A4Um4 MOXDAY, SKTTEMNKTt, 10, 1021, THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MAM TWO - .- I H The Evening Herald 1. MURRAY- nun boclk ..Kdlror -City Editor Published Jallr except 8unday, by "" I!rld Publishing Comnanv of Klaaath Falls, at 119 Eighth Strcot. aUred at the postottleo at Kla aath Falls, Ore., tor trammlBilon taroiga the Balls aa aocond-clasa Matter. OF THH ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Pre -a li exclusively latltled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It, r not otherwise credltod In this paper, and also the local news pub Maker herein. Christened .With Waterl A MONDAY, BEPTEMJlKn,' 10, 1021. CHAP TOaT ) . J ICMauwwA ' x r tsM - ft J-l Ju;-, UKtis4 3tIVWMl Tf?ii.ii jK t iiiH &. h -?'' WHIdHvYI-?91 ri m---- lilHHBinHVVVflKlr' ft- -, rn'jiCHrI43iiiiiiiB lHFmifc li'-UslBt-CHillBBBBBH OF H. GRH IN SALEM, Or., Sept. 19. A success ful yield ot hay, grain and corn for ensilage purposes Is reported to the state engineering department by the Ochoco Irrigation project ot Crook county for the present sea son. Just now the district Is ask ing tho Irrigation securities com mission for the certification ot 176,000 additional bonds to take car of some construction warrants outstanding from last year and to make repairs to the equipment ot the project necessitated by a cloud burst ot last spring. Dam to Be Repaired Included In repair work to bo done will be the stopping of a leak age In the dam on Ochoco creek aa soon as the water is drawn from the reservoir this fall. Tho leak has not interfered with Irrigation The state Irrigation securities commission doubtless will certify the additional' bonds. Already $1,- 350,000,000 In bonds has been cer tified and lntorcst guaranteed by tho stato on that amount. Organized In 1010 The Ochoco projoct was organis ed in 1918 as a result ot a co-operative investigation by tho state and the United States reclamation service. It embraces 22,000 acres ot which 20,000 is now Irrigated. , F. Fred Hoelscher la president ot the district and D. A. Sordal is sec retary. The directors are Mr. Hoels cher, John K. Crimes nad M. It. Biggs. m THE BTItAXD . . - .--!. .. W ,K miniNtr.tntieM WAAtlllia .votf-w 5 j t;. a-Nfl at Camden, w. J inai wa wnww , "..- .-- - .. -i Jean Bummer 10. d.uKhtcr ot Conrt-m-n W W Summer, of Wall. Wall j? broke a bottle of water from WmJttnuwa rivers, on the bow J The drama and the tragedy of the rush for gold in Alaska Is depicted In "The Flamo of the Yukon," In which Dorothy Dalton Is starring, which will bo shown at the Strand tonight. The time of this Triangle Play is In tho days of '98 when the gold mad crowds sought to uncover the wealth of the Frozen North, when there was no law of God or man In the camps and where a man's quick ness "on the draw" decided the question of whether he would live to got back to the "States" with his fortune. Miss Dalton Is "Tho Flame." Ono night she is told by Black Jack Hov ey, the owner of the dance hall, to pluck a stranger, who aooms to bavo bis, belt woll filled wlh gold. In tho process of plucking him she dlscovors the stranger Is throwing a bluff and that It Is sand instead of gold dust In his belt. Many dramatic episodes follow. "Tho Flamo" abandons her modo of living for love of tho man Lovo tin ally Is triumphant. REDDING A 150,000 mining deal was closed hero when two deeds were filed for record by the Atcascadero Copper company, so named because Jhe principal stockholders reside In Atascadero, HOOVER TELLS B0RH1 HE WILL CONSIDER PUN Herald Washington Bureau WASHINGTON. Sept. 19. Sec retary ot Commerce Hooter has re plied to Senator Borah' recent suggestion that the coming confer ence ot unemployment glvo con sideration to tho proposed plan for, enlarging tho wostern reclamation program, thereby not only furnish ing employment for large numbers ot workmen but also adding to the productivity ot tho country. The reply, while not committing tho secretary ot commerce to an Indorsement of tho suggestion, is most favorable. . Socretary Hoofer says Borah's suggestion Is Interesting and one that appears to offer largo possi bilities, however, ho points out that ho personally Is not familiar with tho present state ot reclamation In the west, nor with the details ot what Is proposed, but In' order to Inform himself in advance of the conference, ho has called on the reclamation service and tho de partment of tho interior for com pleto information on the subject, with a view to submitting it to the conference for discussion. This Insures that Senator Mc- Nary's reclamation plan, behind which stands the western states re clamation association, will bo fully presented at the conference. Further to aid It. the great forco ot tho American Federation of La bor will bo brought 'to bear. Rep resentatives ot tho federation noti fied Senator Borah that organized labor looks with high favor on bis suggestion and Is grateful to him for having presented it to Secro tary Hoover. The senator was given assurance that tho A. F. ot L. would take the matter up immediately with its af filiated organisations In the west with a view to consolidating the support for tho proposal. J i IS BLOCKED E I pn shares proposition, Am thorough- 0. S. SENATOR Herald Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Sept. 19. Acting undor the urging of scores of tele grams from food producors of Call fornla, Senator Shortrldgo has se cured an agreement from the depart ment of Justice that no modification of the court order In the packers' caso preventing the large packers from ongaglng in other lines of food production