- A Class Ad Will Dolt Today sMews To4z . lty , Member of the Associated Pre: PtftemUi Year No. SUM. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPT. 17, 109)1. PIUCK FIVB CENT! Sftji? burning Mvvalh W UHl ramus FORMED HERE i Plan contemplated all sumaur ( for tta organization of th" Kta I Math ' Rodeo association war brouibt-;to head laat night when a number of promlnont cltlin of tbla county not In lb ofllc of at torney William Man to coraldor tb preliminary atapa to ba mad toward! perfecting an organization. Among thoa present were: O. M. llator, J. J. Furber, Barney Cham bar, Rd. Vsnnlco, W T. Laa, A. Kallna, L. C. Blaamora,' R. W, Tow or, W. Daltoa, Loula Oar bar, J. Frank Adami, L, A, Waat, Marrln Croaa, R, L. Hammond, J. N. Olran, W. II. Tbomaa and Wm. Marx. T. II. Walter waa elected tamp orary chairman and W. T. Leo. temporary aecretary. Tbe plan advanced tail night waa to aacura ground- near Klamath Falls wbero , rodeo, county fair, stock ahow, atock aalea, race and other amuaa mant feature can ba held, eaay of acceaa from thla city. A aubeerip tlon lUt will bo circulated to ralaa thMUlfo-eapUalstioa of IE, 000 and share will ba told at 110 each. j The Illy roundup promoter and the Ft. ' Klamath 'group of eapert rodeo booatera will cooperate with tbe Klamath Falla aaaoclatloa to puth thla mattor and with the abundance of atock, rider, and the wonderful natural ecenery and na tloaally r advertised acenlc apota to alao draw on for advertising by toarlst, the formation of a rodeo aaaoclatloa will fill long felt want la thla. community. Tb poeel Mlltls for nutatrtfplog the Chay ana and Pendleton " ahowa ar great, with tho wonderful natural caalc apota In thla county to add to the Hit of attraction for draw log tourltta here. p Constitution Day Is Celebrated Nationally Today NEW YOIIK, Sept. 17. Contl tutlon day, tbla year tb 134th an alvmary of tho alining of tho American comtltutlon, will b cele brated today by many tho man d or ganltatlons .according to tho con atltutlonal league of Amorlca. The league, which la promoting observance of tho day, la a non partisan, non-sectarian body form ed "to further a groator knowledge and profound respect for tho con atltutlon." President Harding I a member of its national commlttoo. Governors of 42 atatea have agreed to cooporato In tho celobra tlon. In many cltloa historical pag eant are to bo proeontod by patri otic locletle, tho league report. Among organizations that hate agreed to obiorvo tho occasion aro the Son of the American Revolil t'on, American Federation of La bor, American Legion, General Fed oration of Women' Club, Chamber of Commerce of tbo United State, Y. M. 0. A. Order of tbe Eaatern Star, Daugbtora of tbo American Revolution, Jewlih Welfaro board, National Socurlty League, Foderal Council of Cburchoa of Christ In America, and the Qrand lodgo of Maaona of Now York, . HUTCHISON TRIAL TODAY In Judge Oaghagona' court tbla morning at 10 o'clock, tho caao of the Stat against Johnny Hutchi son came up' for trial. Ifutchl eon Is alleged to have uied a billiard cue on the persona of Floyd Drown and Oscar Berkley,- Saturday night, August 33 at Deatty. It waa on August 32 that the re 'port oanio to Klamath Falls that a number of Klamath Indiana wero on a rampage and Sheriff Low and Indian Agent Weat wero aeot tboro to Investigate. A few day later, a raid on atlll In the nelghorhood were, made and tbo troublea ended In Beatty. Sell; Floto Show Robbed by Hold-ups ' VANCOUVER, Waah., Sopt, 17. Polloe' nro without a clu to tbo Identity of tbo tbroo mon who wore reported to havo hold up a truck of the Bollt-Floto curcu hero last night', getting away with between 28 and 80 thousand dollar. Tbe ro portdd .holdup occurred at the rdg'e of tho town while tbo monoy waa bolng transferred from the circus grouhda to tbo treasure car. Rob bare ar aald to havo Jumped from tho brush and fired two shots over the bond' of tbe fire person wbo wero In tbo truck. They knockod down a man and a woman who refused to Obey tbelr command and escaped In an automobile. Uoyd Georges' Reply Demand