K ta, . fetltfttttUJi A Close Ad Will 'Doit Today 9 News - Todmy ' Member of the Associated Press. Fifteenth Year No. (II 81. KLAMATtf FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, in, 1031. piucb rvm cmm MvmWi m 4 ' t J tra rules i ninced BY FAIR BOKflD The premium lints for tho Kla- 'math County Annual Fair to be held October S, and 7, Inclusive are now out and art) being distrib uted to the farming oentars m rap idly m possible. Tbo premium are wall distributed over ft (wide rango of products . nutM are provided to over entrance, also epeeUI notice to exhibitors or llveelock eo that no misunderstanding can arise at any time during tbe course of tbe fair. Altamont rancb baa been under going a grooming preparatory toj tbe coming display or livestock and farm exhibits and particular atten tion bae been paid to sanitation matters so that no Infection of any kind of animal disease can be transmitted to tbo livestock exhi bited them. Mr. Bradley has taken tbls matter In hand and stated that bo precaution will be lacking for tbe safeguarding of tbe animals ihlbltod. ' Iireedera of fine stock can find In tbe premium list special prem iums and material which will cause tbem to nihlblt tbelr prise beet or dairy stock. The greater tho num ber of exhibitors In this particular, tho greater the Interest will be on tbls subject during the coming year. Kvory offort Is being made to turn Klamath county Into one of the greatest dairy sections In the west, ilay and splendid range i are available at all tlmee of tho' pear. Prank Bex ton. county club leader, Is onoof the groatoet advo cates of this dairy feature and Is bending every effort to bring It about. Sexton's work In dairying with tbe younger generation is said to be accomplishing this purpose In a far-reaching way. Tho county fair board calls parti cular attention to the following rules and regulations governing the 'fair: Exhibits sent to the Secretary muet be accompanied bya letter whenever on exhibit Is forwarded to the Secre tary to Insure proper entry, Tho County Hair Uoanl has com plete chargo of all details connected with the fair. Marshals havn full authority to enforce order In and about tho grounds. Kvory entry must be made In the name of the bonaflde owner, maker or producer, whose number must be shown on entry card. Anyone wtoo shall mako a false statement as to ownership, or, who shall purchase stock, produce, fancy work, etc., snd exhibit eamo In his or hor own name, as of bis or hor own production, shall forfeit all claim as an oxhlbltor. Bo far as practicable export J u J con nvitl bo employed. No unworthy ex hibit shall be awarded any premium. Where thero Is no compotltlon, tbe Judge shall award such premium as ha deems proper, and In such case tbe samo shall carry with It only 26 per cent of the caah prise offered with such ribbon, except club mem bers' exhibits. Duplicate oniric's by oue exhibitor shall not bo considered aa establishing any competition. Tho right to protest is guaranteed every oxhlbltor. Errors of entry shall be aubjoct to correction prior to Judg ing. Livestock must be entered on or before September 20, 1021, and must be at tbe Fairgrounds not later than 10 o'clock the. first- morning of tbe fair. All other ontrles must bo at tbe Fair Grounds not later than 10 o'clock tho first morning of tbo fair, but a correct entry and classification cannot bo guaranteed entries unless tbey arrive during tho day preceding the fair. Judging will begin promptly at 1 p, m., tbo first, day of the fair, and Will bo conttnuod until completed. ' Lato Entries will be placed In "Too Late to Classify" department, and will not bo ellglblo for competl- tlon for awards. Tho Fair Board will have 'a guard and' marshal at tho grounds, but re quires that exhibitors shall at all times give personal'attentlon to their exhibits. Tbe Fair Board reio'rre tn right English Premier Refuses Audience With Delegates LONDON. Sept. 15. Promlor Lloyd Oeorge today cancelled all ar rangements for tbe conference with Sinn Fein delegates and himself and the cabinet at Inverness on Septem ber 201b. Tbls action followed the receipt of a Do Valera note insist ing that delegates bo received as representatives of a sovereign state. This action Indicates. It Is said. that England will In no way grant' any