fflft iEuemmj Herald A'Clau Ad Will Do It W -v Today's Newl Today l .? Member of the Associated PresM. KtftotaUi Year No, lefll. KLAMATH FALLS, OHKO0N, WKD.VHSDAY, SEPT., 14, JM1. PRICK PIVK CRim ri ! fc WANT DULLES TO KLMHTH ROM) I BY 1925 4 With the purpote'of rallying mrp port to tbo program (or completing Tbo Dalle to Klamath highway by J9IB, a. meeting of representatives from' ulereated oomraftnltles will meet la Bend, Septembor'St. It was originally planned Id hold, the moet ingtsira but aa BsiaOppeera to be a more central JaM tbefplan wan changed. ' "I - .-, Towns along the eastern Oregon highway- "reeUre the Importance of haVlng thr "road . flnt.hea from tbo Washington 'to die ' CaW fomla Una when taWjtoeYttoflMfft'ffa In Port land "In'-'lJrtHtf Mtera' Oregon ta going to get Its saare of the tourlat travel that will b drawn to the aute by the fair.' - , Secretary Stanley, of the chamber W commerce, said all who desire to t, attendthe Bend meeting wit, bo Vellglbie to' go and ask them to In ' Wd' htm' or their IntAntion of at tending. ' , Jleetfag at Tbn Dallos. Tomorrow, there will be a meeting of forogon and Washington delegates el The Pal lea .(oeoDeldor the loea tick of'a firld'te sttroM .the Columbia rfvir. I' WrAlF'tkAti'tk.ro 1. an attpmp't to e'eotfceTi'elW' closer to ' Portland, than waaSwlairiatly plan ned. Thejdee to,&mbatled by east ern" Oregon1 coUnadile, on the gfobn(f'thi'K'woBld"have a tend acy to 'dlrerl' more1 than a fair ahare of traffic to the Pacific high way via Portland. The Klamath chamber of com- merta will ot have a personal re- suvw u wmwuns """ aead a wlrn, said Becretsry Stanley, urging fair treatment tor the eastern rote.c CourtPostpons Criminal Trials To October 3rd I ' S. - r '. , - Circuit courti'has. kdjourpnd until xooer s. fw iM "TV vi t v p"w atnst Port' Summers and Kred use, tho state against Fred Kaomp- ke and the state against Wllllani rinch will be beard. The decision to postpono.tbe trial of Port Sum 'mora and Fred Duke. Jointly charged wlth the alleged theft of a rifle be- ' 'longing to Alva Cox, May IS, waa ' made by Judge KuykendaAl following ' the announcement that the state waa not ready for trial' aa the plaintiff, Cox, waa sick In .bed and unable to attend. , T,t , , The Jurymen wear fit excused-unUI October I at1 10 o'clock when the Summers casowlll be called. Ten additional Jurymen were drawn for the October term as follews: W. E. Corum, farmer, Merrill; J. T. ner kins, merchant. KUmstb F1U; J. II. Oerrett, autd dealer, )Clamath Palls; J. K. Ko'bbe, merchant, Merrill; J. HT: Wise, 'hotel, man, Pt. Klamath; John Anderson, farmer. Dairy; Ous J. Hllyard, farmer, Klamath Palls; . J. A. rairclofaraer, Klamath Palls; V. J. Spolek, fsrmer, Malln and El don Dennis, farmer, Dairy. Ander son waa drawn vice Charles C. Btee Bian ot Klamath Palls aa the Uter to absent from the state. MALL BOY MWHK8 POO, BAB ANY ONE BBKJf 1T7 lias any one seen., Anything ot a lMtle brown threV months old cockor spaniel pup, with a bob Ull. It so. Information will be greatly apprecla 'ted by the dog's small master, Lester Wls'hard, 1919, Auburn street. In the advertisement for return ot the puppy today.lt Is saldtbat tho "pup la missed Very much," and those who know the ways of small boys' and mall dogs end the-bond of affection between them will .know that the atatoiuent is not exaggerated) -- m BKINOH PRI80NKR RACK PROM CAL. FOR AVTO'THKFT Sheriff Low .returned last 1 even ing from' Alturas with Jack Kreigb, whom'e arrested there on a charge of larcency by 1 bailee. Krelgh Is ac-i cused 'of',. hiving; slolea an auto mobile owned' by-1. C, Reckard, Large Bear Slain in Bly District By Medford Men .Tim Daley anil George Clem mom, retired real estate dealer , of Medford, yesterday Vronght 'into thin city a black beer,' killed Mon day about SO miles from Bly pa Oearhart mountain, said to be the largest specimen slain for a num ber of yoars. The hunters were guests of. Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Jen kins at their' boas, 910 Lincoln street, whero they spent yester day. The kill m weighed here and tipped the beast at 7S0 pounds. The fur "was In fine condition and the pelt .when placed on the sealo weighed 8S pound!. Uolti hunters divided tbo honor of tbo kill and stated that a. 35-SS rifle was used In the hunt. A number of pictures were taken of1 the animal dressed and' iwlth tbo hide on site end weight attracted much attontlon among the persons who saw it. A tspe across tbo top or the head betwoen tbo ears measured 12 Inch- TRAFFIC DEPUTY VISITOR HERE T. A. Raffety, chief field deputy of the Motor Vehicle Division of tba stato of Oregon, Is a visitor here todsy on business connected wth the enforcement of the exist ing vehicle laws of the stato but prlmarfly, be ears, mere to educate than to enforce. A aim Die course of education, 'he says, will do. more good la nine cases out ot teni than am-at, because many motorist are miiaWSN.' - W the InrraetlotL' or 'tie law until It has taken place unin tentionally. Mr. Raffety state that the rules and regulations Imposed upon the motorists aro being respected at least 100 per cent better now, than they were on hla last visit when but comparatively fe used either hand signals, lights and other safe ty devices In' connection with tbelr driving. Raffety complimented the cltlsens of this county oa (heir marked Improvement. The sber Iffs' office ws checked up on the number of temporary licenses Issued from that place and the namber found to be 170. On receipt ot the license plate from the eecretary ot the state, the temporary license plate has been turned back to the snerm ana tno 91 deposit return ed. Mr. Raffety stated that he ap: predated the educational policy fol lowed out by the Herald In assist ing the department to get the best results from the" field , deputy's work, also on the fact that In this county, the motorists had been In formed fully on every regulation save the excess load law for trucks through various articles pub lished from time to time. Mr. Raf fety stated that his office was -in a portion of the Secretary of State Koter's headquarters at Salem. Can Get Meal With IS Cents or Without NEW YORK, Sept. 14. Chronic habitues, ot New Yorka park bench ee aro gurgling the praises ot their newest ,and most beloved benofac- ory West 34th street restaurateur. Coincident "with the recent open Ing ot tho doors of the now, bean emporium thero was an. elaborate display of tno sign painter'a art, bearing tbo following, mangetlc phrases: "All tho beans you can eat for IS cents." "All the spaghetti you want for 16 cents." "All the coffoo you can drink for a nlckle." r ' . "It's holl to bo broke; If you're hungry, come on in anyway." " "Peoplo ask how wo do It. Tho answor Is: We do." The proprietor declares the res taurant Is a great success, "There are few," said te, "who haven't IS cents. Those "who haven'Uare such " good walking v advertisements that it Isn-Joy to eoet'ew eatA RES IN tOFCDUD m FILLED W. A. Wlest was appointed last night by 'directors of the chamber of commerce to fill the vacancy te connection with the death of. Mlaa caused by the resignation ot O. D. Virginia Rappe, foUowtag tbo retorn Burke from the board, and II. N.u,t ii gA Jury of an Moe was chosen to fill the place indictment charging him with man left vacant by the seglnation of1 .inr'htr. Charles Hall. In tbo election by . ..... ... members last Msy, Messrs Wlest and yMoe, It Is said, were next filgbest to tho loaders- on tbe bal lot. A resolution endorsing a eoristst ent program for road building waa adopted by the board. W. C. Del ton Is chairman of tho road com mittee. 