THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ivmb nvu MONDAY, HEITEMIIKlt, ID, mi. ILL SET FOR RING BATTLES Tho final arrangomontn woro made thU afternoon for tho 80 rounds of boxing tonight, starting At 8:30 o'clock aharp, and 1'romotor Crump statos that ho will try to glvo tho flht fane a good card, ono which tho'y will approvo of mid ono which will aatlsfy. Tom Wattora has boon soloctod to roforco tho contests and from bis paat doclslona and tho fnrt that ho tolerate no atntllriR, tho fans can bo assured that tonight tho boys In tho contoat will havo to hit tho ball or bo yankod out summurnrlly. Wattora Permitted no fancy Jigging during Hand That Won the Championship vgflslgk' "rtfe! gHKr-ssW ?fHwjy,4ni) i PtO WALTERM OF MONTANA A Heat 11 luuml Hoy In tlto Hi lioml HemJ-Mrlndup Tunlht, tho Fourth, of July ovents and a statement from him today waa to tho .effect that It wm flghl.or bo put out. Can tho fana want any bettor assur ancea than that, onu of tho pnrtlcl panU aaka? Kid Walsh and Kid North both My that thoy nro already to put their four round preliminary over In good ihapo and feet fit. Iloth of theao boya are light featherweights and are eager for tho time, to como to enter tho ring. Tho fana tonight will han an op portunity to two tho Montana feath erweight, Pug Walton, In action and much comment hs been created on hla probable- mothod of boxing. Mon tana cltpplnga glvo him a good boost aa a clean boxer and ono who wishes to mill at ovory stage or tho gamo. Hla opponent, Kid Chavez, from tho southern part of California has borno tho reputation In tho past of bolng a faat boy and ono who felt as ruff Walters does about mixing. Tho box erg aro achodulod to moot In u six round'go following tho preliminary. Tho main ovont, ten rounds, bo tween Hob Allun nnd Ilob Ross as catchwolKhts In tho woltorwolght cIom, promises big results nnd this assertion comes nftor spectators 'havo watchod thorn both work out during the past week. Hoss has a smooth easy way of putting out a Jab which ,la lightning quick, find ho Is shifty on his foot. Alton la catlike In his ring movomonta and scorns to bo crafty whon sparring. Judging from bla shadow boxing, and from tho mannor In which ho takes on his parrlog partnora, Allon will glvo a ' good account, of hlmsolt In tho ton rounds tonight. Hoss Is anxious to win over Allen In few rounds to night aa ho Is desirous of chnllong--log Billy Huff of Chlloquln for n bout which Is schedulod to como off a llttlo lator In tho bhobou. Tromoter Crump nnnouncos that -4ho Scandinavian hull will bo open early this ovonlng to ndmlt tho fans. Tho bouts will open sharply at 8:30. WIND HTARTH HLAZK AT FACTORY f DAMAQH AUGHT Tha flro dopartment was culled out yostorday afternoon at 3:4G o'clock to tho nig Lakes Dox com pany to put out a flro which waa ' causod by tho wost wind carrying parks from tho trash burner Into tho cyclono duster, creating a back tiro. Tho dopartment ma do a 'quick run to tho scene and two streams wero played on the source of tho (Ire,- extinguishing the flames be lort any larloui damage was done. iiiiiBiilgggggHKggH jHJgBiilaH aTjJiV'''W1 aaaLm?&i!liigl gf IV! if? - w lggggggkti&PPPiH f'flir' 'W aaaaaaaaamJattHMr-?7' am '. r-VaaaaaaagHlgg&ViVy j I m j n pTsgBfcr r-, t;.if- y'rm bbbb f aam4aaW' ' BBHi V. 4 BBBByBBBT b1bHRP: . ft f,:A BBBf-hggV ' ''.