it ' jr. jv .. nr. - -w. wtCTtWWsjHMaWWiWaMWtMiaWiWOTiPBW munsDAY, sHmocnEn, is, imi. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rAa two The Evening Herald f 3. MURRAY tRCD BOULK . Editor .City Editor Published .ally axcept Sunday, by The Horald rubllihlng Company ot Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Street. - ntered at the postotflco at Kla aath Falls, Ore, (or transmission through the mails aa socond-class matter. N.r. HOUSING SITUATION MKMDUW OF THH ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Pre-s u exclusively eatltlod to the mo for republication f all news dispatches credited to It, r not othorwlso crodltod In this paper, nnd also lho local now pub lisher horoln. THURSDAY, HKlTKMUKlt, IB, 11)21. n T is MING CRISIS cldee what the price shall bo, Groat numbora ot leases expire on Soptembor SO, and Inndlords hato scat out Nicks ot notices to rncato. In aorno Instances, thoy ntroady havo signed contractu with othor tenants ottoctlro October 1, but this year tho contracts do not gunrantoo tloll- vory ot ttio property on thnt diy. For tho tenants, protected by now legislation, aro not expected tn glvo ..,A. ..... n . .. ... .. u" wiinou. a struggle Many or NEW lOltk, Sept.. lB-Thehous-tnom , o ,nko tho , ,0 ngsuunuon nwow or. dm cour or to tno ., commlltco boon a chronic and economic "loess on Rent Profiteering. This comm't- with soda complications since 1917, teo nn neftn, 4 000 m 0T0. Is expected to reach It. annual crisis homeil .d hl ,,,.,-,, ., nnn r-k- I --,--. That Is tho dnto on which thou- n p CMS was on his way. Prospects wore slmllnrly cheerless last year until tho legislature enacted laws that enabled ' ( Hernia Kalcni llurenu.) Vernon B, Uora "of Portland, who was with tho medical department of tho spruce division, Is tho ox-sorvlco man whoso application under tho state, bonus and loan act will bo tho first considered by tho aid commis sion. In u drawing September 6, Governor Olcott pulled out tho first application by a random choice from a stack of them on tho desk ot tho commltsion socrctary, and It was ltoss' application. Tho first thirteen wero drawn In this maimer. All others will bo considered In tho or der, of their filing. More, than 1000 haro been received. Tho airplane forest patrol In Ore gon has been discontinued. Several airplanes will bo reserved at tho Eu gene station, however, to use If tho weather again becomes favorable to fires. Flro losses In Oregon outside of Portland for tho month ot July ag gregated $318,859, according to A. C. Barber, stato Insuranco commis sioner. Tho total numobr ot fires was fifty-nine. A total of $21,048.71 was declared escheated to tho state on July 1, ac cording to a report ot tho secretary ot state. This money Is on deposit In .ninety-one H the.itf's 28J ban Kb and will bo-turned over to tho com mon school fund In tho office of tho state treasurer as soon as demand is made by tbo attorney general. Tho. money represents unclaimed commer-i ciafand savings deposits In tho banks, ' tho commercial deposits having lain j unclaimed for seven yenrs and tho savings doposits twelvo years, the time limit allowed by law. sauds aro In tho habit ot packing up tho, furniture, and moving. It many folk aro compelled to movo this year, authorities fear that lots landtord-tonont squabbles. Btlll tho warnings It has sent out ot tho Im pending crisis bear a. cheerful, opti mistic tono. Almost ovorybody here seem In- of them will be like tho person who lnho housing situation for didn't know where ho was going but !Tr,y ,A" Now. To'k 8 d,v,,,c1 M throe, classes landlords, tennnts and thoso who sloop In tho parks. Many In tho great army of ront- thousands of renters to stick with the'0 fow ,tho bcl,p U0U8' old npartmont In spite of landlords ',n t0UU tho near future bo- vuiuiu ui mo spun inai construction work has taken slnco tho recent pas sago of an ordinance exempting dwel lings and toncmonts planned this year from taxation ovor a 1-year period. Slnco February 25, when tho or dtnanco pnssod, plans for 12,389 ono and two-family dwolllng houses and 737 apartment houso or tenement -structures havo been fllod by pros pective builders In tho greater city. In tho samo period last year tho plans filed embraced 5,164 dwelling pro jects and 75 teneraont houso plans wero recorded. In 1920 not a single dwolllng was added In Manhattan. For three yoara prior to tho tax omptlon ordinance not a tenement had boon orccted In Quoonsborough. Thoro aro many who believe that oil, now construction will not holp ranttors much. It will tnko many times this number of houses to com fortably sholtor tho overcrowded millions in .Vow York, they