Recession LONDON, 8ept 17. Loyd Oeorg, replying Do Valera'a com munication of Friday, ay that to recelro tho Sinn Foln delegate to the proaose-d conference s ropre aantatlrca of an Indpendenl (itato would constitute an official cog nition of Ireland's soverenco from the king's domalna. Ho aold that the conference waa Imposslbtu so long aa Do Valor. Insisted on this point . UNVEIL ORTON STATUE PA8ADBNA, Cal., Sept. 17. Unveiling of a monument In Para by the Vaasar college almnao asso ciation, In memory of tho late Pro fessor James Orton, will bo attend ed br the dauchter of the oxnlor ar, Mis Anna R. Orton. She Is head of a school for girls here. Dr. Ortoa, who waa tbo Vaasar of fac ulty, died In Peru white oa on of h'a scientific exploration of South America, REFLECTED BY BILL PAYMENTS Ono of the best business baro meter In tbla dtr la tbe California Oregon Power company and an un official statement made by one of tbo employes who Is In a position to know saya that tho collection! of tho company during the month of Au gust outstripped tbo mark of a year ago by a aubstantlal margin. This In crossed collection, In the tac of many disconnects by pooplo who move hero for tbe summor to work where It Is cool, shows that business Is good despite stories to tho contrary by cbroalo croackera. Merchants reported that a steady flow of substantial business h been dono and thla Item Is reflected in the Increased bank deposits In tho local banks. Every statement Isauod with in tho lost threo months by tbo Kla- hnath Falla hanks shows tho bank clearings and deposits steadily climb ing, which goes to show that people aro saving and readjusting them selves to tho 1921 standard of liv ing. Tho merchants also announce that peoplo havo recovered from their fear that bard times wero In store for tbcm this winter. One of the reasons why this fear waa felt waa due to tho ahaky condition of the timber market In May and June. Now that the local box factories, havo boon receiving advance ordors which will koep thorn busy until January, confldonco haa been res tored and payment of bills and tho purohaao of standard aupplles are being made. First Fall Rain is Promised for Sunday BAN FRANCISCO, Sopt. 17. Rain warnings wlro aent through out Oregon, Washington, Idaho, No vada and northern and central California today telling those dry ing fruit to stack their trays' and take othor precautions. Tho un settled condition provalling over the North Pacific will bring storm to the coast states said forecast.. Th forecast for this section for tonight and Sunday is rain. PROSPERITY IS FEDERAL JUDGE ISSUES MITCHELL USE PORTLAND. Sept. 17. An order waa algned Tuesday 'afternoon byi Federal Judge C. E. Wolverton r qlurlng J. D. Mitchell to ahow causa why ho ebotna not appoint a receiv er for tho 2400-aer Dloomlngcamp cattlo ranch noar Rly. ' Tbe 2100 bead of cattlo and the horses and mulea on tbo $100,000 ranch will be lost to tho owner within a abort time unless tb court appoints someone to tako car of the placo at once, allege D. If. McLemore, plaintiff and owner. Affidavits supporting the conten tions of HcLemoro wero filed with tbe suit. According to the complaint, Hit cbell purchased tbo ranch April li, 1(18, for $94,886, from Edward and George Dloomlngcamp, and agreed to pay 16000 cash, $10,000 by May 1, 1918; $30,061.26 by tbe following November and tbo bal ance In 10 yearly Installments. Payments havo been defaulted, tbo complaint atates, and on May 28, 1921, Mitchell secured a mort gage of $63,400 from McLemore, who resides In Alsmada county, California, on tho farm and atock. He also turned' over the contract of salo given by the Bloomlng csmpa. Tho money was to bava been returned by August. , th complaint alleges, with an option to repurchase 30 days after that date. When no mora was mad by Mitchell by September 9, McLe more engaged attorneys to bring tb suit. ' If. M. Manning, an attorney of Klamath Falls, filed an' affidavit stating that Mitchell la running up bill on tbo ranch, and that employ es aro claiming labor liens against the crop and livestock. Marshall