H' .W WwlflW.fe.fa tnmaiKm'iMiuntmtHittitKmimBairmKr: Ufc4TiVJ"- sggjfe THE EVENING HERALD, HCLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TVmtUX, HREMKCR 1. 1HI ' '?" .v. ' "'-':""': '"" ' -- .--- fl !! !! The Evening Herald a. KDMUt. raan socle .Editor -City Editor PasUshed aily escept Sunday, by fae Herald Publishing Company of KlMUttk Falls, at 119 Eighth Street. stored- at the postotflct at Kla- suta Fall. Or., for transmission taroagh the aaalls as second-class aaeiter. "' ' - f MWWM CXf 5Sss!!!o " . Z'8 Z f J ' . i! S F M g J -. -n! " SSSSSI MS SJSSJSJBSSJ I SSSSJBSSW r Mfosi&-) 7 nmrmrn 1 wr r riv -B-'- - -'-'"' "T' I . Ba, - g g. SB SJBBB ssaar bssj SSSJ yP X I I II I H K II IV r If n iAjx&uas Iffll fl fk m A M L -': it&UUcocutiSf u Vs "" SEW OP TSBVi ASSOCIATED PRESS. Tha Associated Pre is exclusively setlUed to the bb (or republication at all saws dispatches credltod to It, sr Dot otherwise credited in tan paper, sad also the local news pub sfcer hereto. saacsggsss i i i i 3 TUESDAX, SEPTrJMBFK IS. 1M1. WATER PROBLEM SEEMS SOLVED LIKE CO. UND The test well being drilled by the State at the Ernst plsce, seven miles eoatheast of Fort Rock, has strode what seems to be an Inexhaustible supply of water at a depth of 100 feet although the well has been suck to a depth of 120 feet. On Jtonday a Lame & Bowler PUBP win a capadtr of 1500 gallons par salnute was InstalledJby N": C. Jansen, of Portland, who has the agency for this pump and who also has the contract for drilling the well. The pnmp was put In the well to a depth of 100 feet to glTe the water supply a try out. The first water was 'struck at a depth of 23 feet and the 121nch hole was stand ing fnll of water to this depth. After a few minutes pumping the water was lowered four and one half feet, the pump being run at different speeds to determine the supply. A speed of 560 gallons per minute was the minimum while as much as 900 gallong was the maximum speed, without lowering the water more than noted abore. The appropriation 'of the' State of $10,000, which was used toward sinking this well is to be used as a rerolrlng fund. When a well la sunk OB a man's ranch and proves o suc cess, he pars back to tho .State the costs of drilling. This money will be used to drill other wells. It is reported that Crampton Brothers will get the next well. Another pumping demonstration of the Ernst well will be made In about two weeks, when it Is planned to Invite people from Lakevlev, Bind and other places, to demonstrate what can.be done along this line, Silver Lake Leader. " T. S. MeKINNZY. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine OREGON BREVITIES MEDFORD In tho trial of a law suit In the circuit court at Jackson m in which ther were on oppos ing sides. Charles Rearars. ex-ea- sUtant United States district attdr ni.r at Portland and Qua Newbury, veteran Medford attorney, became Involved In a dispute, tha lie was pasted and both rolled on the floor In a clinch until separated. Judge E. M. Calkins then lectured the bel ligerent lawyers and fined each $25. BEND Twenty-eight Bend high school graduates will be In college this fall, school figures show. Of this number eight will be at the University of Oregon and a like number at Oregon Agricultural col lege. The registration from here at tha university will be the larg est on record. PORTLAND A vote to expend $125,000 on Improvements" for Co lumbia college at Milton, Or., was the principal buslnesa of the north west conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. South, In session at First Methodist Episcopal church, South, Union avenuo and Multnomah street, with delegates from Oregon, Washington. Idaho and Montana In attendance. ROSEBURC Frank Fllley, aged 60. a well knows Satherltn sawmill owner, waa Instantly killed wLen he fell against a circular saw, sever ing his head from his body. He was working at tha aaw when In somo manner he lost his footing and fell agalastthe rapldlyejrhtU- Inr ur. ' STATEMENT of the First Stale Savings Bank of Klamath Falls, County of Kla math, State of Oregon, showing the amount standing to the credit of overy depositor Jnly 1, .1921, who has not made a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of his de posit (commercial deposits), princi pal or Interest, for aJ period pf mon than seven (7) years im mediately prior to said date, with the name, last known place of resi dence or postottlce address of such depositor, and the fact of his death. if known. Name of Depositor Amoat R. O. Harrison $3.06 Klamath Tails, Ore. W. B. Inness $7.25 Cen'l. Del'vy. San Franclaeo Calif. State of Oregon, County of Klamath, ss. I. John Siemens Jr., being first duly sworn, depose and aay upon oath that I am the cashier of tlio Fin't State & Savings Bank of Kla math Falls, County of Klamath, State of Oregon; that the forego ne statement Is a full, true, cor rect and complete statement, show ing the name, last' knawnr residence or costofflce address, fact of death, If known, and the 'amount to the credit of each depositor as requir ed by the provisions of Sections 10160il0163, Inclusive, Oregon Laws. ' JOHN SIEMENS Jr. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of August. A. D. 1921. AGNES DRISCOLL Notary Piibllc for Oregon. (M commission expires January 12th, 192. 