concession or step which would give recognition to the proposed separation from tbe empire, .Lloyd Oeorge In reply to Do Val era said "If we accepted conference with your delegates on tbe formsl statement of claim which you bavo reaffirmed It would constitute an of ficial recognition by bis msjesty's government of soverence ot Ireland from the empire and ot Its existence as su Independnt republic." .Surveyors woro busy today fixing the boundaries of the lot at the cor ner of Seventh and Main street a on which I tart Brothers aro going to erect their new building. In the meantime the architect Is putting tho finishing louche on the plans. These call for a full basement with a foun dation and walla capable of carrying five stories. It Is tbe present Inten tion of Mr, Hart to erect onlr two stories, but'addttlonal stories will be added" If the demand for tbem arises. Ufhe structure will be of reinforced con r rate, with terra cottm fin lull and wfir'LVcbuu A construction through out. Work will start October 1, and It Is tho present expectstlon that the building .will be completed by Christ- Mr. Hart left for Bacramento this morning to make arrangements to return here snd romaln until tho stucture l finished. WEATHER RETORT. OREQOC Friday fair. I Perconml Mention J. R. O. Haynes, a bomsteader In the Malln country, came Into town about noon today and attract ed considerable attention to him self aa be went along Main street, because ot a big bunch of grasses which be carried. Mr. Haynee bad a bunch of alfalfa which waa as high aa a man could reach and the rye was far, far taller than a man. The sweet clover too, was record bresklng. Wallace McClollan Is spending to day In town from his homo on tbe Merrill road. Mr. McClollan baa boon homo only a ahort tlmo bar- Ing spent tho groater part of the summer In Palo Alto after the closo of Leland Stanford university. 1 W. W. McNeally loft this after noon on a duck bunting exposition which Is to last until aometlmo to morrow. 00W0W000l00m0WW0Wim0A0AmAAA to interpret all rules herein, and in tho absence ot any printed rule, will be governed by tbo rulea of tbe Ore gon Btate Fair. The ruling ot the Fair Board aball be final. Colore denoting awards shall bo as follows. First, blue; second) red; third, white; fourth, yellow; fifth, green. Championships, purple. A special notice to exhibitors of livestock Is that all exhibitors must comply with tho Oregon Btato law. pertaining to livestock exhibits at fairs; Look over poultry carefully to avoid exhibiting fowl with scaley leg, etc; To compete-as a "grade," tbe animal must bo at least half breed, but not full brood; Animals entered In pens, trios, pairs, otc, may also compote for singlo awards; Tho fair board will furnish bay for livestock, but. ownors desiring grain Sod to their stock will bo asked to gtvo per sonal attention to this detail; Live stock exhibitors will be provided with one' admission ticket for the purpose of coring for llvestosk on exhibition; Bulls oyer one year of age must bo ringed, IRK STARTS ON DIRT BUILDING IN 1 DRIVERS PROTEST RATES TO CRATER LIKE A portion of the Jitney driven of thin city are making-a strong, concerted protest against the ml- Ing .whereby all saws for hire, - cept tboee authorised by an - cluslvo permit from the concession- alro at Medtord, are allowod tho there has not been half onongh stuff privilege ot Crater Lake National offered, notwithstanding that the Park. lealos for iho two Saturdays went Tho storm center seems to bo ovor tbe thousand dollar mark for located In this city, and the Jltaey each day. Tho dsmsnd for tho mat drlvors, who bava been refused ket Is evidenced by tho large crowds admission, ssy that their prices are attending and tho fact that every much lower and cover much mora thing ws sold before noon . territory than do the rogular stages! Under the direction df Market that mako dally trips. It develops meeter Cramblltt, iwhO wJH have dl that the for tbe round trip la rect supervision .fyorn now on, bet- $16. BO a person and tbe trip eon- sumes two days, necessitating a night stop-over In the park at a cost of 16. Tho Jitney men claim that they can take four passengers In a car for a round trip Journey In ono dsy at a total cost of 130 ions and If the farmers will cooperate for tho four, permitting