Hooaw. -rl prxldaat af-tk first State' and Savings bank at JOaraath Falla, atatea In his affidavit that Mitchell has overdrawn bis account and la atlll writing checks, which tbe bank refused to acknowledge. Hooper declares Mitchell Is Insolv ent. John 8. Schook, a cattlo buyr with 26 -yeara's experience, Inform ed the court that unless tbe cattle are taken off tho range beforo Oc tober 16 tkay will be (oat to the owner and will dt from cold and exposuro. ' Style Shop Celebrates First Anniversary The Style Shop was today the mecca for many residents of tho city and county who called to ex tend their congratulations to Mrs. Andross and Mrs. Olorer on tho first anniversary or tho oponlng of tho establishment. Nothing haa ever demonstrated moro fully tho ad vanco mado by this city "than th success achieved by tbo Andross 0 lover company. It was predicted that it would bo impossible for such an enterprise to succeed hero and It waa freely prophesied that six months would see tho closing of tho establishment. Aftor the first day no auch dire expectations wero expressed. The almost com ploto disposal of a splondld atock within a few hours of tje oponlng of tbo doors waa followed, by con tinued popularity, modern methods, high class merchandise, efficient servico snd reasonable prlcea re sulting In tho keeping nt homo tnou aanda of dollars that heretofore havo been apent In tho larger cities and Instead of Injuring competitors, tbo establishment has really boon a help. It la with pleasure Tho Horald extends ita congratulations, with the prediction that 12 montha henco to aee a aubstantlal increase in tho floor spaco now occupied by this popular and successful concorn. KILRANK RETAINS TITLE RING81DB, Dunn FIELD, CLEVE LAND, Sopt, 17, Johnny Kllb'ane, featherweight champion of the world, deofated Danny Frush of Dal tomoro thla oftornoon with a kuock out In tho seventh round HE FILM FARES ROUGHLY II TIIBRMOPOLIS, Wyo., Sept., 17 Thermopolls, wildest town In Wyo ming and known all over tbe United States oa tbo last stronghold of tbe "wots", noxt to Iron county, Michi gan, laat nlgbt was tbe acene of a shooting up of tho Mavorlc thoatro when tx' picture of "Fatty" Arbucklo In ono of bis films was thrown on the screen. A mob composed of about 160 mon and boys, many of them cowboys, attended tbo show and all wont well until the screen was Illuminated with one of tbo Arbuckte comedies. Pandemonium broko looso accord lag' to tbo true style heralded in tbe popular westernflctlon storlos. Shots rang out from every section of tbo theatre and tho screen wss soon punc tured by bullots and rendered uso Inss. Homeono cried, "Let's tear up tho film so it cannot bo used again," und action followed words. Tbo film waa taken into tbe street, t6rj$H and a bonflro mado of It, Tbo Parity Loaguo earlier In tbo day had called upon tho manager of tbo theatre not to show It but ho rofusod to heed tho request. Last January, atato troops wero ont from Cheycnno to Thermopolls to put an end to tho wholesale liquor sale which took placo tbero among the coal miners by bootleggors. In aomo places, old fashioned bars were open, and orery one did a "land of tie business" until the troops ar rived . ' Arbuckle Arraignment Set For Sept. 26 SAI FRANCISCO. Scpt.,17 Ar ralngment of Arbucklo on man slaughter chargo came up in Superior eoujfju-day.but.waftjcontlnued ovr. until September 20. Tbo grand Jury will meet Monday to consider tbo alleged "tampering" of witnesses. Dr. Arthur Boardsleo, St. Francis hotol house physician Is being sought aa a witness before tho grand Jury. Ho Is roportcd to bo on a hunting trip. 11 Make' that Idle dollar work! Put tttathabaak. IE LIETEI Klamath Falls Is going to have a cafeteria aionuay, oui it win ue ono which will bo used In connec tion with tho' domestic science de partment at tho high school and will not be open to tho general public. Tbo announcement was mado today by Miss Avis Dough erty, In charge of tho domestic de partment. Thlg departure haa been undor consideration for somo tlmo, but plans were never fully mado for It