qc" pit - "s tt ( THE EVENING HEWALD, KLAMATH FALU, OREGON MONDAY,, SEPTEMBER, IB, 1001. i it 1 ' T ,AJa ' o .At' S c $? R; " 1. . "wi fe - , . $ tf r ;V ' t h r Personal Mention Tomorrow afternoon at It SO- lb Elks Ladles will hold a iocial at teraooa at the tomple. Mrs. Otoar Peyton and Mm. Carer Ramsby will act aa hoetessos for tbo oc casion, c J. A. Houston and O. W. Hous ton spont yestorday at Hound lake on a duck hunt. Frank, Hallwoll who has boon horo from" San Francisco visiting his brother. 0. t. Hallwoll of tba Standard Oil company, loft yester day morning for his homo. Mil Mylor Calkins toft this merning: for Eugene whoro sho will enter .school for. tho coming year. Miss Calkins has been employed for the past year by tho First National bank and has a host of friends In town who wish her tho best of suc cees. I Mr, and Mrs. Dcrt Wlthrow and Mr. and Mrs. E. n. Jefferson spent the week-end at Rocky Point. Bert report that ho got one shot at a dock and got one dock, and thlnka that's pretty good record. Jack Thompson, manager of tho California-Oregon Power company, and family left at noon today for Copco and Medford. Mra. Thomp son will stop at Copco for a- few days visit and Mr. Thompson will go on to the llogne Rlrcr Talley on business. Miss Mollle Donelson and Mrs. Martha Hawkins returned yesterday erentng from a week's Tacatlon Tlslt at Fredenburg Springs. They report a delightful Umo with the weather Ideal until Saturday when there a a slight rain. . Frank Ira Whlto, an old Kla math Falls resident, at one time owner of the Enterprise ranch, Is In town this week from Portland, risking with old friends. Mrs. CrandalV and son, Russell, were Malln residents who spent tho week-end hero attending to matters of business. Jahr When - You Were a Youngster, how your folks were anxious ' for yon to study Music, and you didn't want to or yon wanted to study, and the family purse did not permit! With a good many of us It r was either one way or the other. Are you going to have your children grow up the same way without a knowl edge of Good Music? If they show no inclination s'n.'r!? study, a, fine playerplano, Vbt: from the Shepherd Store will . quickly develop a real tasto f for Music. jYou know, every v1 player can also be changed to rc piano for hand-flaying, In a J Jiffy then back again to Vj-f ; J, .plsyer when you want it. Two " . Instruments in one, really! qp '"D A Homeofthegntat C(" I'.. Shepherd (s 507-MainSt W K'l Harry Thrasher, Earl Smith and Paul Hilton were a party of Kla math Falls huntors who wont in soarch of gamo on the Dig Marsh, but wore unfortunato In not get ting any. J. A. Foster, of Dutte county, Cali fornia, arrived yesterday for a few days visit with hla brolhor, John Fos ter and family. Erall Egart purchased supplies for his ranch near .Dairy, from county seat merchants, Saturday. Fred Payno loft this morning in his Ford bug for Eugene and plans to enter tho University aa a Junior. Joo Skolton, who has been horo visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stone, will leavo In a few days for the University of Oregon, whore he will finish a course that was interrupted by tho world iwnr. Estel Wirtx, who! has been homo for a few weeks, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Qcorga A. Wlrts, left this morning for Dunsmulr. "W. M. Hudson Is in the city today from Portland and la a gueet at, the White Pelican hotel. William J. McCarthy arrived last night from San Francisco and will be hero on business for tho noxt few days. Paul D. McKce, vlce-presldont of tho California-Oregon Power com pany, arrived last night from San Francisco and is registered at tho Whlto Pelican hotel. T. a. Bradley Is In town on busi ness this weok from Fall Creok. Claudo Daggott left on this morn ings train for Portland, where he will bo occupied with business affairs for tho noxt fow days. Mrs. Mary L. Mallett and husband, J. H. Mallett, who havo been here visiting their sons, tho Dr's Mallett and Mallett, left for their homo In Portland this morning. Druco daddes, a farmer on the Merrill road, was a county seat visi tor Saturday fo transact business with Klamath Falls merchants. J. E. Petorson waj in town on Saturday from his ranch on the Merrill road purchasing supplies. Mrs. Honrletta Melhase returned on last night's train from Saeamento, where she has been spending a few weeks with frionds. AI Gould was In town over the week-end from the Algoma lumber camps at KIrk. Miss Maybelle Leavltt, society edi tor of tho Evening Herald, left this STOMACH HEALTH IS: REASON FOR JOY MONDAY HEALTH TALK (BY DR.. MALLETT, D. O. The ability to eat without being re minded of the fact by stomach pains or otbor discomfort is one of the Joys of lite. This does not imply that a man must live to eat It simply means that the aoan or woman with a good atomach la fortunate. Food can be enjoyed and forgotten, while other activities of life are carried forward. HEALTHF0LL0W5 CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS PRESSURE ON SPHUtt NERVES IN DISEASES Of THErOLLOWINOOMAJtS: HUD EYIS EARS HOSE THROAT ARMS IVtlllNfi LIVER STOMACH PANCREAS J SPLEEN iKIONEVS BOWELS AOMfclfilV t BLADDER bhauriBfftaUNM The lower nerve UNDERTHE MAGNIFY INOOLASS IS PINCHED BY AWJALIGNEO JOINT. PINCHED NERVES CANNOT TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL IMPULSES. CHIROPRAC TIC APJUSTINO RE MOVES THE PRESSURE. THE UPPER NERVE IS TREE AS NATUM INTENDS: MALLETT & MALLETT Office Over Underwood;. Drug Store. Phone 539-J for Appointment. afternoon by car, tor Medford and Eugene, whore she expects to enjoy a .wook'a vacation, visiting with frionds at tho University. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Roberts of Poo .Valley were In tho county seat Saturday afternoon after aupplles. m No Hay Surplus : On Adams Ranch Thq wisdom of the farmers of tho county furnishing their own markot for'thelr hay Id clearly demonstrated this year In tho ca6 of 'J. Frank Adams, who Is the only fanner In tho Malln section who Is able to uso all the hay and grain ho baa raised, focdlng the formor to his cattio and horses and tho lattor to hogs. It has been Mr. Adams' contention for years that If the raising of hay Is to bo carried on In this section on an ex tensive acalo, tho growers must havo stock of their own to consume It. The success of his theory is aptly demonstrated thl year. . AGED MAN IB CALLHD J. R. Woodlcy, an aged roan from Chtloauln. dlod Friday at the coun ty hospital, when ho had been n patient since March IS. All his rela tives reside In the east so far as In vestigation show. Ho was burled In tho county plot. Vaudeville at Strand Sunday. 1B-24 m JUDGMENT SB XMUKD Roy N. Fonch, doing business un der the firm name of Business Ser vice bureau, was given a Judgment by default In a court order today against J. O. Coble for the sum of 1421.94 on a series of bills sued for. - ' NEW DREDGE ON UPPER LAKE The big dredge which has been undor construction by F. Hill Hunter abovo Bhlpplngton waa launched Fri day and moved to the California Oregon Power company diking opera tions on the Indian marsh lands. The new dredge will reinforce the "Klamath Queen," tho Geary Invest ment company's dredge, which has been working on the big reclamation Job for several months. Unless acci dent Interferes both machines wilt work thnSugh the winter Vaudeville at Strand-SunSsgc.19-24 I I HI II I I I II I -IL NO. S PH. O.) tgvtmwwwwwww Uaol Bayst "Tho trouble with most folks who want to be healthy, Newy. U that Uiey don't know health whan they see it be cause Its so or sUsrri nd looks like COM MON SENSE. m0tpffu& There are many forms of stomach trouble, some of which are not due to atomach weillness, but to the weakness of other organs in the a 1 ! m e'n t ary tract, which Includes the liver and other in testinal organs. When any of the alimentary; organs are out of or der, it may affect the stomach. ' Chronic Nervosa Dysyepef Is No Longer Present' "For a period of five months attgeks of nervous dyspepsia made life a' nightmare. I took every; .form of treatment without relief until I tried chiropractic. , After two months I was well and am more healthful 'today than ever before.'! L. Klarman, Chir opractic Research Bureau, State ment 1231 C. - i WHEN HEALTH BEGINS do- pendH on when you telephone' 639,-J for an appointment. Con sultation Is without charge. rJaKJaK K. FIBTIO EXHIBITION COSTS FIGHTERS $10. Main street was tho scene of a free for all disturbance a little after noon today when William Clapp and Joe Tramell engaged In a fistic exhi bition. Tho police arrested both and' a quick trial before Judgo Leavltt re sulted In a fine of $10 and costs to each party. NOTICE I. O. O. F. The Orand Master of Oregon will visit the local lodge No, 137, Friday, Sept. 23. Tho meeting will bo a Joint one, Including, Bonanxa, Merrill and the local lodge and all members are requested to be present By ordor of Scc'y. -10-38 0. B. Mangue. The Strand X THEATRE TONIGHT The Wonderful Alaska Picture Dorothy Dalton IN "THE FLAME OF THE YUKON" Bee tho mad rush for gold, tho wonderful fight and tho quoen of the danco ball, full of thrills and action. 'OOMINQ SUNDAY Another won derrui . Vaudeville Road Show IN Better Clothes The kind that wear and stand looks, and service. tht kind that, dollar for dollar, outwear so called cheaper clothes (costing half as much). remember the old saying that "the memory of service outlasts the memory of low price." wear clothes which are guaranteed to be of the same high quality standard as last fall, at the new price range, which is one-third lower than it was twelve months ago. Kuppenheimer Good Clothes An investment in good appear ance in economy as well the nation's1 standard for clothes value and economy. $40$45 $50 $55 co tho nevr mo0c!i la the windows K. K. STORE tho hotue of Kappenholnier good clothes tsniw mtLfla '-21mJSiLL!X-, 1 HURRY CASH GROCERY Successor to HOLCOMB & RICHARDSON We have purchased the fruit and " grocery business at 524 Main streets occupying one-half of the Palace Market. t t Our stock is being rearranged and .replenished so that we 'can serve the public to their advantage. The Sanitary Grocery , a clean store ! a clean stock prompt service ;a square deal Phone 577-W C. H. Barnstable. Mgr. 1 up in fit, in M ufcHfcna St1" . HL, J II ! j j 2MtMMiliSMtBlit8&t&Ft''rrtm0'n'r T t