stopovors with him It Is sure to result very at Harrlman Lodge, Rocky Point beneficially for them. Tho first and Cherry creek, then to the lake, needed U a larger number of fanners on to Huckleberry moantala and attending. Tho average for tho last back to Klamath Fall by a differ- two Saturdays was something over ent upper lake route. This faro thirty. At. least fifty should attend Is open to tourists or to local pec- regularly. Then more produce should pie. The distance to Huckleberry brought In. Eventually the quan mountain la 68 miles, to tbe lako tlty ntriei will be fixed, but It Is 62 miles and the trip can easily hotter to have a little left over than bo made In ono day, eliminating to '" 'ar nort " demands, tho night atop-over somewhere onM " happened each Saturday . tho route at additional expense. 1 .This Saturday thero will bo a A number of Jitney men, beaded 'cooked food sale, tho articles being by Fred Duke, bed a meeting with furnished by the Isdlcs of the Oatho W. T. Lee of tbls city, who baa the He 'church. This Is a feature that concession from the Medford con- will prove very popular andwlll un castloaalro for entrano to the park VWfJr 'J? of ,h? mkot' from 'the south on MaMay last In J Mr. Cramblllt'a statement follew: the off I co of Attorney William J "ft a pleasure tv noto the-op-Marx, and bo Is said to bavo sta- portunlty thero Is In Klamath Falls ted that ho had sub-let tbo haul- for a Public Market. The farmer Ing conceaslon to the " .Western has an Inducement to do dererslfled Transfer and City Transfer compsn- farming, as bo had never beforo in les of this city. Tbls summer, Duke this locality. Tho public demands says, Orlmes ot the City Transfer lower prices on all farm produce and Issued orders to certain Jitney drlv-bo farmers are tho only ones who ers not to go through the park even aro willing to supply produce at low to Huckloberry mountain and that er prices. Tho farmer not only re cars for hire could .not even go'colvee'a groat deal moro for what through the park. Duke and Frank bo can raise and sell on tbo public Upp, who oporato Jltnoys, took par- market, but bo Is eatlsfylng a Just ties up thero this season and wero need of the general public In tho com arrostod when thoy entered the munlty. park as thoy bad no permits from' "Thero aro many things to be tho concessionaire to go through, done to mako this public market a Mr. Leo at this conference called success. Tboro must bo cooperation up Supt. Alex Sparrow at Crater between the farmer and the Market lako, and after a conversation with master. Each must mako suggestions htm mado this allegtd proposition to and rocolvo them froely-and openly. Jitney men of this city, according to Corroct weights must bo given and Duko. Tbo Jitney men could go such wolghts made on standard through tho park by taking tholr scales whore tho public a well as passongerg.to the Western Transfor tbo producer can soo the wolght. have thorn pay 16.60 each to tho Oloanllnoss and sanlary conditions agent for tho round trip. No mat- ter who tbe passenger or pssson- cars woro. all tickets must bo bought at tbe atago offlco. On a mado coses that aro evenly made and party ot four tbe total of $66 must palntod are a8 good as factory made. bo paid In advanco. After tho trip Eggs and vogotables Including pota was mado. Mr. Lee ststed that the toes must bo washed. Jltnoy man would rocelve M0 fori his trouble, tho balance $28 to go tp the Western Transfer and City Transfer sublessees. ' Tho Jitney mon say that a pas- senger or passengers may as well readily see they aro botng squarely go on tho stago aa to submit to this dealt .with. Each farmer is requested prices aa it Is entirely too high to como as often aa It Is possible for in viow of the fact that all four him to do so, and bo nt tho market can mako tho samo trip, with ad- by soven In order to catch tho tac dtttonal privileges, for a total ex-Jtory employes who start work at pondlture ot $20. Tho reason for olght. tho nrotost. Duko says la that aal The Public Market not only tho park Is national property It, brings to the farmer a much great should bo open to all on an equal .er compensation for his labor and footing. produce but offers a well lighted, LK8TKR EXTENDS TERRITORY M. 8. Lester baa taken over the agency for the entire