ties was called to consider the best mothods of financing the big project. ONE BRAND ONE QUALITy One Size Package All our skill, facilities, and lifelong knowledge of the finest tobaccos are concentrated on this one cigarette CAMEL. put tho utmost quality. They are as good as it's Vaudeville at Strand Sunday. 19-24 NEW TODAY i FOR 8ALR Colonial Empress Male- able Steel range, quarter cawed golden oak dresser, library table, and 'either upholstered rocker. Phone 296J. 20-22 A good bed and a good bath at Colonial rooms, 11th near Main St., and at Colonial annex, 741 Walnut Ave. All outside airy rooms,. 20 FOR RENT Completely furnished S room apartment, private bath. 64 Main St Phono 109R. 20 Into this ONE BRAND, we Nothing is too good for Camels, possible to make a cigarotte. Camel QUALITY is always maintained at the same high, exclusive standard. You can always depend on the samo mellow-mild refreshing smoothness the taste and rich flavor of choicest tobaccos and entire, freedom from cigaretty aftertaste. And remember this! Camols come in one size package only 20 cigarettes just the right size to make the greatest saving in production and packing. This saving goes straight into Camel Quality. That's one reason why you can get Camel Quality at so moderate a price. Here's another. We put no useless frills on the Camel package. No "extra wrappers I" Nothing just for show! Such things do not improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. And their added cost must go onto the price or come out of the quality. One thing, and only one, is responsible ifor Camels great and growing popularity that is CAMEL QUALITY. 1 sm .bmbbbVbbW AJa n BBbBBbBBbHjW BBbIbBBBbk BBbBBbBBSSJH SSSbk alBBBBBBak ai wlW I " "k W. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, VfU,fm-3lm.H. C FOR SALE Two thoroughbred reg-1 istered Poland China male pigs. I weighing about 125 pounds. Priced at a bargain for have no place to keep them. Call Kirk Lumber Co,, at Martin, Ore., or inquire at Sunset grocery. 20-21 WANTED Woman to clean batehe- lor apartment twico a week. Add. P. O. Box 22. 20-21 TIIE HTRAND -. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Marton,Jr.. are said to have como to a parting of tho matrimonial ways. A violent disa greement baa arlseu bolween tho two. Their attempt to bring about a settlement of their differences in New York by moving to Mr. Marton, Sr.'g ranch In Arizona has provon to be a .failure Drought up by a worldly, scheming mother who tmd dissipated tho fam ily fortunes In hor wild search for ploasuro, and sordidly affected by her environment, It Is no wondor that pretty Mrs. Harvoy Mnrton thought only of Harvey's money when abo married him. But a day of thought and of reckoning came to tho young man who found his wife in tho arms of Jerry Marquis, foreman of the Bar Z ranch to which Harvey's fath er bad sent blm with his young wife. And Harvey Marton came down to earth. He faced the grim fact of bis own shortcoming, his own softness and lack of manhood. He camo close to the toll in hard strugglo and fought himself into a celan, lithe, panther-like, hand-flstkid typo of man. How he regained his claim to manhood, awakened bis wife to true ideals, and broke tho shackles of a corrupting environment is told In tho photoplay "Old Loves for Now," to be shown at the Strand Tbeatrol tonight. ' Mint Distillery Under Operation James Watklns, Jr., manager of tbo Klamath Mint company's farm on I tho Caledonia marsh was In town to day and roportcd that distilling start-1 cd lost week. Tho best ot tbo mint crop, ho said, Is producing about 40 pounds of oil to tho aero. Somo oT tho Into spring planting wilt not bo far enough advanced for cutting this yoar, but tho crop from nbout 40 acres will be distilled. Tho company plans to prepare more ground this fall for mint plant ing, and part ot It will probably yet bo plantod beforo winter. It Is plan ned to havo 300 acres In mint noit seasoB. Hallway tabor unions la Mexico and the-Central American States havo formed a federation. SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to tlflen and movement become painful It ia usually an indication that the kidneys aro out of order. Keep tbeaa organs healthy by taking GOLD MEDAL Tbe worldt standard remedy for ktoaey. , Madder and uric add ltoaMss. Vsjdous aloe IMft, Take regularly ae4 keep ia good health. In Uuee atsaa, al draff- Qoaraatted as represeaead, IF SACK HURTS 1 ,, BEGIN ON SALTS T flash Yoar Kidneys Occasionally If Yob Eat Meat Regularly NOTICE The graduate nurses class will meet at the home of Mrs. George Mallett at 708 9th St., Wednesday, Sept. 23., at 7:30 p. m. 20-21 WANTED Woman or girl for housework in small family. Phone 492W 735 N. 11th St 20-21 WANTED Woman to help with housowork, two daya each week. Phono 14R. 20-21 SCATTER Buy Napatan shoes for your boys. They wear and are waterproof K. K. K. Store 20-2S Now Fall style in Dutchess Trous ers are here. 10c a button 11.00 a rip, K. K. K. Store 20-22 Dozens of new styles of Leathe Vesta Just received at K. K. K. Store. 20-22 Get your rubber boots now, Bali Band, Qold Seal Toy-Notch and Goodyear ! k. k. K. store zu-za Men who want the best wear Net tloton Shoes. K. K, K, Store 20-22 IN OLD RECIPE TI HN1 Saga Tea and Hulphur Tarns Gray, Fnded Hair Dark and Glossy Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly com pounded, brings back the natural col or and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Yeara ago the only way to get this mltxura waa to make It at home, which Is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug 'store rfor "Wyeth'a Sage and 8ulphur Compound." You will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, at very little cost. Ev erybody uses this preparation now, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as It does It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your halri taking ono small strand at a tlrao; by morning the gray hair disappears sndafter another application or two, your balr becomesc beautiful!) dark, thick snd glossy and you look years younger. Adr, No man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which clogs the kid ney poros so they sluggishly filter or strain only part of tho waste and poisons from the blood, then you get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, head aches, liver trouble, nervousness constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders como from slug gish kidneys, Tbo moment you feel a dull ache In tho kidneys or your back hurts, or if tho urlno U cloudy, otfonslve, full of sediment, Irregular of pas sage or attondod by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces of Jad Suits from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful In a glass of water beforo breakfast for a tow days and your kidneys will then act tine. This famous salts Is mado from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla and has boen used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stlumulato them to ac tivity .also to neutrallzo the acids In urine so It no longor causes irrita tion, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is Inexpensive and can not Injure; makes a delightful effor vescent llthla-wator drink which all regular meat eators should take now and then to keop the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoid ing serious 'kidney complication. Adr, BakedBms ton . rou7tth 'Me wins fhyrs: 73Aehbm9 Iktyfinuf? S( W r N