13-20-27-3 Baked Rms &- Limclt! baked fojustfh rghf-VvmM YouWik Me v9v meyr , , -, .. ej f . I urn ImI I' l JL 7.6u ) i . . . -, , . L4vjn 1 oiv m t -ggggaBLlI ILJJSSMiSSSiBSSWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSaSgBSSa . a ' - .. A i, BK' ..fBftv, V' I J' tf 1 1 I fll If 111 I 111 itvMix ixeauceu iu j)iju.uv sssjssassssjmai 7dkeftone& Ikutfhnuts Si Of Herald classified ads pay rem. 8TA1PEMENT , of the First State A Savings Bank of Klamath Falls. County of Kla math, State of Oregon, showing the amount standing to the, credit of every depositor July 1, 1921. who has not made a deposit, or who haa not withdrawn any part of his de posits (savings deposits), princl pal and Interest, for a period of moro than twelve (13) years Im mediately prior to said date, with the. name, last Jcnown place of resi dence .or postottlce address of such depositor, and the' fact 'of his death, It known. Name of Depositor Ray Roscoo Barkhurst Geo. Clarence Brower . Frank Hlbberta Alice Louise Weiss . Edward O. Whllpelsey A. C. Winker. Weed, Calif State of Oregon, County of Klamath, as. KLAMATH FALLS . America' moit popular automobile hat out told all makes except Ford for 1921. At thu price you! can afford to own a Standard Built Six. Built by the strand largest automobile fac tory in the world,. intad of ;an assembled makeshift. Think before you buy a car and try this car. Amer ica's most wonderful lightweight automobile. DUNHAM AUTO CO. SIXTH ST. AT OAK AVE. I, n, . KB i " ' '" ' '' '" " " riijii Hum inr -in ' ' "'""",l I --- ... ..''; i m mmmmmmm j ! I -- I M.MIWIMWMMI ed by the provisions of sections 10160-1016$. Inclusive, Oregon Laws. JOHN SIEMENS Jr. Subscribed and swotn to before me this 20th day it August. A. D. 1921. AONES DRISCOLL Notary Public for Oregon. (My commission expires January 12th. 1924. 13-20-27-3 r - - - -.iu nnnnri'i ' - .---- .111.11 im. w.wwwbbwwwwww NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (t Not Coal Ina Amount Department of tho Interior. U. S. ,$1,401 Land uiiiee at jjiuctjow, i6-i 14.44 8Pt- 10' 19ZU t i ja NOTICE Is hereby given that John ,'1,f0 F. Holbrook. of Malln. Oregon, who -1 on April 26th. 1919. msdo Home- $1.44 1 stead Entry. No. 011005, for Lot 10. i jc, being Farm Unit "A". Section 16. Township 418. Range 12E. Wllla- 'mette Meridian, baa filed notice" of i ... .. ia mabA final fhrA vear .MM.f ... . . - IDIOUIIUU M.mv . --..-- . - -- I, John 8iemens Jr., being first Proof to establish claim to tne jana duly sworn, depose and say upon above described, before C. " DeLap. oath, that I am. the Cashier of the CS nVday First State k. Savings Bank of Kla- of October. 1921. math Falls. County of Klamath, Claimant names as witnesses: State of Oregon; that ( the J Tor, .go- E f- iSStiTl ?f K lng statement la a full, true, cor- Oregon. rect and complete statement, show- Notice will bo published for five lng the name, last known residence consecutive weeks In the Klamath or poitofflco address, fact of death. Herald. ... If trHAwn -l ftSsk sjmntint tO tho ww 4 Kuunui hmu mw -- credit of each depositor as requlr- 13-20-27-3-10 Register. Take Aspirin only as told In each package of genuine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin. Then you will be following the directions and dosage worked out by physicians during 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Take no chances with substitutes. It you see the Bayer Cross on tablets, you can take them without fear for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Unlets cost few cents. Druggists also til larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of MonoacetlCcldcster of Salicylic BETTER DEAD Life is a burden when tho body is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take COLD MEDAL. The nations! remedy of Holland for ov 200 7ear;.it Is an snsmy of all pains re salting from kidnsy, liver and uric add! troubles. All druggists, three siaes. ;!) lor Ik mm GU Medel 'nr best .a4 west ao linsuHna iy4 Kodak Work LeayeYour Filttvjs 'Before 9 O'clocK-Your Ax, pictures am ready ar o p.t K0005 raarmary KLAPIATH FALLS OREGON fjfn?! WHERE PAKTICUUUI PEOfW. uj V BUY TMEIf? DRUGS IcwqacvI Ate4 1 X Ml V Xw tL f nnoe I PURITY I --LT.-LTLryr.i-.i-i--iiW-. miWWWIMWW THE KLAMATH GRAIN EXCHANGE Sole agency f o r the largest Western Milling concern. Will buy your groin at top market price for cash. See or phone BOLDISCHAR AND VOCHATZER; rVUUn. Ore. and Klamath Falls. Ore. .JULfU-'JlAl r-r I .. llllllIWWW.HWI i I I 1 While You Are Planning that new home or remodeling your old one r-be sure to specify a beautiful hardwood floor. At the following rock-bottom pricei, you cannot afford to deprive youraelt of the pleasure and convenience and beauty of a Long-Bell Forked Leaf Oak Floor, IS-lOxaU Ctear Quartered White Oak ls16xaH Clear Plain Whit Oak . lSlrHU N. 1 Cos. Oak .......... Krfl Clear QnarUred White Oak fixa Clear Plata Wnlte Oak ..... .00 . lto.ott ... 1BAO ..... 1S0.00 ... 1104M These excepUoBally low prices) are less tha yoa would pay fer n kooU carpet. , r 'nils floortag can also be laid rtgbt ever yow old floors with out Iroublo asd litter of tearing out the old flooring. We have this stock stored la dust ssi moists proof Was Awaltlns: yoar IsspecUosj call phone or write fr lUnstrsteO booklet on Ue care and finish of "The Perfect , Floor." . BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. Our lumber store Is located at Mala aad Sprlsg MC Phoae 107 r i n x- .! I . Ml ' 1 . " 'i J . Lf l , ;