, - mi, mW-,- A-M. - ?.. KDXKHDAV, HKPT., 14, 1031. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAH TWO The Evening Herald The New Senatorial Pastime "i i I t I-' i ) 1 ' j. Muniuw VRCP 60ULK ,...IClltor ..City Kdltor Published Jally except 8undny, by ne Heriilil Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Streot. ntered at the poitottleo at Ida Mth Falls, Ore., for transmission ttrough the malls u socondklass alter. l-SMB-fa OP THH ASSOCIATKD PRESS. The Associated Pre-a Is exclusively muticd to the use for republication et all nowa dispatches 'credited to It, r not otbcrwlso credltod In this ' paper, and also the local nowa pub Maker heroin. WEDNESDAY, SKIT., 14, 1IRI1. TEN K TO LOSS Hi m mm . Tn. T wj& lANCISCO, Cal., Sept., 13 rder to further the Southern iii ;'or Jnccomnanv u sentomher cam- JvvifJcR lj3einonstrato what can bo , (jTipo?jfirjmintInE loss nnd damage td frii-lil1n shipment, n. G. Fagan, Superintendent of Freight Protoot Ion has Issued a memornmdum to shippers containing u number of re minders to shipping elerks. Tho lenpes to tho railroads In tho past few yearn through payments for lost nod damaged freight have Increased at armlngly and It Is to avoid this "eco nomic wasto" that the Southern Pact flc company Is working with Its cm ploycs to lmprovo tho handling of freight nnd 'with tho shippers to ob tain moro careful marking, packing und loading of consignments. Fagan'a "Ten Reminders to Ship ping Clerks" uto ns follews: 1 Bills of lading and shippmg orders should be mndo out In a legi ble manner. 2 Description of articles In ship ping order and bills f lading should conform to tho classification descrip tion; Indefinite terms must not be usod. 3 Shipping orders nnd bills of la ding for less than carload shipments '"must specify tho number of articles bundles, packages or pieces. 4 Articles will not be accepted unices In such condition and so pro- pared for shipment as to render transportation thereof reasonably safo and practicable. C Freight will bo accepted only when containers are of sufficient strength and security to afford rea sonable and proper protection to tbj freight which tho containers' enclose. 6 Freight, when delivered to enr rloni to bo transported at less trian carload or tiny quantity ratings, must bo marked In accordance with classi fication reqiilrments nnd specifica tions. 7 Each package,, bundlo or loose plcco ot freight must be plainly, legibly and durably marked by, brush, stencil, marking crayon (not chalk), rubber typo, mctnl type, pasted label, tag, or other method which provide marks equally plain, leglblo and dur able, showing tho name of only ono consignee and of only one station, town or city and slato to which des tined! 8 The marks on bundles, pack ages or pieces must bo compared -with tho shipping order or bill of lading, nnd corrections, If necessary, made beforo tho shipping order or bill of lading will bo signed. 9 Old consignment marks 'must bo removed or effaced. 10 Delivery of shipments to the freight station early In tho day avoids congestion at closing tlmo and enables tho carriers to glvo moro and hotter attention to tho handling of tho shipment affording added assur ance that the consignment will reach your customor promptly and In good order. t . '4MHHMBBT-B'"tfi4rtlS'1'' ii MSBBHMMMIfiMHMBHHHflMHfcMtf jAv. ''AiaiT iM wkhMRW E3 v n SsssssfSIa t wP? il i9kBHWrS! IJVPVWV yHSMsyHSj5flsBBBBBj s IvNeIIHb Tht rVtfntfll"lti IT - v "' '-r " '"' ' fetors. Here aw Bemtora Ralph H. OMMcoa cC Arons tmt Helm Bur mm ot New - - U OapitU Plaaa wttfc oop a l vm hsi-iwi rMM"xtSi"t Join In trad boost tho game of the 189 according to a compilation ot organltors, helping them to extract reports from all counties. Throe $18 n hrad from other victims. Hut counties, Emoraldu, Elko and White no great head way will be attained Pine, lost moro than a million dollar In this socialist skin game In Oregon 'of taxablo property during tho twelvo and, after a whlto, the whole thing j months. White Pine county suffering will blow up. Then these orgunlxeru, tho greatest loss with f2,94r,872. at $18 n. shot, will hno to. turn to The total usscssed valuation for 1921 somo other game. They will novor. gton as 1204,682,209 get down to honest work. It Is easier Fl.NKD J1Y PHOXK. Tho tint -trials