until this tall when It was found feasible and could be mado Into a marked succoss, as pupils from tbo class of last year wero trained sufficiently to tako entire charge of the food preparation. Miss Dougherty announces that tho school catoterla will be under tho management of tho second yar student class. Thla is the tint time that students havo been placed en tirely in charge of tho department Tho object, Miss Dougherty says, will be to servo tho best varieties of food for the least monoy. The girls who will bo In chargo of the cafeteria are as follews: Thelma Brown, Thyra Bryant, Constnnco Crystal, Mildred Lowls, Ireno Lowls, Dorothy McAboy, Marjory Jobea ondClaudlno Witt. As a sample of Wat will bo'ttrv ed, two of tbo menus aro given: Spanish rlco, salmon loaf, white broad and b'utto'r, fruit Jol-oi scol loped corn, hot -rolls and butter, milk,1 fruit salad, cup custard. It Is tbe plan of the class managor to have no menu repeated in less than 12 days, thereby offering a varied, healthful dlot. WIN eCHOOL TO Inspected "J" Canal Right of Way Tbo right of way for thd "J" canal Irrigation system, which will furnish water for tho Irrigation of the Tulo lako lands, was gone over yesterday by II. D. Newell, United States reclamation project managor and A. L. Wlsbard, secretary of tbo Klamath Irrigation district. Mr. Wishard reports that th project is well underway and that contrac tor Miller, who Is doing tto work on tho dam has made satisfactory progress. The irrigation system starln nt tbe Boguo snd Bailey ranches, wbero tho diversion dam Is loci ed, and extends east across tie fiko, It will furnish ample water to a ko these valuable loads extremely Pro ductive, i . I Shackleton Starts J 0 7-m W .. , Un two Tears Grukxes LONDON, Sept. 17. The Qo'c, tb small ship on which Sir Er nest Shackleton will ezploro Ike unchartered sections of the South Atlantic, Pacific and Antarctic eos, left tho Thames today to start on a two years voyage. Largo crowds wished the party a success ful voysge. FLORIDA BIRD REFUGE ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Sept. 17. To provide a safe habitat for tbo rare and beautiful roseate spoonbill, Tarpon Key and other small koys near the junction of Tampa and Boca Celga bays, a few miles south of hero, have been add ed to the Indian Key federal bird reservation by executive order of President Harding. National Audu bon society officials recently re ported tbrro wero no colonies of spoonbills left ouUIde of Florida and that th bird waa becoming tlnct rapidly. PUBLIC HKEI m MEETS' L That tho public market Is going to meet with the hearty support of tho public and that tho farmers of the county ar going to contlnuo to uso It as a medium through which to roach the consumer direct, was again de monstrated today, when the sales were nearly doubled over that of laat Saturday and still tbero was a shortage. Tho farmers carao this morning with a "botcba a dollar I've got enough this time" expression on their faces. It looked as If they.had, but at 11:30 those remaining lookod as If they would havo to Increase their acroago to meet tho demand. As one farmer expressed It: "Whore the devil does it all go to. I'vo bcon coming every Saturday sinco tho mar ket first opened, and each wcok I have doubled tho quantity of truck brought In. But each tlmo It seems to go faster and faster, until today I waa sold out In an hour. I'll fill 'em up' If I hava to atay with It all iwlnter,' ho said with a laugh, as he marched off Jingling $57.60 cash In his pocket. When tho market first startod In tbo Arcade Hotel, thoso going thero bad a certain degree of tlmldnoss. This baa practically disappeared as tho boosewifo begins to realize that It la getting on a business basis and that It la Just aa pracical tor her to go there aa It is to go anywhere olso. On top of thla la the realisation of the fact that tho produce la fresber and haa a better flavor than that shipped in from California And, most of all, it means a substantial saving In the cost of living, ' Many new articles -mado their ap- paranco today, such as