and sale should bo mado except after all parties Interested could bo given a full hearing. Last February. tho packers con sented to an order of the federal court that they be restrained from engaging in othor lines ot food con trol except those directly a part of tho meat packing, industry. Beck Liberal Order Slnco then recurring reports havo originated In tho West that somo of tho cannew abput C per cent of tho total have mado an effort to have this order liberalized In such a way as to open tho door to the packers to engago in the fruit and vegetable business. Ono telegram received from P. O. Drescher, ot San Francisco, said: "Attorney General Daugherty, act ing this week, propose to ask the court to modify very materially the packers' consent decree entered Feb ruary last. This action Is said to be largely at tho solicitation ot Califor nia co-operatlvo canner. If the de cree Is modified as proposed It will enablo packers with their , special privileges In transportation to mono polize food Industry and distribution. This Is against tho interests, ot both producer and consumer. The Cali fornia parties reported behind this move havo been heretofore aligned with Armour and the other packers They represent probably barely 5 per cent ot the growers or canner ot this state. "Investigation show the balance ot California producers, fruit grow era, shipper and canners strongly protest against this modification. "All wholesale grocer, retail gro cera and other important business Join In this protest and urgently re quest you to take such step aa may seem proper and effective to you to causo the attorney general to delay action until a full bearing may bo had enabling all Interest and especi ally California' Important Interests to be heard." Shortrldgo OrU Busy Senator Shortrldgo Immediately took the matter up personally with Judgo Goff, acting attornoy general. and sent tho following wire to all in terested In this matter: "Attornoy general through Colonol Goff advises me that tho packer de cree referred to In you September 1C telegram will not be modified, If at all until all the parties In Interest havo a full opportunity to bo heard I shall continue to glvo the matter closo attention." IN NO SO DIFFERENT We've all heard of the clown who reads Chaucer. Oh yes, the busy lit tle fellows ahead ot the circus have seen to that. Aa a matter of fact, there aren't any down who read Chaucer. They read about politics and baseball; and the way they go after current events for. Ideas upon which to frame their acts la a lesson to direct action. Clowns are not, as haa so often been stathd, exceptionally moody chaps when out of the ring. In fact, they are Just ordinary fellows, much the same as you and I. Some of thorn are well read, ot course, and well educated. "Poodles" Hanneford, the greatest ot all riding clowns, with Sells-Floto circus, coming to Klam ath Falls on Monday, September 28., Is a Harrow boy, and that's some thing on the other side. Of the fifty five clown with "the second largest show on earth," forty-three are Americans, almost all ot them high school graduates, some of them col lege men, but they're not "high brows." Hardly. But whether a clown with Sells- Floto Is able to talk smart dinner patter or not, he must be versatile in funmaklng. All but 'the biggest star of the laughter brigade must play in the clown band, of which Art Borello, tho noted American funstej, Is lead or. Spader Johnson, billed for years as "tho funnlost man In the world," whon out ot make-up looks like an aggressive man ot big business. ,At that, ho Is, in a way, for he is woail thoy, with plenty of commercial at falrs'on his hands. "Poodles" Hanne ford, who' is only twenty-six, looks like a bank clerk,. when be Is not thrilling and convulsing the crowds from the bach of a running bono, Extraordinary Offer- Through a fortunate buy we are enabled to male our lady customers a wonderful bargain. With each sale of an Auto Strop Rzor at the regular price of $5.00 we will give Two Dollars worth of Toilet Articles FREE There are no strings or conditions to this offer. The Auto-Strop Razor complete with twelve blades and strop sells for $5.00. Every man needs one and it is the best safety razor on the market. With each razor we will give, absolutely FREE 1 Jar Nyals Face Cream 32 1 Jar Nyals Bedtime Cream 63 1 Box Nylotis Face Powder 63 1 Box Nylotis Rouge .. 52 $2ilO A safety razor is almost a necessity and. a big money saver. Get one now and avail yourself of this big offer. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY TMCIFf DKUCii) llOT lACCVRftCYf TEACHEIW WIN FIGHT PJ3KINQ, Sopt, 19. Tho teach era' strike which closed eight high or schools In Poking for tho last four months has been ended by agreement of tho minister of fi nance to guorantca payment of sal arles out of tho surplus of salt rev enues. Tho sottloinent Ih a clean victory for tho touchers. Thoy held out from tbo beginning for estab lishment of a rollablo fund of $:,- 000.000 monthlr tor the support of higher government Institutions of learning. Vaudeville at Strand Sunday. 19-24 There are about 740 different kinds of bird In Australia. MM Don't fail to read the Herald Clawifiod Ad. WRIGLEYS WRIGLE7S Newest Creation ffo Cakes' .ike Mother aW;6 meke! .end fiy ! how ecous' with 9 ppim Aotcvp oFCbftee-wod pure crtsm . Take Homed Doztq Uoighnufs 30t L; Eva? 5c s&lr &,. Swmr m v VBJW T mR ubT7 SBBUftXa irm-nn Hdtndooi peppermint flavored safer Jicketaroooi permtot flavored cbev In num. Will aid your appetite and dUretiion. polish your ttttn and moktee your tnroat. v The Flavor Lasts tf o