over conducted by telopborto In Deschutes county wore hold when Mrs. W. F. KJng und Mrs, F. It. llraxoau, pleaded guilty from Prlnovllo beforo County Judge It. W. Sawyer In llcnd to the charge of leaving an unextinguished camp flru. nnd moro profitable for them to work tho workers. Industrial Nowb Dure nu. Tho Manufacturer. CliQSi: OF tOPPKlt MINUS IXNVI.11K NEVADA VAM'l.S CARSON CITY, Nov.. Sept.. la Sou! down of many copper mini in tho state during tho past year is re- Each was fined IS. fleeted In tho decreaso in th v.ilua- m Hon of tho stnto lor tax assessment Tho greatest salt-tintow In Eurone Tvhlch hhows a falling riff oYSr,73J - aro tho Scandinavians nnd Russians. ing'is not enough You phoro of good tasla proMhrd 'Qmne's dSnenc&wn k Charter No. 71 67 i: llcsorvo Dint No lUJI'OKT OF COMNTION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Klamath Falls, at Klamalh Falls, In the State of Oregon, at tho close , in uuHinos on isppicmoor a, inai. RESOURCES 1 a Loans and discounts, Including rediscounts 11. 668. S32.46 ywcrwoos mrm W'v iOJVMATH FAKLSsOREGOW fflffw I M 4 "' III Mere Letter' Writ'- ' 'M "'jlj i.U' rflflU '.' ifj; H . . t J M 1 f. H should add tho atraos- !' !r,' H "!";Vfi lit i. M " ' J jiy'-i W : I i i . l. i . iiiu m V WHERE. RARTICULAK PEOPUt INIU HI I purTty I BUY THEIR DRUGS lccuffACvl I tim rvut tnic fH tho writing paper ot nuallty, Imnuty and social corroctnoM. A wldo varloty of now stylos und tints Is now on display. $363,456.67 11,295,375.79 2,891.01 2,891.01 Non Partisan League Organizers- Said to Be Working Oregon Tho "organizers" for tho Non-Partisan League are busy In Oregon. They aro In that gamo moroly for tho 118 membership fee which thoy collect from each man who Is Induced to Join. That Is all tho thing will amount to in Oregon; Meal ticket for a lot ot organlzors. The men induced to pay the $18 a throw will, for the most part, becomo disgusted after a time and .consider themselves skinned, which la all It will amount to. Soma others will no doubt re main longer, and, like the fox in the fable that had his tail cut oft In the trap and Uen 'tried to make, all the other foxea believe that it was fash ionable to go without tails, they will Totul loau Deduct: d Notes and bills redls- .tt counted with Federal i tthan Dunk (other s ,',,, .. than bank acceptances ' i ' sold) $317,579.50 c Notes and bills redls- " , counted other than with . i ," Federal Reserve Honk , 1 (other than bank ac ceptances sold . . .. 45,877.17 2 Overdrafts' unsecured 1 V. S. (internment scctiritien enncd: a Derostcd to secure circulation (U. bonds par value . .. . b AH othor United States Government curltlcs .. . Total " Other bonds Mck, M-curltles, rtc: i) Kurnituro and fixtures . 7 Real osjnto owned olhor than banking houso 8kawful reserve with Tederal Ilesorvo Hank .. 10 Cash In vault and amount duo from national banks . ... . .. . . . 12 Exchanges for clearing houso Total of Items 10, and 12 229,133.90 14 Checks on banks located outsldo of city or tonn of reporting bank nnd other cash r items . 15 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer nnd . ' duo from U. S. Treasurer ' 1C Other assets, if nny. (Iteveuuo Stampj . ...ii (Remittances in Transit) . . .;. . . , , ...-...$1,658,832.46 NEW TODAY FOR RENT Furnished or unfur- I jiIkIiciI new, modern npnrtnionts 6 Winters llulldlng HM5 shop. S. So-' 100,000.00 25,700.00 I WILL TRADE Oakland car. Al con-' dltlon, for Ford. Sco Dick, 6th I.O.ST- -A brown hobtallml rocker and Klamath Avo. 14-15 Hpntilol pup about 3 mnr.tlin tdd, (This puppy belongs to llt'lo lister FOR SAL3 Thorohred Kncllsh hull Wlshnrd and Is mlssod very much by pup; $50. Apply Control llarber m noy. a rowaru win u jam ror 14-17 i"s roiurn. iioium io ivv Aouiim istreot or 121 N. 8th atront or call .,,,,, , . , . I330J or lis ana w win come una FOUND Ranger bicycle, brown -,,. Min) 14 wheels, whlto filling. Owner nray ( have samo by calling at police stu- tlon and paying for this ad. ACCOUNTANCY offers one of the If. Id bit opportunities of toduy. Ix-t us .. jtoach you tho fundamontnls. Oood imnirvniwirs n ni niiniiiiii in it ininsui . . Falln now. or 439 jj'hono Southwell, 129 15-17 THOHOliRED A1RDALEU If want u real hunting dog, wo hatn tliorobrnl Alrilulc imps uf registered Htock; the host 'Alrdalo strain 'in' tli'n ' west. Papers can bo neen at 311 SHORTHAND, TYPBWRlTINfl AND CynreHn Ao., near IllToralde school. DOOKICHEI'INO classes Kartlng .nr nilflrnw Ifvlnnd lTAnnAla Mt lit nl finrjt I'hnn.t Kfitilliurnll. 