flowers, pot ted plants. Swiss chneso, cooked food and tho like. Perhaps next week ar rangements will bo psrfectedwhera by each farmer 'will bo assigned to a permanent location, thus making it easier for his customers to find him and enabling him to build up a line of customer wbo will patronize htm every week. It will mean tbo, deve lopment of better merchandise and more pormanenoy to the' enterprise. WELCOME m REGMOi ' DDE ISSUES WASHINGTON, Sept., 17 Tho re gulation have been issued govornlng ho 'financing by ho government of tho agricultural loans that havo been or ar mado by tho banks to farmers an dllrcstook men. Tho circular con tnlaa explanations, conditions and re- guuuons, wnicn wm iru '' cstl.to every farmer and stockman a'jwsll aa those Indirectly Identified wllk these Industrie., ' Tk nrocoduro in making applies -'A for ,01tui ,n b0 M fol,ow,,: The Haanalal institution einnr an .., . fl out tho BPpiiruor v&neo U1 fill out tho application Wa;-wW.li le oMaijffd Jrotw t inc &WLO-.1 agricultural lo-n aeeacy, or federal rcservu hank, Forme will be submitted In triplicate to tho Iocs. fHl(ll..l fnaH MWAM.... -Ttin 1ll.n 4," ' a,lftl.u,tui, tuwu Hhvuvj. . fiaA'L ii - oers of me agency win men jnv-s- ( tlf ate 'the caso thoroughly and wiU send tho appllcaton form with their recommendations to tho war finance corporation. If tbo application is finally approved by tbo corporation, tbo monoy will at onco bo made avail able to tho borrower. Tbe circular Issued by tbo war flnanco corporation for tho Infor mation of bankers npplylng for ad vances and thoso desiring to soil to tho corporation notes secured by agricultural products, Including llro atock follews: J 'Tho war finaqoo corporation Is au thorised to mako an ad vanco to any bank, bankor or trust company which may havo made advanco for agri cultural purposes; that U, for any purposo connected with tho growing, harvesting, preparation for market, and marketing of agricultural pro ducts, or tbe breeding, raising, fat loaning, and marketing of livestock; or which may havo dlscountod or re- -- discounted, agricultural paper: font Is.'nijy nolo, draft., bli oc-y;h-.j?j or other negotiable lnatrume.nt issued. " for nn agricultural purpose Tho1 s term 'bank, bankor or,trut company V Includes any 'rep.utablo and' respon sible financing institution Incorporat- od undor tbo laws of any stato or of tho United States, with resource ade quate to tho undertaking contempla ted. "Tho amount of any advance 1 limited to tho aggrcgato of all out standing advances mado by the bor rower for agricultural purposes, In cluding discounts and rediscounts of agricultural paper, as defined In tho foregoing paragraph. "Advancos may bo mado at any tlmo prior to July 1, 1922, and will mature not later than ono year from it for ngtlcutural purposes may not chago for such loans a rato of Intorost greater than 2 per cont In excess of tho rato charged by tho war flnanco corporation. This provision should not bo "construed, hovroror, to uuthorlzo any bank, bankor or trust company to charge a rato of Interest in excess of tho rato permit ted by stato law. "Advances may bo mado by tho war flnanco corporation against a nolo executed by tho borrower ns maker or a draft accepted by tho borrowor or a noto o rother negotiable Instru ment indorsed by tho borrowor, waiving protest, notico of protost. notlco of dishonor, extonslon of tlmo, substitution of collateral or othor In dulgence. Obligations of tho bor (Continued to Page 2) JXUVAAA "i"" atQi Local Banks Ready With Bonus Blanks Voternns of tho world war who desire to secure applications for tho Boldtor bonus loan, passed In tho special election Juno 11, can now secure thorn at tho First State and Savings bank. Tho bank has mado arrangements, according to a notlco posted In tho lobby, to assist all applicants In tilling thorn out. Tho othor hanks la this city nro a'so making nrraugemputs to assist the applicants; In accordanco with tho agreement mado at tho mooting of Pest No. 8 of Klamath Falls sev eral weeks ago. ' ' f) && L JH : v& ( Si ": k ri If) V iJ H-C'