Klamath and bage : or any other produce ausoept Lake counties distribution for tbe.lble to frost. The market master Kelly-Sprlngfleld tires and tubes. RUTH BREAKS RECORD ' NEW YORK, Sept. IB. "Babe" Ruth today made bis 66th home run, breaking last year's record ot 64. carlstrem: is elected head n of spanish war veterans J MINNEAPOLIS. Sept., 16 Oscar B, Carlstrom, of. Illinois, was elected National Commandor-In-ohlef of tho Jolted Spanish War Veterans. E ARE HEEDED FOB Tho growing lntoroet manifested in tfce-puBuc market Indicates that! , . ,ncreM0 . , I ,n tbe nnmter of frnw,r bringing, In products next Saturday. Bo far' ter accomodations may bo looked or. mougn is. going m io couple of weeks .to get things fully uudor way. In a statement mado to- day, and published nerewun, r. Cramblltt make aome fine euggost- must always exist. Such as having nil meats, chickens, and such In class covered show cases. Home- Each ono ot us owe It tp tho good of the market to talk Publlo Market to every one wo meet and tell thorn of tholr opportunity and oach fanner must mako displays so tho public can heated and a cleaned room ana a atorage'room wbero be can bring in advance, potatoes .onions, cab- will not only assist tbo farmers while they aro in the market but will find a market among sawmills and logging camps to dispose of the lontlro crop, if possible to do so. Tbo. market master will also tako orders accompanied by cash from all factory employes for all they wish to purchase In the Publlo Market. ' Orders -will be taken be tween aevon and eight a. m. and bo ready for dellve'ry .between four and six p. m. There will bo' a full I PflDUCT PUBLMRKET Warden Moloney Believes Gardner Is Being Aided M'NEIL I8LAND, Wash., Sept. 1G. Despite tbe upsetting of clues Indicating that Roy Gardner the es eapod prisoner, la still on Island, Warden Maloney persists in tbe bollef that prisoner Is still here. Maloney suspects some of the le landera are sheltering tbe fugitive. A passe waa sent to Gertrude thla aflWnoon, one of the towns on, tbe island, when two shots were bsard near there. Report waa that tho fdgltlvo was seen and fired upon by searching parties from that place. Short Farm Suffer $6,000 Fire Loss Fire broke out from some unknown sourco In the barn belonging to R. C. Short who lives eight miles south cast of this city this morning at 1:30 o'clock and before being extinguished caused a lots estlmsted to run near tho $6,000 mark. The barn, power house, hog bouse, granary and a small barn wero consumed In the blaio. Nino hogs and a bunch of chickens perished In the flames. Insuranco carried with the J, It. Drlscolt sgency here amounted to $3,000. Mr. Short sUted thst he bad no Idea bow tbe barn cougbt fire as thero have been no tramps or other v grants in thst vicinity for somo time. Tbe houso occupied by tho family was unharmed aa neigh bors misted In tbe saving of this property. The Short farm is located at the Junction whero tho hill road leaves the Merll! road. Kreigh Trial Will , J Last' All 'Day Jack Kre'tgh. a pttney driver, -em- Dlored br C. f-. Reekard. waa aivon'llko to- have the leader receive a hearing before Judge Ooghagen.'pay for bis services' and bavo cn today upon the alleged chargo of ougu money to buy the nooaasary appropriating a car belonging to his music. It ot lesst a majority of employer and taking It to Alturas.the business, professional and oth wlthout consent first being obtain-, cr Interested citizens will give ed from Reekard. about $1 a month e can have a Tostlmony given this morning In band that any city should be proud tho trial by Reekard was to tho of. The membership of tho band effect that Kreigh was Instructed Is composed of local men. which to "run the car about the city" un- insures Its future. Mr. Solak le til familiar with It. Consent anxious and willing to Instruct bo Thursday waa obtained. Reekard glnnors and promote them to the said, to tako passengers from this band as soon as they are com- clty to Swan lake. Tho next petent." Rockard knew of either tho car or D . D , " Krolgh was on Saturday morning when a telegram was received by him stating that the car was out of commission. Itockard claims ho did not authorize Kreigh to go be- yond Swan lake. Kreigh Is held on a charge ot larcency by bailee. Tho case was