-- " .' , ' WH$ I ggBlv Pw ' '$ ! agaV" iWr-ii & - : $ gggfy IbSST ' 3 1 laagMxT .asn -., ijm3 Hero's tho hand that wlcldrl tho racket that won tho European tennis championship for Huzanno I.tniflen. Notlcu that her only prepare- ' tion for a mulch Is u. plecu of Uitc at tho bono of tho thumb to provent I blisters. Also notlco how the outdoor gamo has "wvathcrfoaton" her fooa. "AyAfcaAfcAaAfcifcfcaiBfcfttfcatfcaAftfcAfcaaaau.. aau aa a a. a . aa A. . . ai iTR SE1R KILLED liRHIT GETS H T KVK.V Tltll TO CALIFOIINIA ivim:i TO IIKLI 1IW IB NOW IN HI'I,KNMI HUAlni. Klamath county this svason Iiuh had tho honor of doing tho placo whoro two rocord black hears havo boon killed, thn first ono welching 760 pounds. klllPd by Tim Daluy nnd Ooo. Clammons of Mod ford on dear hart mountain nonr Illy last Monday, and tho sofoml one, ntinthcr black fomalo bear wolghtlng 600 pounds, killed by Jess A. Johnson on John son I'ralrlo In tho Jenny creok coun try, Friday aftornoou. Johnson, with Ed Ward, llarloy jonnson anu u. u. ivnyior. ion un-ir .,,.,, , ,,, T..., .n,i if homea near tho Phillip, ranch on tho fc, hn , wou,d f00t tho bill. Tho reason I'm so strong J J T ? T t "I don't bellovn thnro'a a per son in tin) world who suffers llko I did who wouldn't bo holpod by plying Tanlac a fair trial," was tho emphatic statement of I. T. Doehm, 301 Holiday Ave, Portland, Ore, a well-known merchant and Odd Fellow. ' "I havo told many a man I hoard r r ? T f. Merrill road Wednesday to hunt deer In tho Jenny creek country and had no luck until Friday afternoon when thn boar was flushed on tho side of n hill about 300 runts off. Mrs. Itruln. Juckiton says, was making a rocord climb when a shot from a 7 M. M. Mauser crumpled her up, but dosplto the wound tho bear mado an effort to escape and anotbor shot was neces sary to finish her. Tho hlda on tho animal wulchcd 75 pounds, ten pounds less than the Illy boar. Johnson says that this boar waa rolling In fat and tho meat waa very tondcr. Tho hldo Is being mouetcd as tho fur waa yery firm and rich In lustor. Vaudovlllo at Strand Sunday. 19-34 PBNDLKTON Funds to tho amount of $93,000 will bo necessary to run tho city next year over and abova other receipts than taxes, ac cording to ostlmatcs made 'und ap proved at a point mooting of tho city council and tho city budget commission. Vaudovlllo at Strand Sunday. 19-34 for Tanlac Is that It built mo up whon It looked llko I didn't havo a chnnca to got my strength back. I was left In a bad fix by tbo 'flu' appctlto gone, stomach upset and nlmcst a nervous wreck. "I took a trip to California, thinking a change of cllmato would help mo und It did rollovo my cough, but there was not any other chnnno In my condition. In a short tlmo nftor I took Tanlao though I wan llko a different man, and new I'm sound nnd well nnd fool ing fine" Tanlac and Tanlac Vcgetablo Pills sold by Druggists everywhere. Adv. I ? t ? lAAMAMMAMAAMAAMWVMAMMMMWWWWWWMMMMMMVWWWW TONIGHT! 8:30 o'clock SCANDINAVIAN HALL O ML J.D I 0 BOXING ..BOUTS.. 4-ROUND PRELIMINARY KID WALSH VS. KID NORTH j Light Featherweight 6-R,OUND SEMI-WINDUP KID CHAVEZ VS. PUG WALTERS California Montana Featherweights 10 Rounds MAIN EVENT 10 Rounds BOB ALLEN vs. BOB ROSS Welterweights, catchweight at 145 pounds Prices, $1.10 and $2.20 Three fast bouts are scheduled for Klamath County Sports BE THERE A f t f T T t $ ? ? T f V T t T t f T t f t f y t ! T largely high school tcachora who camo from all parts of tho country. NEW TODAY FOR SALE Ford with service body, first class running condition, f 170. 14 Main St. 19-20 WANTED Table board with private family on high school hnl. Address A. M. Herald. 19 PIjAIN KNfiMHII WINS MIDDLEUUKV. Vt Sopt. 19. Three hundred pupils In tho Mid- dlobury collogo summer school who havo had to convorso In Fronch or 8panlsh at play as well as In class room under penalty of dismissal, have resumed tholr natlvo Eng lish. Tho faculty was composed on tlroly of professors from France and 8paln, whtlo tho students woro FOR RENT Steam heated rooms closo In hot water all tho tlmo. Call 139 N. Ctb. 19-31 WANTED TO RENT 40 to 80 aero furnished ranch or wtll work ranch on share proposition. Am thorough ly familiar with Irrigating. Must havo Improvements. A. G. caro Herald. 19-34 FOR SALE Laying hens, thorobrod whlto Leghorns & Barred Hocks II. A. Thledo, North Klamath Falls. 