bollo,vo And tho city continues to grow ovory) day. and high rentals, Theso laws, which havo resulted In much additional work for attor neys and magistrates, provided tho landlords could not recover tholr property by dispossessing tonanU ex cept tor ono ot fonr reasons. Ono of theso was that tho person holding on to his apartment was objection able. That always was a recognized excuso tor ejection and not Infre quently tenants seemed unable, to break thomsclves of tho habit of bo Ing objectlonablo ovory time nn out sider offered their landlord mono rent than they wero willing to pay. Out under tho new laws It is up to tho Judgo, not tho landlord, to decldo whether a tenant is objectlonablo. The only other recognized reasons for ejecting tenants aro for tho land lord to want the property for Imme diate occupancy by himself or family, to demolish tho building to mako way for a now structure, or to turn over tho apartment to a person who owns it undor tho co-opcrntlvo sys tem. It the tenant refuses to pay n rent Increase, ho Isn't dispossessed, ho goes to court and tho judgo do- Extraordinary Offer-. Through a fortunate buy we arc enabled to mako our lady customers a wonderful bargain. With each sale of an Auto Strop Razor at the regular price 'of $5.00 we will give Two Dollars worth of Toilet Articles FREE There are no strings or conditions to this offer. The Auto-Strop Razor complete with twelve blades and strop sells for $5.00. Every man needs one and it is the best safety razor on the market. With each razor we will give, absolutely FREE 1 Jar Nyals Face Cream 32 1 Jar Nyals Bedtime Cream 63 1 Box Nylotis Face Powder 63' 1 Box Nylotis Rouge 52 $20 A safety razor is almost a necessity and a big money saver. Get one now and avail yourself of this big offer. Herald classified ads pay yon. Fiance-Teacher-Pupil Although tho deer may have been killed by anothor person, any person found in tassesslon of an untagged deer Is liable to tho penally of tho law, according to an opinion ot tho attorney general. Justice Charles A. Johns Qf tho Oregon supremo court, who has been appointed by President Harding asj associate Justice of. the supremo court for Jho Philippine- Islands, will gall for Manila, from San Francisco on' tho steamship Hooslcr Stato October 12. Ho will leavo Oregon October 5. Oregon loads among olno Westom states In tho Incrcaso In tho number of motr vehlclo licenses, says Secre tary of Stato Kozcr. Tho nlno states nro Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Mon tana, Novada, Oregon, Utah, Wash ington and Wyoming. A truck bolonglng to the stato penitentiary was among thoso stop ped recently by T. A. Ilaffoty, chief stato traffic Inspector, and compelled to throw off part of Its load and to comply with tho stato law relativo to overloading. Trucks bolonglng to Marlon county and tho city ot Fort lund also havo been stopped recently. iSlfcjlL . . .-v ??.: . .v, v-S7 fir V7 I PURITY I KLAMATH TAIiS OREGON lACQUflSSl WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS Temperament Not Confined to Actors AAAAAsAAVWMMVWMWWWMWMNVMMVWWaWWWV I.OS AN'dKI.KS, Cal, Sept, 16 Tho reason why water from a now I reservoir Is always distasteful (it Miss Alice Lord, of Hrooklyn. wnl to Antwerp as a swimmer and diver on the American Olympic tiam. JDIcK Uindon, of Yale, world champion lilRb Jumper, was also on lbs team. They becamo engaged. Now Dick Is teaching AIlco tho high jump and Allco U teaching Dick how to swim and dive, llsro they ore at Ilrlghton Beach, N. 0v first Is because micro-organisms In thu water itro "showing off" their tomporamontfl, City Illologlst Carl Wilson declared hero recently In a public address. Micro-organisms, ho explained, are the diminutive animal and plant forms that exist In water and glvo ncCflpt 'y ono U(, 0' rpjcc"nn or II life. When thoy find thomsclvin nil Olds In a now reservoir, they trot mid gLt , Datod nt Klamnth Kiilln, Oregon,, moody nml tciiiiwromciitnl In their ' " '"' ""y " ul ?" '"f- r; it. n . t. t. . C Willis rU J AI1CW W, u ItirAtist nuw nurruuiiuuiKf. i mi aii-r univti 1020 Clork well whfii Alio orffanlflnm fI at . " , home, according to Wltaon. , 5Ti.V".!"' "" .VT"'"... 