1 Secretary's Pay Raised Tbe directors last night ratified thn incroase of Secretary Stanley's salary from $160 to I3S0 a month. nffeetlVA Amuit 1. I Program head Choara Chairman of committees for var ious parts ot tbe 19S1-1922 ,'pro- gram of tho organisation -were an-j nounced at playgrounds, follews: Parks and B. T. Ludden; Qood roads, W. C. Dal ton; Encourage ment of tourist travel, W A. Denxelt; Increaso ot transportation facilities and lower freight rates, A. J. Voye; Agricultural development, committee A, farm markets, J. W. Kern; committee B, reclamation ot swsmp lands, O. T. Darley; com mittee C, promotion of stock rais ing, James Ktell; Besutlf (cation and sanitation, committee A. edu cational campaign for cleaning of prealass.Aaadfrfaaoval .ofHremlgatly buildings, Mrs. C. W. arista; committee II, tree pUntiag, W. 8. Slough; committee C, Improved ssnltary conditions snd 'adequate sowers, J. J. Furbcr; Better schools and gymnasium. Ms. Harry Ack ley; Special committee on scenic preservation, W. O. Smith, IIGHT GOES ASM J. J. Miller, Southern Pacific agent, today told tho aaeembled guests at the forum ot the chamber of com merce that too much damage and loss on freight shipments occurred during shipment because tbo ship per fallod to' be careful In marking the destination of the packago plain ly, also, the bill of lading mado out by tbe shipper did not ebow clearly whore It was to go, consequently many packages suffered delay by ar riving at other points on the rail road system than Intondod. The tbreo groat industries of tbe country aro agriculture, transporta tion and manufactuding, Interdepen dent upon each other, said the speak er. Let any branch fall in Its func tions and tho people suffor. Par ticularly la thl true In the trans portation line and when shipments go estray tho. equilibrium la disturb ed. Mr. Miller said that In five years record of tapoper shipments, 'due to poor addosses, In 1916 the damage amounted to .576 per cont and the loss reached 2 per cent of tho gross receipts In. ,1920, . An explanation ot tbo best way to ship material fol lowed and the three jclossee ot con tainers were well explained by tho agent. J. J. Parkerr, ot the Ameican Rail way KiposH company, dealt' with the oxpresa company's,- losses and des cribed the besl Weans of sending packages. Postmaster Deliell re lated the grief which? was tho postal employees when moll and parcel post packages were Improperly addrossed MARKET REPORT. PORTLAND, Sopt., 14 Livestock steady; eggs, two cents higher, buy ing price 30 and 3 cento; selling, candled; 38 and s40 cents, solects '40 and 42, cents'; butter firm. 'YwiKRiRMWtT. ORUdONTohlgatand.,rhursday, Wl until 1ICTMT IS FOUND 0 .uim.'...... - . . - . I roaan-loosy. xne repiy to ino re SAK PRANCISCO, fe., "-Fet-lt-prope,,, of hoyi Oeorge! was iir Aroncue now raeea two cnarsMa I TT.T" - f. r. r- Tbo .other charge Is murder and. was preferred Monday hy Mrs.-am-blna Maude Delmont, a friend of the dead actress. If Arbuckle la cleared of tbe murder charge, in the event be is. tried upon it, be would still face prosecution on tbo manslaughter cbargo. Arbuckle appeared more dejected today than at any time since he was arrested and hla face was more pal lid. ) Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Andrews and children, Richard, Dorothy and Jamio-, left this morning for their home In Lo Angelos after an ex ' tended vllt here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wise. Mr, An drews is interested la .California oil lands. W. A. Delxell left this morning In his car for Medford. He waa ac companied by hla son, Tom, and by Harry Prather, Krnel Stearns and Oeorge Forge. Tom and Harry Prather will go from Medford by train to Corvallla to attend college while the rest ot the party will re turn to JClameth jralla either thla eVaatag or" tomorro'? '."f' - - C. V. Nelson was a county aeat visitor this morning from his ran"h near' Keno. J. A. Maddox a prosperous Kla math county farmer, was a busi ness visitor hero yesterday from his ranch In the Malln district. Jsck Hnnt, a "buddle" of Sher iff Low who was with him during tbe months be spent in France, is hero from Portland buying cattle this week' from Klamath county cattlemen, when he la not fighting over the battles ot the' great war with the sheriff. Miss Lottlo Flshor bss accepted a position in the Wilson abstract office as stenogrspher. W .J. Roberta ,a former Klamath Falls business man, is here for a few days' from