19-31 ifLA rO0AK WORK Before 9 OclocK-Your A.rl. pictures are ready air 5 p.T amarii 'a msi m www - 'mm hii hkim' . rj i T WHERE PARTICULAR PCOPLF. ull aa-MKas... HIIV TMaTID rSDI ifZG. t aa Jib , M m I V 9 uuKrwoo I purity) 1aCCWACv) MAAAMAAAMAMWWMMMVVWIMWWWWVMMMWWVWWWMVWVVVfVVVVWVWV WANTED by a boy of 15, a lob bo foro and after school and Satur days. Louts Potorson, Phone 451M. 19-20 First Picture De Valera Addressing Irish Parliament HBsML -BaflS9sl3rflllllHlBHaBlBBan2ZSH.B lHi1 saw 'lj3EiR1Ka&&i9l&i&mLJm!KilBmSGK!BiBtBMM)&m SBBBBBBBBBIglgBSiiifiTiTipTMiiimP tJJr 4aBM4MiMtsiBMiTSMtm3aMawJpsgMMSt3aifcjsBii'iLi gtSjHKavvi KKKmBBilw'WKmuSMFSiXVfS9BftKitSSfuS wfKw'fttMwlJmtAJ9lnttKtt9 TRMg iFBasaSaSSMTaBBslay"JgaFg4ri ssssssssssssssssssssswjssssi ? -arraafc . - . gtttatmmB rSgSVBkSjHg2jgKr.. iasjSgflBBIBYOfBlBBHvl 71aaBH'KP7HaTaTaTaFAaHaZraTaTaTaTaTaTaTalaa HvPrairmZ'IsiaTaTaTal BtoSaVfgBJpVBiBvfsKBjHMYB" Sfl-BSaPjE I '' - m This Is tho first ntcturo to reach America ot the hUtorlo peace session ot Sell XUreOnn, tho Irish Par liament, in Dublin, listening to Do Vatcru'a address ex plaining tho result ot hla peace conferences with JJoyd Oeorge. Arrow points to uo vuicra. taioa on ms riant, bora Mayor u'neui or uuoun. in xroni ox uo spaokar are the official reporters. Just below the far gallery U the distinguished visitors' enclosure, occu pied by American visitors, archbishops and bishops and Iristo Isadora not memberaof the DaJLJta the tor! MtT9ulM,ufflg-ilatoJ!ftift IgygS-WWyrfflgPaJff tho.Bember ot thoDolU ' THE KLAMATH GRAIN EXCHANGE Sole agency for the largest Western Milling concern. Will buy your grain at top market prices for cash. See or-phone BOLDISCHAR AND VOCHATZERj Malin, Ore. and Klamath Falls, Ore. Cooking and eating apples for sale, 334 CODfCOr AVO. 1920 I SMlJW''aaSWaiswJta,,w,wMVVMVVMvw Bring in your Swiss watch and have it repaired and regulated into an accurate timepiece. "LET George Do It!" GEO. L. METZ, Jeweler 622 Main St. Phone 72 POSTMASTERS AT PERKY, CASUS VALI.EV NAMED WASHINGTON, Sept. 19. Ber nard R. Rlchter has been appoint ed postmaster at Camas Valley, Douglas county, nnd deorgo Stod dard, at Perry, Union county. Herald classified ads pay you. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Vnltcd. State Lund Office, I Lakovlow, Oregon, Sept. 15. 1921. ' Notlco Is horoby given that John T. i Cotmau, A. F. Walter Kresso, und' August L. Andrlou, all ot Merrill, Oregon, has applied tor an oil and gas permit undor Section 13 of the act ot Fobruary 25, 1920 (Public, No. 14C), for, i First: Beginning-'With tho north-' wost cornor of tho SWtVJ of tho NW'i ot Section IS, tn Township 41 South, Range 10 East, W. M.; thonco ono mllo K., thence 140 rods south, to tho California lino; thonco wost to Intersection of the Klamath Lake meander lino and tho Oregon-California lino; thence In a northwesterly direction to the Intersection ot tho Klamath Lake meander line with tho weat line of Section 16; thence north' .to polut of beginning, containing -104 acres, moro or loss. I Second; Lots 3-4-5, Section 12, 'and Lots 3-4, Section 1, Township 41 South, Rnngo 9 East, Willamette Meridian, containing S2.C5 acres, moro or less. ' Third; Lots C-6-7-8. Section 2, Township 41 South, Rungo 9 East, W. M., containing 49.90 acres, tnoro or loss. Feurth: NE'4 NEU Section 9. Township 41 South, Range 10 East, W. M., containing 40 acres, moro or less, all lii Klamath County, Stato ot Oregon. Any. und all persons having ad verse or conflicting claims to said land are hereby notified that u full statomont, under oath, of such claim should bo filed In this offlco togother with mi application showing n super ior right to a permit or lease under said act or In lieu ot such applica tion, a showing of a valid eusting: adverse or conflicting claim tq the land or tho minerals tlioreln undor tho public land lawn, on or heforu tho 27th day of October, 1921; oth erwise such claim may he disregard ed In granting' tho permit or leaso applied for. JAS.F, HUROES9. S 19-28-O.3-10-17 Roglstor, . -3)1 tfl