1 wumivii Miliucum lll 1(11 lUVUITCli II III t!o bank. THE KLAMATH GRAIN EXCHANGE Sole agency for the largest Western m m 1 1 Milling concern. i Will buy your grain at top market prices for cash. Sec or phone BOLDISCHAR AND VOCHATZERj Malin, Ore. and Klamath Falls, Ore. . ? CORNS Lift Right Off without Pain C. M. Sims, of Heppenor, has been appointed stato bank examiner, to ruccecd O. D. Itobortson, of Condon, roslgned, Tbo appointment was made by Frank C. Dramwcll, Btato super intendent of banks. SLAYEIt OF AUTO SAIiKSMEN HAD NO HKtP, HK DECLARES CHICAao, Sept. 1C Harvoy W. Church, confessod slayer of Der- nard Daugberty and Carl Ausmus, automobile salesmen .today, In dis trict attorney' office, faced his mother for the first tlmo since bis 'arrest. He reiterated that he com mitted the murder without any as sistance. onus m HI TAXES The Chinese laundryman accepts cuffs, but draws the line at kicks. PORTLAND epl. 1C. Fed eral personal incomo tax returns filed In Oregon In 1919 roachod a total of 49,063, which was .93 por cent of tho ontlro numbor filed In tho United States. Tbo total net Incomo reported by tbeso re turns was 1166,240.600, while tho tax paid on them was 18,232,437, wnicn waB ,6C par cent of the total personal Incomo tax paid in tho ontlro country. In tbo nation at large 8.03 per cent of the people filed personal Incomo tax returns, while In Ore gon, fl.34 per cent filed them. The average net Income per re- Vear No. ot Returns "" MOO 1J17 je.071 lflf .. 41,163 turn for tbo Unltod States was S3, 721. OB, and In Oregon It was $3, 347,37. Tho personal Incomo tax por capita for tho Unltod Statos amounted to 111.98, and in Oro gon It was 10. CI. Tho avorugo amount of tho porsonal Incomo tax per return In tho United Statoa was and 1238.08, In Orogon It was 1238.08, In Oregon It was $1GG,77. Oregon'H position ln tho order ot mngnltudo as to all tbo states and territories In tho Union, In tho por cent 'of population filing returns was 17th, and 29th In tho aver age not incomo per roturn. Its position as to per capita Incomo tax was 13th and 20th In the av erage amount of tax por return, The number of personal Incomo tax returns filed for the years 1916, 1917, 1918, and 1919 In Oregon, as well as the amounts of net Income and tax ure shown. In the following table: , Net Income Total Tax 24,968,672 S 387,061 84,746,023 3,298,630 111,601,060 6,049,987 1,!40,60 8,231,437 , I by tho Common Council nf thn Cltv MjiUo Hint idle dolfur ui'rk! Put of Klamnth Tails, Oregon, for thin i purchaso of an Isstio of $00,000 00 I 1 general obligation bonds, In deno minations of $1000.00 or $.100.00, maiming In flitcon years from Au gust 1st, 1921, without right nf prior redemption. Hald Usuo to bo known as "Klamath Kails. Suwer IIoihIh" boarlng n rain of Interest ot 0 per i com par annum, pnyntila sum I an inunlly. Hot li principal nnd Interest pnyahlu nt tho Oreeou Fiscal Aconcy Mni-tet limn n llttla "Frooiono" I !" Kov York City. Hald bonds nro ... ,,,! ,i,, ., lHucd nnd disposed ot undor tho uu uu U..U.IIB ku,.., ,..-,., ...... v.,.., clmr(0r ot ealti c)tyi stops hurting, thon shortly you lift .:nc, proposal to purchaso must bo It right off with flngors. Doesn't hurt filed with tho I'ollco Judgo of said 1,1, city on or hoforo 8 o'clock P. M., of ' , . ,, ., .,,. , Octobor 3rd. 1921. and ho neenmp Vour druggist sells a tiny bottle of 'Froozono" for a fow conts, suftlclant to romovo overy hard corn, soft corn, or corn batwoon tho toes, and cal. luscs. r fW i i ir mi j WMBSMWJBaSTTTJtf C I JH'MSM ) ' ' NOTICE TO IIIDDK1W. I Soalod proposals will bo rocolved up to Soptombor 21st. 1921, ,by School District No. 31, Klamath County, for tho construtlon of a brick school building and for tbo Plumbing nnd Heating ot unmo." Dlds must bo accompanied by a cortlflod chock to tlio amount of 6 per cent of tbo bid or tho same shall bo roioctod, to bo imado payablo In favor ot Mrs. W, C. f I7.ma1I n. .l.n anln TIb.wIa. t tn roturnod to blddors upon signing of contract and to bo retained If suc cessful bidder falls to entor Into con tract as spoclflod. Plans and speci fications may bo obtained from O. It. Wright, Arcbltoct, Klamath Falls, and a deposit of 810,00 will be re quired for same. Proposals may be left at the of flco of tho archltoct, Emma Dulldlng up to E P. M., or till 7.30 P. M nt tbo mooting place of the scbocl board nt Summon School bouse, September The board reserves the right to WOOD! r"isssssssssnssssssBSsssssssssssalss1 PrlcoH may ndvonco nnjr day, this Is your notlco, no further guarontoo on prices. Duy your OIIEEN SLAU or IILOCK-WOOD now and avoid advances that aro euro to como. Ask about our imy-TAMAJtACK For Tour neater 0. Peyton & Co. "Wood to Bars a. it'oert DOUQTtllU(6 'tvetafeMmrltfrt- :l ml 419 Malst St, Rwavft BM anlod by a cortlflod check on soma responsible banking Institution for E per cent of amount of tho proposal. Said Issue will bo disposed of at not less than par aad aooured Interest. The council reserving the right to reject any and all proposals, A. L. LBAVITT, Polloe Judge of the City of Klamath rails, Oregoa. 81-10 o I m -o 4 'ssiw3aSMpaisM