190 np .1 25,700,00 ldamath" Falls, Or, ifip 14-20 43', 16 17l)iim hn has been weather obsarver lild,iUU,B 40.00Z.77 40,05 WA"NTKI Flat top office ilcnk and lntler filing rablucts. Cnsh If price Is right. Phone 234. 14-15 FOR HAL Ford louring car, 1917. flood condition. Inquire 512 Ninth strmit. 14 ALL ARIZONA WKATllKIt ' ItKCOIUfti NIIAl-JCItKD OLOIIE. Arlt., Hopl ,13 Weath(f bureau rvrords here for tho past itvntin, yeura woru shuttornd dur ing July und the first threo werk of August when the local vroath'cr bureau rvcordi'd 10,89 IncinVi of.raln full. Tho precipitation was 6 7 InrhcH during July Dr. II. (1. Fox, observer, iituled that this Is the hnavlost rainfall recorded for two coniuicutlto months during lli.t 17 .77 25,300.00 94.094.00 US, 939.05. 15,194.85 3,415.28 6,000.00 194.57 638.02 Total : . .$1,954,951.33 LIAUILITIES 17 Capital stock paid In . 200,000.00 18 .Surplus fund . ... .... 3U.000.U0 iv unumucu proms r 24,321.06 v Less current expenses, Interest and taxes nald ... 23:231.70 20 Circulating notes outstanding .. . 22 Awouut duo' to national hanks ..., 23 Amcunt duo to Stato banks, bankors, and trust companies In tho United States nnd foreign countrlos (other ' than included In Item 22) ...-,.... ....' 24 Certified chocks outstanding 25 Cashier's checks o nown hank outstanding Total of Items 22, 23, 24, and 25 16,921.44 Demand tlrpoftltH (other than bank deposits) Hubjvct to Ileservo (ik-pordts payable wltlUn itO (IaH): . t 26 Individual deposits subject .to check , ' 27 Certificates of deposit duo in less than 30 days (other than for money 'borrowed) 28 Stato, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets ot this bank ' Total of demand deposits (other ' than bank deposits) subject ' to Hceerve, items 26, 27, 28 $1,094,288,56 Tlmo Deposits subject to Ilemo (payablo aft er 30 days, or Rubjoct to 30 days or moro notlco, and postal savings): 32 Certificates of doposlt (othor than for ' monoy borrowed) ...., ....,. 34 Other time doposlts 35 Postal savings- deposits ..... Total of tlmo deposits subject tc - Reserve; Itoms 32,34, and 36 392,787.04 SO United Bute depoaita (other than postal ,, savings) Including War Loan deposit ' account and deposits of United Statos ' Disbursing officers 1 122;t64,91 1,089.36 98,600.00 '8,802.16 3,202.74 732.09 3,184.46 981,426.45 i 28,862.11 84,000.00 176,424.87 206,711.81 9,050.36 , Total $1,964,M."J Stato ot Oregon, County of Klamath, ns. ' I, J. A. Gordon; cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly wear that the above statement is troo to the r best of my knowlodgo and belief. , J. A. OORDON. Cashier J. A. fJORDON. Cashier Correct Attest; , . CHAS. L. MOORE), I O. D. BURKE. ? I 8. B. MARTIN, Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13tb ay of September, 1121. ' IDA D. OMYHR, Notary Public ' (My Commission expires Sept. 17, 134.) ' fi i " . if,, 1. Jit t , " .1, . 1 TO I' liliSi -AfiiiWf 1 'J J. r ,Ko i ' ' i if, ' TJV It- . )",t , A pipe's a pal packed with P. A.! i. Seven days out of every Week you'll get real smoko joy and real smoke contentment if you'll get close-up to a jimmy pipe! Buy one and know that for yourself I Packed with cool, delightful, fragrant Princo Albert, a " vilrtn'x. 4liA rrrflnfApf ffdflf 4tm linnnln,. m .1 ..r.4. . ' Jizing smokeslant you ever had handed out I You can chum it with a pipe and you will once you know that Prince Albert is free from bito and parch! (Cut out by our cxclusivo patented process!) iWhy every puff of P. A. makeg you want, two more; every puff hits the bullseyo harder and truer than the last! You can't resist such delight! And, you'll get the sraokesurpriso of yourlifo when you roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert ! Such entic ing flavor you never did know! And, P. A. stays put be cause it's crimp cut and it's a cinch to roll! You.try it! Print Albttt I tit In ttppr ti bmgt. tIJy rut ilm, hmnJtam ptunl mt hall pound tin ImmUef and tnthm ptund trytttl glw hamldmr with mpmngt nwltUntr tap. prince Albert s&Rl( i llHsH the national joy amok $$2 KS-- EtT -f-"M' W w"