Medford looking af ter Interests which ho still retains hero. O. T. Porter and Jim Johnston left this morning for the hills some where within tho region ot Dpper Klamath lake on a deer hunt Mrs. Porter also left this morning for a vacation outing at Rocky Point with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Collier, F. P. Corpcnlng wss In the coun ty eea yesterday from Olene look ing after business affairs. J. W. Normsn spent yestorday af ternoon In the city from bis ranch home In tho valley purchasing sup plies. W. B, Stevens and A. L. B. Ham mer left this morning by, automo- bllo for the Wlllametto valloy- and Portland on business. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Raid win aro the happy parents-ot a baby boy born to them thla morning at their home at ,14b a Riverside av enue. F. K. Baker was in town, yestor day from Evorott, Washington, on business and loft this morning on tbe stage for Portland. . While here Mr. Baker spent, several hours visit ing with W. A. Densell, who original ly.'camoi from tho some town In tho middle wlest. . . . Mr.''-aad Mrs. George Chase are hero from Yreka as the guests of their daughtor, Mrs. John. Boyle and family at tholr homo on Conger ave nue. Miss Florence Pflouger has arrived here from'Callfornta, to visit with her alstor, Miss Mary Pflouger, L. OerberUiln town from bis big ranch In Horsof ly valloy looking after things at the town house. Charles J. Ferguson left the first of - tho ivook, for, Portland t where, .he will wrior a sanitarium .for Jits health. Iriih Choose Five Representativeg for Peace Conference DUDLIN, 8ept..l U Appointment of five plenipotentiaries to tbe pro posed conference with Drltieh reprel eentatlvcs at Iverners, Scotland, to 'disedss the settlement, of the Irish question, was, approved by the DatI Ml -M M . .. ) also approved. The plenipoteniarlea were chosen, it was explained, to carry on nego tiations which may foRcVthe receipt by Llyod Oeorgsofthe Dail eabl notVreply. " T? , , r ' WiUSiak'kaidngl Henley Flume Some Time Next 'Week According to Information from the reclamation offices, the work ot tearing down tbe old Henler flume nine mtles- south of this city will start soon and tho now precast soc tlonsl concreto flume will bo hoisted Into place. The work Is to begin. It is planned, somo time next wock. The water In the flume iwas turned off two days ano. The reclamation ser vico forco plans to havo tho now flumo in position before tbo cold weather sets In. THEY'RE SIMPLY An attempt to raise a tempest In a teapot to tho proportions of a tor nado is under way, tbe members ol the city csundl from whom there tretne of absurdity can always be ex- j peeled havtag.after a period of qui escence, again blows, off the lid. This time it la a letter, purporting to hare como from B. M. Hall, ma nager of the Klamath Steel Works although Mr. Hall's signature was typewritten criticizing the way In which Fire Chief Ambrose handled tbo foundry fire. Decause, they say, be letter ws not read to them at thn council It is an Indication "that the mayor had no .Intention of making an Investigation of the charges con tained In the letter as written by Mr. Hall." Tho fact ot the, matter Is that Mr. Hall, or whoever wrote tho letter, specifically asked that It bo referred to tbo fire committee for Investiga tion. Mayor Wiley complied with the request by bending It to Council man West, chairman ot the fire com mittee. Mr. West la out of town and hla statement could not be obtained by the Herald today, but It Is as sumed that It the matter Is of Im portance enough to warrant Inves tigation It will be Investigated and a report made In due form. At' tho tlmo ot the, fire, It appears, tbe flro chief mode it clear to Mr. Hall that the latter's lntorest in tbo burning building did not empower him to interfere with tho chlof In tho discharge of his duty by giving In structions as to methods to bo. em ployed. Looks as If the season for mares' nests had roopened and we ran all go hunting again. Skeleton 3 Million - Year Old Found PATRICIA, Alta, Sept. 14. Dis covery of a rare and valuable spec imen ot p carnlvorlous dinosaur, which became extinct, according to conservative estimates, 3,000,000 years ago, was reeeutly mado by Dr. J. A. Allan, a member ot tho University of Alberta vertebrate palaeontologlcal field party, op erating on Sand Creek, eight miles nortboast of here. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Egan are here from Algoma on a combined busi ness and pleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs, C, R. Bowman and daughter, Alice, are visitors hero today from Chlloqutn whero thoy are interested in the general storo. Waltor O. West and daughter, Evelyn, spent the night here on their way to Medford. Miss West will .enter the ' Catholic sisters' school tor the coming year. a UNS UELUBLE DON'T INT IN 1. IS IDHCE TO Tho K!amath;sdrisKenii"ff" t soolatlon has taken eojalej? of the difficulties . wale jtragon sportsmen .have had ' la , tlr f at- tempts to bring baefc kill ai't'd in tbe California forests 'afttr faying -tho $10 license fee toiiBnt there a'nd announce publicly through 'See? retary McNeally, tho neofrtsKy , OIL, Orecon ha'ntors rsfralnliir ig irosaj-'. curing California licenses. GbC thi present aimcuiiy ean ot .ujjsni An effort la being made-aeVw tor cure some "middle course' id"! fat. IT law, ana oaring mo lavjfJHJ, urr gon sportsmen can eavo themselves much ,troublo by refraining from oltber hunting or procuring the li cense necessary to hunt. Oregon is unfortunato in the re spect to migratory birds and moat1 of the brant, Canada goose, honk ers and tbe like all pass up Kla math,' Jackson, Josophlno, Curry, Harney and Malheur counties In tholr southern migration, settling mostly In their, flight on Nevada and California feeding grounds. In view ot the opening ot the mi gratory hunting season tomorrow, many Klamath, Jackson and Jose phine county sportsmen plan to seek gavorlte spots In California but the Klamath Sportsmens asso ciation particularly Impress upon Its members that even with the California hunting license, no birds can be brought hornet , ', Why hunt there when nogame ca be brought back? Walt aatfl taiajwutejv e;.adjcu4ed ltosw of two weeks at the Besst'Seers-- - tary McNeally urges. -, Medford Merchants to Be Here Next Week The Merchants bureau of tbe chamber of commerce will meet to-nlght-to lay, plans for' Buyers' week, which is annually held during coun ty fair week. , Next Wednesday a delegation from the Medford chamber .of commerce win be bore to .lnrestlg&te the work ings of tho local. bureau, with' a view to a-similar organlxatloa In Msdford. Among tbo Medford visitors ex pected is Ben. Sheldon, prosldont of tho chamber ot commorco.'who will address tho local forum. On ac count of Jbe visit tbo forum meeting will be held Thursday next woek In stead ot on Wednesday, ss unusual. ' Rancher Suffers Serious Accident H. J. Hoseltlne, Merrill road rancher, met with a painful and sorlous accldont Monday when .he slid from a load ot bay on to a broken pitchfork handle. The sharp handle penetrated his Intestine, In flicting a severe wound. Dr. L..L. Truax said today tho patient show od a little improvement and was suffering less pain from the In Jury. Unices, infection develops tbe outcome will be favorable, but it Is still early to predict that danger ot infoctlon is overcome, said Dr. Truax. Contractor Victor In First Lawsuit Of Whole Career J. J. Stelgor, logging contractor, emerged victorious from the first lawsuit ever brought against him in all tho course of bis business caroor, when lato last night, after two hours' .deliberation, a Jury found for him. In tbe $10,000 dam age suit brought by Elmer J. Ayres. Tho verdict for Stelger means that the costs of, litigation must, bo paid by Ayres. Plaintiff's complalnt,was based upon allege'd breach of' con tract to log a certain area, for de fendant. Tho little' boys and girls who.plsy togothor.-seem to' like; lw better ns they grawvotdor, -. ot it, X '1 t ', . ' j : "-ai -"i !: , ;. .' t . h.nt' : H& ! I