still being heard o'clock this afternoon. at Here to Urge Concrete Paving L. K. Button, representing tho Portland Cement Association, has boen In tho city for a few days in-1 tervlewlng the contractors and peoplo who aro Interested in tho matter ot paving, particularly with concrete Mr. Button states that 60 per cent ot tho contracta let during the years ot 1919-20 and up to tho present time in 1921, bavo been placed for concrete paving and that this parti cular kind has given good re sults In Illinois, Indiana, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Iowa In the eastern statos, while In California, Washington and Arizona, and other points tn tho west the con creto system Is slowly replacing the asphaltlc typo. A report made by the engineers selocted by the California Stato Auto mobile Association and the Automo bile Club ot southern California ar rived at tho conclusion that the most satisfactory type of pavement to stand heavy traffic' conditions Is an adequately 'and properly built con crete slab, asserted by C. R. Ego, manager ot tho highways bureau," and approved by Wt M. Klnnoy, manager. line ot meats, poultry, fruits and vegetablea at .the right prices at the market Saturday. 1 B."L. CRAMBLITT. Market ' Master. um LIS DESIRE TO KEEP THE BIND? By persistent offort ot the mem bers, who have devoted much of their spare time to practtee, tbe Klamath FaUs band has built up a musical organisation that would bo a credit to. any city, bt ap parently tbe place baa been reach ed where the public will have to help if tho organisation la to be maintained. ' A. L. Wlsbard, manager of the band, realizes that the question of keeping up the organization is one of publlo Interest and in the fol lowing statomant submits tbe facta to the public: "We bavo a band and a good one and tbo boys want to know It tbo citizens of tbls city want to see the organization kept alive. . "The boys have been practicing twice a week for tbe "Pst three months under the leadership ot F. Selsk, and they say they would like to give somo concerts. Dne to requests ot other clrie organisa tions tbe band has not made any attempt to obtain the little sup port necessary to keep the orga nization agoing. However, since It seems certain that no support can be expected from any other source tho bsnd has decided to make a direct appeal to the citizens hav ing been urgod to do so by a num ber of citizens. "Mr. Selak will circulate a xab scriptlon list about town and It suf ficient support is given Klamath FMs can havoa .first class band. The bead boys do not want any Jpat.J'pr 4lsj((fjmyai'.ttherjtkji i-on special occasions, but they would ' orauy neiuscs Arhuckle Bail SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 16. Ball tor "Fatty" Arbuckle was set today at $5000 cash or $10,000 bonds, after the grand Jury Indict- 4 . ment charging" manslaughter In connection with the death ot Vir ginia Rappe, was returned In the superior court. District Xttorney Brady said, however, that "Ar bucklo will not bo admlttod to ball until tho two murder charges pending against him bad been disposed of." Tbo district attorney was to deter mine nfter a conterenco with tho chief ot police and other, author ities as to tbe exact nature of the chargo on which Arbuckle shall be tried. ' A special dollvory letter sent from Sacramento to tho secretary ot tbe grand Jury in charge of the investi gation, added a new angle to tho affair today. Tho letter was un signed and contained a threat ot .violence against tho accused actor "If Justice was not done" In his caso. Tho grand Jury Is at a loss to un derstand whore tbls letter came from and particularly why It should come from tbo stato capltol city. Had this lotter been mailed In this city, it would naturally be Inferred that hos tile action was being planned against Arbucklo by radicals who were bit tor towards tho actor, but coming na It docs from outside sources, tho grand Jury la at a loss to explain tho mystery. It Is said that tho le'tter will In no way affect, tho Jury in its p'robe on the matter. MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND, Sept. 16. Killing cattle weak; choice stoers- $6 to $6.60; feeders, 60 cents lower, oth er classes 76 c.onts lower; prime light, $11.60 to $12; sheep steady; eggs and butter firm. i ' . .'